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BDAFL rep side squad up on website, few surprises, mine bein tim eather, kicks 14 goals in one game, cant even get into the squad, think he deserves at least a look in.
BDAFL rep side squad up on website, few surprises, mine bein tim eather, kicks 14 goals in one game, cant even get into the squad, think he deserves at least a look in.

he kicked 14 against NB, and 0 against warners bay. And he's not going to get a key forwards positions over Ryan, Flynn, Kemp, QKnight or White.
Rep side looks pretty solid to me, 1 bloke who i think is unlucky is matt walsh of Wyong. He carves up the middle or on the wing even against the top teams and he beats 2 or 3 every time he gets the ball!

I think he should be given a shot in the squad at least to get the chance to show he's as good if not better than others particularly with that talent around him.

Also Spencer from Nelly prob should at least get to have a session with the 'big boys' if nothing else it could only be positive forsome of the 'lower' teams to take something back with them;)

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Agree with you noodles. Walsh is probably one of the most underrated players in the comp. Every time ive seen him play hes got a stack of kicks and is really hard at it. Timmy wouldnt mind not getting picked, frees a Saturday arvo up for gettin on the punt so im sure he isnt too disappointed! I reckon Brunckhorst with 29 goals in 4 games is unlucky as well, Brad Spencer should have got a look in before Brassington, Braedon Jones and Polglaise in my opinion because hes been Nelson Bays best player for the past year and is proven in 1st grade as opposed to these 3 who have only played 1 or 2 games in senior footy. I see Snelling is in the squad as well, last I heard was he had a long term injury and would miss most of the season??? Still apart from those 3 young blokes and Tim Jessop there are no real surprises in the squad.
Watched Snelling play on the weekend against Cardiff. He was against another bloke 6 inches taller and never lost a contest. AFter Saturday's display certainly deserves to be there.
Also on another note, watched young Tim Jessop play when they lost by 201, was the stand out player for Lake Macquarie. Ran all night many clean and crucial touches and I will go out on a limb here by saying that without him another 6 - 8 goals would have been kicked by the Hawks.
Spencer certainly should be in the squad , although not sure how he pulled up after the late cheap shot he received behind play against the Dogs.
Thanks Deitzy i think you have got a good footy brain on you, and can see past who somebody playes for maybe you should be a selector, but i guess they cant pick everyone!

I spose Blake is unlucky cos its not like yous play Nelly every week, he scored consistantly and as for Snelling if i can get off work this weekend il know where he is at as il b up against him;)

He does have a huge jump on him-think il b 50-50 in a contest especially if he isn;t 100% but i reckon he really gives a team something around the ground(unlike me and a lot of other hacks).Most think that all they have to do is the ball-up lol
Agree with you noodles. Walsh is probably one of the most underrated players in the comp. Every time ive seen him play hes got a stack of kicks and is really hard at it. Timmy wouldnt mind not getting picked, frees a Saturday arvo up for gettin on the punt so im sure he isnt too disappointed! I reckon Brunckhorst with 29 goals in 4 games is unlucky as well, Brad Spencer should have got a look in before Brassington, Braedon Jones and Polglaise in my opinion because hes been Nelson Bays best player for the past year and is proven in 1st grade as opposed to these 3 who have only played 1 or 2 games in senior footy. I see Snelling is in the squad as well, last I heard was he had a long term injury and would miss most of the season??? Still apart from those 3 young blokes and Tim Jessop there are no real surprises in the squad.

As I understand it Walsh played for Belconnen in Canberra before moving up to the Central Coast a few years ago. I also think he played in the SANFL in the late 90's for a season or two. If a player with his speed and skills cant get a game in the squad it must be pretty strong. I would have him on the wing in my team any day.
Monkey, not sure where u got your info about Spence getting taken out with a late cheap shot, it was a fair bump, both blokes were going flat out at the contest but Brad did get hit high and the umps paid a free kick. There was no malice in it, just one of those things. Especially after speaking to Donny Spencer after the game he said it was a good hit and Brad will be right. The player who bumped Brad is very hard at the footy but definitely isnt a cheap shot merchant. I can see why a few supporters would be upset because he did get knocked out, but it wasnt a reportable incident, all 3 umpires saw it and deemed that a free kick was all it warranted.
The main rumour floating around the league at the moment is that the main instigator behind yelling abuse at the umpires on Saturday at Nelson Bay was the ground manager. Is this true???
If you were at the game, perhaps you could clarify this rampant rumour!
The main rumour floating around the league at the moment is that the main instigator behind yelling abuse at the umpires on Saturday at Nelson Bay was the ground manager. Is this true???
If you were at the game, perhaps you could clarify this rampant rumour!

This comment is as funny as it is sad.
The apparent abuse was so bad that none of the umpires heard it.
I should know cos I was one of them!!!
As for the bump. I paid the free kick, it was nothing more and nothing less to be honest. If he didn't have the ball you could deem it to have been a charge but he had the ball, he had every right to be tackled or bumped. It was just unfortunate that the bump was slightly high due to the size difference of the players involved.
Might I also add the late cheap shot behind play was a VERY POOR description of the incident. Got a funny feeling the person who told you this monk was quite inebriated when the incident occurred or wasn't there in the first place... Very harsh.
unluckiest bloke not to make the rep team is definately ben stewart, he has been cardiffs best player in just about all their games this season and can play anywhere on the field

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There once was an Indian who had only one
testicle, and whose given name was 'Onestone'. He hated that name and
asked everyone not to call him Onestone.

After years and years of torment, Onestone finally
cracked and said,

'If anyone calls me Onestone again I will kill

The word got around and nobody called him that any
more. Then one day a young woman named Blue Bird forgot and said, 'Good
morning, Onestone.'

He jumped up, grabbed her and took her deep into
the forest where he made love to her all day and all night.

He made love to her all the next day, until Blue
Bird died from exhaustion.

The word got around that Onestone meant what he
promised he would do.

Years went by and no one dared call him by his
given name until a woman named Yellow Bird returned to the village after
being away.

Yellow Bird, who was Blue Bird's cousin, was
overjoyed when she saw Onestone.

She hugged him and said, 'Good to see you,

Onestone grabbed her, took her deep into the
forest, then he made love to her all day, made love to her all night, made
love to her all the next day, made love to her all the next night, but
Yellow Bird wouldn't die!

What is the moral of this story?????

OH, Come on...take a guess!

(You're going to love this!)

Very simply, the moral is..................

Its interesting to see Liam Gibson from Cardiff named in the Rep squad considering he has been injured for most of the season. And wasn't expected to be back for another few weeks. :confused:

And how can Chris Gordan make it considering his suspension and pending transfer to St George Crows is going to come in the next few weeks.

Its poor form by the selectors to pick and injured played ahead of players who are inform. :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

Come guys reward the guys that have been putting the hard yards on track.

And if anyone is going to go on about Gibson being a class player I will agree YES he is. But to pick an unfit player who is under an injury cloud from the start of the season. Gibson has a good tank on him but i question he abilitly to run out a full game considering he hasn't played a full game in a while and may be lacking match fitness.

One also tells me that the rep coach also has a bit of input in the players selected in the rep squad. Nice one Dugan :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

Also just on the Cardiff website noticed the moderator put something players sharking other players goals. The player that did that not a team player.

BDAFL Annoucment : Cardiff Hawks has decided to change its name named by depoll after last weeks anticts to the Cardiff Seagulls. Please look at the BDAFL website for an updated draw including the Cardiff name change.

Not sure if he is playing this year, but after viewing last years Grand Final, i think Nathan Chaplin from Killarney vale would be a good utility for the rep team (back pocket, wing, midfield).
Also if Martin Dinneen was at a club where he could play full forward, his name would be mentioned alot more.
Just went past Hawkins saw the real footy posts up, and ground marked (mind you marked with a halfway line eg NAB Cup, and only one centre circle). Could be for the Terrigal-Cardiff game, would it still be Terrigal home game?, City v Nelson Bay swapped from No1 to Dick Burwell, only game for that one with City 18's and McGoo's have the bye, good chance they'll get on. Will be interesting to see who will be seedier on Saturday after ANZAC Day with both teams fielding a fair amount a RAAF-IES, actually it'll be good to see if anyone's sober on Saturday morning! DG is on the move to the doggies, clearance pending.
i can confirm that, his clearance came through the other day and he is on his way to the dogs

everyone at city wishes DG all the best for the rest of this season and for the rest of his footy days. The reason DG gave for leaving was that "he needed a change"
Can confirm Danny Grant has come across. Havent spoken to him yet as I wasnt at training last night but one of the boys confirmed it today. Interesting to see a few names being mentioned with the rep squad. I guess Im of the opinion that its pretty strange to pick blokes who havent played any footy this year, as well as its strange to pick blokes who have only played 1 or 2 games of senior footy. I think when it comes to the crunch, the best 22 seems pretty straightforward out of that squad with only positions to be determined. Would be nice I guess for a few more blokes who have shown pretty good form for a while to get a start over the blokes still eligible for 18s, but I guess the selectors have their reasons.
By the way, spent the day at Riverview college watching the Northern Heat Under 15 and 16 teams play in pretty tough conditions. The Heat boys managed to have Nathan Buckley address them and have a question and answer before the game, had him sit on their bench during the game and give feedback to them when they were sitting off the ground. How good would that be if you were 15 or 16 years old to experience! Both age groups went down but Im sure the boys who were part of it got plenty out of it. I know I did!
yeah these teams are already picked anyway, thats also why there are so many young guys named in the squad. its a good chance for them to get the experience from training at the rep level.
im keen to see though if Dean Crotty makes the team, or even shows up to training. Dugan is coach and there are 7 (maybe 8 if gibson plays) players from Cardiff's winning 2006 prmiership team who will be in the team so it should be interesting to see what happens. i think theres still a fare bit of ill feeling over his move to WB.
On the rep front. the young guys are only there for the experience this year and will not be selected yet, however with no Rawson from City (the only one actually selected to go a step further than Heat) I am confused.

Although not regarded as a premier player in the BDAFL, the move of Danny Grant came as a massive surprise, I beleive City's clubhouse bar is known as the Grant's bar such is the family's standing at the club, so his decision is a pretty big move.

Fantastic about the Heat and the Nathan Buckley contact. Fantastic system, only one question though and lets not get all carried away with the geographics argument, we continually send out kids to the slaughter in these carnivals against squads that have trained as a TEAM, for sometimes up to 3 months. About time we either
A. Just go with Newcastle and Central Coast allowing us to pile heaps of work into them, leaving the other areas to assemble their own squad North for example or
B. Pick the squads much earlier to give our kids a fighting chance.

I feel that our kids development wise have a fantatsic upside compared to some of the other regions, but are missing out badly. We had a Hunter Academy of Sport idea floated, but the push from NSWACT development is about drafting kids and the RAMS, not grass roots regional development an academy structure has provided for over 40 other sports in the Hunter.

I know of some clubs struggling for junior coaches, every guy on this forum plays or played footy as a result of someone sacrificing their time to coach them at junior level.

How about a challenge guys, if time permits go to training early and give a bit back, the smile on a ten year olds face when you tell him he did something really well is worth the effort. Some clubs have plenty of parents around, but they are not football people and therefore have limited knowledge.
yeah these teams are already picked anyway, thats also why there are so many young guys named in the squad. its a good chance for them to get the experience from training at the rep level.
im keen to see though if Dean Crotty makes the team, or even shows up to training. Dugan is coach and there are 7 (maybe 8 if gibson plays) players from Cardiff's winning 2006 prmiership team who will be in the team so it should be interesting to see what happens. i think theres still a fare bit of ill feeling over his move to WB.

From what I hear Crottys fall out came from 2 reasons 1) he had an issue with a certain club figure after he was singled out in a game against KV 2) He didn't really get on with many players in the current playing group.

But I think the move to the Bay has helped Crotty a very underrate player at Cardiff. But since moving to the Bay has been a solid performer week in week out.

But he did give it hawks last year in his 1st game after he made the switch to the Bay.Probably gave Dugan a nightmares... He kicked this beautiful goal from about 50 out swung right to left.. pearler of a goal...As I recall I think he kicked a 3 or 4 that day.

Wonder Dugan is going to go coaching Rep footy this year???

Considering he was pretty outspoken last year towards the umpirers. Just for the record has a rep coach ever been sent off during a rep game ? If not perhaps Dugan might be the first :D:D

So what are the City going to call the Bar now ? if DG has moved on ???? And are his folks likely to pull the pin on the sponsorship of the blues since Danny is no longer playing for them. As I recall DG was club president not so long ago. Any time a player like that moves club , can't help make you wonder what is going on behind the scenes..

From my knowledge the Grants have taken a backward step over the last few season from the Club. Barbara Grant was a long time board member of the City Football Club...

But I think the move to the Bay will be positive for DG he should enjoying playing a new brand of footy. And I wish DG all the best :thumbsu::thumbsu:
From what I hear Crottys fall out came from 2 reasons 1) he had an issue with a certain club figure after he was singled out in a game against KV 2) He didn't really get on with many players in the current playing group.

But I think the move to the Bay has helped Crotty a very underrate player at Cardiff. But since moving to the Bay has been a solid performer week in week out.

But he did give it hawks last year in his 1st game after he made the switch to the Bay.Probably gave Dugan a nightmares... He kicked this beautiful goal from about 50 out swung right to left.. pearler of a goal...As I recall I think he kicked a 3 or 4 that day.

Wonder Dugan is going to go coaching Rep footy this year???

Considering he was pretty outspoken last year towards the umpirers. Just for the record has a rep coach ever been sent off during a rep game ? If not perhaps Dugan might be the first :D:D

So what are the City going to call the Bar now ? if DG has moved on ???? And are his folks likely to pull the pin on the sponsorship of the blues since Danny is no longer playing for them. As I recall DG was club president not so long ago. Any time a player like that moves club , can't help make you wonder what is going on behind the scenes..

From my knowledge the Grants have taken a backward step over the last few season from the Club. Barbara Grant was a long time board member of the City Football Club...

But I think the move to the Bay will be positive for DG he should enjoying playing a new brand of footy. And I wish DG all the best :thumbsu::thumbsu:

I am not directly involved with City myself, but have a good knowledge of most of the Newcastle clubs anyway, especially their past years.

I think the move has come about through lack of opportunity with City starting to go more with younger prospects.

Danny Senior was the president last year not DG, so the family is still pretty involved I would say and the bar is named after the parents, not DG.

Any time I have attended Grand Finals, there is always a very strong contingent of old boys there from City and Danny senior is always right amongst them, so I would say he bleeds navy blue what ever happens with junior.

Wouldn't bank on a sponsorship just yet out the bay.
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