Toast #BringBackTheBars - Our Heritage, Our History, Our Right! Part 1

Assuming there were no obstacles, would you prefer the PB/Pylon guernsey to be our home colours?

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No need to be a smartass dude. I'm on your side in this argument, but like it or not Collingwood were in the AFL first and have dibs on black and white.

However my opinion as a neutral supporter and a graphic designer, is that the prison bars are an iconic and unique guernsey - much more unique than Ports current guernsey.

So if you can't have the colours, why not compromise and at least have the correct shape, rather than having nothing at all?

I’m not being a smartarse, I’m making what should be a very obvious point. When you change something as fundamental as the colours it ceases to be the same thing. Teal prison bars are not our heritage, they do not represent our history or traditions, just as an orange sash wouldn’t for Richmond. It would be nothing more than a pale, meaningless imitation and not even worth the polyester it was printed on.
Why don't you wear a pink sash and green shorts so you never clash with anyone?
you guys ask neutrals for support and instead of answering a valid question you actt like flogs.

you reckon we were happy playing the original plastic franchise in a grand final in the yellow strip?
we never should've allowed their flog jumper in the first place

p.s **** collingwood
No two teams have exactly the same colours, and the ones that are similar have very different guernseys (Geelong and Carlton, Gold Coast and Adelaide).

You're not going to get the support of any neutrals if you debate like a child and a smartass.

Like I said, I think you should be able to wear it, but I think you should compromise on colour to appease those who are so against it.
I saw a red yellow and blue team play in adelaide yesterday and it wasn't the crows.

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you guys ask neutrals for support and instead of answering a valid question you actt like flogs.

you reckon we were happy playing the original plastic franchise in a grand final in the yellow strip?
we never should've allowed their flog jumper in the first place

p.s fu** collingwood
It was not a valid question sunshine.
With the greatest respect a day after the s**teshow we produced on the weekend is probably not the best time to poke this bear in a thread called bring back the bars our heritage our history our right....
That's a copout.

I didn't poke the bear. A port supporter made a thread on our board about it and it got me thinking about the issue, hence why I came here to chat to you guys about it, cos like I said I'm a graphic designer and I'm interested in the topic.

It's just a shame you couldn't respect someone's ideas and opinions from outside your team and have a sensible conversation about it.
That's a copout.

I didn't poke the bear. A port supporter made a thread on our board about it and it got me thinking about the issue, hence why I came here to chat to you guys about it, cos like I said I'm a graphic designer and I'm interested in the topic.

It's just a shame you couldn't respect someone's ideas and opinions from outside your team and have a sensible conversation about it.

Others have responded addressing your question, you may like to discuss it. At the end of the day, I don't know Richmond's culture and I wouldn't know what they would do if in reverse circumstances whereby the biggest league is the sanfl (lol) had to enter into that league to play at the top level, with 10 proud VFL premierships (up to 1997) behind them, replacing the Tigers nickname, denied their yellow and black jumper, and then it is suggested to them to get creative and wear a lime green sash instead. Would it be fitting to all your greats? Would you as a supporter feel the club has buckled to compromise? Would you feel ashamed of your club doing that to your beloved primary and historic jumper? Now in Port's culture it just doesn't fit.
That's a copout.

I didn't poke the bear. A port supporter made a thread on our board about it and it got me thinking about the issue, hence why I came here to chat to you guys about it, cos like I said I'm a graphic designer and I'm interested in the topic.

It's just a shame you couldn't respect someone's ideas and opinions from outside your team and have a sensible conversation about it.

Sorry if we hurt your feelings but it’s a sh1t idea and unoriginal to boot. Even Eddie Maguire has suggested it, only a few weeks ago too. It satisfies nobody and completely misses the point.
I have invited opposition fans over to comment etc. yes they may go over old ground, but please let’s be civil. I post on our opponents for the weeks board asking for support. Richmond fans are understandably supportive, but may not understand our reasoning so patience in explaining will help.

They haven’t randomly decided to come over and comment.
That's a copout.

I didn't poke the bear. A port supporter made a thread on our board about it and it got me thinking about the issue, hence why I came here to chat to you guys about it, cos like I said I'm a graphic designer and I'm interested in the topic.

It's just a shame you couldn't respect someone's ideas and opinions from outside your team and have a sensible conversation about it.

No copout just some background/context provided (as you have done). Surely you have been on the internet and Big footy long enough to recognise context in particular when your board has a thread/s that begin "No Opposition Supporters".

Many of our posters would be happy to have a chat about why they don't support your suggestion. I know the thread is 130 odd pages but there is a lot of good information in it.
you reckon we were happy playing the original plastic franchise in a grand final in the yellow strip?

Just on this, I reckon your yellow strip is one of the best clash guernseys in the AFL. It absolutely looked like Richmond and what a great memory it is now linked to.
I have invited opposition fans over to comment etc. yes they may go over old ground, but please let’s be civil. I post on our opponents for the weeks board asking for support. Richmond fans are understandably supportive, but may not understand our reasoning so patience in explaining will help.

They haven’t randomly decided to come over and comment.

Ok ok we’ll be nice.

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you guys ask neutrals for support and instead of answering a valid question you actt like flogs.

you reckon we were happy playing the original plastic franchise in a grand final in the yellow strip?
we never should've allowed their flog jumper in the first place

p.s fu** collingwood
A large section of Richmond supporters rallied hard against your current clash guernsey, which is just as yellow and black as your home kit with the colours reversed. It doesn't even introduce a new colour.

That should answer the question as to why we don't want our traditional guernsey compromised to satisfy the frankly dumb arguments against us wearing it.

Those arguments will melt away when put under any sort of scrutiny. Compromising isn't required and is actively counterproductive to being able to wear the prison bars as they are.
I have invited opposition fans over to comment etc. yes they may go over old ground, but please let’s be civil. I post on our opponents for the weeks board asking for support. Richmond fans are understandably supportive, but may not understand our reasoning so patience in explaining will help.

They haven’t randomly decided to come over and comment.
Thanks chiwigi.

I honestly do really like the prison bars jumper. Its simple, it's classic and I'd support you using it, but I do get Collingwood's concerns because it is very similar to (and better than) their jumper, hence why I suggested the colour change (I didn't know that had already been suggested and shut down).

I'm sorry if I offended you guys by my suggestion. To me it seemed like a nice compromise, because (sadly) I don't think you're going to ever be allowed to wear the original as your primary guernsey.

As a neutral the middle ground I'd make is that you wear the black and teal prison bars as your home guernsey, a teal and white version as your clash and the original prison bars in showdowns. Not exactly what you want, but still a much more unique identity than your current kit (especially after Freo sort of copied it, instead of going for full purple with the anchor, but that's another argument id probably lose).

Anyway I'll leave it at that. Might be a topic to workshop on the graphic design board. Good luck on the weekend!
Thanks chiwigi.

I honestly do really like the prison bars jumper. Its simple, it's classic and I'd support you using it, but I do get Collingwood's concerns because it is very similar to (and better than) their jumper, hence why I suggested the colour change (I didn't know that had already been suggested and shut down).

I'm sorry if I offended you guys by my suggestion. To me it seemed like a nice compromise, because (sadly) I don't think you're going to ever be allowed to wear the original as your primary guernsey.

As a neutral the middle ground I'd make is that you wear the black and teal prison bars as your home guernsey, a teal and white version as your clash and the original prison bars in showdowns. Not exactly what you want, but still a much more unique identity than your current kit (especially after Freo sort of copied it, instead of going for full purple with the anchor, but that's another argument id probably lose).

Anyway I'll leave it at that. Might be a topic to workshop on the graphic design board. Good luck on the weekend!
Thank you.
Thanks chiwigi.

I honestly do really like the prison bars jumper. Its simple, it's classic and I'd support you using it, but I do get Collingwood's concerns because it is very similar to (and better than) their jumper, hence why I suggested the colour change (I didn't know that had already been suggested and shut down).

I'm sorry if I offended you guys by my suggestion. To me it seemed like a nice compromise, because (sadly) I don't think you're going to ever be allowed to wear the original as your primary guernsey.

As a neutral the middle ground I'd make is that you wear the black and teal prison bars as your home guernsey, a teal and white version as your clash and the original prison bars in showdowns. Not exactly what you want, but still a much more unique identity than your current kit (especially after Freo sort of copied it, instead of going for full purple with the anchor, but that's another argument id probably lose).

Anyway I'll leave it at that. Might be a topic to workshop on the graphic design board. Good luck on the weekend!
The issue with this idea, (and I fully accept that you're suggesting in good faith), is that if we say "okay, we'll change it up and wear black and teal bars", then our opponents will use that compromise to stop us from ever wearing the proper bars ever again. It weakens our position that the prison bars are a sacred and ancient design that is integral to the Port Adelaide Football Club.

My ultimate dream would be for the bars to be our home guernsey. That dream is dead if we accept a differently coloured imitation.

As we've established, an imitation isn't acceptable for a traditional football club.
Thanks chiwigi.

I honestly do really like the prison bars jumper. Its simple, it's classic and I'd support you using it, but I do get Collingwood's concerns because it is very similar to (and better than) their jumper, hence why I suggested the colour change (I didn't know that had already been suggested and shut down).

I'm sorry if I offended you guys by my suggestion. To me it seemed like a nice compromise, because (sadly) I don't think you're going to ever be allowed to wear the original as your primary guernsey.

As a neutral the middle ground I'd make is that you wear the black and teal prison bars as your home guernsey, a teal and white version as your clash and the original prison bars in showdowns. Not exactly what you want, but still a much more unique identity than your current kit (especially after Freo sort of copied it, instead of going for full purple with the anchor, but that's another argument id probably lose).

Anyway I'll leave it at that. Might be a topic to workshop on the graphic design board. Good luck on the weekend!
Black and silver would be the only sort of ok compromise, not teal. There really shouldn't be an issue with us wearing the traditional black and white pb as long as we don't wear it against Collingwood.
The fact there is one club, in any sport, anywhere, that can dictate what a rival club is allowed to wear is the most absurd thing about it all. Professional sport and we have to put up with this shit.
The prison bars only look so good due to the contrast between black and white.

I understand why people suggest the teal, but it just doesn’t look nearly as good. Our current jumper is much better than teal Prison Bars would be.
Why doesn't Port wear the prison bars with teal instead of white? To me that solves all your issues with Collingwood, and allows you to combine your heritage in SA with your time in the AFL.
Because its not prison bars.

They represent the wharf and pylons down at Port Adelaide - not just plain boring vertical black and white stripes that Collingwood and a thousand other sporting clubs profession and semi professional around the world, and tens of thousands at amateur clubs around the world wear.

It would be stupid to have teal pylons representing white pylons that are driven into water.
Why doesn't Port wear the prison bars with teal instead of white? To me that solves all your issues with Collingwood, and allows you to combine your heritage in SA with your time in the AFL.

Imagine a situation where Richmond and Essendon had spent the past 100 years playing in different leagues. Imagine that Richmond were outrageously successful in their league. Imagine that you, your parents and grandparents had grown up watching Richmond win premiership after premiership in your iconic black and yellow sash guernsey, designed as such to reflect the Tiger nickname which your club has adopted.

Then imagine that the league that Essendon played in went from being a near equal to your league at one point in history to the clear biggest and best league in the country. Imagine that Richmond were so successful in their own league in that black and yellow sash guernsey that they became the one and only existing club from another league to be invited to participate in the big league.

Still with me? Now, imagine being told by Essendon 'well, your guernsey isn't exactly the same as ours obviously, but it is pretty similar. We wouldn't want people getting them confused. Why don't you change your sash design to a cartoon tiger?"

Do you think Richmond fans would take the loss of your guernsey lying down?
Lets not beat around the bush... black with teal prison bars would look absolutely disgusting and weak and its not Port Adelaide

fu** that. I would rather go back to our SBS guernsey than wear that s**t

Black with silver is way better but still no dice.
Thanks chiwigi.

I honestly do really like the prison bars jumper. Its simple, it's classic and I'd support you using it, but I do get Collingwood's concerns because it is very similar to (and better than) their jumper, hence why I suggested the colour change (I didn't know that had already been suggested and shut down).

I'm sorry if I offended you guys by my suggestion. To me it seemed like a nice compromise, because (sadly) I don't think you're going to ever be allowed to wear the original as your primary guernsey.

As a neutral the middle ground I'd make is that you wear the black and teal prison bars as your home guernsey, a teal and white version as your clash and the original prison bars in showdowns. Not exactly what you want, but still a much more unique identity than your current kit (especially after Freo sort of copied it, instead of going for full purple with the anchor, but that's another argument id probably lose).

Anyway I'll leave it at that. Might be a topic to workshop on the graphic design board. Good luck on the weekend!

I see your reasoning, but at the same time, what exactly are Collingwoods concerns? Apart from saying "we have the black and white so you cant" they haven't exactly laid out a clear argument against us wearing the prison bars in its natural state. And that argument also rings a little hollow on its own given we have worn it on multiple occasions in the AFL.

Additionally, Collingwood have changed their primary uniform going from primarily white with black stripes to the opposite. The prison bars are far closer to Collingwoods clash strip than anything else.

Where else in the world have we seen teams block other teams from wearing their primary uniform in a professional competition? The examples in the premier league have been listed countless times in this thread. In the NFL you've got the Patriots and Giants wearing red white and blue.

In fact, the only time I can recall a team not wearing their preferred uniform in a professional sports game outside of the prison bars, is when the Raiders ceased wearing their white with silver numbers jersey for away games, and that was only because at the time, the majority of TVs were in black and white, hence the colour combo made it difficult to identify each player.
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