Society & Culture Awkward Situations

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Same thing happened to me in Grade 6.

I would touch the bitch now, really not very attractive.

I think I'm still kinda scarred from it though. I can't make the first move unless I know there is genuine interest beforehand.
yes, ditto. Although i went against this and made the first move recently, no dice. Goodbye confidence!


- Not sure if this is awkward or just harsh. Mate in high school got dumped by his girlfriend about late year 9ish. Next day at school she was crying with her group of friends and a girl walks up to my mate and goes 'Look what you've done.'

- the other week, go into hook in with a girl on the d-floor, straight away she stops me - 'we're too good friends for that' - friendzone fml.

- used to work at 24 hour service station doing graveyard shifts. Girl comes in at about 2-3 in the morning, im on autopilot. She just buys condoms
Me - "Have a good one"
Her - "Yeah...*starts laughing*"

i lost my shit when she was out of the shop.

- Girl buying lubricant and a cornetto was awkward

- Being a deso driver at parties you dont know many people at. If you're drinking you make friends, but its just really awkward sober
- used to work at 24 hour service station doing graveyard shifts. Girl comes in at about 2-3 in the morning, im on autopilot. She just buys condoms
Me - "Have a good one"
Her - "Yeah...*starts laughing*"

i lost my shit when she was out of the shop.

- Girl buying lubricant and a cornetto was awkward

Haha, loved these ones.

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yes, ditto. Although i went against this and made the first move recently, no dice. Goodbye confidence!


- Not sure if this is awkward or just harsh. Mate in high school got dumped by his girlfriend about late year 9ish. Next day at school she was crying with her group of friends and a girl walks up to my mate and goes 'Look what you've done.'

- the other week, go into hook in with a girl on the d-floor, straight away she stops me - 'we're too good friends for that' - friendzone fml.

- used to work at 24 hour service station doing graveyard shifts. Girl comes in at about 2-3 in the morning, im on autopilot. She just buys condoms
Me - "Have a good one"
Her - "Yeah...*starts laughing*"

i lost my shit when she was out of the shop.

- Girl buying lubricant and a cornetto was awkward

- Being a deso driver at parties you dont know many people at. If you're drinking you make friends, but its just really awkward sober

oh lawd, f**** lol.
- the other week, go into hook in with a girl on the d-floor, straight away she stops me - 'we're too good friends for that' - friendzone fml.
The correct answer here is "We're not friends. I want to go to the footy and play poker with my friends. I don't want to push them up against a wall and **** their brains out."

Or something less aggressively explicit, but conveying the general sentiment. She either responds positively or she's dead to you. Either way you have lost nothing except many months of pain, and can move on to the next girl relatively quickly.
Husband and wife having an argument at the checkout while I'm serving them. The wife asks for two cartons of smokes. Husband abuses her. Wife says to me "My husband is leaving me so I might as well smoke my life away"....
Husband and wife having an argument at the checkout while I'm serving them. The wife asks for two cartons of smokes. Husband abuses her. Wife says to me "My husband is leaving me so I might as well smoke my life away"....

Yeah, ditto to this. So many awkward supermarket situations. Parents yelling at their kids is another, whilst I'm standing there waiting for them to pay or something, but can't see a way to impose on the situation, without redirecting the aggression towards myself! So, just stand there awkwardly waiting for them to finish yelling...
GF Saturday (oh BTW, was a good day ;)) my mate and his wife and I have last 3 seats of a row. I'm on the end, wife middle and my mate 3 in.

The guy next to him is a pies supporter but without doubt the greatest f'wit of all time. He was, amongst heaps of other shit, calling game over and abusing saints supporters end of 1st/beginning of 2nd qrt :rolleyes:

We seriously wanted to knock him out! Bit later in the 2nd qrt my mate tells him to f*** off and not to bother coming back unless he has an attitude adjustment in 20 minutes that would normally require years of therapy!

The ******** leaves on his own and half way through the 3rd he isn't back. My mate turns to the very quiet, pleasant and fairly refined lady 12+ years older than the guy that was between them and says "With any luck that F'wit is gone for the rest of the day and we don't have to listen to his constant bullshit, I thought i was going to have to knock out a fellow pies supporter for a while there haha."

She replies, "that would be my partner you're talking about"


hahahaha, my mate didn't know what to say or do for the first time in his life!!!! I laughed seriously hard, then we kicked another goal and on we went!
Not really the greatest one but still one that I cringe at.

I work in telemarketing, and part of the job requires me to ask people what they do for a living. I was talking to one lady one night, the conversation went like this.

Me: So you said your husband was a brickie, what do you do?
Woman: I stay at home and look after the kids.
Me: Ok, so just a housewife?
Woman: What do you mean just a housewife? Why just a housewife?
Me: Uh, sorry I didn't mean it like tha...
Woman: How dare you patronize me like that, just because I stay at home with my kids doesn't mean I'm 'just' anything.

She had a rant at me for a good three or four minutes on why her job was just as important as everyone elses etc.
Never had that situation.

I have. Was at a Hawks game at Aurora, and got to go in the rooms afterwards.

My mates missus family is real tight with Sammy Mitchells family. Anyway, my mate, his missus and I are standing there when Sam Mitchell walks over to talk with my mates missus cos they go way back etc.

Turns to me, Im wearing a Hawks guernsey and scarf and says "Gday mate, my names Sam" and shakes my hand :rolleyes:

Quite obviously I know who he is already, and he hasnt seen me before in his life. Awkward.

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When somebody famous introduces themselves to you.

I don't understand why this would be awkward :confused:

You sound a little star struck! Not everyone knows every so called "famous" person and if they are reasonable people then they would not expect or assume people would know who they are.

If they do, chances are they are a tosser and those people you are better off pretending you have NFI who they are even if you do!

I have. Was at a Hawks game at Aurora, and got to go in the rooms afterwards.

My mates missus family is real tight with Sammy Mitchells family. Anyway, my mate, his missus and I are standing there when Sam Mitchell walks over to talk with my mates missus cos they go way back etc.

Turns to me, Im wearing a Hawks guernsey and scarf and says "Gday mate, my names Sam" and shakes my hand :rolleyes:

Quite obviously I know who he is already, and he hasnt seen me before in his life. Awkward.

WTF :confused:

That's just a normal human interaction??????

I understand that you knew who he was, and by wearing the jumper he probably could have assumed you would know who he is but good on him for acting like a normal person (coz that's all he is right, an average bloke who kicks a footy a bit better than most) and doing what normal people do in a social situation and that is sometimes you say hello to people and when you do, you usually give your name!

The fact you found it awkward is strange.
When somebody famous introduces themselves to you.
Ahaha I've had that talking to John Longmire while watching the Swans reserves play. At the end of the quarter, he gets up to leave, shakes my hand and goes "By the way, my name's John" and I said "Um, yeah I know" and he kinda walked away awkwardly. Later on I realise he probably wanted me to tell him my name in return. Oops.
I had just finished at the gym and headed to the sauna, I walk in in nothing but some jocks, there were 3 other people in the sauna including one female. Anyway, the female addresses me by my name and starts a conversation with me im thinking "who in the hell is this woman? she seems to know me..." shes like asking me how my mum is and my sisters and what im up to these days, all this infront of the other people in the suana and the fact I had NO IDEA who she was.

I cracked and went to the spa outside, to ponder who the hell she was before I considered going back into the sauna, I never worked it out...even after I spoke to my sisters and mother trying to work out who it was. Worst part is, she is ALWAYS there, every time I go to the sauna. I reckon i'm gonna have to move gyms, how horrible would it be going "who are you?" after having to converse with her every damn time for the past few months you go to the sauna.
Ahaha I've had that talking to John Longmire while watching the Swans reserves play. At the end of the quarter, he gets up to leave, shakes my hand and goes "By the way, my name's John" and I said "Um, yeah I know" and he kinda walked away awkwardly. Later on I realise he probably wanted me to tell him my name in return. Oops.
Nice one :thumbsu:
Ahaha I've had that talking to John Longmire while watching the Swans reserves play. At the end of the quarter, he gets up to leave, shakes my hand and goes "By the way, my name's John" and I said "Um, yeah I know" and he kinda walked away awkwardly. Later on I realise he probably wanted me to tell him my name in return. Oops.

ROFL. Johnny's thinking...what a rude person
Ahaha I've had that talking to John Longmire while watching the Swans reserves play. At the end of the quarter, he gets up to leave, shakes my hand and goes "By the way, my name's John" and I said "Um, yeah I know" and he kinda walked away awkwardly. Later on I realise he probably wanted me to tell him my name in return. Oops.

Yea you made the moment awkward coz up till then it was two blokes talking footy and one of them introducing himself at the end coz it hadn't happened at the beginning.

Afterwards Horse would have been wondering if your deep nasal inhaling was coz you had a cold or just wanted to smell him ;)
I have. Was at a Hawks game at Aurora, and got to go in the rooms afterwards.

My mates missus family is real tight with Sammy Mitchells family. Anyway, my mate, his missus and I are standing there when Sam Mitchell walks over to talk with my mates missus cos they go way back etc.

Turns to me, Im wearing a Hawks guernsey and scarf and says "Gday mate, my names Sam" and shakes my hand :rolleyes:

Quite obviously I know who he is already, and he hasnt seen me before in his life. Awkward.

As others said, just a little awkward. It's not that unusual though, I knew George Bailey through cricket - though he's quite a bit younger, he came through the level I captained as a teenager, and we trained with the seinor side together, etc.

Saw him at a Tassie game, and standing with 3-4 mates (who also all played at the club at the same time) he came over and said g'day, we chatted for a while, and then at the end of the conversation he said bye to the others, and shook my hand and said "by the way, the names George". Copped shit about that for the rest of the season. :eek:
Not really the greatest one but still one that I cringe at.

I work in telemarketing, and part of the job requires me to ask people what they do for a living. I was talking to one lady one night, the conversation went like this.

Me: So you said your husband was a brickie, what do you do?
Woman: I stay at home and look after the kids.
Me: Ok, so just a housewife?
Woman: What do you mean just a housewife? Why just a housewife?
Me: Uh, sorry I didn't mean it like tha...
Woman: How dare you patronize me like that, just because I stay at home with my kids doesn't mean I'm 'just' anything.

She had a rant at me for a good three or four minutes on why her job was just as important as everyone elses etc.

Some interesting ones in my former career.

Our system didn't have a category for "housewife/homemaker/etc", the only option that didn't require further information was unemployed. Copped a few abusive phone calls about that.

I had one potential client who had very high cash income, but couldn't produce proper financials. Her income certainly didn't match her "consultant" employment either :eek:. The bank wouldn't touch her (nor apparently could her "customers" ;).

Pity, she seemed such a nice, friendly girl. :rolleyes:
Haven't read everything but here's a fair few...

Go to a (small) public toilet, there's say 2 cubicles, both are "engaged" but the doors are slightly ajar (ie they say they are engaged, but the door isn't shut properly. So it could either be someone who couldn't be bothered (yes it happens) or there's no-one there.
- Checking is well. Once you push the door more open, there's no erasing what you see. You could ask, that'd be awkward for the guy on the other side though (if he's there). You could look through the doorslit, if you make eyecontact with someone...You could squat/bend over and look for peoples feet, however if someone else walks in...
- You can wait sure. Someone else walks in, goes straight into a cubicle. Kinda feel like "don't mind me, I'm just standing in a public toilet.". Even more awkward if a que forms behind you and there's no-one in any cubicle.
- You can leave straight away, which is ok. Except when on the way out you see someone you know and you know they saw you walk in there like 10 seconds ago.

(Early high school)
It becomes apparent in a conversation that a guy in the class doesn't know how to "make love juice". The people at the table laugh at him (4-5 guys). He keeps saying things like "what" etc. Then for some reason I do not understand, I began to explain it to him. Publicly, so the girls sitting just behind me on another table could hear. Being interupted half-way through explaining "how to make love juice" by a girl is not great. Then realising the entire class could hear you is even worse...

Being busted for pr0n afew years ago. I have divorced parents, so my dad didn't get alot of details. During the resultant conversation on the subject, the following is a direct quote
"So, what type of pr0n was it ?"

At uni and a really hot chick sits next to you. And you can't stop thinking about how you didn't have a shower/put deodorant on. And then you start sweating and the bloody class has like an hour to run. And the class is small and is basically just the tutor talking constantly.

When you've..."made love juice" about an hour ago and no-one was home. Then, some family arrive with alittle shopping. You ask "what's that smell ?" thinking its something they bought...
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