
Not really a scandal, but after having taken all the money I can from the OOB it is time for new surroundings.
I mean I'm literally swimming in it

Because of this, I'm a little bit bored so have decided to join a new club for no SFAbucks at all! (I know bargain!)
If you would like the one and only Bonz to join for SFA club at the end of the season it is a simple process to register your interest.
Within this thread have your captain
- Register your clubs interest in me
- Promise me the FF position (I deserve it)
- Promise me the 69 Jumper on your list
- Prove the club is the right "cultural fit" I expect a joke, Bonz reference or something that will make me giggle.
- Beg me in front of the entire SFA to join your club, that's right BEG.
What will you get in return?
- One of the more controversial posters in the league but generally high on activity
- A two time Simmed Premiership Winning FF
- Fred winner
- Countless innuendo, cat gifs, fencing references, cocktail recipes and general weird behaviour in your match threads.
I look forward to your responses.