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Bruce is supposedly an athletics specialist. His knowledge of athletics is incredible, he's actually a huge fan and follows it very closely. It comes through in his calls, he knows the backgrounds, the stories behind the athletes, knows the events etc etc. He's great at athletics. It's clear Ch 7 put Bruce on the swimming cos they couldnt get Dennis, it shows too, Bruce appears lost commentating the swimming.

You dont need to know stuff all about swimming to get excited about some of the races so far, and he proved he can, when phelps won, aussies have broken world records, won gold etc, yet he still comes across all monotone!
You dont need to know stuff all about swimming to get excited about some of the races so far, and he proved he can, when phelps won, aussies have broken world records, won gold etc, yet he still comes across all monotone!

i agree, he's been very flat. disappointing.

he'll lift for the athletics though, his passion and knowledge of the sports will come through.

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You dont need to know stuff all about swimming to get excited about some of the races so far, and he proved he can, when phelps won, aussies have broken world records, won gold etc, yet he still comes across all monotone!

I've resorted to listening to the radio for the finals. They actually show you some genuine excitement and it gets you pumped. Bruce is boring and doesnt seem to care. Except of course when Phelps is swimming :rolleyes:
Wait until the athletics starts, he should fire up then.

HOWEVER, I wonder if all the drugs in sports stuff is starting to dampen his enthusiasm for Olympic sports. We know he still has an orgasm calling sports, think Alan Didak this year, but maybe he has become sceptical.

As an athletics fan I know my build up to these games is somewhat subdue compared to prior games. I will probably fire up once it starts but as excited as some of the swimming has been, like Garry Hall Jnr, I wonder if drugs has played a part in the records. I was amazed at Lezak's swim, then astounded by his relay split of 46.06 when I looked it up moments after the results were available on the net, and then my next thought was are drugs involved?

I doubt it. In a recent interview with Bruce in Inside Sport he talks about Ben Johnson and Marion Jones and how he called their races. He had no regrets and isn't disappointed because it "hasn't taken the moment away."

In fact, Johnson's win over Carl Lewis was his calling career highlight!
I doubt it. In a recent interview with Bruce in Inside Sport he talks about Ben Johnson and Marion Jones and how he called their races. He had no regrets and isn't disappointed because it "hasn't taken the moment away."

In fact, Johnson's win over Carl Lewis was his calling career highlight!

I read that, but he also said it does make him wonder if the sport and the competitors are clean.

I know what he means as I was in Canada for Seoul and the whole build up to the race and the race itself was sensational. It still is one of my sporting highlights. I watch replays of the race and it still sends a shiver down my spine. As Bruce says you can't take the moment away, but in my case I am weary of the next one.

In the past I would haven been talking about the build up to Powell v Gay V Bolt final and made many posts in the athletics thread. At the moment I'm so so about it
tim watson (or was it someone else on SEN) said that bruce's call is going to a worldwide audience and can't be biased. ray warren is just for australia (but wish he'd but out all the nrl references)

Tim is talking crap. Every country that cares about swimming has its own set of announcers there.
Tim is talking crap. Every country that cares about swimming has its own set of announcers there.

Yep its crap.

Get Laurie Lawrence in the box and watch him and the Animal go off. Bruce would then become totally irrelevant.

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Its the shitness of Duncan Armstrong infecting Bruce's calls. What can you do when the "expert" next to you is talking up Aussies coming 6th in heats?

As footylover said, aths is where it is at for Bruce. Swimming just ain't all that.
I've followed the swimming at the Olympics since 1996, and I loved Cometti in 1996 and 2000. I thought McAvaney did a fair job in 2004 but not great. He's dropped another peg here. Seems he wants the vision to do the talking rather than himself.
Nothing will ever beat Cometti's call in 1996 for the 1500m.

If you ask me Ray "rabs" Warren is a better swimming commentator than Dennis.

Looking forward to his effort in 2012 because Bruce has been simply ordinary. He needs to sit down and have a good listen to his commentary on the Maccas add because everything he's done so far has been shithouse compared to that.
Bruce Macca is an absolute disgrace - when the 4x2 relay was coming down to the end and they were going to smash the world record he didn't even lift a notch of excitement. It seems like he doesn't even want to be there commentating but to be honest he is a bit like the rest of Channel 7 coverage - f'in average, pathetic and boring!!

Now Rabs was the caller of the century in both swimming and league - at lewast he could get the audienced engaged in the event. I find swimming boring as shit and Bruce does nothing to keep me interested - he really should just stick to calling the horses...

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