Black Diamond AFL

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Keep digging, here you want a bigger shovel. Thought u would back peddle. Shows what type of goose you are. Keep hiding in here giving your insults you'll be right one day maybe. Funny how even your committee members the coach and captain thought we both did a good job at the weekend. Oh thats right u think we are all hasbeens. Shows at what level your mind is at.

I've never pretended to hide who I am. It's pretty obvious who I am and what club I play for. Don't accuse me of hiding on here insulting you. I know who you are, so If I am to run into you I've got no problem telling you what I think...Don't call me a goose and don't patronise me Spinksy. Get a life.
Keep digging, here you want a bigger shovel. Thought u would back peddle. Shows what type of goose you are. Keep hiding in here giving your insults you'll be right one day maybe. Funny how even your committee members the coach and captain thought we both did a good job at the weekend. Oh thats right u think we are all hasbeens. Shows at what level your mind is at.
Didnt know you transferred to City Barto, youve concealed your identity well!
I agree with you about the system, I understand that fully about a tribunal acting on the evidence given to them by a umpire/etc.

But it seems on this forum we have a never ending issue with unsatisfied clubs with umpires, the players understand their only doing their best and that if we dont have umpires the games dont go ahead.
But what do umpires do at training?? Do they watch Videos of right and wrong interpretations??

Some interesting games this weekend.

Wyong V terrigal
The Premiership rematch take 2.
and Prehaps 2 floggings.

I seriously agree that the umpires pay too many free kicks on weekends. Last year seemed worse than this year but still there are way to many. I know they wont admit it but thats the way it is.

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I can clearly see why matt bailey got 4 weeks last night....its so simple----his defence was all wrong.
He should have gone to the tribunal claiming to be transferring to cardiff effective immediately, would have been given the green light to be playing for sure!!!!!

I guess that a young player with his head down going the footy who makes minimal contact with the head is much much worse than a punch to the ribs off the ball in front of a full grandstand and 2 umpires!!!
I can clearly see why matt bailey got 4 weeks last night....its so simple----his defence was all wrong.
He should have gone to the tribunal claiming to be transferring to cardiff effective immediately, would have been given the green light to be playing for sure!!!!!

I guess that a young player with his head down going the footy who makes minimal contact with the head is much much worse than a punch to the ribs off the ball in front of a full grandstand and 2 umpires!!!

Boo hoo. If you stopped feeling sorry for yourselves and gave up the jealousy, Warners Bay might actually win a few games.
Hi guys I have some bad news. I hope you are sitting down.

Don't know how best to put this but at 2.16pm today, my brother, PP, was red carded.

The Salsher family is deeply saddened by this tragic event. As you may be aware, PP was battling with good taste and common decency and it was the character of him that he went down fighting, his last post attacking Usingtheforce would be his last.

His family would like to all thank all those who have already sent their condolences and prayers. It is heartening to know that he will be in the prayers of so many.

The Lake Macquarie Football Club will this week wear black armbands in memory of PP and will also observe a minutes silence before the match.

The Salsher family have asked that their privacy will be respected in this time of grieving.

peace, and much love to you
bb salsher

Keep digging, here you want a bigger shovel. Thought u would back peddle. Shows what type of goose you are. Keep hiding in here giving your insults you'll be right one day maybe. Funny how even your committee members the coach and captain thought we both did a good job at the weekend. Oh thats right u think we are all hasbeens. Shows at what level your mind is at.


It looks like you are trying to make a witty response.

Would you like to know how?

Keep digging, here you want a bigger shovel. Thought u would back peddle. Shows what type of goose you are. Keep hiding in here giving your insults you'll be right one day maybe. Funny how even your committee members the coach and captain thought we both did a good job at the weekend. Oh thats right u think we are all hasbeens. Shows at what level your mind is at.


It looks like you are trying to make a witty response.

Would you like to know how?

Having coached Matt at Rep level I feel sorry for him becasue I know what a fair player he is ...

The tribunal system desperately needs to adopt the current points system as used by the the AFL. Although it is not perfect it at least accounts for a good record, reduced penalties for pleading guilty (i.e. acknowledging that guilt is there and accepting a penalty), and also accounts for a bad record.

The prescribed penalty system can still be retained, as it is reasonably fair and achieves the goal of not tying up people in tribunals every week.

BDAFL take note - we are not happy!!!!
Boo hoo. If you stopped feeling sorry for yourselves and gave up the jealousy, Warners Bay might actually win a few games.

You would think you'd be supportive of your fellow club member but apparently not! When you compare what happened to this player with the Ryan situation, it's clear there's something wrong with the BDAFL's disciplinary system.

Now, I'm the first to admit I don't know enough about rule technicalities to make a judgement about the adequacy of the ruling in this case, but it's apparent there is a significant level of dissatisfaction with the system and that's not positive for the league as a whole. If the determination of the tribunal hinges largely on the memory of one person, then that's not always going to result in a satisfactory outcome. As we've seen in the Ryan situation, the tribunal may not be convened until some time after the game in which the incident was alleged to have happened.

It also doesn't appear the League is prepared to take into account a history of good conduct. There's got to be a balance between punishing players who have behaved badly or negligently, and recognising that contact sports are inherently unpredictable and players cannot control every movement. Especially in a case such as this, where it would seem there was an absence of malicious intent, you'd think they would be more flexible with their offer. If the player was ill advised by his own club, then that's a real shame and compounds the injustice.
Having coached Matt at Rep level I feel sorry for him becasue I know what a fair player he is ...

The tribunal system desperately needs to adopt the current points system as used by the the AFL. Although it is not perfect it at least accounts for a good record, reduced penalties for pleading guilty (i.e. acknowledging that guilt is there and accepting a penalty), and also accounts for a bad record.

The prescribed penalty system can still be retained, as it is reasonably fair and achieves the goal of not tying up people in tribunals every week.

BDAFL take note - we are not happy!!!!

For the people who are involved at committee level at their respective clubs, i believe the league will soon be asking for ideas to take the league forward thru 2009 and beyond same way they have done in the past. With the passion shown here in the forum for a small change to the Tribunal system to take into account good or bad behaviours such as what the AFL has adopted. Put it in writing from your club to forward to the league when this process takes place. There looks like a representative from each club is on this forum so get back to your clubs to draft up the change. The more clubs who put the idea forward the more chance of a change for the better.
I find it hard to beleive all this up roar about some guy from City who used an oppositions head as a bumping bag.

City have been getting suspended since the dawn of Newcastle AFL.

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Just saw on the website that the league realise we have a problem!! thank god it didnt take another 2 clubs to fold:(

Maybe they realise they will have no 1 left to play against, just like the weekend!!
They have taken my idea of a few pages ago...must be watching, but I was shot down in here and prob rightly so. The stronger clubs only look after themselves and who from Cardiff would of played alongside myself in the backs against Ryno and co?:rolleyes:

The Crows were just able to avoid forfeiting, respect that but with 17 playing 18's and a couple backing up, 18 playing 2's and 9 of them backing up/down ans 19 playing 1's with 9 already played... they got my respect but how long they keep that up?

I say bring on Lakes United Wyong and the Crows combined!!!:D

This noodle bloke only comes on here to cry.

Well the real world is out there! Don't get sad. Get even. Sure Wyong are a bunch of tools. But put in on the track and you'll get the results.

Somethings gotta give and when the Magpies realise that they made some mistakes, lost key players because of their arrogance and unwillingness to dip into the back pocket, well so be it....

Better to have loved and lost than to have not loved at all hey?

Well I say its better to have won then lost, then not played at all.

Think about.
Having coached Matt at Rep level I feel sorry for him becasue I know what a fair player he is ...

The tribunal system desperately needs to adopt the current points system as used by the the AFL. Although it is not perfect it at least accounts for a good record, reduced penalties for pleading guilty (i.e. acknowledging that guilt is there and accepting a penalty), and also accounts for a bad record.

The prescribed penalty system can still be retained, as it is reasonably fair and achieves the goal of not tying up people in tribunals every week.

BDAFL take note - we are not happy!!!!


You are not happy. I am happy.

Gun related crime is up 12.5% on last quarter results. And like does the Hunter Valley need another Columbine on their hands.

If it's up to the law enforcement agenices to have more a say in the running of young people extra curricular activities, then so be it.

First its "hitting" kids in the comforts of a footy field. Next its attacking strangers for their money in town on Sat night. Before you know it the kid is rapped with a gun charge and doing time on counts of possession.

Its like what they call a gateway drug.

Like pot is to heroin. Footy thuggery is to manslaughter - or heaven forbid we have another homicide on our hands.

Think about it. But at least i know my kids are growning up in a society where caring for one another IS paramount

You are not happy. I am happy.

Gun related crime is up 12.5% on last quarter results. And like does the Hunter Valley need another Columbine on their hands.

If it's up to the law enforcement agenices to have more a say in the running of young people extra curricular activities, then so be it.

First its "hitting" kids in the comforts of a footy field. Next its attacking strangers for their money in town on Sat night. Before you know it the kid is rapped with a gun charge and doing time on counts of possession.

Its like what they call a gateway drug.

Like pot is to heroin. Footy thuggery is to manslaughter - or heaven forbid we have another homicide on our hands.

Think about it. But at least i know my kids are growning up in a society where caring for one another IS paramount

Spot on Bingo, some of these "humans" should speak for themselves.

I've got nothing but respect for the B.D.A.F.L.

Pehaps some of these people should take a good hard look in the mirror and notice hey presto I talk a lot of crap.

Its a shame to see that the majority of people on this board are either envious of another club, blame injuries for their clubs fortunes or are just angry at the world and have nothing but a negative porogative.

Ask yourselves this, Is lance Armstrong angry at the world? Does Roger Federer blame injuries for his failings? Would a houston gangbanger be envious of a crip or blood?

the answer is no people.

Bingo your on the mark in a big way here.
With the recent turmoil regarding our league I decided to write a song to share hope and inspire our league back to where it should be I call it,


There's a hero if you look inside your League.
You don't have to be Downcast because of what the score is..
There's an answer if you reach into your Boots
and the sorrow that you know will melt away.

And then a BDAFL HERO comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive.

So, when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a BDAFL HERO lies in you.

It's a long game when you face the game alone.
No one reaches out a handball for you to hold.
You can find the footy if you search within yourself
and the lopsided score line you felt will disappear.

And then a BDAFL HERO comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive.

So, when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a BDAFL HERO lies in you.

Lord knows Games are hard to follow,
But don't let anyone Kick lots of goals and get away.
Punch on, there will be tomorrow.
In time you'll find the Winning BDAFL goal..

And then a BDAFL HERO comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive.

So, when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a BDAFL HERO lies in you.
That a black diamond hero lies in you,
that a hero lies in you.

Its a shame to see that the majority of people on this board are either envious of another club, blame injuries for their clubs fortunes or are just angry at the world and have nothing but a negative porogative.

It's a shame you have such a poor command of the English language. This forum is for people to discuss and argue. If you have a problem with that, either engage with them in a polite and respectful way, or don't read the forum at all. That's your prerogative.
It's a shame you have such a poor command of the English language. This forum is for people to discuss and argue. If you have a problem with that, either engage with them in a polite and respectful way, or don't read the forum at all. That's your preretrogative.

Is that Miss BD or Miss Gullible

got ya

Hook, Line & Sinker. :cool:
Oh, Bingo Pete, too much of a coward to leave that comment up? I can't say I'm surprised.

As I said, the purpose of this forum is to discuss and debate. If you're not interested in hearing the point of view of other people and other clubs, then there's a very simple solution: go away.

P.S. Thanks, mysterious RangeRover...
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