Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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Trump’s MAGA are doxxing witnesses, court staff, families, judges, prosecutors, juries, Grand juries in his criminal cases . He wants to frighten people off convicting him for his crimes. Stochastic terrorism. Constant threats and agitation by Trump. Trump is the lowest of low lifes. He is a mobster and doesn’t care who is hurt or even if someone innocent is killed as long as he escapes any accountability.
I am appalled that he has supporters here on BF. Are they living in a cave?
His apologists are an embarrassment.

They will take the law to the washington supreme court and they will rule that it wasn't designed to prevent people running for a federal seat. This isn't a joke. This will likely happen. It will be given the all clear.

The reason being will be the same one that was given when the states tried to remove him from the ballot. The states have no jurisdiction to determine who can run for federal office.
Probably. It's adding another layer of drama though

Also highlights the absurdity that someone of such low / poor character as trump can actually become president
No surprises here that Netanyahu has no intention of a peace deal until he has completed his pummelling in retaliation.

Not at all surprising.

Netanyahu's logic is that every dead Palestinian is justifiably killed as they are all directly/indirectly linked with Hamas. Therefore, to eradicate Hamas from Gaza he can justify killing or expelling every Palestinian living in Gaza from the region.

This conflict will continue until the UN or a major power puts peace keeping troops on the ground, one of the neighbouring countries offers safe haven to Palestinian refugees allowing them to escape, or Netanyahu deems that Israel has sufficient retribution for the 7 October attacks.

None of these options look likely any time soon.

Will Israel actually succeed in eliminating Hamas? I think this is unlikely. It’s an ideology, not a person or place. How many angry young Muslim men from across the Middle East would be seeing what’s happening in Gaza now and considering joining the fight?

It’s been a unique feature of the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza that through the ubiquitousness of camera phones and the total lack of moderation on Twitter, we now have the horrors of war being streamed direct to our devices unfiltered and en masse. Some of the footage that unprompted popped up in my feed last week after the bombing in Rafah will stick with me for a long time. Horrific images of mutilated dead or dying children.

Not difficult to imagine how these images could further stoke radical antisemitic sentiment across the Middle East. Similarly, the 7 October attacks will be remembered by Israelis decades from now. And that’s exactly why this conflict has gone on for as long as it has, and why it will never truly end.

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When everybody in your cabal is a felon…

My only prediction for the upcoming election is that it will end MAGA once and for all.

Several factors here will determine the outcome.

I think there will be a massive down turn in voters.
  • both parties are suffering from both candidates are trash, these people who voted last time wont vote
  • The anti Trump crowd will come out en mass
  • The republican moderates won't vote
  • MAGA will vote en mass
  • rusted on republicans and democrats will both vote
  • swing voters will vote for the Biden, this includes those swinging based on nothing more than Trumps criminal record.

If you incorporate these factors into predicting the outcome of the election, it really only suggests a democratic win and by some margin.
My only prediction for the upcoming election is that it will end MAGA once and for all.

Several factors here will determine the outcome.

I think there will be a massive down turn in voters.
  • both parties are suffering from both candidates are trash, these people who voted last time wont vote
  • The anti Trump crowd will come out en mass
  • The republican moderates won't vote
  • MAGA will vote en mass
  • rusted on republicans and democrats will both vote
  • swing voters will vote for the Biden, this includes those swinging based on nothing more than Trumps criminal record.

If you incorporate these factors into predicting the outcome of the election, it really only suggests a democratic win and by some margin.
Sounds like wishful thinking to me.
My only prediction for the upcoming election is that it will end MAGA once and for all.

Several factors here will determine the outcome.

I think there will be a massive down turn in voters.
  • both parties are suffering from both candidates are trash, these people who voted last time wont vote
  • The anti Trump crowd will come out en mass
  • The republican moderates won't vote
  • MAGA will vote en mass
  • rusted on republicans and democrats will both vote
  • swing voters will vote for the Biden, this includes those swinging based on nothing more than Trumps criminal record.

If you incorporate these factors into predicting the outcome of the election, it really only suggests a democratic win and by some margin.
You could make very good money if you truly believe that to be true. Every bookie and poll points to a Trump win at this stage.

Not really. I just dont see MAGA has the numbers. They never have. In 2026, they just lost and didn't win the popular vote, in 2020, they lost the popular vote by even more. Not sure how Trump has demonstrated he has the numbers. Time will tell I guess.
Popular vote is such a useless metric with the US electoral college system and non-compulsory voting. California is the most populous state and skews so heavily Democrat that it wouldn't be worth voting if you were a Republican voter. Similar situation for New York.
My only prediction for the upcoming election is that it will end MAGA once and for all.

Several factors here will determine the outcome.

I think there will be a massive down turn in voters.
  • both parties are suffering from both candidates are trash, these people who voted last time wont vote
  • The anti Trump crowd will come out en mass
  • The republican moderates won't vote
  • MAGA will vote en mass
  • rusted on republicans and democrats will both vote
  • swing voters will vote for the Biden, this includes those swinging based on nothing more than Trumps criminal record.

If you incorporate these factors into predicting the outcome of the election, it really only suggests a democratic win and by some margin.
Would like to believe that but you're a lot more confident than I am.

Just on the bolded, how do you explain the current polling in swing/battleground states? Trump creaming Biden in those currently.
The anti science ambassadors are at it again, appealing to their flat earth anti vax base.

I have zero respect for MTG and cannot believe she was actually elected to congress. Tbf the tweet about dragons is funny, but i believe was a fake.

The funny part though is when I first read it I thought it was plausible considering some of the other shit that's come out of her mouth over the last few years

Also, meet our very own leafy sea dragon

Sea Dragon.jpg
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In light of posts above, a timely and searing takedown of politicians and media who will happily promote outrageous lies on our television screens and digital media, but don't have the courage to continue those lies when in court, where they are faced with the minor inconvenience of being required to actually provide evidence and prove these statements.

In light of posts above, a timely and searing takedown of politicians and media who will happily promote outrageous lies on our television screens and digital media, but don't have the courage to continue those lies when in court, where they are faced with the minor inconvenience of being required to actually provide evidence and prove these statements.

I saw that last night. Was pretty funny and sadly true.

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