Ben Cousins in Intensive Care

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diazepam ie valium is in the same group as temazepam ( a sleeping tablet).
ie bennies. used in conjunction with any other drug can be lethal.especially if tolerance is an issue.

Diazepam isnt gonna be prescribed by the Richmond doctors... If it is well the AFL should step in and sack them. Dont wanna name the drug the players actually take but its not on the level of Diazepam which is literally just a tranquilizer
now its being reported that he may not have been in intensive care at all.the media just seem to make things up .time will tell what the truth is.:(

clearly not in the scene... you need to get out more...

plenty of people addicted to over the counter meds such as sleeping pills and pain relief, which when taken in large enough doses, deliver a effective high....

lol "not in the scene". i have my credentials here.

xanax and other benzos are not 'sleeping pills'. it's more likely to be ambien or sonata or something, which i guess can have a deleriant effect like cough syrup, but you'd be hard pressed to call it 'recreational'

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Diazepam isnt gonna be prescribed by the Richmond doctors... If it is well the AFL should step in and sack them. Dont wanna name the drug the players actually take but its not on the level of Diazepam which is literally just a tranquilizer
Diazepam in isolation can be taken in quite large amounts. It is also effective to prevent panic attacks.
Can I ask a question that someone with the applicable knowledge can answer. I ask this question, admittedly, out of ignorance, but the question is this: should someone with a history of abusing narcotics and drugs of dependence like Ben Cousins be using sleeping tablets?

Short answer, no. I've been to a lot of NA meetings over the years & that is a big no no. Swap the Witch for the Bitch, it's all the same thing.
Interesting it's Collingwood supporters laying the boot in most of all.

Just another reason why it'll be sweet watching them lose a preliminary final again this year.

mate I was the first one to give that pies supporter a clip for his bullshit comments.

God the generalisations on here shit me to tears!!!! :mad::mad:

cousins is a professional athlete, he'd have a massive tolerance to drugs given his weight/metabolism... let alone his proven track record of excessive drug use...

would take a baseball bat to knock this guy out...

I take it you are unaware of tolerance and how it works?

Once a person has done rehab and is clean, this is when death occurs if they use again. they have no tolerance.

as he is being tested weekly, he would have no he is not using.
so saying he has a massive tolerance is pure rubbish.
Can I ask a question that someone with the applicable knowledge can answer. I ask this question, admittedly, out of ignorance, but the question is this: should someone with a history of abusing narcotics and drugs of dependence like Ben Cousins be using sleeping tablets?

Exactly, he shouldn't be using them at all. I think this is the real issue.

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First was the report that Delidio had his arm broken when rushed off the ground - 10 mins later he is back on and starring.

Then the report that Andy Collins was "knocked out cold" and 5 mins later kicks two match winning goals.

Now the report that Benny is rushed to intensive care. Maybe he will come out and star against the dockers on the weekend.

Tough mob at Tigerland or sensationlist knee jerk reaction reporting?

Agree with this

Hope he is ok
Yes. No one abuses sleeping tablets. They make you feel terrible. If they have codeine or are valium then thats a different story however

Aint that the truth.

I once took them after being presrcibed by a doctor and they sure make you sleep but you wake up in the monring feeling awful, heavy and a feeling of being bruised and hungover.
WTF!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Are you serious???


if prior to detox and rehab, they say used a 1/2 g of heroin, when they used.

AFTER rehab, this often kills them, as they have NO tolerance to heroin anymore.
same goes for other drugs. most people are polydrug users, a rare bird who only uses on substance.
seen it many times unfortunately. a few weeks ago the most recent, thank goodness for narcan in the clinic.

if prior to detox and rehab, they say used a 1/2 g of heroin, when they used.

AFTER rehab, this often kills them, as they have NO tolerance to heroin anymore.
same goes for other drugs. most people are polydrug users, a rare bird who only uses on substance.
seen it many times unfortunately. a few weeks ago the most recent, thank goodness for narcan in the clinic.
See Sid Vicious's death for a famous example of this happening
WTF!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Are you serious???
I know what he's saying, and he's right to a point. He's just oversimplified and also hasn't taken into account that really that only applies when they go back onto their drug of choice, and it's a narcotic with a lower OD threshold than most other drugs (ie. heroin)..

So basically, completely irrelevant to this situation.

if prior to detox and rehab, they say used a 1/2 g of heroin, when they used.

AFTER rehab, this often kills them, as they have NO tolerance to heroin anymore.
same goes for other drugs. most people are polydrug users, a rare bird who only uses on substance.
seen it many times unfortunately. a few weeks ago the most recent, thank goodness for narcan in the clinic.

You're talking about injecting H versus bombing/snorting/smoking coke/meth and you are saying if an addict goes back to using the same amount right before they detoxed they might die...well no shit sherlock, a 5 year old would realise that and any druggie that didn't deserves a Darwin award.

You obviously wont need nearly as much. Same as if you take a bit of coke on the weekends and then stop for a few weeks/months.....


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Ben Cousins in Intensive Care

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