Werewolf Boncer's Bi*ch Basic Werewolf - Day 25

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That’s a relief, I’ve just got back to reception and will also be out of action most of tomorrow. Well played everyone 😊

Dead PM please.

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N6 Update 1
croweater 41 (Villager) - Killed by Wolves

It is now day. Early deadline will likely occur. Night actions I recommend getting in early.

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What results have you had this game?
absolutely nothing worthwhile except DERO. I am the worst seer in the history of the game. Missing deadlines, choosing crap targets.
absolutely nothing worthwhile except DERO. I am the worst seer in the history of the game. Missing deadlines, choosing crap targets.
Who’d you look at yesterday?
OK - Surely the wolves wouldn't be so silly as to all jump on to Filthy, so I am going to assume there is a reason that 'good' have done so.

I am going to have to find a new analyst, but my Official Vote is for The Filth Wizard thanks ClarkeM

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Werewolf Boncer's Bi*ch Basic Werewolf - Day 25

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