Toast #BringBackTheBars - Our Heritage, Our History, Our Right! Part 1

Assuming there were no obstacles, would you prefer the PB/Pylon guernsey to be our home colours?

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Bullshit. You miss the point. You announce you are celebrating anniversary premierships and you start with the oldest one at the moment, which happens to be least controversial one and say you want to lock in one every year and the anniversaries flow post 1902 flags.

But we can't, because we have stupidly locked ourselves into only showdowns.

Bullshit YOU miss the point, its about not being dictated to by ****wits in the AFL, your plan has been the plan (with extra steps) they’ve been following for years, it’s not working.
Seeing the people I have respect for here publicly arguing makes it clear to me what the status is.

Generational change is in progress, I see it on all the teal on the membership cards and all the other marketing.

The owners of the club don't give a shit what I think, and my engagement is at an all time low.
I'm not 18-35 so who cares.

I'll watch on FTA, but I'm all but done except for reading some of the more interesting discussions here.
I don't feel like I owe the club anything, because I don't owe their owners, the AFL, anything.
They have rejected my opinion for 25 years, they can GAGF.
Remember we are the only club forced to wear a colour (teal). Black, white & silver/grey wasn't enough on entry I think we only get away with the current away kit because there's a teal hoop on the socks.. meanwhile Freo for example can drop half their original colours.

tEal Is ThEiR cOlOur - Dwayne Russell


This is why I wanted silver replacing teal on the home kit to test the waters & see it rejected by the AFL thus confirming my suspicion.

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On the matter of Port jumpers, the AFL have been intentional hypocrites. The AFL's reaction to our PB requests is to firstly deflect the club from requesting it and they will regurgitate to the club the same old crapola reasons. So, amongst spending dollars, smarts, and energy campaigning for the PB through 2020, we won't be proving anything new about the fabric of the AFL by celebrating other jumpers in 2022. Our campaign has likely and finally been able to embed a lasting comprehension in the minds of other supporters across Australia (those that took an interest), that Port's most iconic jumper is the PB. There will be nothing but damage inflicted on the PB campaign if we exalt other jumpers in 2022 and beyond.
Seeing the people I have respect for here publicly arguing makes it clear to me what the status is.

Generational change is in progress, I see it on all the teal on the membership cards and all the other marketing.

The owners of the club don't give a sh*t what I think, and my engagement is at an all time low.
I'm not 18-35 so who cares.

I'll watch on FTA, but I'm all but done except for reading some of the more interesting discussions here.
I don't feel like I owe the club anything, because I don't owe their owners, the AFL, anything.
They have rejected my opinion for 25 years, they can GAGF.
If this is the board strategy it is a failed one.

It has been done time and again with sports clubs going for the masses at rhe expense of the hard core fans (including us in our Teal Southern Power era) and it always fails.

Usually it gets a few extra bums on seats in the good times but ends up almost sending the club broke in the tough times when the ban wagoners drop off and there are less die hards to fall back on.
We've been playing the long game for 2 decades. We're like early movie Happy Gilmore with the disparity between our long game quality and short game quality.

What if we just wear them? What law are we breaching then? The law of the AFL being provincial cry babies who want to be the only sporting organisation in the world to stop a team wearing a perfectly harmless uniform for no good reason whatsoever.

1) We obviously aren't getting kicked out of the league over this.

2) We obviously aren't going to be fined into oblivion. Even if we were, so what? Just don't pay. They aren't the government. Refer point 1.

3) We lose premiership points. This would obviously only be a short term measure because you can't indefinitely have a club that can't earn premiership points, it's an embarrassment, especially for a reason as trivial as this.

This request and ask nicely bullshit is not going to get us anywhere. You don't get given power from a position of weakness, you go and take it. The absolute cream on the cake here is that we would have almost universal public support, especially if the AFL took any sort of heavy handed approach.

This is bang on. We can achieve this if we're prepared to throw everything at it. Peaceful protest has achieve nothing of note in the history of humankind.

To most neutrals this is a silly little sideshow argument. If we just wear them and they strip us of premiership points, we only deepen the widespread neutral support that already exists. Wear the bars. Cop the penalty. Wear the bars again. They aren't going to fine us into oblivion or wreck the integrity of the competition by not allowing us to earn premiership points for several games in a row.

KT should have spearheaded this on his way out. Previous administrations were prepared to put their necks on the line to achieve things for this club.
to me the best way forwards is to go back to the original petition. why did we allow the club to shit all over our own petition made December 2018 and replace it with a watered down version? we are even further back from where we were 3 years ago.

fans: we want to wear this guernsey full time!
best the club can do: change into them after a showdown and sing a song in them

We're not going anywhere with Hinkley, and any punishment as drastic as stripping premiership points would just make the AFL look bad. I know the team is on board with the whole PB fight but I do worry they won't be down with risking their bodies and energy on matches where there's nothing to gain from winning (which I wouldn't blame them for).
What do you mean? If we lose, then that's -8 points, instead of -4.
This whole wear it in Showdowns stuff is a lame Koch thing.
It wasn't. Insisting with it, it is.

We gave the AFL an offer they couldn't refuse, but they've said no anyway. We shouldn't have stopped there, but immediatelly played another card – showing how stupid the refusal was and forcing the league to accept the first proposal.
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I like RussellEbertHandball's long play. It's a chess-like strategy.

If we go on with our historical guernsies (from the hoops, then through the magentas), there will be a point that the next in line is the PB. Moreover, we would have played with a jumper ridiculously similar to Geelong's.

If you add up the nonsensical refusal to the PB in Showdowns, and the fact that the league has said yes for the PB a few times already, suddenly we are in much stronger position on the issue in a PR perspective.

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I don't agree with wearing other historical guernseys. I'm happy we didn't wear the hoops last season.

At this point, it just gives ammo to the idiots who will tell us that we should wear another one of our historic guernseys as if they're just as important. They're not.

For any sort of Throwback round or event or whatever, it needs to be PB only.

We've been playing the long game for 20 years. It's time to force the issue.
I like RussellEbertHandball's long play. It's a chess-like strategy.

If we go on with our historical guernsies (from the hoops, then through the magentas), there will be a point that the next in line is the PB. Moreover, we would have played with a jumper ridiculously similar to Geelong's.

If you add up the nonsensical refusal to the PB in Showdowns, and the fact that the league has said yes for the PB a few times already, suddenly we are in much stronger position on the issue in a PR perspective.

From the beginning of entry, the AFL have exhibited and still exhibit no shame about their inconsistencies and hypocrisies on this issue, and so there's nothing more to prove. There will be a point in time whereby any further delay will become counter-productive for our campaign, and perhaps we are at this point in time already. We are in the window where the club should be elevating its efforts of the PB more and more until the AFL wear down. This is not a time for the club to sidestep and promote other past jumpers, especially those that none of us have any passion about.
We've been playing the long game for 20 years. It's time to force the issue.
his is not a time for the club to sidestep and promote other past jumpers, especially those that none of us have any passion about.

I'm not against forcing the issue at all. I don't see it as a sidestep either.

It's two different plays, and we should do them simultaneously. Just read the post imediately above the one to which you all have replied.
Any wearing of pre PB era guernseys is a terrible idea it dilutes the importance of what we want, the only people that wanna see pre 1902 kits are history buffs they have zero relevance to anyone except Port supporters who have been dead for 100 years.
I'm not against forcing the issue at all. I don't see it as a sidestep either.

It's two different plays, and we should do them simultaneously. Just read the post imediately above the one to which you all have replied.

If there was ever a period for which the club should pause its celebrations of jumpers that have been worn for a snippet of its history, then this is the period.
If there was ever a period for which the club should pause its celebrations of jumpers that have been worn for a snippet of its history, then this is the period.
We may be forced to stop with the arguments here, because it seems we’ve reached a wall.

The whole point of celebrating the old jumpers is to reach the point of getting in the PB’s. It would be an orchestrated movement along with forcing the PB’s on the AFL — like, for instance, simply wearing it and losing points.

If they don’t capitulate with the latter, there would be a point in which we would only have the PB’s to play. If they forbid the historical jumpers because we have played with the PB’s, we gain another advantage in the PR battle.

I’m pretty sure we have won the war already. It’s just a matter of when.
Only this bullshit administration could force the PB's into the Showdown only corner, they don't want to push & have made it extremely hard for future leaders of the club to expand the issue beyond the Showdown bollocks it's been a disaster really.
Again, it was a great play. The issue is thinking it’s our only play.
We may be forced to stop with the arguments here, because it seems we’ve reached a wall.

The whole point of celebrating the old jumpers is to reach the point of getting in the PB’s. It would be an orchestrated movement along with forcing the PB’s on the AFL — like, for instance, simply wearing it and losing points.

If they don’t capitulate with the latter, there would be a point in which we would only have the PB’s to play. If they forbid the historical jumpers because we have played with the PB’s, we gain another advantage in the PR battle.

I’m pretty sure we have won the war already. It’s just a matter of when.

This has already happened, again and again, and has been happening again and again. In fact, when the club requests to wear the PB the AFL tells the club that it has other jumpers to celebrate so why not celebrate those and stop asking for the PB. It is time that our club helps it's cause and not hinder it.
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