Updated Bruce Lehrmann Pt2 * ACT Bar clears former DPP head Shane Drumgold of misconduct

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Here is PART 1

Historical Rape Allegation Against Fmr AG Christian Porter
The Alexander Matters matters

Just a reminder, this is the crime board and we need to be aware that there will be victims of crime either watching this thread or engaging in here from time to time. A degree of respect in all discussions is expected.

Joint media statement – Chief Minister and Attorney-General

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Yeah life throws us curveballs and sometimes it’s better to rise above it, continue to grow, learn and live.
As it is now, Reynolds has spent 5 years of herself and others lives trying to prove something to everyone else, instead of doing this.

I agree that Reynolds' response has been extremely ill-advised and that Cash has nailed her response, but there are two considerations here;

1. Cash's role in the tin-foil hat component of Higgins' story, whilst significant, is considerably smaller than Reynolds';

2. We talk about #LetHerSpeak in this thread, but then buck when a woman dare speak about a grievance in a manner that doesn't fit our preference.
I agree that Reynolds' response has been extremely ill-advised and that Cash has nailed her response, but there are two considerations here;

1. Cash's role in the tin-foil hat component of Higgins' story, whilst significant, is considerably smaller than Reynolds';

2. We talk about #LetHerSpeak in this thread, but then buck when a woman dare speak about a grievance in a manner that doesn't fit our preference.
Everyone is entitled to a voice and Reynolds is entitled to speak about a grievance that she has. It’s evident that it was a shock for Reynolds when Brittany went to the media but Reynolds can only take responsibility for herself.
I know I’m repeating myself, but it’s evident even from this defamation case that Reynold’s did not offer Brittany any follow up support.
As with anyone who has gone through a traumatic experience, and whether it be a friend, family member, work colleague or employer, who knows about it, we would ask ourselves why that person has not so much as asked if we are ok. As an employer it’s also a duty of care. It simply makes no sense.
Reynolds has also had an opportunity to speak to the media (as Brittany did) about her side.
This hasn’t been enough for her, and she’s chosen to continue down a path of a multi million court case against someone who was sexually assaulted (a person who she says she had full faith in supporting from the beginning.)
I find it hard to understand how LR and supporters lack insight into how bad this looks for her and her alone.

She alone has portrayed herself this way.

She chose to sue for defamation.
She chose who was called in court to support her.

She alone made this about events prior to said post , that she alleged defamed her.
Notice how Reynolds and her supporters keep bringing up the names of others in her vindictive commentary, in a desperate attempt to make it appear there is a greater collective good at the heart of her litigation? And we are now in peak 'jumping the shark' territory as the names of Grace Tame and the #Let her Speak campaign are being referenced as if Reynolds, current Federal Senator for Western Australia and former Federal Minister for Defence actually lacked a voice or an audience at any time throughout this series of events ffs. In the Federal Parliament Linda Reynolds had one of the biggest platforms in the country to say her piece and the powerful protection of Parliamentary Privilege to give her immunity from ever being prosecuted for what she said.

No, as you correctly point out, of course this costly pursuit for financial reward and revenge at the expense of a rape survivor IS all about Senator Linda Reynolds. And no amount of 'false equivalence' narrative framing can change that and how the vast majority of the Australian public feel about it.

As an aside, it's well known that Brittany Higgins donated every cent of what she received by way of settlement from Reynolds for her 'lying cow' slur to the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre. Will be interesting to see what proportion of any damages payment this self proclaimed 'advocate for women in the workplace' receives for her action against Ms Higgins will be donated to women's charities and rape survivors.
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Everyone is entitled to a voice and Reynolds is entitled to speak about a grievance that she has. It’s evident that it was a shock for Reynolds when Brittany went to the media but Reynolds can only take responsibility for herself.
I know I’m repeating myself, but it’s evident even from this defamation case that Reynold’s did not offer Brittany any follow up support.
As with anyone who has gone through a traumatic experience, and whether it be a friend, family member, work colleague or employer, who knows about it, we would ask ourselves why that person has not so much as asked if we are ok. As an employer it’s also a duty of care. It simply makes no sense.
Reynolds has also had an opportunity to speak to the media (as Brittany did) about her side.
This hasn’t been enough for her, and she’s chosen to continue down a path of a multi million court case against someone who was sexually assaulted (a person who she says she had full faith in supporting from the beginning.)

I agree with much of your post, but I do have some issues with the bolded, as it requires a heavy belief in Higgins' 2021 account of 2019 events.

Higgins' claim is that she was isolated afterwards doesn't stack up to the evidence:


Reynolds even introduced Higgins to her parents.

The narrative that Reynolds never asked her 'how she was going' in that time would beggar belief!

Then in addition to that, Higgins' direct reports were Fiona Brown for a brief period and then acting Chief of Staff Dean Carlson, so I'd have thought formal follow ups would be their primary responsibility. And Carlson has records of having checked in on her.

Then of course you have a reliance on the systems in place at the time and it's now been established that Higgins rejected 20 offers of support form the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre.


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Notice how Reynolds and her supporters...

No, as you correctly point out, of course this costly pursuit for financial reward and revenge at the expense of a rape survivor IS all about Senator Linda Reynolds. And no amount of 'false equivalence' narrative framing can change that and how the vast majority of the Australian public feel about it.

You seem to think that just because some people are in favour of the truth unveiled by evidence that they are "Reynolds supporters", but this is false.

Indeed, I and most others have denounced Reynolds' current actions and have pointed out that it will cause unnecessary harm to all parties, so I am indeed a part of the vast majority.

Your playing the man with your smug straw-man snipes is becoming tiresome.
I agree with much of your post, but I do have some issues with the bolded, as it requires a heavy belief in Higgins' 2021 account of 2019 events.

Higgins' claim is that she was isolated afterwards doesn't stack up to the evidence:

View attachment 2104945

Reynolds even introduced Higgins to her parents.

The narrative that Reynolds never asked her 'how she was going' in that time would beggar belief!

Then in addition to that, Higgins' direct reports were Fiona Brown for a brief period and then acting Chief of Staff Dean Carlson, so I'd have thought formal follow ups would be their primary responsibility. And Carlson has records of having checked in on her.

Then of course you have a reliance on the systems in place at the time and it's now been established that Higgins rejected 20 offers of support form the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre.
Let’s assume that Reynolds believed that because Brittany looked, acted ok that she was ok. (Brittany is surrounded by people, work happy snaps being taken (and speaking with a Counsellor) and by all outwards expressions seems happy.)
We know that victims of sexual assault often continue with day to day life, keep going and can disassociate.
Brittany, to Reynold’s horror goes to the media and tells all that Reynolds offered her no support.
Wouldn’t Reynolds reflect on this, and think maybe as an example, oh I didn’t realise Brittany wasn’t ok, and felt unsupported, I didn’t actually stop to ask her if she was ok.
Maybe I could have done better.
Reynolds herself has said that she never spoke to Brittany about it after the meeting. It does beggar belief.
Brittany has though been let down by many.
Wouldn’t Reynolds reflect on this, and think maybe as an example, oh I didn’t realise Brittany wasn’t ok, and felt unsupported, I didn’t actually stop to ask her if she was ok.
Maybe I could have done better.
That would require a sense of compassion, humility and self awareness that Senator Reynolds and her supporters just don't have.
That would require a sense of compassion, humility and self awareness that Senator Reynolds and her supporters just don't have.
Unfortunately this trial is about proving something when instead Reynolds could have strengthened her position and used it to empower/educate others about how to better support others who’ve been sexually assaulted.
Let’s assume that Reynolds believed that because Brittany looked, acted ok that she was ok. (Brittany is surrounded by people, work happy snaps being taken (and speaking with a Counsellor) and by all outwards expressions seems happy.)
We know that victims of sexual assault often continue with day to day life, keep going and can disassociate.
Brittany, to Reynold’s horror goes to the media and tells all that Reynolds offered her no support.
Wouldn’t Reynolds reflect on this, and think maybe as an example, oh I didn’t realise Brittany wasn’t ok, and felt unsupported, I didn’t actually stop to ask her if she was ok.
Maybe I could have done better.

That would require a sense of compassion, humility and self awareness that Senator Reynolds and her supporters just don't have.

and empathy.......

Reynolds' quotes her Spotlight interview,

“On one hand she was talking about the Morrison government’s handling of the incident, which was myself and Fiona,” Reynolds said.

“I also started feeling sorry for her because reading through it, she said she internalised the trauma.

“As angry and upset I was reading this, I felt sorry for her because I thought ‘what did we miss?’

“Her account was so different to mine.”

Senator Reynolds told the court that she had “very mixed emotions” and she had felt “angry.”

“I was angry, I was angry at Brittany and I was also angry at myself and wondering how we had got it so wrong,” she said.

“I started thinking back at what cues we missed, she said we got it completely wrong, and her recollections were completely different to mine.”

Those statements would indicate introspection and empathy.

It's a perennially difficult task teasing apart the various truths and untruths of Higgins 2019 and the post-Sharaz era Higgins 2021 untruths and embellishments.

Unfortunately this trial is about proving something when instead Reynolds could have strengthened her position and used it to empower/educate others about how to better support others who’ve been sexually assaulted.

There is no doubt when she has her life review with the big man in the sky that she will see that she could have done way better than she has!

Still, it reminds me a bit of how Fiona Brown copped a lambasting from some for not probing Higgins harder. There are a lot of projections on what people coulda, shoulda, woulda done from their comfy armchair at home, but it'd be interesting to see how they actually would react in real life if someone made false allegations against you. Allegations that turned segments of your own family against you. To have people abusing you online and in real life.

I still condemn Reynolds' recent legal action, but it actually takes empathy to see things through her lens; not a lack of it.
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Reynolds' quotes her Spotlight interview,

Those statements would indicate introspection and empathy.

It's a perennially difficult task teasing apart the various truths and untruths of Higgins 2019 and the post-Sharaz era Higgins 2021 untruths and embellishments.

There is no doubt when she has her life review with the big man in the sky that she will see that she could have done way better than she has!

Still, it reminds me a bit of how Fiona Brown copped a lambasting from some for not probing Higgins harder. There are a lot of projections on what people coulda, shoulda, woulda done from their comfy armchair at home, but it'd be interesting to see how they actually would react in real life if someone made false allegations against you. Allegations that turned segments of your own family against you. To have people abusing you online and in real life.

I still condemn Reynolds' recent legal action, but it actually takes empathy to see things through her lens; not a lack of it.
There’s a difference between reaction and action. I’ve learnt from this myself.
I hope that after this court case, Reynolds doesn’t spend any more of her life trying to prove something to others and Brittany can start her family in peace.
(I’m assuming/hoping the big man is already onto this😙)
Correct. She has said that about herself many times. And the claim is still on her official website.

But would an 'advocate for women in the workplace' and a Federal Senator and former Minister take multi-million dollar civil action that she knows would most likely financially destroy a young woman who was r*ped in the workplace?

And not just any workplace but r*ped in HER (Senator Reynolds) workplace and HER office by one of HER employees - in Parliament House?

All for a handful of social media posts? C'mon seriously?

What self proclaimed 'advocate for women in the workplace' would actually do that to their own junior employee rather than giving them time to heal from the trauma they've been through over more than 5 years, to give them the time to heal and to find their own way to forgiveness and understanding for the pain that others suffered from her outbursts?

Wouldn't an older, more powerful and experienced federal leader who claims to be an advocate for women in the workplace want to be the better person? To rise above their own sense of being hard done by and the need for revenge? To resist the urge to punch down against a rape victim and have their lawyer mock the trauma of a rape victim on the floor of a court room?

Is this really what we should expect from our elected leaders and those with power and privilege? Maybe it is. But that tells its own story of our nation and how it treats survivors of rape, doesn't it?
I think you have absolutely nailed the sentiment right there Festerz!
All the elected "leaders" with the "correct" words and phrases on their websites and bios, yet their actions speak a very different truth. I find it disgusting and shambolic. So many words are given by some, that they are the champion and advocates for women (or other groups as well), yet the TRUE champions are the ones that don't splurge all the column-inches about it, and JUST DO IT!

LR's actions in all this are the epitome of this duplicity....and saying she "is there for Fiona" is simply self-serving, disingenuous BS...😡
Correct. She has said that about herself many times. And the claim is still on her official website.

But would an 'advocate for women in the workplace' and a Federal Senator and former Minister take multi-million dollar civil action that she knows would most likely financially destroy a young woman who was r*ped in the workplace?

And not just any workplace but r*ped in HER (Senator Reynolds) workplace and HER office by one of HER employees - in Parliament House?

All for a handful of social media posts? C'mon seriously?

What self proclaimed 'advocate for women in the workplace' would actually do that to their own junior employee rather than giving them time to heal from the trauma they've been through over more than 5 years, to give them the time to heal and to find their own way to forgiveness and understanding for the pain that others suffered from her outbursts?

Wouldn't an older, more powerful and experienced federal leader who claims to be an advocate for women in the workplace want to be the better person? To rise above their own sense of being hard done by and the need for revenge? To resist the urge to punch down against a rape victim and have their lawyer mock the trauma of a rape victim on the floor of a court room?

Is this really what we should expect from our elected leaders and those with power and privilege? Maybe it is. But that tells its own story of our nation and how it treats survivors of rape, doesn't it?

Reynolds also, in an interview, plainly says that she has supported family and friends who have been r*ped. Yet she called Higgins in to a meeting in the very same room the assault occurred only days before, their only meeting and from then on, Reynolds didn't ask her once how she was going?

Reynolds, an advocate for women in the workplace, supporter of friends and family as victims of sexual assault yet Not my job "I'm not a counsellor".

Maybe she was told not to talk to Higgins about it. If that was the case, she should say so.

Who might have told her that? Morrison's strategist Finkelstein?

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Reynolds also, in an interview, plainly says that she has supported family and friends who have been r*ped. Yet she called Higgins in to a meeting in the very same room the assault occurred only days before, their only meeting and from then on, Reynolds didn't ask her once how she was going?

Reynolds, an advocate for women in the workplace, supporter of friends and family as victims of sexual assault yet Not my job "I'm not a counsellor".

Maybe she was told not to talk to Higgins about it. If that was the case, she should say so.

Who might have told her that? Morrison's strategist Finkelstein?
Maybe it was another job for ScoMo to add to his growing porfolio(s)!!🤣😂🤣 The "not my job" line was very prolific in the ScoMo govt..🤔

"Reynolds also, in an interview, plainly says that she has supported family and friends who have been r*ped."
To me, this is analagous to when someone tells an off-colour racist black joke, then suffixes it "but I have many friends who are black!"
That old words vs actions thing again...🙄
Unfortunately this trial is about proving something when instead Reynolds could have strengthened her position and used it to empower/educate others about how to better support others who’ve been sexually assaulted.

If Reynolds had written a book and included just one chapter on that, even I might have bought a copy.

That would have done far more, not just restored but elevated her reputation if she'd done that instead and it would have cost her nothing.
Reynolds also, in an interview, plainly says that she has supported family and friends who have been r*ped."
To me, this is analagous to when someone tells an off-colour racist black joke, then suffixes it "but I have many friends who are black!"
That old words vs actions thing again...🙄

Check out her theyvoteforyou record - some highlights for me include

  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against a national redress scheme for institutional abuse survivors
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against criminalising "revenge pr0n"
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against increasing workplace protections for women
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against legalising pepper spray
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against making sanitary items GST-free
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against increasing workplace protections (by, for example, ensuring there are adequate dispute resolution processes available)
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against a Royal Commission into Violence and Abuse against People with Disability
  • Linda Reynolds voted generally against increasing freedom of political communication (by, for example, protecting people's right to inform others about issues and events in the public interest)
At least some of her words (or votes) are consistent with her actions. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Wonder with her heart condition how she managed all the mental gymnastics involved in claiming to support women while voting against criminalising revenge pr0n. Wild.
Check out her theyvoteforyou record - some highlights for me include

  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against a national redress scheme for institutional abuse survivors
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against criminalising "revenge pr0n"
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against increasing workplace protections for women
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against legalising pepper spray
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against making sanitary items GST-free
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against increasing workplace protections (by, for example, ensuring there are adequate dispute resolution processes available)
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against a Royal Commission into Violence and Abuse against People with Disability
  • Linda Reynolds voted generally against increasing freedom of political communication (by, for example, protecting people's right to inform others about issues and events in the public interest)
At least some of her words (or votes) are consistent with her actions. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Wonder with her heart condition how she managed all the mental gymnastics involved in claiming to support women while voting against criminalising revenge pr0n. Wild.

Confused Eyes GIF by MOODMAN
Check out her theyvoteforyou record - some highlights for me include

  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against a national redress scheme for institutional abuse survivors
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against criminalising "revenge pr0n"
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against increasing workplace protections for women
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against legalising pepper spray
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against making sanitary items GST-free
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against increasing workplace protections (by, for example, ensuring there are adequate dispute resolution processes available)
  • Linda Reynolds voted consistently against a Royal Commission into Violence and Abuse against People with Disability
  • Linda Reynolds voted generally against increasing freedom of political communication (by, for example, protecting people's right to inform others about issues and events in the public interest)
At least some of her words (or votes) are consistent with her actions. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Wonder with her heart condition how she managed all the mental gymnastics involved in claiming to support women while voting against criminalising revenge pr0n. Wild.

Until (if ever) Linda Reynolds severs ties with the Liberal Party, and feels she can speak her mind without having to tow the party line, we probably won't get to see the real Linda Reynolds.
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Until (if ever) Linda Reynolds severs ties with the Liberal Party, and feels she can speak her mind without having to tow the party line, we probably won't get to see the real Linda Reynolds.
Have to disagree with you on that take BFew.

And not sure what the 'party line' is here to be perfectly honest.

This is a personal litigation being brought by Linda Reynolds. Funded by her, for personal harm she says she suffered for social media comments directed at her by name. Reynolds signed off on the statement of the claim, the engagement of lawyers and the mode of attack.

Reynolds has already announced the fact that she is not contesting the next federal election.

It's not about the Federal Liberal Party of which both her AND the rape survivor she is taking defamation action against were members of when the rape and the events subsequent to that rape occurred.

This action is entirely about her- Linda Reynolds - the individual and FORMER Liberal Party Senatorial candidate. THIS is the real Linda Reynolds.
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Until (if ever) Linda Reynolds severs ties with the Liberal Party, and feels she can speak her mind without having to tow the party line, we probably won't get to see the real Linda Reynolds.
No, we are seeing the real Linda Reynolds in real time.

Just pure evil.
Reynolds also, in an interview, plainly says that she has supported family and friends who have been r*ped. Yet she called Higgins in to a meeting in the very same room the assault occurred only days before, their only meeting and from then on, Reynolds didn't ask her once how she was going?

Reynolds, an advocate for women in the workplace, supporter of friends and family as victims of sexual assault yet "Not my job, I'm not a counsellor".

Maybe she was told not to talk to Higgins about it. If that was the case, she should say so.

Who might have told her that? Morrison's strategist Finkelstein?
What the avaricious spout in job applications and interviews, and what they actually do when it’s not ‘all about them’ is entirely different.

Invites Higgins to HER Birthday to make HER look caring. Had she even met Higgins prior to the meeting in her office?? Certainly not close friends of years standing.

Reynolds and Brown both stood by as middle aged men kept recruiting unqualified people for prized jobs - young, physically attractive females - nubile, single and impressionable are not administrative SKA. Said nothing when they were tricked into going to ‘team bonding sessions’, plied with alcohol and violated - despite report after report.
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What the avaricious spout in job applications and interviews, and what they actually do when it’s not ‘all about them’ is entirely different.

Invites Higgins to HER Birthday to make HER look caring. Had she even met Higgins prior to the meeting in her office?? Certainly not close friends of years standing.

Reynolds and Brown both stood by as middle aged men kept recruiting unqualified people for prized jobs - young, physically attractive females - nubile, single and impressionable are not administrative SKA. Said nothing when they were tricked into going to ‘team bonding sessions’, plied with alcohol and violated - despite report after report.

Pure stupidity, PH has left itself wide open for incidences in the workplace. You’d think each party would be ensuring this was minimised but oh no let’s have drunk team bonding parties and oh you’re welcome to attend PH any time of the day or night, roll up drunk if you like.
These are the people running our country😳
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Updated Bruce Lehrmann Pt2 * ACT Bar clears former DPP head Shane Drumgold of misconduct

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