Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare

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yeh it still stuffs fact i've never had it not stuff up since the last update

but when i play now the people on are so shit it's not even funny.....rounds of 44-5 or more are the norm instead of a once every 10 game type thing....

picked resistance 2 up after work....will be awesome :D
Had a go of this again after not playing for a long, long time.

Took me a while to get back into it, but was really happy with the game overall, I had little to no lag in all my games, and even had a fantastic 16(Kills) and 0(Deaths) start to a round of Domination, ended up going crap after that though as the team I was on was shit and couldn't hold onto the flags for long enough and we just got over-run.

But was really happy with the day of COD4, after having nothing but laggy games which really put me off the game, I go back on and don't have 1 lagged session.

Might get back into this a bit before K2.
If you get back into it, get WaW.

Takes a while to come to grips with the weapons, which you handle a bit differently to MW, but the multiplayer is superior i reckon
Yeah I don't know if I will, I have a feeling that Killzone 2 is really going to take up alot of my time once that comes out, and having more than a few FPS(R2, COD4, Turok) games to play online might get a bit tedious, and it would leave the door open for me to get a different game like Fallout 3, Saints Row 2 or RE5, or some other games I've been looking at.
I just got CoD4 for ps3. I wish I got World at War as I have already played 4 many times on single player and I would be playing on sp on ps3 because I have slow internet. Damn
Not as good as 4? I hate the ship level. But my favourite would be the one on the plane at the end. Would that be a level?

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WaW's multiplayer is far more n00b friendly.

just saying.....not implying anything.

Must be different on PS3 camo, because i totally, absolutely disagree on the 360 standpoint. Speaking as someone who's played a lot of both

At this time, the quality of players on WaW is above and beyond that on CoD4. All the really good CoD4 players i know are on WaW right now.

My K/D is better on CoD 4 than WaW, and local search on WaW eliminates lag which makes that even more proof of its toughness

That all said, CoD in general is a n00b game compared to HALO. Made for one hit kills and campers.
CoD:WaW is avery underrated game. It cops a lot of unwarranted criticism from die hard CoD4 fans and kids who think WW2 is 'ghey'.

I agree with Mancey in saying that the online is probably better than CoD4 online (even though the CoD4 campaign defecates on WaW from great heights).

My CoD4 K/D ratio was edging up to about 0.85. In my last few games it was rarely under 2:1, but my early days screwed it over. I think my CoD:WaW K/D ratio is over 1, and it seems like an easier game to me.
Does anyone play Arcade mode on SP? I love doing the plane one. Actually I have only done it a couple times but my highest score is 13000 I think. I was just charging through with the shotgun. Hell yee
Must be different on PS3 camo, because i totally, absolutely disagree on the 360 standpoint. Speaking as someone who's played a lot of both

At this time, the quality of players on WaW is above and beyond that on CoD4. All the really good CoD4 players i know are on WaW right now.

My K/D is better on CoD 4 than WaW, and local search on WaW eliminates lag which makes that even more proof of its toughness

That all said, CoD in general is a n00b game compared to HALO. Made for one hit kills and campers.

there is no 360 or ps3 differences besides the local search on the 360 which is a ridiculously awesome feature which really should be standard among all games....(i totally can't believe cod4 never got it)
and i absolutely can't believe it wasn't put on the ps3 version of WaW...not that i ever seemed to suffer serious lag anywayz. that function alone easily makes the 360 version superior however

also i can't vouch for the quality of players on WaW now on either system as i don't play it since i traded it in but i can say alot of the better players on my list have been playing WaW more than they used to which is obviously a sign that they are enjoying it more than they initially did...but the fact the majority go back still to cod4 as well as the majority greatly disliking it after about 24 hours online gameplay (i racked up about 15-20 hours in the few days i owned it)

and i'm not saying my friends list is the be-all and end all of good players but i definitely have a few of australias best players on the ps3 on my list....(having close to 20 days racked up gives a decent idea of australias talent i'd say.)

but either way i said WaW's multiplayer is far more n00b friendly...not that good players don't play on it. good players play on both.
none of what you said changes the fact that the player movement is a solid amount slower than it was on cod4 which in turn makes the aiming far steadier (which can be altered either way) but player movement can't and that makes it far easier for the n00bz since they can just sit in their little corner and press shoot until they get a kill with far more accuracy...(the bigger maps doesn't hurt this at all either.)
while the best run and gunners have that split second longer to turn once they see them...which as i'm sure you'd know is alot bigger than it sounds. it evens out the playing field a lil more.. which is another possible reason that your k/d isn't as good as it was in cod4....because the games mechanics are helping the n00bs out.
but really it doesn't matter too much coz in the end...the best players will still dominate regardless

also i have to mention the tanks in the game...i mean come on! could use all of your grenades and ammo up on a tank and not even destroy it.....(i know.....i tried! :|) n00bz just run straight to them damn things knowing they'll get at least a couple of kills...
i mean if those things weren't designed to help n00bz enjoy it more staying alive longer and getting more kills than normal than i don't know what is

for the record all fps have campers and that is the most n00b thing of all! so i don't know why you're using that as a way of saying cod is more n00b than halo...for the record i'm talking about the guys that just sit in the corner with a light machine gun type weapon or rifle not the snipers who are actually playing with skill

god damn i hate the word n00b...but it's the most fitting for what we're talking about!

either way i don't care too much.....even though this ridiculously long post indicates otherwise :p

we can just agree to disagree :)
none of what you said changes the fact that the player movement is a solid amount slower than it was on cod4 which in turn makes the aiming far steadier (which can be altered either way) but player movement can't and that makes it far easier for the n00bz since they can just sit in their little corner and press shoot until they get a kill with far more accuracy...(the bigger maps doesn't hurt this at all either.)

I don't buy that. Anything that makes it easy for a n00b makes it 10x easier for an experienced player making them even more superior. That logic does not make sense to me

The weapons in WaW also seem to have far more recoil. They jump around a heap making pray and spray pretty difficult compared to guns like the p90 in CoD 4. Everyone uses that once they level up enough. It just sits there solidly as you spray people. Its the cheapest gun in both games by far.

also i have to mention the tanks in the game...i mean come on! could use all of your grenades and ammo up on a tank and not even destroy it.....(i know.....i tried! :|) n00bz just run straight to them damn things knowing they'll get at least a couple of kills...

The tanks are ridiculously slow. Staying behind a wall, in a team deathmatch game, 2 people working together can take one down really easy. 4 shots, all over, and if you get killed by one given they move so pretty n00bish in itself.

for the record all fps have campers and that is the most n00b thing of all! so i don't know why you're using that as a way of saying cod is more n00b than halo...

There's basically one weapon in halo you can camp with, and that's the energy sword. Thing is, only one person can control that weapon at any time so it doesn't become a camp fest.

Everyone has the ability to camp in CoD games due to personal weapon selection.

we can just agree to disagree :)

I'm thinking its just a difference in the xbox/ps3 communities
i have a perfect motion picture running through my head of what i was explaining with the camper in the corner example but maybe i'm not explaining it properly....and i don't really know how to better it because what i'm trying to say is really something that you have to have experienced to understand maybe??....and it's really something that has to do with skill levels more than anything as you don't see many people at all do what i'm trying to say....(please don't take that the wrong way...)

either way your reply makes perfect sense and i agree..that's why the best players will always stay at the top.....but it's not even in the ball park of the picture i was trying to paint...

and also....i really don't think the different console communities has anything to do with it.
i don't even really know what you're trying to say with that.
and also....i really don't think the different console communities has anything to do with it.
i don't even really know what you're trying to say with that.

Well, we don't play in the same communities. Maybe the breakdown of ps3 players (good bad) is different than on xbl.

Who knows

All i know is XBL WaW seems like a cut above COD4 in terms of competition
Pretty much on par for me multiplayer wise

I have put 22 days + into COD 4 and got my K/D up to 1.16 (after being around .5 for the 1st month and slowly increasing from there) and i mainly play HQ, so i had a lot of kills to catch up on. (im heading towards 70K kills in MW)

But my K/D in WAW is straight to 1.27 or something, didn't really have a smany probs adjusting, but i think it may be because i was so used to COD controls by then.

WAW will always suffer the fate of being compared to MW, but it holds its own
COD4 is still expensive as all ****. $110. $30 more than a lot of new games. Anyone know when it could be expected to go Platinum?
Should realistically be platinum/classic by now, it's sold 11mil copies worldwide!

But as Kerrby said, it is still selling well and still being played, so won't get much of a price drop for a while.

That being said it is well worth the inflated price.
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