Updated Bruce Lehrmann Pt2 * ACT Bar clears former DPP head Shane Drumgold of misconduct

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Here is PART 1

Historical Rape Allegation Against Fmr AG Christian Porter
The Alexander Matters matters

Just a reminder, this is the crime board and we need to be aware that there will be victims of crime either watching this thread or engaging in here from time to time. A degree of respect in all discussions is expected.

Joint media statement – Chief Minister and Attorney-General

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The subject "corruption" is the leaking of the report prior to formal submission. The ACT is unhappy about this and is doing whatever little they can to further besmirch Sofronoff in the eyes of those already certain he has engaged in conspiracy with Albrechtsen and the ABC (to no gain or benefit for Sofronoff whatsoever). It's clear and obvious to everybody else he is competent and clever, did a good job exposing a corrupt DPP and prosecution, and took reasonable unauthorised measures to ensure the corruption was uncovered publicly and so acted upon. Do you trust the ACT government, or do you trust one of the country's most senior and successful legal figures, who is nearing the end of his professional career and has nothing to prove? Sofronoff will be just fine.
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This is not a conspiracy.

"The commissioner says he suspects "on reasonable grounds" that Mr Sofronoff's conduct may constitute corruption."

The cookers still at it I see. A bit of 'wot about ABC' here, a bit of 'tin foil' there and the usual 'do you trust the govment?'. Not even hiding from their bias now and a wilful ignorance of the facts.

The reason why the independent ACT Integrity Commissioner has decided to launch a formal investigation into Sofronoff's behaviour is blatantly clear. It's all contained in the ACT Supreme Court Board of Inquiry review of the Sofronoff judgements report released in January.

The Board of Inquiry Judgement goes goes on for many pages detailing just some of the improper communications between Sofronoff and Janet Albrechtsen - an opinion columnist whose clear bias in the Lehrmann trial and events subseqent is also clearly documented in the judgement.

This included the findings that

First, Ms Albrechtsen felt free to communicate with Mr Sofronoff, and express an opinion to him, about the issues that were being agitated at the Inquiry.
Secondly, Mr Sofronoff saw fit to express to Ms Albrechtsen his agreement with her suggestion as to a question that ought to have been asked of a witness.
There are many other observations on this special relationship that were of concern to Justice Kaye, for example:

A fair-minded lay observer would, I consider, regard two aspects of the communications that took place between Mr Sofronoff and Ms Albrechtsen as matters of concern.

First, on two occasions (14 March 2023 and 16 July 2023), Ms Albrechtsen asked Mr Sofronoff if he could speak with her ‘off the record’, to which, in each case, Mr Sofronoff replied in the affirmative.
Secondly, on 6 May 2023, Mr Sofronoff forwarded to Ms Albrechtsen, by way of separate text messages, the statements of Mitchell Greig and of Skye Jerome respectively. Following his dispatch of each text message, Mr Sofronoff sent a separate text to Ms Albrechtsen, stating: ‘Strictly confidential’.

Those communications would, in my view, cause a fair-minded lay observer to be concerned as to the private and, to some extent secretive, nature of the communications that took place between Mr Sofronoff and Ms Albrechtsen, who, as I have discussed, held views that were cogently adverse to (Mr Drumgold)

The attempt to yet again draw parallels between the 'special relationship' Sofronoff had with Albrechtsen and other journalists (i.e. 'wot about the ABC's Elizabeth Byrne' ) is laughable. And not just in the huge difference in volume (273 communications between Sofronoff and Albrechtsen compared to less than 10 for Miss Byrne) but content and the manner the communications took place. For example:

'At an early stage (15 March 2023), Mr Sofronoff, at the request of Ms Albrechtsen, provided to her his private email address. Mr Sofronoff’s willingness to provide that address to Ms Albrechtsen would be viewed in the context of the media protocol guidelines that had been disseminated to the media, and also in light of the circumstance that, it would seem, Mr Sofronoff had other official email addresses, which he was using.'

These communications between Sofronoff and Albrechtsen included the provision of documents by Sofronoff to Albrechtsen including the list of witnesses that were to appear the following weeks. These documents were not specifically requested by Albrechtsen but sent at Sofronoff's own volition. No other media reporter received such special treatment.

Justice Kaye also noted that Sofronoff provided special access to his drafting of the report to Albrechtsen. Again, no other reporter was provided with the same access:

Further, a fair-minded observer would regard it as of particular significance that Mr Sofronoff, in the days preceding the presentation of his report to the Chief Minister of the ACT, provided to Ms Albrechtsen sequential drafts of his report under embargo via his personal email address.
On 28 July, Mr Sofronoff provided a first draft of the report to Ms Albrechtsen. On 30 July, he emailed to her a draft of the first chapter of the final report. Later on the same date, he emailed to her a draft of the whole report, which contained internal comments and tracked changes.

All of these special and candid communications with Albrechtsen were in direct conflict with the media policy Sofronoff himself distributed to all journalists and media outlets at the commencement of his inquiry.

And then there is the special access Sofronoff gave to Albrechtsen for the release of his final draft report:

- On 28 July, 2023 Mr Sofronoff provided a draft copy of his report to Ms Albrechtsen

- On 30 July, he gave Albrechtsen a final version of the embargoed report

- On 31 July 2023, Mr Sofronoff handed a copy of his report to the Chief Minister and the Attorney-General of the ACT.

- On 2 August 2023, he furnished a copy of the report, under embargo, to Ms Byrne, of the ABC, on her request.

- On 3 August 2023, The Australian newspaper published a story, dealing with selected sections of the content of the report, which the government had not then published.

As a result of the actions of Albrechtsen, aided by Sofronoff, the proper processes for the proper consideration of his 'independent' findings by the government who commissioned it were totally compromised.

The reasons why the behaviour of Sofronoff and his special relationship with Janet Albrechtsen need to be properly investigated by the Independent ACT Integrity Commissioner are well documented.

Just that the usual idiots are blinded by their own bias.
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You've gone from praising Sofronoff to suggesting he was incompetent.

You keep asking what would have motivated him to corrupt the inquiry when we don't know if he did it deliberately or not, only that the evidence is clearly there on reasonable grounds, to suspect that it was in fact, there's evidence suggesting collusion with Albrechtsen.
I have suggested no such thing. Only as a general rule that incompetence beats corrupt conduct almost every time.

What possible motivation is there for him to 'collude' with Albrechtson or the ABC reporter for that matter. It makes zero sense.
If you draw the bow that he was corrupt, then he could simply have made his findings without needing to talk to them at all. In fact, talking to them would just make it likely that any corrupt behaviour would be discovered.

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The subject "corruption" is the leaking of the report prior to formal submission. The ACT is unhappy about this and is doing whatever little they can to further besmirch Sofronoff in the eyes of those already certain he has engaged in conspiracy with Albrechtsen and the ABC (to no gain or benefit for Sofronoff whatsoever). It's clear and obvious to everybody else he is competent and clever, did a good job exposing a corrupt DPP and prosecution, and took reasonable unauthorised measures to ensure the corruption was uncovered publicly and so acted upon. Do you trust the ACT government, or do you trust one of the country's most senior and successful legal figures, who is nearing the end of his professional career and has nothing to prove? Sofronoff will be just fine.
You have got the above spot on.

My gut sense is that the report was 'leaked' ahead of time as there was a suspicion that the report was going to get buried.

In saying that, not knowing the parameters of the Inquiry, there may have been no rules regarding release of the Inquiry once it was finalised.
What possible motivation is there for him to 'collude' with Albrechtson or the ABC reporter for that matter.
Possibilities would probably include
  • Future employment/work from Albrechten's employer (assuming she is an employee).
  • Some form of personal and/or professional infatuation or fixation with Albrechtsen.
  • Wanting assistance to professionally assist him complete or quality control/improve his report.
Possibilities would probably include
  • Future employment/work from Albrechten's employer (assuming she is an employee).
  • Some form of personal and/or professional infatuation or fixation with Albrechtsen.
  • Wanting assistance to professionally assist him complete or quality control/improve his report.
What about self-aggrandisement.
Judges like big Words and perhaps they like to be full of their own self importance.
Possibilities would probably include
  • Future employment/work from Albrechten's employer (assuming she is an employee).
  • Some form of personal and/or professional infatuation or fixation with Albrechtsen.
  • Wanting assistance to professionally assist him complete or quality control/improve his report.
Old man seduced by younger woman who strokes his professional ego and makes him feel special.

A tale as old as time itself.
Old man seduced by younger woman who strokes his professional ego and makes him feel special.

A tale as old as time itself.

Yeah I think that might factor in, Albrechtsen found his weakness and exploited it.
Old man seduced by younger woman who strokes his professional ego and makes him feel special.
If Sofronoff was to confess to this being what happened, would he then try arguing that this did not constitute corrupt conduct by him.

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What possible benefit is there for Sofronoff to corrupt his own Inquiry?
It really is beyond ridiculous. If it was legitimately corrupt then he would just hand down his findings how he saw fit.

It’s almost like Janet cast a spell over him.
If Sofronoff was to confess to this being what happened, would he then try arguing that this did not constitute corrupt conduct by him.
I'll go out on a limb here and say there will be no finding of 'corruption' against Sofronoff.

What there is likely to be is an extension of what the ACT Supreme Court Board of Inquiry found in its judgement - that Sofronoff acted inappropriately in his role as the Independent Inquirer into the ACT Criminal Justice system, specifically in his interactions with The Australian's columnist Janet Albrechtsen whose bias in her reporting of the Lehrmann case was well documented.

And that in doing so he lost sight of the principles of independence and objectivity which are critical to the community's faith in the integrity of the the justice system.

As the Board of Inquiry found, the majority of the findings of Sofronoff into the actions of DPP Drumgold during and subsequent to the Lehrmann trial were sound on a legal basis.

But sadly, the objectivity and focus of his report is rightly open to question due to his behaviours which has undermined public confidence not just in his report but the objectivity of the ACT criminal justice system in total, which the Sofronoff Inquiry was set up to address.
Once again I see that Albrechtson is being subjected to misogynistic abuse and sexual insinuatons by people on here who consider themselves the guardians of tolerance.

You think the inquiry won't consider that when Sofronoff was engaging with her on his private email?
Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 12.39.07 PM.png

Sofronoff is 71 years old this year

Albrechtsen is 57 years old.

You think the inquiry won't consider that when Sofronoff was engaging with her on his private email?
I would hope that we have moved on from 1950's thinking where if a man speaks to a female it must have a sexual connotation.

I know the left love this sort of click-bait tabloid titallations but surely we can be better than that.
I would hope that we have moved on from 1950's thinking where if a man speaks to a female it must have a sexual connotation.

YOU brought up a sexual element, I was talking about an infatuation.

It happens and KC's are not immune.
YOU brought up a sexual element, I was talking about an infatuation.

It happens and KC's are not immune.
This sort of thing would not be implied if Albrechtson was a male.
Stephen Rice has been the co-author of many of Albrechtson's articles but nobody says boo about him on here.
This sort of thing would not be implied if Albrechtson was a male.
Stephen Rice has been the co-author of many of Albrechtson's articles but nobody says boo about him on here.

Yeh I reckon it would be implied that Sofronoff had some sort of a crush or an infatuation. It's blatantly obvious in the circumstances, that their relationship through the inquiry was inappropriate and in fact, led to a reasonable apprehension of bias.

On Stephen Rice? You're repeating yourself when we've had this discussion.

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Updated Bruce Lehrmann Pt2 * ACT Bar clears former DPP head Shane Drumgold of misconduct

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