Bluey - Eradicator of Nazi Scum

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Senior List
Jun 14, 2000
Geelong, VIC. (Is Don Is Grand)
Well done Bluey, you were thankfully quick off the mark to get rid of that bile.



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Sabre, it was so quick you may have missed it. As much as I dislike G4E and his crap postings, I'd never call him a nazi.

No Some Neo-Nazi cretin invaded our site breifly (about 1/2 an hour) with some hate bile, only to be erazed by Bluey.

Mags I give you le-way because you're a youngin' but if you think calling somone a Pedophile (with no evidence) is cool, then I weep for your future man.

Notice you're the only one pleading for his reinstatement, that telling you anything?

all - G4E has apologised as apparently he did not read his e-mail or see my message before posting. I'm extending the ban to 4 weeks instead of banning him forever.

sabre - Revenue... ? HAHAHAHA! You're a real card mate.
I bet that unimaginative little ******* was watching Romper Stomper last night and got the idea from that, What a moron.

Quite a good Australian movie though, I'd never seen the start of it until last night, Fascinating stuff.

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BSA - For the record I haden't seen your article when I posted my theory on the Romper Stomper moron.

Also that Russel Croewe sure can act, I bet he will go onto star in a Hollywood Blockbuster.

The person you refer to was not a fascist, he was a KGB inspired wimpy red flagger Commo. The only good commo is a banned commo. They killed 20 million Russians or sent them to some gualag.
Kevin Sooky,

You wouldn't know a Commo if you fell over one, you ignorant piece of shit.

I didn't read what this person wrote. But I was watching a bit of Romper Stomper last night and I found myself wondering whether there'd be some impressionable young cretins out there who would attempt to live that movie out in real life after watching it.

The only thing I liked about the movie was the camera work ... and, yes, the acting was quite brilliant.

But after a while I just couldn't watch any more. The relentlessness ... and the mindlessness ... of the violence just got too depressing after a while.

And then there was that nagging suspicion that life was about to imitate art. From what you're all saying, it looks like my fears were justified.

**floreat pica**
I remember seeing an interview with the director, and his idea was to make a movie that was exhausting to watch.

You need to watch it all the way through to the end or not bother watching it at all - the skinheads all end up dead or in jail, apart from Davey who is "saved by love" (*retch*).

Did you watch Trainspotting? Did you think it painted a 'romantic' picture of heroin addiction?
I don't know if Trainspotting could be described as romanticising heroin addiction but I do believe that it tended to distort the reality of it a little, showing the habit of heroin usage as a kind of acceptable alternative lifestyle.

It did seem to soften the brutal reality of utter waste that is heroin addiction and for all the relentless drug taking, there was a strange absence of any police presence. It seemed to portray heroin usage / addiction as something that had little serious consequences.

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
Cripes CJH

Trainspotting did not 'romanticise' heroin use at all.

Rather I found pretty accurate really, the wasted young lives chaotically living from day to day, always hanging out for the next hit. The squalor and deprivation they lived in, the way each character was in turn completely f8ucked up by their own heroin demons, the pathetic but well meant attempts to rehabiltate themselves, the death of Rentons mate and also the baby, the nightmare of withdrawal etc etc

... Only relieved by a sardonic gallows humour, which again I might add is very accurate - heroin addicts are usually quick to appreciate the irony of their situation.

and also CJh I am curious about you saying the weren't any police in the movie - why should there be ?

"where theres drugs there's cops" maybe ?

Again not accurate.

Police all over the world are completely overwhelmed by the drugs problem, they gave up hassling individual addicts and users years ago.
I think Trainspotting had the effect of allowing 'normal' people as near to the real experience of drug addiction without actually being hooked. A bit of noseyness if you like. Thats why it was so popular. That is why it's a bit scarey.

Like the other film (I forget the name) where the male character gives the female the chance to watch his video monitors on everyone in their building. She is initially repulsed but soon comes back and has a good old look.

In these days of peple rigging up webcams in their own houses for people to watch - what does it all mean ?
I agree the movie portrayed the heroin addicts hopeless lifestyle very well, I think if a lot of people saw that before they got hooked on heroin, they may never have started using it.
Also as regards to the police, they definitely don't have the resources to deal with the users only, they have enough trouble trying to stop the dealers & the crimes generated from addiction.
Also Alf, if any individual goes rushing out & copying the behaviour of the people in Romper Stomper they are mentally disturbed anyway & would eventually find something to trigger their anti soical behaviour. You can't ban all movies with violence in them, eg serial killer movies, etc, because of a few sick individuals. My views anyway.


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Bluey - Eradicator of Nazi Scum

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