Black Diamond AFL

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Cooky the way i understand it and the way it was explained to us was the card system be it right or wrong was the yellow card was used to send off someone to just cool down or if the umpire felt that the accidental action that caused the incident may cause that player to be unfair targeted. A yellow card was not originally suppose to be a report just a warning from what was taught to us. Yes an accident is an accident and that is what the umpire has a split second to see and decide. Was it intentional, or was it accidental and then they have to decide is it a free kick or is it reportable or just a warning hence yellow card.

Mate, you've caught my interest on that comment. So what your saying is that the boys on Saturday who got yellow carded on Saturday were really only cautioned. So their reports are invalid? I'm confused on this point.
Rightio attacking players partners is taking thing to far! I don't know who you are Harry Dixon but if you say you come from City start acting like it! Now and then some of the stuff you say is funny but your last post was too far. I'm from City and if Harry is from City may I just say sorry for anyone who has taken offence by this comment. And Harry I await your smart ar$e reply. Pull your head in!

Super, I totally agree with you. I'm from old days of footy pre this "duty of care" crap that players now have - we played hard and got smashed too. After the game we always had a beer with the opposition win, lose or draw (unless in hospital getting fixed). Whats happens on the field etc.....

But playing against Nellie Bay, Cardiff, Warners or City there was RESPECT as well as good honest hatred and enjoyment. I have good mates from all these clubs and by and large 99% of players in BDAFL are good blokes.

If some dickwad like Harry Dixon thinks he's a MAN by sledging the girls I reckon his team mates (from City in his case) will tell him to make like the shepherd!

Play hard and love your footy! Good games coming up on Saturday.:D
Just saw this on the Gosford website

Applications are still open for the role of Senior Coach of Gosford Tigers for Season 2009.

Applications close on Wednesday 2nd September 2009.

Good to see they are planning for the future.

Anyone got tips for the medal night next week?
The apparent winners are
Seniors B&F: Tadd Walford
Runner Up: Kyall Walford
Clubperson of the year: Bill Walford
Website: Gosford
Club Championship: Gosford
Club of the year: Gosford
Golden Whistle: Usingtheforce

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Gosford Tigers AFL Club president Bill Walford said less affluent regional areas were those hardest hit by the financial strain.
He said limited finances were partly to blame for this season's low participation rate, which was well down from five years ago.
"The junior club numbers are definitely not what they were," he said.
"Five years ago, you were in a position of almost having to form two teams in different age groups, now it's a real struggle to form one team."
Mr Walford said while parents had been reluctant to take the next step and withdraw their children from their beloved activities altogether, attitudes were changing.
This was particularly the case when families had multiple children playing sport.
"If you look across the fees, it's a fair cost," he said.
"People are saying to their kids: 'OK, you've got one sport for the year, which is it?' It's no longer one (sport) in summer and one in winter


Whats the answer? I'll help.
Mate, you've caught my interest on that comment. So what your saying is that the boys on Saturday who got yellow carded on Saturday were really only cautioned. So their reports are invalid? I'm confused on this point.
That was the way it was explained to us that the cards were suppose to work. If they have changed it or if there is a mis-understanding then it really needs to be clarified. The following i hope explains it a bit. It is the section of the By-laws for Red and Yellow cards;

Order Off Law (Offences are grouped in Categories ’A’ ’B’ & ’C’)​
[/FONT]A player who commits the following Laws of the Games offences shall be reported
and ordered of the field for the remainder of the match:

Unduly interferes with or assaults or uses threatening language to an umpire,
or behaves in a threatening manner towards an umpire,

Assaults another player or official,

Intentionally kicks or attempts to kick an opponent or official,

Is guilty of misconduct, eg a player urinating or exposing himself in front of
spectators etc

[FONT=Arial,Bold]B[/FONT]’ A player who commits the following offences shall be reported and ordered from the
ground for 15 minutes of elapsed match playing time:

Disputes the decision of the umpire,

Uses abusive or obscene language to the umpire or behaves in a abusive, or
obscene manner towards an umpires on the day of the match,

Throws an opponent after the player has taken a mark, or after the ball is
otherwise out of play,

Violently pushes an opponent after the player has disposed of the ball,

Intentionally trips or attempts to trip an opponent or official,



Engages in unduly rough play by committing a breach of the laws against an
opponent in a deliberate and violent manner.

[/FONT]Depending on the severity of the following offences, a player may be ordered off the
ground for 15 minutes of elapsed playing time. The player may also be reported.

Willfully wastes time,

Unduly interferes with a player whilst such player is kicking for goal,

Uses abusive, threatening or insulting behaviour,

Shaking a goal post,

Remains on the ground not wearing proper uniform after being warned by the

Wears unacceptable equipment- boot studs, rings, jewellery, surgical appliances
or guards.

[/FONT]’ Any player ordered off from the ground by a field umpire for committing an offence
listed in category "B" or "C" above for the second time shall be reported and sent

from the ground for the remainder of the match.
Gosford Tigers AFL Club president Bill Walford said less affluent regional areas were those hardest hit by the financial strain.
He said limited finances were partly to blame for this season's low participation rate, which was well down from five years ago.
"The junior club numbers are definitely not what they were," he said.
"Five years ago, you were in a position of almost having to form two teams in different age groups, now it's a real struggle to form one team."
Mr Walford said while parents had been reluctant to take the next step and withdraw their children from their beloved activities altogether, attitudes were changing.
This was particularly the case when families had multiple children playing sport.
"If you look across the fees, it's a fair cost," he said.
"People are saying to their kids: 'OK, you've got one sport for the year, which is it?' It's no longer one (sport) in summer and one in winter


Whats the answer? I'll help.

Yeah Merk the newspapers were doing a story on the cost of juniors playing sport. AFL seems to be one of the most expensive from a fee point of view to play each year. Equipment for someone to play AFL is not that great but fees are where we are loosing it to other codes. Any thought from forum reader who have kids on costs for them to play
Just saw this on the Gosford website

Applications are still open for the role of Senior Coach of Gosford Tigers for Season 2009.

Applications close on Wednesday 2nd September 2009.

Good to see they are planning for the future.

Yeah Weagles they are starting now, my bro has finished coaching 1st Grade for now family and work to much. Time for someone new.
Finally Merk, this is the guidelines the league has set out for umpires to issue cards. If anyone can understand it all and come up with a better idea, lets here it:

Interpretations & Guidelines for Umpires
[FONT=Arial,Bold]RED CARD AND REPORT [/FONT]is only to apply when:
(i) The umpire is physically "man handled" or assaulted, or he actually feels threatened by the player's language or manner towards him.
(ii) An assault or kick is premeditated or violent attack causing or likely to inflict serious injury e.g. A "king hit" or elbow behind the play (an exchange of punches within a melee would not be considered a serious assault but a "striking" offence.)
(iii) A player urinates or exposes himself in view of spectators.


Throwing, pushing or tripping opponent must be violent and intentional to incur a report otherwise they should be treated as Misconduct.

[FONT=Arial,Bold]YELLOW CARD (report optional[/FONT])
This allows the umpire to use discretion in dealing with less severe offences of misconduct, or other offences where the player has been undisciplined rather than acting violently or with premeditation. Sending players off for wrestling or similar misconduct is sometimes advisable in under age football to allow a "cooling-off". But in adult football it is vital to identify and penalise the instigator. Likewise, where two or more players are engaged in such misconduct as wrestling or vigorously "pushing and shoving", they are to be clearly instructed to stop. Any aggressor/s who do not cease when requested are to be Ordered Off.

General Note on Language​
A player is to be given one warning only for disputing a decision, swearing or abusive
language; but where the language can be clearly heard by spectators or seen in the case of offensive gestures, the order off and report is to be applied without warning.​
That was the way it was explained to us that the cards were suppose to work. If they have changed it or if there is a mis-understanding then it really needs to be clarified. The following i hope explains it a bit. It is the section of the By-laws for Red and Yellow cards;

[FONT=Arial,Bold]Order Off Law (Offences are grouped in Categories ’A’ ’B’ & ’C’)[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Bold]A’ [/FONT]
A player who commits the following Laws of the Games offences shall be reported

and ordered of the field for the remainder of the match:

Unduly interferes with or assaults or uses threatening language to an umpire,

or behaves in a threatening manner towards an umpire,

Assaults another player or official,

Intentionally kicks or attempts to kick an opponent or official,

Is guilty of misconduct, eg a player urinating or exposing himself in front of

spectators etc

'[FONT=Arial,Bold]B[/FONT]’ A player who commits the following offences shall be reported and ordered from the
ground for 15 minutes of elapsed match playing time:

Disputes the decision of the umpire,

Uses abusive or obscene language to the umpire or behaves in a abusive, or

obscene manner towards an umpires on the day of the match,

Throws an opponent after the player has taken a mark, or after the ball is

otherwise out of play,

Violently pushes an opponent after the player has disposed of the ball,

Intentionally trips or attempts to trip an opponent or official,



Engages in unduly rough play by committing a breach of the laws against an

opponent in a deliberate and violent manner.

[FONT=Arial,Bold]’C’ [/FONT]

Depending on the severity of the following offences, a player may be ordered off the

ground for 15 minutes of elapsed playing time. The player may also be reported.

Willfully wastes time,

Unduly interferes with a player whilst such player is kicking for goal,

Uses abusive, threatening or insulting behaviour,

Shaking a goal post,

Remains on the ground not wearing proper uniform after being warned by the


Wears unacceptable equipment- boot studs, rings, jewellery, surgical appliances

or guards.

’ Any player ordered off from the ground by a field umpire for committing an offence

listed in category "B" or "C" above for the second time shall be reported and sent

from the ground for the remainder of the match.

Fragment (consider revising)

That was the way it was explained to us that the cards were suppose to work. If they have changed it or if there is a mis-understanding then it really needs to be clarified. The following i hope explains it a bit. It is the section of the By-laws for Red and Yellow cards;

[FONT=Arial,Bold]Order Off Law (Offences are grouped in Categories ’A’ ’B’ & ’C’)[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Bold]A’ [/FONT]​
A player who commits the following Laws of the Games offences shall be reported
and ordered of the field for the remainder of the match:

Unduly interferes with or assaults or uses threatening language to an umpire,
or behaves in a threatening manner towards an umpire,

Assaults another player or official,

Intentionally kicks or attempts to kick an opponent or official,

Is guilty of misconduct, eg a player urinating or exposing himself in front of
spectators etc

'[FONT=Arial,Bold]B[/FONT]’ A player who commits the following offences shall be reported and ordered from the
ground for 15 minutes of elapsed match playing time:

Disputes the decision of the umpire,

Uses abusive or obscene language to the umpire or behaves in a abusive, or
obscene manner towards an umpires on the day of the match,

Throws an opponent after the player has taken a mark, or after the ball is
otherwise out of play,

Violently pushes an opponent after the player has disposed of the ball,

Intentionally trips or attempts to trip an opponent or official,



Engages in unduly rough play by committing a breach of the laws against an
opponent in a deliberate and violent manner.


Depending on the severity of the following offences, a player may be ordered off the
ground for 15 minutes of elapsed playing time. The player may also be reported.

Willfully wastes time,

Unduly interferes with a player whilst such player is kicking for goal,

Uses abusive, threatening or insulting behaviour,

Shaking a goal post,

Remains on the ground not wearing proper uniform after being warned by the

Wears unacceptable equipment- boot studs, rings, jewellery, surgical appliances
or guards.

’ Any player ordered off from the ground by a field umpire for committing an offence
listed in category "B" or "C" above for the second time shall be reported and sent
from the ground for the remainder of the match.

Fragment (consider revising)


Yeah Merk the newspapers were doing a story on the cost of juniors playing sport. AFL seems to be one of the most expensive from a fee point of view to play each year. Equipment for someone to play AFL is not that great but fees are where we are loosing it to other codes. Any thought from forum reader who have kids on costs for them to play

I've got boys that play all 3 codes and Junior AFL (in the N'tle region) is the cheapest by far. The above article quoted junior afl rego's as being $120. Not sure where they got that info from, but within the N'tle no club is anywhere near that. Maybe Gosford Juniors need to look at reducing their fees!
I've got boys that play all 3 codes and Junior AFL (in the N'tle region) is the cheapest by far. The above article quoted junior afl rego's as being $120. Not sure where they got that info from, but within the N'tle no club is anywhere near that. Maybe Gosford Juniors need to look at reducing their fees!
Yeah have heard some of the Newcastle based clubs have smaller fees but wasnt sure if it were true or just rumour. Wonder if the fee difference might have something to do with different levels of fees the clubs have to pay to their respective councils maybe. We all know some councils are money hungry and they slug you to use their facilities compared to other areas. Some councils dont care if you play on a ground with water on it and others wont let you unless conditions are perfect. Would be interesting to see if there are any differences in levels of fees paid to councils and if so what can be done to fix it. If they are the same then yes agree the club/s need to have a reality check then.
I would say that if people throw around wild accusations they should probably get their facts right first...

or else you could end up looking a bit stupid.

Especially if you start preaching to the choir.

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The scores are up, and it looked like a good day at the footy!!
Had to work today so anyone got some match reports?

Cardiff in the GF in lower grades but had their 1st loss in 1's!!!
Scoreboard looks like they had trouble with the big sticks?
Have just read the BDAFL website, am thinking I was at a different game this arvo! City played a brilliant game of footy, as did the Hawks, umpiring seemed great, and the respect shown by each team towards the other was top class. How sad that whoever wrote the article needed to degrade the great afternoon of footy by making excuses for Cardiff, who I'm sure don't want excuses made, just another opportunity to play a hard but fair game in the gf in a couple of weeks.:thumbsdown:
Have just read the BDAFL website, am thinking I was at a different game this arvo! City played a brilliant game of footy, as did the Hawks, umpiring seemed great, and the respect shown by each team towards the other was top class. How sad that whoever wrote the article needed to degrade the great afternoon of footy by making excuses for Cardiff, who I'm sure don't want excuses made, just another opportunity to play a hard but fair game in the gf in a couple of weeks.:thumbsdown:

city did indeed play well. not too sure if i agree with the umpiring tho. it left ALOT left to be desired. Grant Godfrey would be the best umpire in the league id have to say. He's the most consistent.

at least everyone knows that the grand final is gonna be worth the $8 or whatever it is to get in, to watch the game.
I was at the game too, and the report doesnt seem that far from what I saw. Yes, City played well (and in the last 1/4 played very well, they were clearly the better side in the final term), but if Cardiff had kicked straight (5.12 I think at half time !!) then they would have been too far behind to win.

There was something definately wrong with Mick Ryan, as he was clearly limping in the last 1/4.

I do agree that both teams played well and it was a great game to watch. It was also played in good spirit, and late in the game I even saw a hawks player grab a City player to rescue him from a heavy collision with the fence.

Now the question is, will they over-power the Bulldogs next week to set up a rematch or has this loss damaged the Hawks (and will last seasons semi finals loss to the doggies be playing on their minds ?)

P.S. I should have some photos up on my website of the Ressies and the firsts tomorrow
Who is the league trying to kid???

So what if Mick Ryan had and injury and so what if clarke did to. Footy is a game of 4 quarters and is played right to the final siren!! The excuses made by the league on Cardiff were appalling and you Idiots on here " oh if Cardiff kicked straight, " If Mick and Adam were there." Cardiff choked on the day where they were expected to get through, they couldn't hold their nerve in front of the sticks like city last year and they rely to heavily on their good players to do everything. That's what the scoreline shows people who actually hae a footy Head.
city did indeed play well. not too sure if i agree with the umpiring tho. it left ALOT left to be desired. Grant Godfrey would be the best umpire in the league id have to say. He's the most consistent.

at least everyone knows that the grand final is gonna be worth the $8 or whatever it is to get in, to watch the game.

Some people just can't see things in a UNBAISED way. I was at the game and there is no way the umpiring had any bearing on the result.

As for Grant Godfrey being the best umpire in the BDAFL? Let me ask you this. At the last lot of fitness testing for the umps (just before the finals) one field umpire ran 14minutes-40seconds for the 4KM time trial and finished first. Grant finished 3rd and ran 17minutes-36seconds.

Thats a huge difference in fitness levels between Grant and the umpire that finished 1st (I won't tell you who that was but I am sure you can guess). So how can your claim stand up to factual scientific evaluation?

Fitness plays a huge part in the selection criteria and rateing of umpires so while you may have your opinion (and you are entitiled to that) it is not supported by unbiased fact.
Some people just can't see things in a UNBAISED way. I was at the game and there is no way the umpiring had any bearing on the result.

As for Grant Godfrey being the best umpire in the BDAFL? Let me ask you this. At the last lot of fitness testing for the umps (just before the finals) one field umpire ran 14minutes-40seconds for the 4KM time trial and finished first. Grant finished 3rd and ran 17minutes-36seconds.

Thats a huge difference in fitness levels between Grant and the umpire that finished 1st (I won't tell you who that was but I am sure you can guess). So how can your claim stand up to factual scientific evaluation?

Fitness plays a huge part in the selection criteria and rateing of umpires so while you may have your opinion (and you are entitiled to that) it is not supported by unbiased fact.

Mate, that is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard! So you're saying that because Roger is the fittest umpire he is the best? You are a clown mate! Sure the umpires have to do a fair bit of running but being a good umpire comes down to a lot more than fitness. I personally think Roger is one of the worst umpires in the BDAFL, simply because he thinks everyone is there to watch him prance about. Why don't we just recruit some long distance runners and throw them in the mix because according to your umpire selection criteria that would make them the best umpires in the league? :confused:. Also was a shame to see a young umpire on Saturday report a player from the U18's for competing in a ruck contest! What a sad day for football when a ruckman can't jump with his knees up to protect himself at a ball up. Common sense should prevail and hopefully he won't be rubbed out for the prelim final next week. One of the worst decisions I have ever seen in 10 years of playing footy. If you're reading this you red nut, wake up to yourself and keep your cards in your pocket next time, you Berk!
Mate, that is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard! So you're saying that because Roger is the fittest umpire he is the best? You are a clown mate! Sure the umpires have to do a fair bit of running but being a good umpire comes down to a lot more than fitness. I personally think Roger is one of the worst umpires in the BDAFL, simply because he thinks everyone is there to watch him prance about. Why don't we just recruit some long distance runners and throw them in the mix because according to your umpire selection criteria that would make them the best umpires in the league? :confused:. Also was a shame to see a young umpire on Saturday report a player from the U18's for competing in a ruck contest! What a sad day for football when a ruckman can't jump with his knees up to protect himself at a ball up. Common sense should prevail and hopefully he won't be rubbed out for the prelim final next week. One of the worst decisions I have ever seen in 10 years of playing footy. If you're reading this you red nut, wake up to yourself and keep your cards in your pocket next time, you Berk!

Totally agree with you barto, Grant has a more and clearer understandng of the game than Roger. The only thing Roger has ever done good on a football field is put himself infront of the GONG at terrigal. He makes decisions are all on impulse but id rather him then the notorious Bowl Cut lover Steady who umpires on his favourites.
Mate, that is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard! So you're saying that because Roger is the fittest umpire he is the best? You are a clown mate! Sure the umpires have to do a fair bit of running but being a good umpire comes down to a lot more than fitness. I personally think Roger is one of the worst umpires in the BDAFL, simply because he thinks everyone is there to watch him prance about. Why don't we just recruit some long distance runners and throw them in the mix because according to your umpire selection criteria that would make them the best umpires in the league? :confused:. Also was a shame to see a young umpire on Saturday report a player from the U18's for competing in a ruck contest! What a sad day for football when a ruckman can't jump with his knees up to protect himself at a ball up. Common sense should prevail and hopefully he won't be rubbed out for the prelim final next week. One of the worst decisions I have ever seen in 10 years of playing footy. If you're reading this you red nut, wake up to yourself and keep your cards in your pocket next time, you Berk!

One thing that does upset me is that people can't seem to have sensible debate without resorting to insults and name calling. I am happy to discuss this with you. But please lets just talk the facts and leave the personal attackes out of it. We are meant to be intellegent people, OK?

First. I never mentioned Roger. You did. You assumed that it was Roger I was talking about. Yes you are correct, but your assumtion.

That said, I take it you agree he is the fittest umpire in the BDAFL?

You say he is the worst umpire in the BDAFL. OK Thats you opinion and you are entilted to it. However, let look at some FACTS.

Roger umpired 26 AFL seniour games beteween 1992 and 1997. You don't get to that level without some ability.

If he is that bad why do the Umpires Appointments Committe (made up of independent people from the BDAFL) continue to appoint him at the level they do? They must have a very different opinion?

His peers must also think highly of him as well. The NCCUA named him as the "Umpire of the Year" in both 2006 & 2007.

Mate, these are FACTS. As I said, you are entilted to your opinion. It would seem that those in the positions that count have a very different one.

Have a nice day.
tardus you are a cockney nutjob! if you hold a job i sure hope it has no responsibility and that anything you say is quickly disregarded. your logic is about as straight forward as an s-bend. i suggest you keep your humble little opinion to yourself or else wait for someone with an IQ higher than their age to check it before it is expressed
tardus you are a cockney nutjob! if you hold a job i sure hope it has no responsibility and that anything you say is quickly disregarded. your logic is about as straight forward as an s-bend. i suggest you keep your humble little opinion to yourself or else wait for someone with an IQ higher than their age to check it before it is expressed

Again, no intellegent debate. Just name calling.
Who is the league trying to kid???

So what if Mick Ryan had and injury and so what if clarke did to. Footy is a game of 4 quarters and is played right to the final siren!! The excuses made by the league on Cardiff were appalling and you Idiots on here " oh if Cardiff kicked straight, " If Mick and Adam were there." Cardiff choked on the day where they were expected to get through, they couldn't hold their nerve in front of the sticks like city last year and they rely to heavily on their good players to do everything. That's what the scoreline shows people who actually hae a footy Head.

I dont think yesterday Cardiff choked. If you think Cardiff choked it takes alot away from City. City exposed the midfield of Cardiff who dont really rotate throughout the game and blocked these players. They also got numbers to the ball which kept them right in the game particulary due to the in accurate goal kicking of Cardiff. I hope these two teams make the GF because it will be a cracker of a game and it Warners Bay are in it will be a blowout.
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