Big Footy Book Club

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Did you finish it?
I did, very enjoyable albeit stretching plausibility a bit by the end. It’s not high literature but it’s a fun, mass market story, I can see why it’s popular and they are making it into a TV show. Also good that it reignites some interest in the classic detective story.

Interestingly, I think I preferred the second book, maybe it’s because I read it first. Interested in the opinions of anyone else who has read both.
I did, very enjoyable albeit stretching plausibility a bit by the end. It’s not high literature but it’s a fun, mass market story, I can see why it’s popular and they are making it into a TV show. Also good that it reignites some interest in the classic detective story.

Interestingly, I think I preferred the second book, maybe it’s because I read it first. Interested in the opinions of anyone else who has read both.
I found the second much less jarring. The constant referral to the reader in book one was offputting and it took me out of the story.

I did enjoy both for the most part though. He writes well, there is good - and clever - humour in each book, and the chracters are pretty likable.

I think I liked book two more than one.
I finished this last week.

A very heavy, confronting and emotional read. It is literally just quotes of people from first responders, survivors, family members of victims, and politicians who were involved on the day.

It is very good but it's very sad.


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I've lost my reading mojo :( was reading 2 or so books a week this year, having a s**t time of it and can't concentrate now. Need something very lighthearted to get back into it. Any recos?
Thursday Murder Club series is a treat.
I read this. It was pretty average. Premise was good, execution was poor and so many things were implausible.



This however was wonderful. A much darker and serious tone at times compared to the previous books in this series. PLenty of moments that still made me chuckle, but overall feel differed from the last three. I questioned my own mortality a lot and the perspective it gave not only on death, but life too was thought provoking.

The mystery our gang investigage was second fiddle in this installment. Something else much larger is at play and if you've read the other books, it's difficult not to be emotionally invested in the outcome.

This book will definitely leave an impact on me. I'll read it again. I'll recommend it endlessly. And I'll think about it fondly.

"There's nothing that makes you feel more alive than the certainty of death."

Just finished 'Say Nothing'. Centres around an IRA murder of a single mother of 10 who was believed to be an informer. Branches off into the stories of some of the players involved in the disappearance. Gerry Adams does not come out of this book looking good at all. Bit of a kicker of an ending that you don't see coming, but was obvious once you know about it.
Best book I've read regarding The Troubles, very hard to put down.
Was the best book i read in 2022. I thought the protrait of Gerry Adams' transformation from who he needed to be to run an insurrection, to who he needed to be to run a government was fascinating.
Was the best book i read in 2022. I thought the protrait of Gerry Adams' transformation from who he needed to be to run an insurrection, to who he needed to be to run a government was fascinating.
The ANC are facing up to those problems in South Africa too, the transition from a liberation movement to a political one is a very difficult.
Finished We Own This City (HBO series of the same name is excellent).
You shpuld give The Force by Don Winslow a go. When I read it, it felt like The Wire crossed with the sinister factional politics of Game of Thrones.

Then i watched We Own This City and realised it must have been inspired by that story. Eerily similar, with the drama pumped up multiple notches. Great read.
Slightly off topic, but my first ever short story got published today in Issue 172 of Aurealis Magazine ( )!

Just US$2.99 (~AU$4.50) for three stories, three essays and a bunch of book reviews. If you feel like supporting an independent, Australian science fiction magazine, please give them a look.
Finished this recently. Last quarter of the book really elevated it, the rest of it was OK, not terrible, but not great.

It tells the story of a person who goes missing and his step sister is trying to find him. However the book is told through six (!) different persepctvies and at times was difficult to follow. Coupled with the fact no character was particularly likable did make it difficult at times to be fully invested in the final outcome.

It did drag at times, and it felt like nothing happened for portions of the story and there were moments when I felt bored.

There were positives thoughl the atmosphere was great, some scenes had plenty of tension and I genuinely wanted to know what happened next.


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Slightly off topic, but my first ever short story got published today in Issue 172 of Aurealis Magazine ( )!

Just US$2.99 (~AU$4.50) for three stories, three essays and a bunch of book reviews. If you feel like supporting an independent, Australian science fiction magazine, please give them a look.
Congratulations! Do you prefer writing sci-fi or have you tried other topics?

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Congratulations! Do you prefer writing sci-fi or have you tried other topics?
Thanks very much!

Generally science fiction, but definitely with a thriller/action bent. I have a fantasy novel drafted and tucked neatly in the bottom drawer. I don't even want to think about how much effort it will take to get it up to a publishable standard haha.
Thanks very much!

Generally science fiction, but definitely with a thriller/action bent. I have a fantasy novel drafted and tucked neatly in the bottom drawer. I don't even want to think about how much effort it will take to get it up to a publishable standard haha.
Keep going!
Not at this stage, mate.

He is in a class of his own, and has plenty of books to choose from. I've got The Death Sculptor waiting to be read - one of his early books. You've inspired me, might start it soon!
Does he have (m)any that can be read as stand alones that you'd recommend?
Just finished this, a murder mystery wrapped in a science fiction story. It started a little slow but once I got a feel for the characters, it became an easy read. Maybe didn’t stick the landing perfectly but it was still good. Apparently, the author’s ambition is to write a different genre of murder mystery each time, so I might check out his earlier work.

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One of the best, and one of my favourite books I've read this year.

Never read anything by Candice Fox before, but I'll definitely be reading more of her stuff, I found this hard to put down a lot of the time.

It's about a family whose daugther went missing - beleived drowned - and the case has gone cold. So, they take matters into their own hands and take hostages in an FBI lab and threaten to destroy evidence in cases that only has one DNA sample linked to it.

It's freakin' fantastic.



This is about the #metoo scandal. It's pretty ****ed up what people got away with, and the journalistic investigation that was done to get to the bottom of things is commendable.

It's very good, but messed up, but also worth the read


On a crime kick, finished Stuart McBride's latest Scottish crime thriller, intriguing premise, interesting characters, very readable, does seem to be a potentially deliberate attempt to crack the US market.


Almost finished Karin Slaughter's This is Why We Lied, interesting character work as always, though the scenarios are becoming less plausible with each passing book. The main characters just keep accidentally finding themselves in the middle of a murder.


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Big Footy Book Club

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