Player Watch Billy Dowling - Re-Signed to End of 2026

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Must be because he's friends with that controversial internet guy

He even kind of looks like Jordan Peterson there!


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Bit of the Jarryd Lyons about him.
His game highlighted what a bunch of ****heads our coaches are and some of our posters on here morons.

Carving it up in the SANFL. Made to wait until we get injuries. Performs better than McHenry and Murphy have all year. This despite not even playing in his position. Not one CBA? You bunch of cowards.
Bit of the Jarryd Lyons about him.
I thought the same thing, he even looks like him.

Very good first game for Billy. Stuck on the half forward all night and stall manages 17 disposals and a goal. Knows how to find the footy. We need to get him into the midfield rotations ASAP.

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Settle down, settle down. Decent debut. But without raining on the kid’s parade, we’ve been here before with most debutants.

Massive issue is his disposal. It means he has to become elite at just about everything else if he can’t fix it. Anyone with an issue with this hasn’t been watching him in the SANFL.

Go and prove me wrong, young lad.
Happy with his game. Didn't do anything wrong (the kick on the full was beautiful and may cost nicks his job), but wasn't amazing. Yes he found the ball. But was mostly running to the right spots, mark and long kicks down the line.

Not having a go at him but when you're not given any midfield opportunity its hard to see what else he has
Billy played a very good game. Buried on the HFF with some rotations on the wing, he did about as well as could be expected.
His kicking has a little bit too much air time and needs to be lowered a bit, but other than that he made good decisions with ball in hand. Should have had two direct goal assists (if Sholl and Murphy didn't drop sitters) and 2 goals of his own.

We didn't get to see it in this game, but one of the things that stood out to me in the SANFL was his ability to release the ball from the inside of a contest to the advantage of those on the outside. Not just a panicked handball, but a cutting, attacking handball.

He needs to play the rest of the season and play more and more midfield time.

He's an AFL player. And a handy one. You can see it.

At least we can see it - Nicks on the other hand....
His game highlighted what a bunch of ****heads our coaches are and some of our posters on here morons.

Carving it up in the SANFL. Made to wait until we get injuries. Performs better than McHenry and Murphy have all year. This despite not even playing in his position. Not one CBA? You bunch of cowards.
Having talent like Dowling sitting in the 2nds while shit-trucks like McHenry and Murphy are gifted games is going to be one of the most bewildering legacies of Nicks.

Nicks is the guy who answers the cries of stop-hitting-yourself by winding his punches up even further.

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