Ben Cousins in Intensive Care

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Why don't we release your medical records? It really is none of your business.

Seriously there are some real arseholes out there.

Because he is a recovering addict. It's pretty simple, in his situation he should not be given the benefit of the doubt. Ask anyone who has dealt with addicts.

I hope it is just a reaction to sleeping tablets but he does not get the benefit of the doubt.
Stupid Post is STUPID !

FFS why do you need to know about his medical history ?

It is nobody's business especially yours... :thumbsdown:

I hope Ben gets well soon and continues to play good footy :thumbsu:

And if he has lapsed is it in his interests for no one to know? The records should be released to the AFL doctor. It has to be looked into.

You are all so 'worried' about him, what if he has relapsed? Would it be in 'his' interests for it to not come out?
Because he is a recovering addict. It's pretty simple, in his situation he should not be given the benefit of the doubt. Ask anyone who has dealt with addicts.

I hope it is just a reaction to sleeping tablets but he does not get the benefit of the doubt.

What is the fact that he is a recovering drug addict got to do with his medical records being released, last time I checked a person regardless of what he does for a living is still entitled to privacy. I have no doubt that the AFL will be on to it and is more than likely that access to his medical records would be one of the conditions that was imposed but as far as making it available to all and sundry is nothing more than a fanciful notion.

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And if he has lapsed is it in his interests for no one to know? The records should be released to the AFL doctor. It has to be looked into.

You are all so 'worried' about him, what if he has relapsed? Would it be in 'his' interests for it to not come out?

Cousins is drug tested three times during the week plus game day ... every week , how could he relapse without the AFL knowing under that testing regime ! With his current health condition its not the point right now :rolleyes:
Cousins is drug tested three times during the week plus game day ... every week , how could he relapse without the AFL knowing under that testing regime ! With his current health condition its not the point right now :rolleyes:

I'm sorry but I don't believe him. He lied for years about what he was up to, that's the nature of an addict. There are already holes in the story, his girlfriend tried to wake him at 10.45. Don't they do recovery sessions at Richmond?

I wonder how many of you would extend an addict this sympathy if he was not an AFL footballer?
Will Cousins release his medical records of this visit when he is well?

Sorry but given his past I think this is very suspect. Medical records are confidential so unless he agrees to release them we will never know.

How depressing that you think you have any sort of right to demand it. Filthy bogan.

goodness me, the guy is in ICU sedated.....A bit of respect for him and his family and loved ones.

No matter what occured to get him there, you don't get admitted to ANY ICU, be sedated without their being a serious risk to your coming out of the Unit.

please stop this pathetic argy bargy stuff.
Anyone else see the unfortunate synchro slip on ABC TV news tonight?

Newsreader pauses for the next item, and then:

Graphic/visual behind her comes up: the Cousins story in hospital

Newsreader audio: she reads the story about some Aussie busted in Bali for cocaine


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goodness me, the guy is in ICU sedated.....A bit of respect for him and his family and loved ones.

No matter what occured to get him there, you don't get admitted to ANY ICU, be sedated without their being a serious risk to your coming out of the Unit.

please stop this pathetic argy bargy stuff.

Yeah like posters in an internet forum will have any influence on the outcome. I am raising issues that are sure to be raised in the coming days in the media. If this is a 'get well Benny thread' change the title, but I thought it was a general discussion.
I smell a rat.
The only facts are is we will never find out the facts.
Okay lets just presume he has slipped up out with the boys celebrating a great win, its bound to happen to most recoving addicts in that kind of environment.
The odd scare or two might keep in check why he doesnt want become involved heavily again, dont forget Ben is only human and there's a high percentage of addicts that would've been floating face down in a river by now so i give hime credit for where he has come so far.
Its a great effort for some one to play AFL and even a bigger effort for some a recovering druggo to be playing.
I smell a rat.
The only facts are is we will never find out the facts.
Okay lets just presume he has slipped up out with the boys celebrating a great win, its bound to happen to most recoving addicts in that kind of environment.
The odd scare or two might keep in check why he doesnt want become involved heavily again, dont forget Ben is only human and there's a high percentage of addicts that would've been floating face down in a river by now so i give hime credit for where he has come so far.
Its a great effort for some one to play AFL and even a bigger effort for some a recovering druggo to be playing.

If it is your intention to come across as a blinkered, unintelligent, bigoted pig, then I would like to congratulate you on your startling achievement.:thumbsu:
"80 percent of addicts and alcoholics will relapse within one year of rehabilitation. Just 20 percent are successful after rehab."

what makes you think cousins is in the minority?

imo, there is nothing to suggest he is or ever has been clean...

people are so forgiving...
what is there to forgive? i have honestly not been harmed by ben cousins actions
"80 percent of addicts and alcoholics will relapse within one year of rehabilitation. Just 20 percent are successful after rehab."

what makes you think cousins is in the minority?

imo, there is nothing to suggest he is or ever has been clean...

people are so forgiving...

Luckily yea, coz we'd be F'ed with out dids and shaw!
"80 percent of addicts and alcoholics will relapse within one year of rehabilitation. Just 20 percent are successful after rehab."

what makes you think cousins is in the minority?

imo, there is nothing to suggest he is or ever has been clean...

people are so forgiving...
forgiving for what

alot of people see adictions as some sort of illlness rather that treating them the same as murdders as some do

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Ben Cousins in Intensive Care

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