Bluemour Season Blast Off Edition XXXIII

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You can be both good to deal with and not needlessly throw away draft picks.

You’ll never convince me Freo would have rejected our pick 6 offer for Cerra with no steak knives and let him walk for nothing.

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I hear you but there is a person (Cerra) in the middle of all this. I suppose it is equally it is hard to imagine saying to Cerra. "We want you but if they want anything more than pick 6, then you can go through the PSD/ND and while we think it unlikely no one will pick you it is a possibility. Thanks for nominating us."

That's a situation that sees Freo accept a worse deal from Melbourne, Cerra's "preferred" option rather than lose him for free.

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I am however getting of seeing the "huge price" we paid for Cerra on the headline of every news site.
Geez, you think we'd just forked out 3x first rounders like they did for Cameron or something...

It's because we're Carlton.

Things like Geelong throwing away 3x firsts
Pies board imploding from within
Richmond's fall from grace
all ignored by the media.
Old ground I know but hearing there were multiple voices on the board unhappy with approaches to Lyon - not just the obvious. Confusion over the process was a bigger issue than being uncomfortable about the so called "incident" at Freo.
Also apparently Cook and Sayers known to each other through Male Champions of Change Victoria. Guess we'll be seeing greater investment in female leadership at Carlton - looking forward to the balanced, rational forum discussion that will subsequently ensue.
Would have preferred something back like a F4…but that’s me.

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Not even worth the ink on the trade paperwork.

We're unlikely to be taking more than 3 picks in any national draft for the next few years, and could very well only be looking to take 2, so getting a future Pick 70+ is effectively inconsequential. Already got our first and second round picks for 2022, plus our own fourth rounder. Add to that any picks we bring in by trading players out (something I think is probably fairly likely).

You could maybe make a case for getting incremental improvements on earlier picks by packaging up later ones, but the net gain from a fourth rounder would be pretty trivial.
Old ground I know but hearing there were multiple voices on the board unhappy with approaches to Lyon - not just the obvious. Confusion over the process was a bigger issue than being uncomfortable about the so called "incident" at Freo.
Also apparently Cook and Sayers known to each other through Male Champions of Change Victoria. Guess we'll be seeing greater investment in female leadership at Carlton - looking forward to the balanced, rational forum discussion that will subsequently ensue.

Yes a balanced perspective is always more desirable , inevitable too, going forward grass roots is changing, AFL seems closer to accepting it.
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Cripps is on massive remuneration and Captain, he must regain form, no excuse for a professional elite player to be under-performing as been fore quite a while.
Perhaps the burden of Captaincy may be over whelming.
Or perhaps he’s been encumbered by injury for two seasons, but has battled through it nonetheless?
Sometimes I feel like all over season moves have been too good to true, like when The Simpson's moved to work for Hank Scorpio at Cypress Creek.

I keep expecting to get the bum's rush at any minute


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Cripps is on massive remuneration and Captain, he must regain form, no excuse for a professional elite player to be under-performing as been fore quite a while.
Perhaps the burden of Captaincy may be over whelming.
Or perhaps he’s been encumbered by injury for two seasons, but has battled through it nonetheless?

Add to that the rubbish performance/gameplan issues the team battled through for most of the year - I reckon Crippa was seeing light at the end of the tunnel at the start of the season, and that light kept getting further away.

Looking forward to seeing how Vossy can simplify the game again for Crippa, get him back to his peak distribution days instead of trying to be Superman.
Or perhaps he’s been encumbered by injury for two seasons, but has battled through it nonetheless?
It appeared that he clearly struggled onfield in the last couple of years and looked injured for a large portion.

I think the club needs to be a little more forceful re insisting a player not fit doesnt play. The player will always say they are right to play but sometimes the club needs to take a stand.
It appeared that he clearly struggled onfield in the last couple of years and looked injured for a large portion.

I think the club needs to be a little more forceful re insisting a player not fit doesnt play. The player will always say they are right to play but sometimes the club needs to take a stand.
Pretty sure he had a few other “personal” issues in the last two years as well, which can certainly affect ones performance.
Cripps is on massive remuneration and Captain, he must regain form, no excuse for a professional elite player to be under-performing as been fore quite a while.
Perhaps the burden of Captaincy may be over whelming.
I think ahead of 2022, the time is perfect for a leadership change or renewal. I think Cripps can be a great leader still but has been trying to do too much and for various reasons he has struggled the past few years.

I think Vossy will know better than any if Crippa still has what it takes to be the main man for 2022 and beyond.

But I think we need a leadership shakeup for 2022 at least.

My thoughts:

Team Captain: P. Cripps
Vice-Captain: J. Weitering, S. Walsh (with a view that one of these two take over the top role by 2023)
LG: S. Docherty, L. Stocker, J. Silvagni
Why: On the condition that Crippa is happy, confident and vibing with Voss; and still has the confidence of the group; he should be the leader for another year or two. Doc needs to focus on his health and take a step back. I'd like to see him freewheeling and just enjoying his footy - reduce any unnecessary pressure. The co-captains model also isn't great in my mind and creates mixed messages for the playing group. We should have enough leadership across the field to push our standards on field.

I'm all for a young, streamlined group to represent our new era and the reset at the club. Bringing in Stock and SOS would be a huge move pending their support from the group and have ingrained positions at both ends of the ground. They both represent the way we're wanting to play and what it means to wear our famous guernsey.

Other considerations: Harry McKay - I think 2021 was a turning point for our Coleman Medallist for various reasons. I think - goals aside - he took a big step up in responsibility and became the 'leader' of our forward line. A formal leadership acknowledgement might help Harry mature even more.

OUT: Ed, Murph and Jonesy via retirement/age
IN: Stock and SOS
I am however getting of seeing the "huge price" we paid for Cerra on the headline of every news site.
Geez, you think we'd just forked out 3x first rounders like they did for Cameron or something...

He was pick 5, with 4 years development and 2 top 5 finishes in their BnF, our list is in compete mode.

6 and a third rounder is surely on the mark, not to mention less salary than was on offer at freo.

heck off media
All these things happen cause we haven’t proven anything. Like we can cry all we want about getting bagged in the media but until we do something it’s fair

That is normally the line I take, but in 2021...

Carlton went from 11th to 13th
Richmond went from 1st to 12th

I guess Richmond has built up the goodwill. They won three flags, they are 'allowed' a year off. We certainly have earned none of that.

But surely Richmond's year was more disappointing, surprising and noteworthy than ours?

Collingwood basically threw away all its first rounders for five years (Beams, Treloar, Stephenson). Yet journos write endless articles about our wasted recruiting and development. I mean those articles are correct and justified, but seem out of proportion...
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