Buddy Franklin - the serial diving needs to be nipped in the bud

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Players that have a habit of crunching players and throwing the elbows about often don't get much out of the umpires. And if they are big units, even less. Buddy fits both those categories.

So he evens it up by staging. All players do it. Buddy is going through a period where he is doing it too much. A lot of good players go through that too. Goodes is one. Stevie J may have done it occasionally...maybe. :D

Last year Lonergan got one around the neck, a full second after, his head went back just like Franklin does. Just as pathetic as Franklin's efforts, too. Lonergan still got the free. The look on Lonergan's face as he did it almost said "shit! I forgot to throw me head back! My acting coach will fry me for this." lol
You quite obviously dont watch many Hawthorn games..
No, but they are random photos of Buddy perhaps being infringed against. The poster doesn't know if he got 0 or 10 frees or something in between on that lot.

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No, but they are random photos of Buddy perhaps being infringed against. The poster doesn't know if he got 0 or 10 frees or something in between on that lot.
I watch enough games to know that the chances of him getting 10 frees from those 10 incidences is ZILCH.
It doesn't matter how much Buddy(or any other player) dives because as jeff Gieschen will tell you, Umpires don't guess, so they can see the dive and won't make the wrong call. So No need for the AFL to do anything....Umpires NEVER make mistakes ;)
I watch enough games to know that the chances of him getting 10 frees from those 10 incidences is ZILCH.

I watched the Geelong game and his acting and diving was right up there with the great Mathew Lloyd..it was embarrassing to see a great player resorting to such lame tactics ..i thought he was better than that .

most of the frees were there (not all) I'ts only his antics i dislike .
The more i read this, the more i laugh!! haha!!
Yeah, he may have over accentuated some contact in round 2….didnt see much of it in round 1 or 3…but I was at both those games, so I will go with your opinion……

There is a difference between accentuating contact (which 99% of players do), and straight out diving.

you wanna see a dive, check out Jimmy Bartels against Freo a couple of weeks back.
i can hear you all as one 'oh no, not Jimmy, Jimmy is perfect, he wouldnt do this!!' yep, he does and regularly, but no one says boo, because he is perfect in every way……I would love him at Hawthorn, leave it at that.
im not sure of the time of the one against freo, but cats are kicking to left of screen and the contest is about 40-45 out from, 45 degree angle, closer to screen pocket.
No one within 3 metres of him, yet he just flops forward….must have got shot, I dunno…

Its called tall poppy syndrome, and for some reason, Buddy is the tallest poppy of them all......fortunately for me, and MOST AFL lovers, he doesnt get affected by it and does his thing pretty much week in week out.
He finally gets a couple, and now they want it stopped.

I'm not sure if there's another guy in the comp who gets man-handled as much as Franklin without penalty.

Let's have a quick look at google and see what is normally cause for "Play on!!"











At a guess, he may have got 1 or maybe 2 free kicks from that lot.....at best.

this post belts the crap out of the head of the nail and drives it clean into the wood with one swing of the hammer!

these are examples of standard non-frees that buddy has been putting up with in pretty much every games for basically his whole career. I have the 08 final against the saints on DVD. in this game, max bear hudgged him from siren to siren and was never penalised for it. all he got in return was the praise of the blind commentators.

I was STUNNED when he got those frees against the cats. not because they weren't worthy, but because I can't recall buddy getting three frees in a game without giving away five for breathing too hard.

it's a shame that franklin appears to have resorted to exaggerating contact, but given past results he'd be an idiot not to. in fact, now that he is exaggerating it appears as though the correct result is being called more often.

buddy has been a victim of his own physical strength. the fact that he is able to still stand up and contest despite all the infringements against him means that the usual cue that the umpires use (did the player fall over, were his arms pulled out of the contest, did the player hold his head or arch his back in the contest, did the player fly forwards waving his arms, etc) are not occurring. instead, he has been doing his best to stand strong and play the ball (until recently).

on the flip side, he gets over penalised for his own physical contact because it is so powerful and effective. I have seen so many legal tackles and bumps given as free kicks simply because of the effect it had on the player.

the fact that this thread exists is hilarious. there is no player in the league who has had a tougher run from the umpires, and I actually believe he has been extremely patient over the years. some of the crap has been unbelievable...
I agree, the diving has to stop as it's embarrassing. I would absolutely hate it if it ever got to Didak, Johnson or (god forbid) Lloyd proportions.

Mind you if he got paid half as many free-kicks I would like to think this wouldn't be an issue. He gets the worst rub of the green with the umpires out of any player I have ever seen.
Love that series of photos, no one has any idea how many of them were paid free kicks.

Player gets infringed, stop the presses! Only a Hawthorn supporter would bother putting that together.

Maybe a Saints supporter as well.

Actually we do, and it's the very reason Tim Lane wrote a very recent article addressing the very issue. Watch enough footy and you'd know this too.
Even neutral supporters agree, Buddy cops the rough end of the stick more often than not. He is scragged, chopped and impeded in at least 50% of his contests for the ball most weeks, yet he'd be lucky to yield 2 or 3 frees a game.

Bh&b also made a very valid point in regards to that St Kilda final. There's a thread somewhere with a steam of pics from that game capturing every marking contest, and it speaks for itself.
Thankfully Williams got off the chain that night, because Hughton seemed to have a free pass at holding and scragging Franklin without penalty.

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This thread is not about Franklins free kick count (which is more than adequate by the way, he gets plenty of soft ones all the time. Hawthorn fans just use this cop out every time he gets beaten at a contest, they couldn't have less of an idea).

It is about his shameful staging. What makes it even more noticeable is actually how bad he is at it - the amount of times he arches his back backwards, ***** his head back and flails his arms about before crashing to the ground is ridiculous. Only the really moronic umpires actually fall for it.

At this point it is a massive blight on his career and a significant blight on the game itself.

P.S Posting photos of him being held are pointless. Every forward gets held that many times a game and none of you (particularly not Echols) have any idea whatsoever how many of those specific incidents were paid a free. Hilarious.
Actually we do, and it's the very reason Tim Lane wrote a very recent article addressing the very issue. Watch enough footy and you'd know this too.
Even neutral supporters agree, Buddy cops the rough end of the stick more often than not. He is scragged, chopped and impeded in at least 50% of his contests for the ball most weeks, yet he'd be lucky to yield 2 or 3 frees a game. .

What a crock, no more than any key forward. Watch Pods and Hawkins get tackled without receving a thing. Hawthorn supporters have the best persecution complex, I will give you that.

Bh&b also made a very valid point in regards to that St Kilda final. There's a thread somewhere with a steam of pics from that game capturing every marking contest, and it speaks for itself.
Thankfully Williams got off the chain that night, because Hughton seemed to have a free pass at holding and scragging Franklin without penalty.

And this one game has been your crutch and excuse ever since.
This thread is not about Franklins free kick count (which is more than adequate by the way, he gets plenty of soft ones all the time. Hawthorn fans just use this cop out every time he gets beaten at a contest, they couldn't have less of an idea).

It is about his shameful staging. What makes it even more noticeable is actually how bad he is at it - the amount of times he arches his back backwards, ***** his head back and flails his arms about before crashing to the ground is ridiculous. Only the really moronic umpires actually fall for it.

At this point it is a massive blight on his career and a significant blight on the game itself.

P.S Posting photos of him being held are pointless. Every forward gets held that many times a game and none of you (particularly not Echols) have any idea whatsoever how many of those specific incidents were paid a free. Hilarious.

about a hundred dollars.

about a hundred dollars...
What a crock, no more than any key forward. Watch Pods and Hawkins get tackled without receving a thing. Hawthorn supporters have the best persecution complex, I will give you that.

I just watched a full game between hawthorn and geelong. at what point were the hawthorn defenders all over the geelong forwards like teenagers on pamela anderson? NONE! if anything it was the other way around. there was a pretty distinct instance of hawkins getting away with a clear push in the back.

LLD, you continue to post the most laughable, self serving, hypocritical, nasty tripe on the whole of bigfooty. I applaud your consistency... :):thumbsu:
I just watched a full game between hawthorn and geelong. at what point were the hawthorn defenders all over the geelong forwards like teenagers on pamela anderson? NONE! if anything it was the other way around. there was a pretty distinct instance of hawkins getting away with a clear push in the back.

You watched a whole game? Wow. Which one?

LLD, you continue to post the most laughable, self serving, hypocritical, nasty tripe on the whole of bigfooty. I applaud your consistency... :):thumbsu:

You're the one asserting bullshit, I'm just telling you you're wrong.
You watched a whole game? Wow. Which one?

You're the one asserting bullshit, I'm just telling you you're wrong.

typical. deflecting the argument by honing in on one irrelevant detail of my post whilt ignoring all the substance behind it.

also, revealing once and for all just how arrogant and closed minded you are. "telling me" that I'm wrong? how patronising and condescending. to think that you are automatically granted the "right" side of every argument and that it's your job to enlighten everyone else!

you discuss an issue only to win the argument, not to actually learn anything or uncover the truth. your aim is only to point score over your opposition using whatever dirty and infuriating device you can to muddy the waters and come out on top.

how nice it must be to live in your world where there is only certainty. you are surely a living example of the old saying "ignorance is bliss". also of the dunning-kruger effect.


you do not see other perspectives and possibilities, only your own. in your mind you are right straight away and there is no need to consider any other opinion. if only your mother had held you more as a child, then perhaps you wouldn't be so insecure...
Interesting that Buddy didn't try too much diving against the Weagles.

Possibly because he knows it's a fruitless excercise trying to milk free-kicks over there. The umps are well and truly in the locals pockets... the stats don't lie. :eek:
actually, I don't think there was much of an issue with the way he was umpired on saturday. they paid one to him early and the defenders might be starting to realise they can't hang off him all the time. unfortunately, buddy was unable to capitalise fully on this as he was mainly running around in the midfield...
that one to buddy wasn't even there, the wce defender never had his arms around him. Buddys only goal came after a missed and pretty blatant push in the back. So of course you don't think there was much of an issue with the way he was umpired on saturday
given that the count was 1 for and 7 against you'd think I might want to complain about it being unbalanced, but on this occasion I think he didn't receive too much manhandling from defenders (rare) and gave away silly frees in tackles, etc.

regarding the push in the back, it half looked like it might have been a bit in the side as the player seemed to be turned in the air. the umpire might have seen it that way...

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Buddy Franklin - the serial diving needs to be nipped in the bud

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