Bruce Springsteen

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Had a few txts from cruyff. He's already is Sydney at the Ibis hotel a few hundred metres from Allphones area. a couple of his txts said

"Oh man, the greatest time of my life. Backstreets was like wow."

"Man Backstreets was amazing."
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You're not wrong about the different spots part.

If I had been down below in the pit, nice and close to the front like I was on Saturday night, I would have been a complete basketcase, jumping around to a setlist that I could only dream about.

In the stands, it was a different story altogether. Although it was great to share the night with my family, I found that as the end of the third hour ticked over, Bruce had completely lost the interest of the casual punters all around me and they were all either leaving, talking or texting and I actually found myself hoping that would finish soon so I get the kids home and get some good sleep.
The Born in the USA album on Saturday was an absolute masterstroke, it sent the energy levels in the stadium through the stratosphere and it stayed that way until the end of the night. It didn't even get close to that level last night and there really wasn't any song that would have tempted anybody in the stands to get up and dance until Waitin on a Sunny Day.

Still a truly brilliant show though and I loved it, but that's it for me. I'm all Bruced out and now need to get back to the shitload of other stuff that I've got going on at the moment.

So glad that our man here got to witness Backstreets.

Yep, looked up a couple of times and thought you lot are missing out down here. That Pit was awesome. Chalk and cheese!
So Gasometer after all your anxious posts, did it all go smoothly????

Sounds like you had a great night once the Boss hit the stage.
So Gasometer after all your anxious posts, did it all go smoothly????

Sounds like you had a great night once the Boss hit the stage.

I will do a tell all later, but yeh all said and done it worked out....361 I was....and end up standing beside someone who walked in at 5pm....

So Gasometer after all your anxious posts, did it all go smoothly????

Sounds like you had a great night once the Boss hit the stage.

So I left at 6am Sunday morning and stopped for a fuel outside of Melb only to read jpkennedy PM that the roll call was up to 250 and he wasn't bothering...I could have cried esp telling me that after 12.30pm don't leave the concourse.

Drove on in misty rain and eventually got to Gate 3 about 8.30am and got 361.

Came back at midday and they got us to roll call and waited around and chatted with fellow fans in REAL LIFE....met a guy over from Malaysia, Tassy, Melb other places.

Eventually got in and didn't know where to go. Lot of people around the main stage but I wanted a fence and got down at Lil Stevens side.

Man passes out and medics arrive about 4 metres from where I was standing. Some people crying. He got wheeled away so who knows what happened.

H&C were excellent...reminded me of all those yearly visits they made to Latrobe Uni in the late 80's.

So many musical moments that were a highlight and wont rehash because we all know what they are...some funny moments as well during the night like when Morello's lead meant he was stranded mid stage and the rest were singing down the front...Bruce's support man singing an intro. kind of sort of.

Eventually got MY CAP Cruyff14 on the way out and starving and thirsty bought food at 7Eleven...I wouldn't have cared if it was dog food I was so hungry...and hit the pillow at 12.30 before getting up at 5am for the drive home....and work all day!

So thankyou for you help and advice and me annoying you over the past year Cruyff14, @RussllEbertHandball, ManWithNoName, and jpkennedy in my search for the best position.

In 1985 I missed his tour. I swore then that one day I would see him & EStreet and make it up...well it took 4 goes over those 29 years to finally get close enough to say that I am happy with what I experienced last night.

I was thinking during 'This Hard Land' has been the soundtrack of my life just as that T-shirt says....the good, the bad and the ugly...
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Went to the Saturday night show- Something I thought I may miss earlier in the weeks as my wife was due to give birth on Tuesday (the 11th) as the week went on I had the feeling my ticket would have to be passed on, but my first child (a son!) came at midday on Friday afternoon. My wife was gloriously wonderful enough to encourage me to go to the show on the Saturday night, and I arrived to see the full set before returning late to the hospital.

I saw him for the first time at Hanging Rock last year and was blown away. Is there anybody else in the world that delivers a show with the energy, length, passion and professionalism of this bloke? Past or present? A lot of big acts I've seen have been good but there is usually a sense of going through the motions of another show on tour knowing their following is enough to pocket some coin.

At Hanging Rock I got among it and helped crowd surf the guy etc. This time around (even though we were front standing again) I just stood in the space in front of the sound tent and took in the stage as a whole. Rosalita the highlight for me this time around, he didn't do it at the first Hanging Rock show last Easter.

Springsteen appears not only to respect his audience but revel in delivering for them. Worth every cent of the price of admission, wherever you are in the audience.

If I didn't have my new baby (Not named Bruce by the way- though we did consider Clarence!) I would have simply sat in Yarra park and listened to each song on the second night.
He abused the shit out of Kevin but it appear he felt bad and let Kev sing a bit during Sunny Day.

Nothing is ever going to compare to Backstreets. I cried the whole way through it and I guarantee that nobody in the 32,000 crowd was singing that as hard as I was.

And the fine won't even matter. These shows will have grossed $3M. Won't even notice it.

Darkness in Sydney? Who knows... ;)
Nothing is ever going to compare to Backstreets. I cried the whole way through it and I guarantee that nobody in the 32,000 crowd was singing that as hard as I was.
I gave it everything I had in Adelaide but had to be bit more reserved last night in fairness to the 2 blokes sitting in front of me. Glad that you got to see it.

I missed out on Ties and Racing in the Street, but I'm okay with that......sort of.

Enjoy the rest of your shows
So glad everybody here is so happy with the Melbourne shows <3

I'm biased of course, because I'm a total Tom fangirl, but Joad is always a massive highlight for me. I've seen Bruce seven times now, so seven performances of Joad, and Saturday's was the best I've ever seen Tom's solos. Most of the song I was rockin' out, but for the solos I was pretty much just standing there in disbelief. He was incredible. I'm no guitar connoisseur but I can't begin to explain how good he was.

Obviously inspired by the cute blonde he met on Friday night ;)

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Went to the Saturday night show- Something I thought I may miss earlier in the weeks as my wife was due to give birth on Tuesday (the 11th) as the week went on I had the feeling my ticket would have to be passed on, but my first child (a son!) came at midday on Friday afternoon. My wife was gloriously wonderful enough to encourage me to go to the show on the Saturday night, and I arrived to see the full set before returning late to the hospital.

I saw him for the first time at Hanging Rock last year and was blown away. Is there anybody else in the world that delivers a show with the energy, length, passion and professionalism of this bloke? Past or present? A lot of big acts I've seen have been good but there is usually a sense of going through the motions of another show on tour knowing their following is enough to pocket some coin.

At Hanging Rock I got among it and helped crowd surf the guy etc. This time around (even though we were front standing again) I just stood in the space in front of the sound tent and took in the stage as a whole. Rosalita the highlight for me this time around, he didn't do it at the first Hanging Rock show last Easter.

Springsteen appears not only to respect his audience but revel in delivering for them. Worth every cent of the price of admission, wherever you are in the audience.

If I didn't have my new baby (Not named Bruce by the way- though we did consider Clarence!) I would have simply sat in Yarra park and listened to each song on the second night.

Great to hear you had 2 most joyous events so close to each other. If i have read between the lines accurately you sound like a casual fan prior to 2013 who was fully converted to the church of Bruce after Hanging Rock.

Re the bold bit - I never saw James Brown live but all the concert footage and stories I've heard over the years is that Bruce has followed and then taken over from James Brown as The Hardest Working Man in Showbusiness.

One of his biggest celebrity fans - John Stewart - In his 2009 Kennedy Honours speech about Bruce said that Bruce was the love child of Bob Dylan and James Brown. The Dylan bit is the lyricist part and Brown bit is the showman and great live performances bit. Great speech in total but between 0:45 and 1:45 the Dylan / Brown love child part.

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Worked both Melbourne shows in front of the stage (pit crash barrier) off to the left. Have to say it was an awesome show to listen to, the man has plenty of energy to go on that long and keep it at a high level. At one stage on Saturday night about 11pm I saw Gudinski looking very unhappy as Bruce kept on going with no end in sight. Wonder what he would have thought come Sunday night when he went even longer! I was quite happy though as I was getting paid by the hour :)

Man passes out and medics arrive about 4 metres from where I was standing. Some people crying. He got wheeled away so who knows what happened.
The bloke that collapsed at the start of the evening Sunday, from what I was told he were taken to St Vincents Hospital and was okay.
Great to hear you had 2 most joyous events so close to each other. If i have read between the lines accurately you sound like a casual fan prior to 2013 who was fully converted to the church of Bruce after Hanging Rock.

Re the bold bit - I never saw James Brown live but all the concert footage and stories I've heard over the years is that Bruce has followed and then taken over from James Brown as The Hardest Working Man in Showbusiness.

One of his biggest celebrity fans - John Stewart - In his 2009 Kennedy Honours speech about Bruce said that Bruce was the love child of Bob Dylan and James Brown. The Dylan bit is the lyricist part and Brown bit is the showman and great live performances bit. Great speech in total but between 0:45 and 1:45 the Dylan / Brown love child part.

You're pretty much bang on with the casual part, though when we went to Hanging Rock last year my sister and I took my parents as they, (Mum in particular) are HUGE fans, mum to the point of obsession. So I knew pretty much 85-90 percent of the songs he plays, before hanging rock due to hearing the albums growing up. Hanging Rock did spark my own fandom however and I have bought a few albums second-hand on vinyl since and watched alot of old live performances on you tube. When the AAMI concerts were advertised I had to go, even with my wife due so close! My Mum and Sister went again on Saturday as well and both got their hand held and a meeting of the eyes with him. (during both Hungry Heart and 10th Av). A lifetime dream fulfilled for Mum haha.

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Bruce Springsteen

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