What are peoples thoughts on the classes?
Not sure if i like the medic being solely SMG based and the assault now rifle based?
I think the game is great and im enjoying it more then I did BF1 however as others have said some of the maps are pure cancer. Was playing a game mode at Aerodome and the team was sniping us from their spawn point which for our team was outside our map 'zone" so couldn't sneak up on the bastards
Little stuff like that is annoying but not game breaking
The new specialisation options on the guns is a great new touch, trying really hard to get to Medic 20 so i can use the Tommy Gun!
Not sure if i like the medic being solely SMG based and the assault now rifle based?
I think the game is great and im enjoying it more then I did BF1 however as others have said some of the maps are pure cancer. Was playing a game mode at Aerodome and the team was sniping us from their spawn point which for our team was outside our map 'zone" so couldn't sneak up on the bastards
Little stuff like that is annoying but not game breaking
The new specialisation options on the guns is a great new touch, trying really hard to get to Medic 20 so i can use the Tommy Gun!