Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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So, what will happen in those 2 years to change anything. Election maybe. ;)
At least the NSW Labor Premier has a brain and knows the importance of "keeping the light on" for his constituents unlike his comrades in Ccaaannnbbbrrraaaaaa
Very aptly describes the gentleman in the news report I posted above, who’s had six shots and is flat on his back with Covid.

I'm disappointed in you, truly.

Imagine if you got off your arse, did some hard work, become the medical expert you claim to be and advised the government in a professional manner.

Instead, you pot from the cheap seats with pure guesses with results based on nothing more than luck.
I'm disappointed in you, truly.

Imagine if you got off your arse, did some hard work, become the medical expert you claim to be and advised the government in a professional manner.

Instead, you pot from the cheap seats with pure guesses with results based on nothing more than luck.
It wasn't luck to say that there had never been a successful coronavirus vaccine, largely because the rate of mutation means you're always chasing your own tail. So people getting sick after how many shots supposed to 'vaccinate' them against that very disease was entirely predictable.
I'm disappointed in you, truly.

Imagine if you got off your arse, did some hard work, become the medical expert you claim to be and advised the government in a professional manner.

Instead, you pot from the cheap seats with pure guesses with results based on nothing more than luck.

You don’t need a medical expert to tell you that gentleman — and everybody like him — is severely misguided.

Any idiot could tell you that.

But some of you have been propagandized far beyond the level of “idiot.”

Also, you’re more than welcome to search my post history and tell me which of my correct predictions were based on “luck.”
He is beyond help, captured by the radical anti vax movement who have convinced him he is knowledgeable, whereas in fact, he is a stooge for the far right.
Sad but true.
I watch and wait to see his response to the next pandemic, so enlightened and clever he thinks he is.

Genuine question: do you have anything to say about this excerpt published recently in the Australian Journal of General Practice?

Any questions or concerns?

“Recipients of two or more injections of the mRNA vaccines display a class switch to IgG4 antibodies. Abnormally high levels of IgG4 might cause autoimmune diseases, promote cancer growth, autoimmune myocarditis and other IgG 4-related diseases.”

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Genuine question: do you have anything to say about this excerpt published recently in the Australian Journal of General Practice?

Any questions or concerns?

“Recipients of two or more injections of the mRNA vaccines display a class switch to IgG4 antibodies. Abnormally high levels of IgG4 might cause autoimmune diseases, promote cancer growth, autoimmune myocarditis and other IgG 4-related diseases.”
I always have concerns but weigh up the risk as best I can. I still accept that the infection
itself causes much much more morbidity and mortality than the vaccine, althoughI am aware there are severe vaccine side effects in some cases. I am also aware of where the antivax movement has come from and who promoted it.
Also, I admit that I am not an expert on immunoglobulins. Are you?
As for the excerpt..it says ‘might’…What is the name of the study?
I will look at it.

Now a serious question from me. What was and is your answer to dealing with a pandemic which kills millions.
What will you do when the next pandemic comes?
As for the excerpt..it says ‘might’…What is the name of the study?
I will look at it.

I’ve posted it before. If you want to read it badly enough, you’ll find it.

There’s also plenty of other medical literature available — as well as verbal opinions from many medical experts — outlining the dangers of these shots, & the fact they should never have been mandated.

The real problem here is that you and your friends have been propagandized and intimidated into believing the frankly insane premise that looking into this literature is “dOiNg yOuR oWn rEsEaRcH.”

This is the real reason you’re all being hit by the reality bus now, as none of you are even aware of findings like the one I just posted, let alone looking into them.

Now a serious question from me. What was and is your answer to dealing with a pandemic which kills millions.
What will you do when the next pandemic comes?

It depends what it is.

What I’d ask you is: if another one hit, of equal severity to Covid, with a median death age of 83 prior to any treatments or vaccines, would you advocate doing the exact same things that were done from March 2020 onwards?

And do you think that sort of response to a similar disease would be supported by the majority?
I’ve posted it before. If you want to read it badly enough, you’ll find it.

There’s also plenty of other medical literature available — as well as verbal opinions from many medical experts — outlining the dangers of these shots, & the fact they should never have been mandated.

The real problem here is that you and your friends have been propagandized and intimidated into believing the frankly insane premise that looking into this literature is “dOiNg yOuR oWn rEsEaRcH.”

This is the real reason you’re all being hit by the reality bus now, as none of you are even aware of findings like the one I just posted, let alone looking into them.

So you put an excerpt without the appropriate link. You were able to find the excerpt but didn’t put the link.
Not even sure that is allowed on BF.
Do you really want me to read it?
It depends what it is.

What I’d ask you is: if another one hit, of equal severity to Covid, with a median death age of 83 prior to any treatments or vaccines, would you advocate doing the exact same things that were done from March 2020 onwards?

And do you think that sort of response to a similar disease would be supported by the majority?
I would back the mitigations, yes. If millions were dying even if aged and millions and millions more in younger age groups with similar to long covid then yes as I am community minded.
He is beyond help, captured by the radical anti vax movement who have convinced him he is knowledgeable, whereas in fact, he is a stooge for the far right.
Sad but true.
I watch and wait to see his response to the next pandemic, so enlightened and clever he thinks he is.
You guys are so dumb that you think calling people anti vax is an insult.
You don’t need a medical expert to tell you that gentleman — and everybody like him — is severely misguided.

Any idiot could tell you that.

But some of you have been propagandized far beyond the level of “idiot.”

Also, you’re more than welcome to search my post history and tell me which of my correct predictions were based on “luck.”

I said for you to become a medical expert to advise the government. Thats without a doubt who they were always going to listen to. What they are never going to do is listen to some Nigel YouTube who makes guesses.
I said for you to become a medical expert to advise the government. Thats without a doubt who they were always going to listen to. What they are never going to do is listen to some Nigel YouTube who makes guesses.
How long would it take him to reach the level of expertise where you think people could catch Covid from footballs and pizza boxes?
How long would it take him to reach the level of expertise where you think people could catch Covid from footballs and pizza boxes?

Amazing the ego when a guess is right. But it might not cut it the next time something happens. Hopefully it never happens but damn, you can't always go running back to the guesses well and say my extensive 1 hour of research on this determined how right I was. You know how many people did that on their death bed during covid in the USA. Just because it didn't affect you personally, perhaps don't be so arrogant to suggest it didn't happen to others.

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Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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