Ballarat Football League 2009

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I was referring to the fact that once you know someone's REAL name (i.e. a poster on this board), Google can reveal a scary amount of personal information on that particular person.

That is why if you are going to get on here and make atognistic remarks to people online, it is better not to brag about it to people offline.

It would certainly be disturbing if your online enemies found out your real name, email address, telephone number and where you work.

It could also be quite incovenient if they also could also get a hold of your colleagues email addresses and began bombarding them with inapporpriate pictures or videos from a hotmail address registered under your name.

The internet can be a very dangerous place sometimes, especially, you know, if you are one of those antagonistic types.

Something for everyone to think about, probably some more than others.

I was referring to the fact that once you know someone's REAL name (i.e. a poster on this board), Google can reveal a scary amount of personal information on that particular person.

That is why if you are going to get on here and make atognistic remarks to people online, it is better not to brag about it to people offline.

It would certainly be disturbing if your online enemies found out your real name, email address, telephone number and where you work.

It could also be quite incovenient if they also could also get a hold of your colleagues email addresses and began bombarding them with inapporpriate pictures or videos from a hotmail address registered under your name.

The internet can be a very dangerous place sometimes, especially, you know, if you are one of those antagonistic types.

Something for everyone to think about, probably some more than others.

Well said JK!!

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After reading the courier this morning i personaly feel like vomiting!

To think that a child can be sexually assulted at a football game where there is so many people is just another wake up call as to how sick society is.

To think the BFL has taken 5 weeks to bother mentioning another such potential incident is pathetic !

We all know information is power, how about people start sharing information for the benefit of the community rather than self glory!! :mad::mad::mad:
After reading the courier this morning i personaly feel like vomiting!

To think that a child can be sexually assulted at a football game where there is so many people is just another wake up call as to how sick society is.

To think the BFL has taken 5 weeks to bother mentioning another such potential incident is pathetic !

We all know information is power, how about people start sharing information for the benefit of the community rather than self glory!! :mad::mad::mad:
Heard about that a while ago Doc, fairly disturbing.
Heard about that a while ago Doc, fairly disturbing.

Is there any legit reason for the actual ground to remain un-named, if its to protect the victim fine but otherwise.....?
The article names maddingley park as the venue where there was an attempt to lure children to the public toilets yet fails to name the venue where an alleged assult has occured.
How long ago were the clubs notified?

I was referring to the fact that once you know someone's REAL name (i.e. a poster on this board), Google can reveal a scary amount of personal information on that particular person.

That is why if you are going to get on here and make atognistic remarks to people online, it is better not to brag about it to people offline.

It would certainly be disturbing if your online enemies found out your real name, email address, telephone number and where you work.

It could also be quite incovenient if they also could also get a hold of your colleagues email addresses and began bombarding them with inapporpriate pictures or videos from a hotmail address registered under your name.

The internet can be a very dangerous place sometimes, especially, you know, if you are one of those antagonistic types.

Something for everyone to think about, probably some more than others.

Seems like you think it's ok for you and most other Darley people on this thread (and that Sunbury hanger-on) to be antagonistic and abusive to any and everbody but you don't like it when a bit comes back your way. Then they become your 'online enemy' do they? Obviously that is reason enough - in your pathetic little brain - to interfere in somebodies personal life. I think there might be laws covering stuff like that, I believe it probably comes under the stalking heading. If it happened to me I would get police and lawyers involved and I'm sure the people who run this site would be only too happy to provide the details of people involved in crap like that.

You Darley blokes perform exactly the same way on here as you do on the football field. You like to dish it out but you can't take it. Your so called online enemy had the temerity be part of a football club that stole your cup that we were all told had the Darley name engraved on it a long way out from grand final day. And then he came on here and rubbed your noses in it - just as you would have all done to him if the boot was on the other foot - and you can't handle it. Because you are as weak as piss.

This thread is supposed to be for football talk. I don't know why the mods don't shut the whole BFL page down.
Seems like you think it's ok for you and most other Darley people on this thread (and that Sunbury hanger-on) to be antagonistic and abusive to any and everbody but you don't like it when a bit comes back your way. Then they become your 'online enemy' do they? Obviously that is reason enough - in your pathetic little brain - to interfere in somebodies personal life. I think there might be laws covering stuff like that, I believe it probably comes under the stalking heading. If it happened to me I would get police and lawyers involved and I'm sure the people who run this site would be only too happy to provide the details of people involved in crap like that.

You Darley blokes perform exactly the same way on here as you do on the football field. You like to dish it out but you can't take it. Your so called online enemy had the temerity be part of a football club that stole your cup that we were all told had the Darley name engraved on it a long way out from grand final day. And then he came on here and rubbed your noses in it - just as you would have all done to him if the boot was on the other foot - and you can't handle it. Because you are as weak as piss.

This thread is supposed to be for football talk. I don't know why the mods don't shut the whole BFL page down.

Well why don't you add something about football then? Beacuse right now I feel like your the one stalking - I may have to go and find a lawyer or a policeman.

How someone conducts themselves at a BFL football club is open for discussion. Don't take a role if you don't want to be spoken about.

You haven't been to the Marsh lately have you?
Hi ryang, barrack obama here. Before you started ranting and raving and sooking up you should have known the full story. You will find that Oracene outed someone of this forum about 1-2 months ago, in an extremely personal attack, the posts didnt last long and all of his/her garbage was taken off, then the person who was outed got some payback. Fairs fair aint it. 2 wrongs make a right.
As for us Darley people, we have had nothing to do with it, they can sort their crap out themselves. Oracene can say whatever he/she wants, they won, we didnt, we have no comeback.
Get a clue before you get all moral on us.
Hi ryang, barrack obama here. Before you started ranting and raving and sooking up you should have known the full story. You will find that Oracene outed someone of this forum about 1-2 months ago, in an extremely personal attack, the posts didnt last long and all of his/her garbage was taken off, then the person who was outed got some payback. Fairs fair aint it. 2 wrongs make a right.
As for us Darley people, we have had nothing to do with it, they can sort their crap out themselves. Oracene can say whatever he/she wants, they won, we didnt, we have no comeback.
Get a clue before you get all moral on us.

I said most not all. But thanks anyway barrack
Seems like you think it's ok for you and most other Darley people on this thread (and that Sunbury hanger-on) to be antagonistic and abusive to any and everbody but you don't like it when a bit comes back your way. Then they become your 'online enemy' do they? Obviously that is reason enough - in your pathetic little brain - to interfere in somebodies personal life. I think there might be laws covering stuff like that, I believe it probably comes under the stalking heading. If it happened to me I would get police and lawyers involved and I'm sure the people who run this site would be only too happy to provide the details of people involved in crap like that.

You Darley blokes perform exactly the same way on here as you do on the football field. You like to dish it out but you can't take it. Your so called online enemy had the temerity be part of a football club that stole your cup that we were all told had the Darley name engraved on it a long way out from grand final day. And then he came on here and rubbed your noses in it - just as you would have all done to him if the boot was on the other foot - and you can't handle it. Because you are as weak as piss.

This thread is supposed to be for football talk. I don't know why the mods don't shut the whole BFL page down.

Mods dont shut down the BFL page because its the most passionate, most read thread on big footy, the site is gold lads.

The old saying, if you dont want to read/watch, then you know what to do. Darley Rat's posts are 3vt material, he is the Tiger Woods, Mike Tyson, Viv Richards, Mike Jorden of big footy. Darley Rat + Big footy = keyboard assasin.
Key Position- how nice and truthful are you? I love you man!!! I hope Kings army chokes on a chicken bone but lets be honest about this whole situation, he knows things that almost everybody on here are unaware of and attacking him for divulging information is a hopeless effort because he not only has endless supplies of information that will bury many clubs but he has contacts within the BFL who will continue to feed him this goss. If you want your clubs reputation to remain sparkly then i suggest you stear clear. He knows when there is in-fighting (like Shaun Stanley belting a young bloke at Melton last week for questioning his brothers integrity), he knows when clubs may be entering the league, he knows when clubs futures in the league may be hanging in the balance and he also knows about special taxes that are added to each player and he also knows when that tax doesnt arrive at the ATO.
Key Position- how nice and truthful are you? I love you man!!! I hope Kings army chokes on a chicken bone but lets be honest about this whole situation, he knows things that almost everybody on here are unaware of and attacking him for divulging information is a hopeless effort because he not only has endless supplies of information that will bury many clubs but he has contacts within the BFL who will continue to feed him this goss. If you want your clubs reputation to remain sparkly then i suggest you stear clear. He knows when there is in-fighting (like Shaun Stanley belting a young bloke at Melton last week for questioning his brothers integrity), he knows when clubs may be entering the league, he knows when clubs futures in the league may be hanging in the balance and he also knows about special taxes that are added to each player and he also knows when that tax doesnt arrive at the ATO.

OMFG! who cares who is pissing in whos pocket! This is supposed to be where people are free to voice an opinon, passionate or not... effing hell!

If the so called admin of this league had half a brain they would of put an end to alot of this crap along time ago, even more so if the so called hot goss is coming from WITHIN !!
Joke of a thread, joke of a league. :thumbsdown:

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The only joke Doc is Sebas and your ordinary posts.. I personally love cryptic posts rather than the straight up, personal ones. My second favourite Darley player is Rob Cheevers and my favourite Sunbury player is Lee James. I dont like Ballarat footy club and i dont like Oracle either. In school i loved astronomy and i particularly liked photo's of the stars, the planets and more than all of that i loved looking at a lunar Eclipse. I drive a ford and the one team that should be thrown out of the league is Sebastopol. I hate to be bold but sometimes i feel i have no way out...
The only joke Doc is Sebas and your ordinary posts.. I personally love cryptic posts rather than the straight up, personal ones. My second favourite Darley player is Rob Cheevers and my favourite Sunbury player is Lee James. I dont like Ballarat footy club and i dont like Oracle either. In school i loved astronomy and i particularly liked photo's of the stars, the planets and more than all of that i loved looking at a lunar Eclipse. I drive a ford and the one team that should be thrown out of the league is Sebastopol. I hate to be bold but sometimes i feel i have no way out...
I take my hat off to you DRat.
After reading the courier this morning i personaly feel like vomiting!

To think that a child can be sexually assulted at a football game where there is so many people is just another wake up call as to how sick society is.

To think the BFL has taken 5 weeks to bother mentioning another such potential incident is pathetic !

We all know information is power, how about people start sharing information for the benefit of the community rather than self glory!! :mad::mad::mad:

In all seriousness here Doc without us two getting personal, im not sure what the BFL's social responsibility is in regards to this incident. This is obviously not a football incident as far as i can see but more a social incident. The fact that it happened at a football game is horendous but i dont find it necessarily correlates with football in general. The park is a huge public park and not your conventional football oval and the sort of place that would give plenty of cover for scums of the earth like the above mentioned to prey on children. Without knowing details of the incident i would be pretty confident that this sort incident wouldnt be the doings of your average footy goer. I know recently there was a serious sexual assault/rape at a public park within a kilometre of Maddingley Park (if this is where the actual incident occured). I wonder if this is a coincidence?

Either way this is a thing for the police and not for the BFL in my opinion. Parents need to keep an eye out for their children everywhere these days. It is sick but its reality
The only joke Doc is Sebas and your ordinary posts.. I personally love cryptic posts rather than the straight up, personal ones. My second favourite Darley player is Rob Cheevers and my favourite Sunbury player is Lee James. I dont like Ballarat footy club and i dont like Oracle either. In school i loved astronomy and i particularly liked photo's of the stars, the planets and more than all of that i loved looking at a lunar Eclipse. I drive a ford and the one team that should be thrown out of the league is Sebastopol. I hate to be bold but sometimes i feel i have no way out...
Absolutely sensational stuff........beautiful.
The only joke Doc is Sebas and your ordinary posts.. I personally love cryptic posts rather than the straight up, personal ones. My second favourite Darley player is Rob Cheevers and my favourite Sunbury player is Lee James. I dont like Ballarat footy club and i dont like Oracle either. In school i loved astronomy and i particularly liked photo's of the stars, the planets and more than all of that i loved looking at a lunar Eclipse. I drive a ford and the one team that should be thrown out of the league is Sebastopol. I hate to be bold but sometimes i feel i have no way out...

Pure Gold.
OK, peeps, time for some footy talk.

Sunbury v Redan. I think it's a key game for both sides. A big loss for either side will put a spanner in the works.
Redan's form has been pretty inconsistent this year, I think they have only once looked like putting four (and probably even three) quarters together. Will really need to be switched on this week.
It looks like the league is much more even for the top 7 this year, so all the teams from 3-7 need to make sure the don't slip up and miss out on finals.
Redan's form has been pretty inconsistent this year, I think they have only once looked like putting four (and probably even three) quarters together. Will really need to be switched on this week.
It looks like the league is much more even for the top 7 this year, so all the teams from 3-7 need to make sure the don't slip up and miss out on finals.

Agree - a team expect to make the 6 will miss - South, Ballarat, Redan, Lakers or even Sunba could miss with a bad 2nd half of the season. Sunba to release a new recruit will want to be up this week as they would not want to lose 3 in a row!
In all seriousness here Doc without us two getting personal, im not sure what the BFL's social responsibility is in regards to this incident. This is obviously not a football incident as far as i can see but more a social incident. The fact that it happened at a football game is horendous but i dont find it necessarily correlates with football in general. The park is a huge public park and not your conventional football oval and the sort of place that would give plenty of cover for scums of the earth like the above mentioned to prey on children. Without knowing details of the incident i would be pretty confident that this sort incident wouldnt be the doings of your average footy goer. I know recently there was a serious sexual assault/rape at a public park within a kilometre of Maddingley Park (if this is where the actual incident occured). I wonder if this is a coincidence?

Either way this is a thing for the police and not for the BFL in my opinion. Parents need to keep an eye out for their children everywhere these days. It is sick but its reality

i totally respect what you are saying, yes it happens everywhere and is a police issue.
However before i move on i would just like to say that if the man responsible for the attack here in ballarat wasnt caught then i as a mother who used to attend all games with my kids, would be still unaware that there had even been attempts. Yes we must all watch our own kids but it can be easy to get a false sense of security and mention of such issues serves as a reminder. if the league wants spectators supporters volunteers etc. then a little bit of tough talk in the media to try to deter these animals wouldnt hurt rather than the hiding of the matter! But thats JMO. cheers.
Redan's form has been pretty inconsistent this year, I think they have only once looked like putting four (and probably even three) quarters together. Will really need to be switched on this week.
It looks like the league is much more even for the top 7 this year, so all the teams from 3-7 need to make sure the don't slip up and miss out on finals.
South will be the ones to miss, too hard a run, especially the next 5 or 6.
The only joke Doc is Sebas and your ordinary posts.. I personally love cryptic posts rather than the straight up, personal ones. My second favourite Darley player is Rob Cheevers and my favourite Sunbury player is Lee James. I dont like Ballarat footy club and i dont like Oracle either. In school i loved astronomy and i particularly liked photo's of the stars, the planets and more than all of that i loved looking at a lunar Eclipse. I drive a ford and the one team that should be thrown out of the league is Sebastopol. I hate to be bold but sometimes i feel i have no way out...

That post should be bottled.....Vintage Darey Rat.....Superstar status.
You complete me d-rat, you made Oracle look like a poodle f##king a cricketball.
OK, peeps, time for some footy talk.

Sunbury v Redan. I think it's a key game for both sides. A big loss for either side will put a spanner in the works.

Redan will miss Sam Giblett following one of the strangest reports I have ever seen on a football field.
Also the midfield is going to have to work extra hard as Sunbury will have the edge in the ruck plus Redan's small forwards will have to have a bit of luck go their way to rack up enough goals.
Home ground should give Redan a chance but it's going to be tight.
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