Vintage Bay BT Vs the Mundane

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I believe Bruth and Den did some cricket commentating


Bruth: Den did you see that languid stroke by the little master. The deftness, one could say, softness, of his touch, makes me just tingle inside. It was almost as if he did not touch the ball but the ball just spurted away, caressing the ground to the boundary.

Den: One might say it was special.

Bruth: It was better than special it was delicious. I just imagine that calypso machine hitting me repeatedly, the steady flow of his strokes on me, the man is a master.

Den: Indeed Bruce.

Bruth: Indeed as well as in word. You can see Brian whisper sweet nothings to the ball as he penetrates the field with his masterful stroke. Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhh.
denis once did commentate the cricket on the abc
Bruce: Did I hear what I just heard, Brian has just let one go from the clouds.

Dennis: That comment of BT's was an old fashioned head high tackle.

Bruce: The game can do without these homophobic comments Den.

Dennis: Well racism used to be rampant in my days as a coach but with players like Cyril .....

Bruce: Cyril, Cyriill, Cyrriiilll, oh Cyril.

Dennis: That shot was, as they say, centrimetre perfect.

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Vintage Bay BT Vs the Mundane

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