Bali bomb

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Originally posted by myee8
Remember people, islam is not to blame. Neither is muslim or anything like that either.

For the uneducated, 'Muslim' is the Western term used for a follower of the religion 'Islam'.
Originally posted by Shinboners

Never mind that there are Islamic extremists operating in Indonesia. Never mind that some of them want Islamic rule. Never mind that they wouldn't be too happy with U.S. anti-terrorist operations in the Phillipines. Never mind that Bali would have represented a soft and easy target. And never mind that the U.S. and Phillipine consulates were attacked, but not the Australian one.

I reckon you've nailed it Shinners. Terrorist attacks have been ongoing in Indonesia-just look at Anbon.

A very sad day for Australia and for Indonesia-How is Bali ever going to recover?

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Originally posted by myee8
Remember people, islam is not to blame

We shouldnt take our anger out on Muslims (if thats what you mean). But there can be little doubt that the people who committed this atrocity are Islamic fundamentalists. While 99.9% of Muslims are decent law abiding citizens, it seems that the religion does produce the odd fruit-loop that takes everything the Koran says to the nth degree. A large proportion of the worlds worst terrorist attacks have been commited by these people, there is certainly a theme here that cannot be ignored.
Originally posted by nicko18
i sincerely hope we are not going to continue to let unidentified boat people in. if australia was targeted in this case, then why indonesia? thanks to the govt's tough stance on illegal immigrants, they probably find it hard to get this far. indonesia however is like open slather. this is probably as close an attack upon australia as amateur osama fanatics could manage

Sorry but just had to comment, even though the tragedy is still so recent.

Now suppose you are a terrorist and you want to go to australia. Do you get your millionaire boss to provide you with a fake passport and a plane ticket and get there in hours or do you go on a leaky boat with a load of unfortunates, then spend months if not years in a holding camp and then when you get out look fom a target ?

The refugees are the victims - just think they have probably been near victims of several such violent acts themselves.

Anyway now I have got started already the right wing ratbags such as Piers Akerman and Andrew Bolt have defiled the memory of the victims by kicking straight into thre 'this is why we should 'get' Iraq. argument

And the link between Iraq and Bali is exactly ?
Peace !

Now is not the time for political point scoring -we should be concentrating on the appalling loss of life - many of whom are our countrymen and women. The targetting of innocents is an appalling thing - no matter what the motivation behind it.

That said I can't wait for war mongering pr*cks like Ackerman and Bolt torturing logic to justify the war on Iraq.

As Elvis Costello wrote "What's so funny about peace and love and understanding"
Last week, I booked to go to Bali in January. Not sure what's happening now though - whether to cancel plans and go somewhere else (where?) or still go to Bali. Don't even know if the hotel is still standing!
Scary when it is close to home. Got my photos back from the celebrations last week, one of the blokes I was drinking with is now deaf, one has burns. One of the blokes missing was a friend of my fathers. Our full forward has serious burns and broken bones. :(
Originally posted by nicko18
i sincerely hope we are not going to continue to let unidentified boat people in. if australia was targeted in this case, then why indonesia? thanks to the govt's tough stance on illegal immigrants, they probably find it hard to get this far. indonesia however is like open slather. this is probably as close an attack upon australia as amateur osama fanatics could manage

Yep, I can just see all those nasty terrorists coming in to the country on a leaky boat. Then being locked up for months before being able to blow the crap out of their intended target. Of course this way would be so much more better than getting into the country on a fake passport, fake ID and having access to the weapons and ammunition needed to perpetrate such an attack! :rolleyes:
Now isn't the time for hate and revenge. This is what the people involved in planting the bomb want from us.

This is an attack on our citizens for our government's lap dog approach to US foreign policy.
Originally posted by fabulousphil
These Islamic terrorists make me sick and i would personally have no qualms about putting a bullet into there heads if it meant a safer world.

Doesnt sound like a safer world if you happen to be muslim, as about 1/4 of the world is.

Leave this sort of redneck retoric to the George dubyas of the world thanks.

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Originally posted by Bee

Yep, I can just see all those nasty terrorists coming in to the country on a leaky boat. Then being locked up for months before being able to blow the crap out of their intended target. Of course this way would be so much more better than getting into the country on a fake passport, fake ID and having access to the weapons and ammunition needed to perpetrate such an attack! :rolleyes:

weapons and ammo? all it takes are a few cheap household chemicals. and the vast majority of western hating people would not have millionaire bosses or money to get visas. they would be just an average joe, thus find it hard to get in under the current govt.

and bee, why would terrorists come only to be locked up for months?? they wouldnt.. hence the great idea.
docker brat, blues brat...and all you other poor excuses for left wing sympathising intellectually bankrupt poor excuses for human beings...

how you could possibly bring this back onto our foreign policy is absurd. i knew it wouldnt take long for morally bankrupt individuals to try and tie this atrocious act of terrorism with ours and the USs foreign policy.

Terrorism is Terrorism is Terrorism. And if you know your history then you will understand that acts of terrorism like this is committed under any number of false pretences and excuses, but in the end it comes down to one thing only...fundamentalism.

To start laying blame at anyone else other than the people who committed this heinous act is disgraceful and quite frankly, free speech is a waste of a precious right on people like you and you should be banned from the website.

Absolutely atrocious, the act of terrorism on the weekend and your comments now.
how about people accepting responsibility for their own actions.

like a drunk driver who hits a pedestrian or a 28 y.o. smoker who then suffers lung cancer who then blames tobacco companies (after all the govt warnings) about the simple but old notion of people accepting responsibilty for whatever they do.

to try and off load blame to other people is bad enough, when a crime against innocent civilians like this one is then blamed on howard, bush et al. is outrageous. it really is.

the blame lies with the sick individuals who committed this act. full stop.
Originally posted by nicko18

weapons and ammo? all it takes are a few cheap household chemicals. and the vast majority of western hating people would not have millionaire bosses or money to get visas. they would be just an average joe, thus find it hard to get in under the current govt.

and bee, why would terrorists come only to be locked up for months?? they wouldnt.. hence the great idea.

Afgani refugees have been processed though the community in NZ, the UK, and most european counties, and the closest any of them in these countries have come to terrorism is when a couple of young boys were caught lighting farts one evening in bruxton.
"But one possible explanation for the bombing comes from a Saudi source who prefers not to be named.

He told the BBC that many Indonesians blamed Australian troops for the loss of their former territory, East Timor.

He said these were Indonesians nationalists bent on revenge, and that the resort of Bali would be an obvious soft target, causing high casualties amongst Australians. "

Who Bombed Bali?
Originally posted by pivotal

We shouldnt take our anger out on Muslims (if thats what you mean). But there can be little doubt that the people who committed this atrocity are Islamic fundamentalists. While 99.9% of Muslims are decent law abiding citizens, it seems that the religion does produce the odd fruit-loop that takes everything the Koran says to the nth degree. A large proportion of the worlds worst terrorist attacks have been commited by these people, there is certainly a theme here that cannot be ignored.

Well said. They say that islam is a religion of peace, but like you said there will be the odd fruit loop who inteprets the the koran and the religion is some fanatical way. It gives islam/muslim people a bad stereotype, which is really sad, especially when you consider actions like islamic colleges getting attacked after september 11. Luckily i know better than to put stereotypes in such occasions.
Originally posted by st philip
docker brat, blues brat...and all you other poor excuses for left wing sympathising intellectually bankrupt poor excuses for human beings...

As Bee, Localyokel, Ian Rocks and a few of the others lefties on this board will attest, I am certainly not left wing.

how you could possibly bring this back onto our foreign policy is absurd. i knew it wouldnt take long for morally bankrupt individuals to try and tie this atrocious act of terrorism with ours and the USs foreign policy.

I posted earlier in response to a comment made by Ian Rocks that the atrocity should be laid at the feet of John Howard and his backing of U.S. foreign policy. Of course, Ian Rock's view is absolute rubbish - after all, the French aren't backing U.S. plans to attack Iraq and yet it was a French oil tanker that was attacked in Yemen. However, the points that the lefties (and myself) are trying to make are:

1. Don't paint all Muslims in the light of the acts of radical Islamic terrorists.

2. To understand what drives these people to commit these atrocities, you have to look for the cause, and part of what is causing these problems is U.S. foreign policy, specifically in the Middle East. And why pick on the U.S.? We do it because they can actually do something about it.

Terrorism is Terrorism is Terrorism. And if you know your history then you will understand that acts of terrorism like this is committed under any number of false pretences and excuses, but in the end it comes down to one thing only...fundamentalism.

Nice of you to state the bleedin' obvious.

To start laying blame at anyone else other than the people who committed this heinous act is disgraceful and quite frankly, free speech is a waste of a precious right on people like you and you should be banned from the website.

"Wasting free speech on people" simply because you don't agree with them? Perhaps you're preaching a sort of radical right wing fundamentalism yourself.

Absolutely atrocious, the act of terrorism on the weekend and your comments now.

But surely discussion to understand why something happened is the first step to trying to find a solution. Okay, perhaps that's a lofty and idealistic aim. My motivation for making my opinions known is to point out the more silly statements by some people when it comes to discussing culture and politics.
Originally posted by st philip
docker brat, blues brat...and all you other poor excuses for left wing sympathising intellectually bankrupt poor excuses for human beings...

how you could possibly bring this back onto our foreign policy is absurd. i knew it wouldnt take long for morally bankrupt individuals to try and tie this atrocious act of terrorism with ours and the USs foreign policy.
I assume you are including me in that left wing hatred of yours! Where have I said I lay the blame with our foreign policy? As a matter of fact, I don't even believe the bomb was targetted at Australians. There is no proof that it was. It was probably more aimed at westerners in general.
Originally posted by st philip

Terrorism is Terrorism is Terrorism. And if you know your history then you will understand that acts of terrorism like this is committed under any number of false pretences and excuses, but in the end it comes down to one thing only...fundamentalism.
I know my history and I know about terrorism too. So don't come in here as a new member blasting $hit out of people you know nothing about. You haven't been here long enough to know anything about me or my political beliefs.

Originally posted by st philip

To start laying blame at anyone else other than the people who committed this heinous act is disgraceful and quite frankly, free speech is a waste of a precious right on people like you and you should be banned from the website.
Once again I never laid any blame. But you come in here shouting about left wing intellectually bankrupt excuse for human beings and tar everyone with the same brush. Free speech is what it is all about,so don't try telling everyone else what to say or what to think. In fact you can take your right wing liberal loving $hit and shove it up your arse.
Originally posted by Bee

Exactly my point! They wouldn't. They'd come in to the country another way. Get it?

and if they didnt get locked up and sent back, the other 99% of these fundamentalists who dont have the means to forge visas and afford airline tickets etc. would have an easy way to get in. get it??

if you set up a 10 foot wall and a moat around your house, sure it can still get broken into, but only with very elaborate climbing equipment etc. it would keep out the other 99% of theives who would more easily rob your place with just a picket fence around it.

get it??
Originally posted by Shinboners

When the IRA did their bombing campaigns in Britain, they were not called "Irish terrorists" even though they were committing crimes in the name of a united Ireland. They were called IRA terrorists.

Whilst we don't know who committed the bombings, it might be best to call them extremist Islamic terrorists. These terrorists don't represent mainstream Islam, they represent a fanatical and tiny minority of the Muslim world.

The difference and its a big one is that the the Islamic terrorists commit crimes in the name of islam...... to allegedly rid the world or their particular country of western culture.

The IRA arent commiting crimes in the name of religion, in fact some of the founders of the IRA were protestant.

These muslim extremists groups hate everything western....... things like equal oppurtunity, free speech etc.......things we take fot granted.

If Australia one day becomes more than 50% muslim do you think we would still have all the freedoms we have today, or would people be returned to the dark ages as is the case of many muslim countries.

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Bali bomb

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