Ballarat Football League 2009

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Re: Ballarat Football League

Must of been after effects from that nuclear test in nth korea, seems to of been nasty incidents across the regions this weekend.
RDFL thread is full of reports of a player hitting an umpire which is a real shame to the game as a whole then, on the other side of the fence there is claims the umpire in an 18s game had players in a headlock during a brawl, which appears to of been fueled by the man himself, by holding up play ...... :eek: (yes we all make mistakes, but admitting them is the issue)

In all seriousness is the umpire allowed to "get involved by wrestling with the players" or pulling the players off each other ?

DRat i think the league must recieve a complaint to have an investigation.
Re: Ballarat Football League

Big week i spose, shame to see KA get a holiday after such a huge week on the rumour front. Good to see the devils get over the line after falling asleep in the last quarter. Great effort by Redan who are clearly not a great side but dragged Darley down to their level and slogged it out. There was a fair bit of spite in the game after Sam Newton was king hit to a degree that i have not seen since the 80's. If there is not an investigation into this one then the league is a disgrace. Newton was carried from the field on a stretcher and had his nosed smashed accross his face from one of the biggest dogs acts in footy history.

I do however applaud the Redan player because he was not sighted and we lost one of our key forwards. In true Redan style though- they welcomed all of us ferals back to their rooms after what was a very vocal and entertaining afternoon in the outer. Special mention goes to the tool (tools) of the week. Admittedly us Darley boys turned pretty feral after the incident and let go with a few expletives but were then approached by an off duty police officer who had taken his son to the footy and decided to take the incident in to his own hands by flashing his badge and warning us that if we swore we would dragged out of the footy by him and locked up hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...... He also had a mate who marched up to Sam Newtons dad and told him he would throw him out for swearing also- that effort along with toy cops efforts were done and dusted within 5 seconds of them happening. They quickly became the most laughed at incidents that i have ever seen in football.

It was a shame that toy cops efforts were spotted by an off duty superior and he was then marched to the side of the grand stand and read the riot act about flipping the silver. It was like a day at the headmasters office for the little man and he got made like a serious dork in front of his own son. Anyway enough of that- Redan are a good club who we all respect but every club has its tools and they are two of yours. Special shout out to the drummer who has obviously been working on a few new beats and actually sounded ok on the weekend. It wasn't as relentless as years gone by and if he was a few brain cells wealthier then im sure people would talk to him (over the age of 8).

By all reports coach little man at Sunba did everything he could to make the lions lose by setting up too defensive in the last quarter. I like coach midget but there are quite a few players not happy with the way he goes about it and he better settle it before finals or the Lions will self destruct again. Oh and Dion Miles at the Marsh? i know he is contracted to stay but if you seriously knew the playing group wanted you gone and nobody liked you then why would you stay? i am down with him getting paid till the end of the year because he would be inconvenienced but seriously only a person with poor character would run a club into the ground. Bite the bullet and walk fat guy, the place already has one coach who only cares about himself and selfishness is not a desirable trait to teach the kids coming through.

Rat, i saw it and it wasn't a king hit, alot of people didn't see it but it was clearly a hip and shoulder attempt gone wrong! it was a defiantely a dirty act and our player recieved a few good ones in return, which he was expecting! Very humerous in crowd through out afternoon, didn't agree with some of the language but like you said after 5 minutes it was back to good old fashion sledging with a darley twist!

Darley seemed flat which is a worry for teams as they will destroy teams when firing.
Re: Ballarat Football League

Rat, i saw it and it wasn't a king hit, alot of people didn't see it but it was clearly a hip and shoulder attempt gone wrong! it was a defiantely a dirty act and our player recieved a few good ones in return, which he was expecting! Very humerous in crowd through out afternoon, didn't agree with some of the language but like you said after 5 minutes it was back to good old fashion sledging with a darley twist!

Darley seemed flat which is a worry for teams as they will destroy teams when firing.
Didnt see the hit so can't comment, was definetly high by all accounts, (KO'd and broken nose confirms that) but the end result was a free to Redan with 50m penalty. Work that out????
Game was a bit of a scrap, and despite the efforts of the umpires Redan just fell short.
I am not bagging J. Edwards here, the guy is a gun, but I can now see why he has won 3 Hendo's. At least 5-6 times he was caught holding the ball, throwing the ball etc, but was not paid a free against at any stage. Not sure if it happens everyweek, but was definetly noticeable on Saturday.

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Re: Ballarat Football League

Didnt see the hit so can't comment, was definetly high by all accounts, (KO'd and broken nose confirms that) but the end result was a free to Redan with 50m penalty. Work that out????

The umpire said to the Darley ruckman just after the incident that because it happened out of the direct contest he couldnt pay a free kick (or report) even though he saw it. Work that out....
Re: Ballarat Football League

Didnt see the hit so can't comment, was definetly high by all accounts, (KO'd and broken nose confirms that) but the end result was a free to Redan with 50m penalty. Work that out????
Game was a bit of a scrap, and despite the efforts of the umpires Redan just fell short.
I am not bagging J. Edwards here, the guy is a gun, but I can now see why he has won 3 Hendo's. At least 5-6 times he was caught holding the ball, throwing the ball etc, but was not paid a free against at any stage. Not sure if it happens everyweek, but was definetly noticeable on Saturday.
Agree umpiring was terrible.
Re: Ballarat Football League

Didnt see the hit so can't comment, was definetly high by all accounts, (KO'd and broken nose confirms that) but the end result was a free to Redan with 50m penalty. Work that out????

The umpire said to the Darley ruckman just after the incident that because it happened out of the direct contest he couldnt pay a free kick (or report) even though he saw it. Work that out....
from all reports the free kick and 50m penalty was for the actions of the darley players acting in defence of their player but heard they did act out of control, the redan player was in the wrong but after that darley was put off their game,
Re: Ballarat Football League

and what reports were they strong man? Darley were off their game? they were off all day!! The only thing a Darley player did was push a Redan player over after he smashed someones face in, pretty standard if you ask me. Darley were behind at the time and then ended up 6 goals up in the next 30 minutes so i guess it really threw them off their game. Your reports suck, actually i dont even believe you got a report. Who gave you your report?
Re: Ballarat Football League

Big week i spose, shame to see KA get a holiday after such a huge week on the rumour front. Good to see the devils get over the line after falling asleep in the last quarter. Great effort by Redan who are clearly not a great side but dragged Darley down to their level and slogged it out. There was a fair bit of spite in the game after Sam Newton was king hit to a degree that i have not seen since the 80's. If there is not an investigation into this one then the league is a disgrace. Newton was carried from the field on a stretcher and had his nosed smashed accross his face from one of the biggest dogs acts in footy history.

I do however applaud the Redan player because he was not sighted and we lost one of our key forwards. In true Redan style though- they welcomed all of us ferals back to their rooms after what was a very vocal and entertaining afternoon in the outer. Special mention goes to the tool (tools) of the week. Admittedly us Darley boys turned pretty feral after the incident and let go with a few expletives but were then approached by an off duty police officer who had taken his son to the footy and decided to take the incident in to his own hands by flashing his badge and warning us that if we swore we would dragged out of the footy by him and locked up hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...... He also had a mate who marched up to Sam Newtons dad and told him he would throw him out for swearing also- that effort along with toy cops efforts were done and dusted within 5 seconds of them happening. They quickly became the most laughed at incidents that i have ever seen in football.

It was a shame that toy cops efforts were spotted by an off duty superior and he was then marched to the side of the grand stand and read the riot act about flipping the silver. It was like a day at the headmasters office for the little man and he got made like a serious dork in front of his own son. Anyway enough of that- Redan are a good club who we all respect but every club has its tools and they are two of yours. Special shout out to the drummer who has obviously been working on a few new beats and actually sounded ok on the weekend. It wasn't as relentless as years gone by and if he was a few brain cells wealthier then im sure people would talk to him (over the age of 8).

By all reports coach little man at Sunba did everything he could to make the lions lose by setting up too defensive in the last quarter. I like coach midget but there are quite a few players not happy with the way he goes about it and he better settle it before finals or the Lions will self destruct again. Oh and Dion Miles at the Marsh? i know he is contracted to stay but if you seriously knew the playing group wanted you gone and nobody liked you then why would you stay? i am down with him getting paid till the end of the year because he would be inconvenienced but seriously only a person with poor character would run a club into the ground. Bite the bullet and walk fat guy, the place already has one coach who only cares about himself and selfishness is not a desirable trait to teach the kids coming through.

Sledging is one thing.
Vile and foul-mouthed abuse is another thing entirely.
The vast majority of the Darley people at the game were fine. The game was tough and a lot closer than many expected at the start of the day.
It was just one or two fools who should not have been let through the gate in the first place which were the source of the problem.
All clubs have got them but Saturday's performance was definitely out of order.
The fact that police (off duty or on) had to get involved in the first place should tell you that it was nasty. Someone must have called the divvy van. They are not regular visitors.
We are all big boys but this was over the top.
No wonder mums are taking their kids off to soccer these days.
Re: Ballarat Football League

Sledging is one thing.
Vile and foul-mouthed abuse is another thing entirely.
The vast majority of the Darley people at the game were fine. The game was tough and a lot closer than many expected at the start of the day.
It was just one or two fools who should not have been let through the gate in the first place which were the source of the problem.
All clubs have got them but Saturday's performance was definitely out of order.
The fact that police (off duty or on) had to get involved in the first place should tell you that it was nasty. Someone must have called the divvy van. They are not regular visitors.
We are all big boys but this was over the top.
No wonder mums are taking their kids off to soccer these days.
The toy cop with his plastic badge and bad crewcut inflamed the situation. If someone just said keep the bad language to a minimum I think all would have been fine, but the off duty fuzz completely overeacted. The whole thing is being blown out of proportion, move on.
Re: Ballarat Football League

Sledging is one thing.
Vile and foul-mouthed abuse is another thing entirely.
The vast majority of the Darley people at the game were fine. The game was tough and a lot closer than many expected at the start of the day.
It was just one or two fools who should not have been let through the gate in the first place which were the source of the problem.
All clubs have got them but Saturday's performance was definitely out of order.
The fact that police (off duty or on) had to get involved in the first place should tell you that it was nasty. Someone must have called the divvy van. They are not regular visitors.
We are all big boys but this was over the top.
No wonder mums are taking their kids off to soccer these days.

We move on.
Re: Ballarat Football League

Speaking about breaking news - this weekends papers will cover the Gissy to Ballarat. Enjoy the read and remember where you heard it 1st!!! Ring a ding ding.

in gavs rant ages ago??

And hasn't Michael Clough been adovacating Gisborne in the Ballarat FL on the radio for a few years now?
Re: Ballarat Football League

The cop approached a Darley supporter after the supporter said the F word twice after a close mate was knocked out clearly outside of the rules of the game. If this happened to a Redan player then i would more than understand the emotion involved in the situation and would be more than willing to cop a few expletives. As a member of the police force you are trained to calm possibly volatile situations and after hearing the F word twice i dont think the calming approach would have been to flash your badge and say "hey hero if you swear again i am gonna drag you by the neck out of here and lock you up". I know they were the words he used because i was beside him and i told him to belt it up his ring.

If it was totally necessary for an off duty policeman to flash his badge then i am sure a member of our footy club who also happens to be a police officer would have intervened and asked us to calm it down earlier. he also would not have approached the original toy cop and let him have it about his poor behaviour (which by the way was brilliant- like a kid in the headmasters office). The one carrying on the most here and the one who was actually swearing alot was the player who was knocked outs dad. Admittedly his language got pretty heated at times but who can tell a parent how to react when he has just seen his sons nose smashed all over his face. The guy is the biggest gentlemen in the world but he did lose it a bit but i bet seeing something like that happen is sure to deliver some different emotions than normal everyday life would deliver.

Good point by WHTD, lets move on. As much as we get heated at games we are always welcomed back to the Redan rooms and we have a healthy respect for them. We have let the king hit drop so maybe you guys could let a bit of foul language drop- we didnt hit anyone, spit at anyone or scratch any cars like Melton South would so be happy i reckon :)

Newton will play again, the toy cop has an embarrassing story to tell the boys at the station and Darley got the 4 points- everyones a winner
Re: Ballarat Football League

Sledging is one thing.
Vile and foul-mouthed abuse is another thing entirely.
The vast majority of the Darley people at the game were fine. The game was tough and a lot closer than many expected at the start of the day.
It was just one or two fools who should not have been let through the gate in the first place which were the source of the problem.
All clubs have got them but Saturday's performance was definitely out of order.
The fact that police (off duty or on) had to get involved in the first place should tell you that it was nasty. Someone must have called the divvy van. They are not regular visitors.
We are all big boys but this was over the top.
No wonder mums are taking their kids off to soccer these days.
"Keep the Bounce" you are a fool. Where are your real values you precious idiot? Mum's are taking their kids off to soccer because of the violence such as the Redan thug #12 was allowed to get away with. Not because of the swearing of a distressed and angry supporter who had just witnessed a criminal assualt on a player who had his head over the ball!!!.
It is mystifying why the antagonistic, unthinking and unreralistic Redan supporters weren't shame-faced at the perpertration of a cowardly act by one of their own loutish players. Rather, they saw fit to remonstrate with Darley supporters who were justifiably angry, not only at the cowardice and malevolance of the dirty #12 but also at the lack of contrition of the Redan people themselves.
Forget the swearing you sub-intellectual back-woods morons, hang your heads in shame over your propensity to ignore the criminality in favour of being righteous over the use of expletives.
Rise up against your own club, your team, the Umpires and the BFL for allowing criminal behaviour to occur in this so called sport. Be contrite and apologetic to the people who witnessed such a low act on one of their own. How many from the Redan club have since asked about the welfare of the injured Darley player?
As for Mr Plod...Mate, if you want to get on in your job, learn to use a lot better judgement than you did on Saturday. With such a lack of Govt and Management support, VP members need to exercise a greater deal of common-sense than you showed.
Rather than challenging the rightly upset Darley supporters you needed to quell the loud-mouthed dills within your own supporters' ranks.
Are you intending to lay charges against #12? If not, why not?

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Re: Ballarat Football League

"Keep the Bounce" you are a fool. Where are your real values you precious idiot? Mum's are taking their kids off to soccer because of the violence such as the Redan thug #12 was allowed to get away with. Not because of the swearing of a distressed and angry supporter who had just witnessed a criminal assualt on a player who had his head over the ball!!!.
It is mystifying why the antagonistic, unthinking and unreralistic Redan supporters weren't shame-faced at the perpertration of a cowardly act by one of their own loutish players. Rather, they saw fit to remonstrate with Darley supporters who were justifiably angry, not only at the cowardice and malevolance of the dirty #12 but also at the lack of contrition of the Redan people themselves.
Forget the swearing you sub-intellectual back-woods morons, hang your heads in shame over your propensity to ignore the criminality in favour of being righteous over the use of expletives.
Rise up against your own club, your team, the Umpires and the BFL for allowing criminal behaviour to occur in this so called sport. Be contrite and apologetic to the people who witnessed such a low act on one of their own. How many from the Redan club have since asked about the welfare of the injured Darley player?
As for Mr Plod...Mate, if you want to get on in your job, learn to use a lot better judgement than you did on Saturday. With such a lack of Govt and Management support, VP members need to exercise a greater deal of common-sense than you showed.
Rather than challenging the rightly upset Darley supporters you needed to quell the loud-mouthed dills within your own supporters' ranks.
Are you intending to lay charges against #12? If not, why not?

Was looking forward to seeing this issue put to bed, yes our players actions were terrible, we ackowledge that. Yes, if you ask plenty of your (darley) senior players/coaches, Sammy Newtons welfare was defiantely a concern of the redan people and asked many of times after the game.

As much as it was a low act, people that know Jake would know that he is far from a coward, Jake copped a ripper 2 mins later and he took it and everything else that came his way. I realise you can't call it a even up as all he got out of it was a sore head, not a busted nose & concussion.

I'm sure the coaches won't make light of his actions and will defiantley making sure an incident like that doesn't happen again.

We move on now.
Re: Ballarat Football League

Agree, nothing to be gained or lost.

I love the job Nunny has done with the draw, not only do the red heads have the best draw by a mile, but he plays the GF rematch at Alfredton after the Swans have the week off. Great stuff. Probably North Ballarat ressies have a bye this week too.
Still won't help ya.
Re: Ballarat Football League

Totally off topic.....

Whats the opinon floating around about how the draw will go if Gissy are included?
Ballarat-based clubs would play each other twice, likewise in the east, and against clubs in the opposing region once.

As its clear the east teams feel they are stronger, would they then feel the draw is in favour of the ballarat based clubs having to play eastern teams only once, or do they welcome the less travel ?
Re: Ballarat Football League

You seem to be in the know Shaggy, that's exactly what the BFL has planned if Gissy are to join BFL. Can't say i think it's right though, draw should be done regardless of travel, east v west, ladder positions from previous year. This years draw has too many flaws as it is.
Re: Ballarat Football League

On the issue of Sam Newton, Sam is fine- he is tough as nails and i dont think a second broken nose in a month is going to quell his passion for playing in a premiership this year with a bunch of kids that he grew up with and played all of his junior footy with. I stand by the fact that Sam will be as important as a recruit as any in the past decade at Darley because your not only getting someone to the club with premiership experience, you also getting a career footballer with plenty of skill, commitment and role model for the younger kids.

Sam is a gentleman and you would barely see a more respected person anywhere but more than that Sam is a tryer and a wack here or there will be water off a ducks back come finals time when this experienced premiersip player gets to strutt his stuff on the big stage. One thing i pray is that cowardly number 12 doesnt push back into the hole when Sammy is full tilt because personally i would rather be hit by a freight train.

I am happy to let number 12 go because what goes around comes around and he is only a little man who will have alot of sleepless nights before we play them next but what i am more furious about is the toy cop who tried insighting trouble in order to prove to his son that he was a strong man. Mission failed tough guy- it made you look really silly and now your son knows his dad hides behind a badge because he lacks courage. People who i am friends with at Redan have assured me that he has nothing official to do with the club and he is a hanger on after recent success. Redan dont encourage what he does and dont want his actions to have any bearing on how people perceive Redan to actually be. Now print that in the Courier (keep the bounce)
Re: Ballarat Football League

You seem to be in the know Shaggy, that's exactly what the BFL has planned if Gissy are to join BFL. Can't say i think it's right though, draw should be done regardless of travel, east v west, ladder positions from previous year. This years draw has too many flaws as it is.

The proposal put to Gisborne will be they play - Melton, Darley, Melton South, Sunbury and Bacchus Marsh twice. From there they will play the last 5 teams once. Travelling a maximum of 3 times a year to Ballarat. Once Sebas is removed it will only be twice after that.

Gisborne like most teams enjoy the bye. It reduces total player payment. Not great for the supporters but the bottom line is helped.
Re: Ballarat Football League

Agree, nothing to be gained or lost.

I love the job Nunny has done with the draw, not only do the red heads have the best draw by a mile, but he plays the GF rematch at Alfredton after the Swans have the week off. Great stuff. Probably North Ballarat ressies have a bye this week too.
Still won't help ya.

Its hard to see a reason behind Ballarat having the week off before both times the Grand Final will be replayed. Ballarat having a bye the week before you would raise an eyebrow twice is very very poor.

Not only do Darley travel to the Rat two weeks in a row but are handed Redan 1st - by the looks of it they went the punch - and then the reigning preimers coming off the bye.

If I was advising Gisborne I would be asking for Nunny to have no more involvement with the draw - this would be a condition to agree to join this league.
Re: Ballarat Football League

Its hard to see a reason behind Ballarat having the week off before both times the Grand Final will be replayed. Ballarat having a bye the week before you would raise an eyebrow twice is very very poor.

Not only do Darley travel to the Rat two weeks in a row but are handed Redan 1st - by the looks of it they went the punch - and then the reigning preimers coming off the bye.

If I was advising Gisborne I would be asking for Nunny to have no more involvement with the draw - this would be a condition to agree to join this league.

Redan are not a side that goes the punch Chuck, just making that clear.

Agree, nunny either needs to move on or be restricted to looking after the Lexton Plains league.

What was the feeling amongst the gissy players about a move to Ballarat league chuck?
Re: Ballarat Football League

Redan are not a side that goes the punch Chuck, just making that clear.

Agree, nunny either needs to move on or be restricted to looking after the Lexton Plains league.

What was the feeling amongst the gissy players about a move to Ballarat league chuck?

Hey don't get me wrong - Chuck Liddell loves the punch - what has got me through my UFC career is once I got punched - I would punch back - but harder. Lets hope Redan meet Darley in a final hey. I for one would love to see how number 12 goes when he is face to face with Newton. Get it on pay-per-view. I would book it.
Re: Ballarat Football League

Hey don't get me wrong - Chuck Liddell loves the punch - what has got me through my UFC career is once I got punched - I would punch back - but harder. Lets hope Redan meet Darley in a final hey. I for one would love to see how number 12 goes when he is face to face with Newton. Get it on pay-per-view. I would book it.
Number 12 can handle himself Chuck, If we play darley again this year then that means final. And i don't think darley will be focussing on revenge, darley are a 5-8 goal better side than last year, only way i can see them losing it is if they do have a brain fade like last years GF. I would be suprised if this happens.
Re: Ballarat Football League

Number 12 can handle himself Chuck, If we play darley again this year then that means final. And i don't think darley will be focussing on revenge, darley are a 5-8 goal better side than last year, only way i can see them losing it is if they do have a brain fade like last years GF. I would be suprised if this happens.

Thats great that 12 is a fighter - he can obviously throw them the test now will be his chin. Well Darley were 5 goal better side than everyone last year so now they 13 goals better?? Wow is that because the betting has pushed Redan out to 16/1 for the flag - if they can't win then no one can? And what brain fade are you talking about? Stupid red cards that the ballarat umps throw at eastern bloc teams like confetti?
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