Bali bomb

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Originally posted by Mightypies
My heart goes out to the friends and families of loved ones still missing. I can not comprehend what that must feel like.

I went to Indonesia in 99. I went to Java aswell as Bali. The people of Java loved Australians. You would walk down the street and they would scream, 'Austarli' waving thumbs. Quite frankly, I became quite sick of getting treated like royalty by these beautiful people. One day I said, nope I'm American, just wanting to see their reaction. I can tell you the guy that I lied to wasn't happy. It was as if I followed his happy fun loving Australi greeting with me telling him where to go. It was obvious than, the people of java loved Australians, but not Americans. Maybe this had to do with forein policy. Than, Australia had a great relationship with indonesia. Howard's ****ed everything up with his arse-licking to that of America.

I hate the terrorists. I have no trust in the leaders in the western world.

How can the scum justify slaughtering hundreds of fun loving Aussies/westerners/balinese/ innocent people in a bar. I know theres a cause. But nothing justify's that. Just like an attack on Iraq can't be justified. It takes a stronger person to vow for peace.

So my stance will be to go to those peace marches, boycott anything American, and to not by the tabloids. I hope I'm not the only one taking this cause of action. An attack on Iraq will leave thousands upon thousands of innocent Iraqies dead, that had as much of a right to life as the victims of Bali and S11. Choose life, not war.

I think if there's one thing all Australian's should agree on- once all this crap has died down, GO back to bali, SPEND a ***** heap of money, and have a great time!! Balinese are without a doubt some of the nicest people in the world, (even the scam artists) and given that they've been wonderful to aussies over the years, they don't deserve to have their livelihoods taken away. More to the point, in a pragmatic sense, poverty breeds political extremism. Bali is my first choice for most holidaze, and i don't intend to change. Anywhere is vulnerable, so you might as well continue to enjoy the things you like
Originally posted by Mead

I think if there's one thing all Australian's should agree on- once all this crap has died down, GO back to bali, SPEND a ***** heap of money, and have a great time!! Balinese are without a doubt some of the nicest people in the world, (even the scam artists) and given that they've been wonderful to aussies over the years, they don't deserve to have their livelihoods taken away. More to the point, in a pragmatic sense, poverty breeds political extremism. Bali is my first choice for most holidaze, and i don't intend to change. Anywhere is vulnerable, so you might as well continue to enjoy the things you like

true, though the slightly annoying, in your face hassling is not the tonic i need in 40 degree heat and 95% humidity, they are the nicest people you could ever wish to meet and really do it tough..

how many times do you catch yourself haggling down to try and save about 5 cents?? next time i go, im not going to even haggle. the locals there will be very hard hit by this tragedy and deserve all the support they get.
Hear Hear Mead. The Balinese people are very friendly and peaceful people who are also the innocent victims in this terrorist attack.

I still can't believe the main hub of Kuta (Jl Legian) is totally ruined, the buildings reduced to rubble and the busy streets with honking taxis all closed off.

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In replay to your statement:

"If it takes innocent victims for the western world to wake up to the injustices they have caused for others, then so be it ."

Then so be it? At least 180 people (including at least 20 of your fellow Australians) brutally murdered, and maybe 100 more, and you can say such a disgusting thing. Have you seen the misery and devastation their families are going through, you soulless vile individual! A girl at my office has a brother who was in the Sari and is now missing, presumed dead, and here you are saying that his death and that of hundreds of others is OK and justified so long as it was made for a cause you believe in?


I cannot believe that anyone who has family, who loves and cares for parents, brothers, sisters or children, could be so inhuman. So completely despicable and callous. This can only lead to one conclusion.

You GH_ are a vile, demented, perverted sub-human.

Unfortunately the view that the deliberate mass murder of innocent people can sometimes be justified, can somehow be excused or understood, if made for "the right cause" is shared by so many left wingers. The same people that within a breath of seeing the horrors of a year ago can come out and say "it's terrible, but THEY HAD IT COMING because of their foreign policies. But as someone recently said, and I quote:

"There are actually people who can type that can somehow stretch a link between the deaths of 3,000 innocent people and a foreign poilcy they don't like".

But it's just a cliche though isn't it.....America's foreign policies. When I asked a few people at the time what specific policies they didn't like they couldn't give me one. They and every other goose that spouted this line had just heard it from Phillip Adams or Jo Vallentine or Thomas Keneally and just plagarised it!

Left wingers insist they believe in peace and non-violence. But whenever the violence is directed at Americans or Australians they will always have an excuse, a justification for the actions of the killers on hand. And I'm talking about you Horace, ian_rocks, Docker_Brat, Rohan, Blues_Brat and clucas91.

By pinning the blame on John Howard for supporting the Yanks re Iraq and the war on terrorism or Bush himself, and not laying 100% of the blame on those cowardly murderers that ACTUALLY DID IT, you are justifying the terrorists actions, making feeble excuses for their genocidal blood lust. AND THERE IS NO DANCING AROUND THAT!

And you risk defiling the memory of those who have been slaughtered by these fanatical religious killers. Including my workmate's brother.

We have to stand together on this. All of us and the muslim world, who have had NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS, and as usual will be the long term losers from Islamic extremism.

Taking the coward's comfort and pulling back from the war on terrorism would be sending a message to al Qaida that their attacks will be rewarded, and will be an insult to those who have died.

If we don't unite against these killers we are done for. They will never let up and they cannot be reasoned with.
Originally posted by Blues_Brat

3000 Americans died in the Sept 11 attacks last year, they didn't deserve it, yet more than that number of Afghani civilians have died in the retalliation, did they deserve it?

YEP.........Im sure a lot of Afghanis did deserve it
Originally posted by fabulousphil

UMM......because they were icecream vendors WTF why do you think.

No, you tell me if you are so smart.

The Afghani people did NOTHING to deserve have the crap bombed out of them. It was the Taliban.

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Originally posted by clucas91

No, you tell me if you are so smart.

The Afghani people did NOTHING to deserve have the crap bombed out of them. It was the Taliban.

The Taliban was the name of the regime, but the people that made up the Taliban were still Afghanis.

I am not sure anyone supported the loss of innocent civilian life in Afghanistan, however, there is no doubt that the majority of Afghanis are overjoyed now the Taliban are no longer in power.

Was the civilian cost worth it, that is not an answer I can give, you are best asking the Afghanis that.
Originally posted by st philip

The Taliban was the name of the regime, but the people that made up the Taliban were still Afghanis.

I am not sure anyone supported the loss of innocent civilian life in Afghanistan, however, there is no doubt that the majority of Afghanis are overjoyed now the Taliban are no longer in power.

Was the civilian cost worth it, that is not an answer I can give, you are best asking the Afghanis that.


But I am quite sure that the war in Afghanistan was against the TALIBAN.

The United States army is supposed to be the most sophisticated and clinical of all the worlds armies. If they really are that good, then they should have been able to rid Afghanistan of the Taliban with no civilian casualties.

Anyone remember that wedding that was blown up by US Bombers? They were innocent. But all we got from the US was a simple 'Whoops'.
Originally posted by clucas91

But I am quite sure that the war in Afghanistan was against the TALIBAN.

The United States army is supposed to be the most sophisticated and clinical of all the worlds armies. If they really are that good, then they should have been able to rid Afghanistan of the Taliban with no civilian casualties.

Anyone remember that wedding that was blown up by US Bombers? They were innocent. But all we got from the US was a simple 'Whoops'.

I want my cake and i want to be able to eat it to.

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Bali bomb

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