Engimal v3
Premium Gold
I love this sort of stuff. Here's my inputs as a Tasmanian with what would probably be described as a broad accent:
Definitely don't do this.
Not sure about pool/pull but I do say "milk" like "miwk".
Trap and bath for me have very different 'a' sounds (trap vs bARth)
Yes, this shit is weird. Never heard anyone do this except a kid in primary school who moved to Tassie from Brisbane.
Interesting one. I definitely say 'fear' as opposed to 'fee-ah'.
Salary/celery merger
Definitely don't do this.
Not sure about pool/pull but I do say "milk" like "miwk".
Trap/bath split
Trap and bath for me have very different 'a' sounds (trap vs bARth)
Yes, this shit is weird. Never heard anyone do this except a kid in primary school who moved to Tassie from Brisbane.
Never fear, the beer is near. A Western Australian would have three more syllables in this sentence than most t'othersiders would, because words like 'fear' are pronounced with jaw movement (fee-ah), whereas over east they keep their jaw in place.
Interesting one. I definitely say 'fear' as opposed to 'fee-ah'.