Ben Cousins arrested

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In Cousins defence he seems to be getting stitched up by the ex. Using the restraining order when it suits. Gets thrown around plenty involving custody. Many fathers get cooked by lies from the Mum. Don't get me wrong he needs to go to jail and restraining orders do have a relevant place

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I get that but he isn't a fit parent ATM and it would be wrong to allow unsupervised contact with the kids, as it stands his parents must be present so he can't just rock up to school to be with them

Agreed she is playing the game but the guy is nearly 40 yrs old, when does the penny drop
I get that but he isn't a fit parent ATM and it would be wrong to allow unsupervised contact with the kids, as it stands his parents must be present so he can't just rock up to school to be with them

Agreed she is playing the game but the guy is nearly 40 yrs old, when does the penny drop

Yes I agree. The bloke is cooked. Needs to do time

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Maybe but might mean he is good at his job. Given he is involved in criminal law his clientele wouldn't be great no matter who. I would suggest they would have proof about them going to a concert

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I would also suggest that he would be very selective in what info he releases to the public and what he doesn't !!!

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God forbid somebody wants to see their kids every now and then. God forbid an adult chooses to do drugs and do what they want with their life. Typical jealousy from the white collar wageslaves.

If they mean that much to him then work on getting your shit together and arrange supervised visits. I'm sure he loves his kids and wants to spend time with them but the guy has had psychotic episodes and god forbid that something happens while they are with him and that people be concerned about that.

I would hate to think that she is abusing the VRO - they are put in place for a reason and to see that abused would shit me no end and you would hope he has proof and that she is called on it.
Surely there is no way he avoids jail this time..

He got off by the skin of his teeth last time. 7 VRO breaches now? He can only be bailed if there are exceptional/ special circumstances. He's met that threshold the last two breaches of the VRO. They cant surely let him off again.

Re the 8 grams of meth, the legal limit for a charge of possession of Meth is under 2 grams. Over this amount and the law presumes an intent to sell or supply the drug (the evidentiary burden is shifted to the accused to prove they were not in possession of 2 grams plus with the intent to sell or supply the drug).

Possesion 'with intent to sell or supply' is a much more serious offence that mere possession of the drug.

He might be able to discharge the burden on account of him being a heavy user. Which is pretty much what he indicated to the court was going to be his defence. Its not the easiest thing to prove (in his case his celebrity addiction should actually help him).

I have no problems believing that the gear was for his own personal use.
He got off by the skin of his teeth last time. 7 VRO breaches now? He can only be bailed if there are exceptional/ special circumstances. He's met that threshold the last two breaches of the VRO. They cant surely let him off again.

Re the 8 grams of meth, the legal limit for a charge of possession of Meth is under 2 grams. Over this amount and the law presumes an intent to sell or supply the drug (the evidentiary burden is shifted to the accused to prove they were not in possession of 2 grams plus with the intent to sell or supply the drug).

Possesion 'with intent to sell or supply' is a much more serious offence that mere possession of the drug.

He might be able to discharge the burden on account of him being a heavy user. Which is pretty much what he indicated to the court was going to be his defence. Its not the easiest thing to prove (in his case his celebrity addiction should actually help him).

I have no problems believing that the gear was for his own personal use.
Possibly but possibly not. By all accounts he is stone cold broke but still is managing to fund his addiction. I'm not too sure on his income producing activities these days.
Yeah let's just restrict an erratic junkie with serious mental health problems from seeing their kids.

He'd be seeing his kids right now if he wasnt a danger to them, and he cleaned his shit up. Its a tragedy I agree, but he's doing his best to give the Family court no other options here.

All he's done is make it so much more likely that the Family court crushes him. When those parenting orders get spat out from the Family Court, his missus is almost certainly going to get sole parental responsibility for the kids, and he'll be lucky to get supervised contact with them from time to time.

He's only got himself to blame here. I say that in full sympathy with the guy (drug addiction is a bitch), but come on. 7 VRO breaches and repeated drug charges. Clear evidence of behaviour that can only be described as 'erratic'. Slow speed car chases, breaking into Swanbourne barracks, running around on the roof of a temple, directing traffic, knocking some bloke of a motorcycle etc etc. How can a court agree to grant him parental responsibility when he cant even look after himself?

What Family Court judge is going to give him access to those kids unsupervised, or deem it in those kids 'best intrests' to spend time with their junkie dad?

Would you leave your kids alone with him for the weekend? I mean come on. I feel for the guy (and we can all see the inevitable tragedy where this is going) but you reap what you sow.
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If they mean that much to him then work on getting your shit together and arrange supervised visits. I'm sure he loves his kids and wants to spend time with them but the guy has had psychotic episodes and god forbid that something happens while they are with him and that people be concerned about that.

I would hate to think that she is abusing the VRO - they are put in place for a reason and to see that abused would shit me no end and you would hope he has proof and that she is called on it.

Cousins doesn't strike me as the type of bloke to jump through hoops (something that supervised visits entitle you to do). He hasn't complied with the law in the past, doesn't do well with authority figures, and hasn't shown any consistency - other than being consistently inconsistent. He will probably have to do supervised visits if he wants to see his kids, I just don't believe he would see it out. I think this whole saga just gets worse now. In all likelihood Cousins now goes down another path, and one that will see him spend most his years in prison. Not only is he out of chances, but he just won't comply with the law.
He is Ben cousins. Simples.

The context saved him. None of the breaches were 'serious' in nature (he wasnt going over there to beat her up). The stalking charge is extremely worrying though, as is the repeated nature of his offending. Its escalating in severity and frequency despite frequent warnings, and court action.

His behaviour is documented as erratic. God knows whats running through his mind when he's cooked. I wouldnt want to have an utterly cooked meth head sitting outside my window watching me (just in general), let alone if it was an ex and I had the kids and they probably wished harm on me or percieved me as standing in the way of the kids. **** knows what they could do. That could easily get very nasty.

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The context saved him. None of the breaches were 'serious' in nature (he wasnt going over there to beat her up). The stalking charge is extremely worrying though, as is the repeated nature of his offending. Its escalating in severity and frequency despite frequent warnings, and court action.

His behaviour is documented as erratic. God knows whats running through his mind when he's cooked. I wouldnt want to have an utterly cooked meth head sitting outside my window watching me (just in general), let alone if it was an ex and I had the kids and they probably wished harm on me or percieved me as standing in the way of the kids. **** knows what they could do. That could easily get very nasty.
He is also involving other parties now by carrying on at his child's school.
That could have been the straw that broke the Judges back.
I know from personal experience its not the nicest thing for kids to see when someone off their head is banging on classroom doors - not saying it has gone that far yet - but it's only a matter of time.
He might be able to discharge the burden on account of him being a heavy user. Which is pretty much what he indicated to the court was going to be his defence. Its not the easiest thing to prove (in his case his celebrity addiction should actually help him).
Most gearheads that don't have a money would be involved in some low level dealing, at least partially that's how they fund it.
At around $500 a gram (and from the sounds of it, he's likely used the first few grams already) he's found a few grand somewhere.

I'm going to assume that he hasn't stopped using for a long while now, meaning he must be dealing to support his habit.

Having said that he should be able to convince the court that it was for personal use, due to the severity of his addiction. I imagine he will be doing it pretty tough right now
I'm going to assume that he hasn't stopped using for a long while now, meaning he must be dealing to support his habit.

Having said that he should be able to convince the court that it was for personal use, due to the severity of his addiction. I imagine he will be doing it pretty tough right now

You can get gear inside easy enough if you know who to ask. Its gotten tougher with the WA inquest into screws smuggling gear inside but it happens.

He'll have no shortage of offers. Heck I remember years ago in the toilets of Under the Sea in Subiaco many years ago I may have... 'partaken' with Ben. He was super loose back then, and that was when he was in the structured environment of a footy club with drug testers and media everywhere. Him, Gardiner, Fletch, Kerr and Chick were the main offenders (anecdotally).

From what I hear he sort of got his shit together with his new missus for a few years there, then went off the rails again. Its been a constant downwards spiral ever since. In his addled brain I think he genuinely thinks he's the victim here. People in his position generally do (even if deep inside they know the horrible truth).

You cant just acknowledge the demon exists. Thats self evidently obvious. It's fighting the demon thats the hard bit. He should be sitting pretty on a cushy six figure media job at present, and earning revenue from two or three investment properties purchased during his playing days. He knows it. Yet he still presses on this path of self destruction.

Its just ****ed to watch this slow descent into oblivion. I hope he either gets his shit together, or at a minimum he doesnt take anyone else down with him. I dont even think mandatory rehab would work for him either. He's just got one of those intense personalities that makes not being on the gear almost unbearable. If he could figure out how to use his stubborn resolve for self destruction for the opposite effect of getting his shit together he'd be fine, but I honestly dont think thats possible.

Time will tell. I hope I'm wrong, I really do.

Meth needs to be stamped out. I thought smack was bad in the late 80's and early 90's but this crap is a whole different level.
Re the 8 grams of meth, the legal limit for a charge of possession of Meth is under 2 grams. Over this amount and the law presumes an intent to sell or supply the drug (the evidentiary burden is shifted to the accused to prove they were not in possession of 2 grams plus with the intent to sell or supply the drug).

He might be able to discharge the burden on account of him being a heavy user. Which is pretty much what he indicated to the court was going to be his defence. Its not the easiest thing to prove (in his case his celebrity addiction should actually help him).

I have no problems believing that the gear was for his own personal use.
Does Meth have a time frame in which it would lose its potency? I mean 8 grams seems like a lot given the street value would be close to 5k.

If there is no 'best before' date when it comes to the drug then you would think he could be just storing it up for his own use
Does Meth have a time frame in which it would lose its potency? I mean 8 grams seems like a lot given the street value would be close to 5k.

If there is no 'best before' date when it comes to the drug then you would think he could be just storing it up for his own use
As long as it's sealed and kept at a normal temperature it would last a very long time.

8 grams? FMD, junkies don't have weight like that laying around, he was dealing.
Does Meth have a time frame in which it would lose its potency? I mean 8 grams seems like a lot given the street value would be close to 5k.

Not that Im aware of.

He'd run through 8 grams in a week or two. And be utterly (like totally) scattered off his mind as well. He'd just be jibbering total shit if you spoke to him.

From experience, the crap just has you thinking totally insane shit that seems totally reasonable to you at the time. Couple that with not sleeping for weeks and you're literally off with the faeries. Youre not hallucinating per se (like with acid or mushies) but you just kind of become a paranoid schitzophrenic. If you didnt know any better youd swear someone on it for a while was psychotic from a casual interaction.

For many, that paranoid psychosis doesnt go away either.

Thats not the worst of it. The come down is the worst bit. Its a three day come down (during which you feel run down, and like crap generally, and cant sleep) from even the smallest session the day before. You'll want more during that come down to avoid feeling like shit (maintain the high and stave off the come down). If you're not smart in this period, you'll have more.

Its not like 'one hit and you're hooked' but it is dangerous to mess with. I can easily see how dudes get hooked.

Its not like the come down from flips or MDMA (which is like just being slightly depressed for a day or two). With gear, you literally feel like you've been run over by a car, and are completely scattered (largely from the lack of sleep for days). You cant sleep it off either like you would with a hangover (it takes days for your sleep patterns to return to anything resembling normal).

At the frequency and volume Ben is on the gear, his come downs would be pure hell. He's having a very rough time at present not only dealing with that, but also having his senses return to him and realising what he's done and where he finds himself. He'll no doubt want to escape from that reality as soon as possible. And the cycle will continue.

Its a killer of a drug.
As long as it's sealed and kept at a normal temperature it would last a very long time.

8 grams? FMD, junkies don't have weight like that laying around, he was dealing.

I agree junkies live day to day, he isn't walking around with 8 gms unless he is low level dealing
Not that Im aware of.

He'd run through 8 grams in a week or two. And be utterly (like totally) scattered off his mind as well. He'd just be jibbering total shit if you spoke to him.

From experience, the crap just has you thinking totally insane shit that seems totally reasonable to you at the time. Couple that with not sleeping for weeks and you're literally off with the faeries. Youre not hallucinating per se (like with acid or mushies) but you just kind of become a paranoid schitzophrenic. If you didnt know any better youd swear someone on it for a while was psychotic from a casual interaction.

For many, that paranoid psychosis doesnt go away either.

Thats not the worst of it. The come down is the worst bit. Its a three day come down (during which you feel run down, and like crap generally, and cant sleep) from even the smallest session the day before. You'll want more during that come down to avoid feeling like shit (maintain the high and stave off the come down). If you're not smart in this period, you'll have more.

Its not like 'one hit and you're hooked' but it is dangerous to mess with. I can easily see how dudes get hooked.

Its not like the come down from flips or MDMA (which is like just being slightly depressed for a day or two). With gear, you literally feel like you've been run over by a car, and are completely scattered (largely from the lack of sleep for days). You cant sleep it off either like you would with a hangover (it takes days for your sleep patterns to return to anything resembling normal).

At the frequency and volume Ben is on the gear, his come downs would be pure hell. He's having a very rough time at present not only dealing with that, but also having his senses return to him and realising what he's done and where he finds himself. He'll no doubt want to escape from that reality as soon as possible. And the cycle will continue.

Its a killer of a drug.

Sounds like fun, I used to do pills and speed back in the day but luckily this shit came into vogue after I started a family and had pulled my head in ( debateable ) Mondays were hell but nothing like what you described.

i hope and pray my kids stay away from the shit
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