Rumour Ben King 2023

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Putting aside the apparent ‘romance’ of having twins play together, any fair dinkum St.Kilda supporter knows we need quality mids, not a slightly less talented clone of a player we already have. For all our many deficiencies, we are well served in the forward half. But aside from Jack Steele, our midfield is very bland. BK always indicated he was going to stay so not sure why so many posters thought otherwise.
Saints Fans rn:
"We don't need him anyway"
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Any team would “want” Ben King. He is exceptional talent. However does St. Kilda need him? In my view the need for a quality mid (or two) or an emerging ruck to give Marshall a chop out is a far more pressing priority. Would love to have him at the Saints. But would personally prefer a Taranto, Butters or other quality mid if they were gettable.

No doubt there are many St.Kilda supporters and some from other clubs wiping egg of their face based on so called "good mail". I hope he has a long a distinguished career at the Suns and they can replay his loyalty by making finals at some stage soon.

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Putting aside the apparent ‘romance’ of having twins play together, any fair dinkum St.Kilda supporter knows we need quality mids, not a slightly less talented clone of a player we already have. For all our many deficiencies, we are well served in the forward half. But aside from Jack Steele, our midfield is very bland. BK always indicated he was going to stay so not sure why so many posters thought otherwise.

HAHAHA Sensational.

I am however, personally looking forward to seeing how Ben Kings brother goes next Friday against a depleted Collingwood defence.
Asked if he could see himself staying at Gold Coast for his entire career, the fourth-year forward replied: “Yeah, definitely, I love this group of lads. I’m really confident with where the club is heading, so for sure”.

I was always confident I was going to re-sign, it was just when. When I came back (to Melbourne) I had a chance to reflect on everything and I thought it was the perfect time to make the decision,” King said.

“I love leaving out of home and being a bit more independent and forging that separate identity from my brother as well.”
since when am i all saints fans or since when was my post excluding them from it. how was me stating that i think he will stay a sun bullshit or me trying to highlight to people they were making too many assumptions bullshit either.

you've been going harder at this than the majority of saints fans though. you were convinced he was going for 2 first rounders at a minimum.
Just admit the "inside mail" was all BS and let's all move on.
I've said one thing and one thing only.

If BK becomes a Saint in 2023, and this is a very big IF, the Saints will be paying market rates.

Your nuffie supporters who think he's going to come cheap because "brother" are delusional.

So wouldn't be too cocky and smug if I were you.

Maybe just try and make the finals this season rather than pullin Ur pudding for another "Messiah" to save the club.

I thought you were getting Martin a few years back because he was a Saints fan as a kid or Jack reiwoldt because "cousin"?

Then it was Josh Kelly (a Saints local apparently). Remember that?

The bigfooty saints fan track record ain't great when it comes to this stuff so I'd be keeping my head down..

Most likely immediate outcome is a two year contract at the Suns.

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Asked if he could see himself staying at Gold Coast for his entire career, the fourth-year forward replied: “Yeah, definitely, I love this group of lads. I’m really confident with where the club is heading, so for sure”.

I was always confident I was going to re-sign, it was just when. When I came back (to Melbourne) I had a chance to reflect on everything and I thought it was the perfect time to make the decision,” King said.

“I love leaving out of home and being a bit more independent and forging that separate identity from my brother as well.”
It's a great sign, but he has only tacked on a couple of years. He will definitely review again at the end of the end of the next contract, but I can foresee Gold Coast pushing on and finally making a finals appearance in the next few seasons. They just need to keep the group together.

Agree there are plenty of players happy to move interstate and prefer to move away from Melbourne. I know both Ainsworth and Rayner both wanted to head to QLD. King might not have wanted to head up initially, but has adapted well and likes the club.

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