You can say that you dont pay players as much as you want, you can even believe that you dont pay players but if you think that im gunna believe the crap coming from you, you proberly are as stupid as i think you are. If there is one thing that is true, i would think it was when some club say they dont pay players they do. Are V/T trying to win a flag or not. V/T pay players, who really cares but dont and say that they dont.
Call me stupid,whos the one that spells the word probably like you do hey ********,also if you read the tread properly,which would be a task in itself you would see l said bugger all which does not mean none at all, it means not much which is the case when compared to alot of other clubs in the KDFL.If the money was there we PROBABLY would spend more but at this stage it is all about survival and not flags as lm sure clubs like Devenish would now understand...