Call of Duty: Black Ops - Part III

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The experts on here will probably be horrified at that advice but it's a good place for a new guy to start. When your aiming gets better switch to more pinpoint assault rifles.

While I am loathe to call myself an expert, it's a good tactic for a new player. Lots of bullets, Steady Aim lowers your bullet spread.
KDr is .4:eek:

I blame MW2 and the marathon/lightweight perks that turned me into Usian Bolt in that game. In BO I'm more like a 200kg bloke trying to run a marathon. Have to adjust my gaming style (only level 13 atm cause I haven't had time to play!), and learn more of the maps....:thumbsu:
This game is infuriating me. I am probably the worst player online. Seriously.

I've played 4hr 46min for a KDR of 0.58 (which I actually think is wrong - I thought it would be way lower).

So how the hell do I stay alive? Here are my problems:

- Always getting shot in the back. I think I am looking left/right/behind me, but I keep copping a bullet in the back of my head when I least expect it.

- I think I have lost every single one on one combat situation. Doesn't matter where it is, I will always be the player to die when it comes to pulling the trigger. I don't know if it's my lack of speed, bad aim or what, but whenever I see an enemy, they only have to gently squeeze the trigger and I'm dead in half a second.

- Why is it that every single player can hit me in the skull from halfway across the map, but I can't hit another player anywhere from 30 metres? Part of it is obviously aiming skill and familiarity with these games but come on... surely not to this extent?

- What is that weapon with the red dot called and how do I buy it? I'm currently up to Level 13 - is it available yet? What are the best weapons to equip myself with? I need something powerful and accurate.

Argh. I hate this.

There are so many factors that can help/hinder your game... but early levels are always tough (especially now most people are now level 20 and higher).

Gaming Setup: understand that a lot of gamers out there might have better "setups" than you which aids them and hinders you. Things like:
- TV: bigger HDTV screens... mean they can clearly make out and hit targets... especially at range.
- Cables: the screen is only as good as the cable... Component Video is better than standard AV cables... and there is even a significant difference in using HDMI cable over Component Video. RECOMMEND: go HDMI if you can on the largest screen you can.
- Surround Sound/Headset: don't under estimate the sound element of CoD. A good setup allows you to hear the faintest of clues to your enemies position. You can determin the position and "how close" enemies are based on gun shots, footsteps, claymores being set and more.

** The above might explain how people pick you off at distance or how everytime you run around a corner the enemy is aiming straight at you.

In Game:
- there is a fair bit of spawn camping going on ATM, but also respawn near enemies. Players are keenly running and exploring the new maps meaning you often spawn near them and near the action... makes for a number of shots in the back.
- try to keep an object (wall, car, box etc) at your back... especially when running around. Run around a corner, check ahead/left/right and check BEHIND where u just came from again... before getting cover on your back and checking again ahead and moving forward.
- in a 1v1 keep moving if you can: drop and pop, strafe side to side whilst trying to hit them. Try Aim-Down-Sight (ADS) and pull the trigger nearly straight after for a quick kill... using ADS and THEN aiming at the moving target is slow and harder. Try different weapons until you find one that suits.

Red Dot (or any scopes) is an attachment you buy for most guns. As for best gun... might as well ask for favourite flavour ice-cream. Players have different preferences:

- Small Machinge Guns (SMGs): good in close. Fast fire rate and light make them good for indoors and close combat.
- Assault Rifles: good for all-round combat... also good "extra" attachments like genade launcher, flame throwers etc.
- Light/Large Machine Guns (LMGs): good at range. Lots of high damaging bullets with long range, but make you slower and recoil makes aiming hard.

Aside from that use 2ndarys, equipment and perks that suit your style... either running around, camping or whatever.

BTW... my KD ratio is around 1:17 ATM.

Finally... sometimes your health impacts your game. If you're tired, your reflexes are down/off, eyes are tired etc... give it a break. Often my best games are my 1st batch of games when I am fresh. Even when lagging against the yanks. If after a period you feel your 'form' slipping... put it down for a bit and do something fresh before coming back.


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I have a fairly small TV as well. I have HDTV now but I'm no better than I was with a boxy SD TV when playing WAW. I normally play the game with a fairly low volume and no headphones and it's still fine.

It's all about the in game practice. The external things like headphones and big TV's are just for comfort rather than to improve ability imo. It doesn't really improve your reactions.
What are people's KDR's at the moment?


pretty happy with that considering ive played 260 hrs on bc2 and the mechanics and maps are sooo different. slowly going up though. never got it up over 1 on mw2 but didnt play a lot of that.

oh and slurp, i just realised you were witts lol, what happened to your FG account?
Mason: I swear to God that's what happened. Reznov killed Steiner, right in front of me

A 1080 HD TV will allow you to see and shoot targets at long range with ironsights.

To kill at the same range with a analog CRT TV will see you requiring an ACOG scope.

Yes, of course a good screen helps but bigger does not mean better.... Playing on my 40" LCD gives me nausea, too damn big and the framerate somehow buggers up. Much much crisper image on my 23" HD computer monitor, don't have to move my eyes as far to see the mini-map either, lazy basterd!

Here's a tip: in display setting bring the "safe area" of the screen in to the smallest possible. This will bring the mini-map closer to you targeting reticle allowing you to watch both at once..... :thumbsu:
I don't think TV size affects playing style. I play on a shit SD TV with AV cables
Yeah its an odd one. Mate of mine is an awesome FPS player, yet plays on a shitty 52cm 4:3 aspect ration sharp CRT tv. As soon as he goes on a larger tv his game goes to shit. He gets lost in how big it is and loses focus.

HD does help you pick out guys that would otherwise blend into the background tho, you think it'd have to be some advantage

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My HDTV is shit. No matter what settings I choose, there's always the slightest delay from when I push a button to when the TV shows it. It's nearly impossible to see, but it can negatively effect me in a big way (ie. turning to shoot a guy at the last second).

The picture quality is amazing but the delay forces me back to my crappy 40cm Sony TV.
thats probably input lag

see if your TV has a "Game Mode"

Shit... never realised that TVs can suffer video lag and come with "Game Mode" options.

Will check this out tonight as it may explain some seemingly frustrating deaths.

Another question:

Has anyone noticed any differences in lag or quicker response time when using a wireless controller compared to a wired one??

Not sure if it just me and a "placebo" effect but I often play with my controller connected (even when its fully charged) because I feel it responds better. Nothing to back this up though.
Was raging earlier playing TDM with 3 bars, whole opponent team had 4... Every 1v1 I got in even if I got the 1st shot off the killcam showed my opponent shooting before me. So frustrating.

Also the mp5k is amazing. Same with aksu74 with grip + rds.

Anyone getting really frustrated by rc cars also? So frustrating. I use the spy plane because every member of my team having an advantage is >>>> me getting 1 or 2 kills but I guess not every BO player has that selfless attitude.

Finally... sabotage is an amazing amazing game mode. Helped me get my W/L from about .5 to about .8 or .9 now haha.
Took me ages to work out Khe Sahn...jesus.

You think they'd give you a bit more info than "Push back the NVA" when there is some non obvious thing you have to do to proceed.

One time i was there smoking respawning NVA for 20minutes, then got killed by a grenade :mad: FUUUUUU

Over 900 comments...:eek::eek::eek:

I knew there was some issue when I went through it without really doing anything special. I did it twice the same way too because a section not long after (in a vehicle) froze on me and I needed to completely restart the entire level.:thumbsdown:
I was playing on hardened, i don't think it'd be possible on hardened or veteran without doing the barrel dealio and protecting your left flank/rear
Also did it on Hardened both times.:eek:

Will definitely do it properly for Veteran though.
It's that it is weak. The guns are weak, the killstreaks are weak, the grenades are weak, the perks are weak. Its a weak, watered down game. It doesn't have the crazy bad-ass-ness of MW2. Its like they decided to nerf EVERYTHING rather than just the overpowered stuff.

It probably has a lot to do with the sound as well. Everything from the tinny claps of the guns to the chopper gunners supposed gatling gun sounding like a washer/dryer combo. It makes you feel like you're playing with toys, rather than the real thing.
(cutting some so as not to epicsize post...)

I guess I sort of see what you mean, everything is dialled down. But for what made that fun for you in MW2 completely ruined the game for me.

I rather that Killstreaks don't mean I can't go outside hunting for kills, I rather that there's a lot less quality weapons overall and you can focus more on a select few that really work, I also rather that most perks don't really offer a whole lot other than something that maybe hide you from 1 or 2 extra kills (or get you those extra couple of kills), I rather that almost all killstreaks mean I will get only a few kills from them and can focus on going on and getting more kills rather than sitting in a corner driving around a chopper gunner/rcxd/etc. I just rather play the goddamn game!

Yes there are a few things that have maybe been over-nerfed, but it's much better than them being overpowered (which they most definitely tended to be in MW2). For me this game works best pretty much when nothing else is in play but the gunplay of the game, I dunno, it might just be something I enjoy more than others, but that is what gives me the most fun. It takes me back to Resistance days when it was about the gunplay and objectives and not "OMG I HAVE A NUKE LOLZ END GAME NOW!"[
This game is infuriating me. I am probably the worst player online. Seriously.

I've played 4hr 46min for a KDR of 0.58 (which I actually think is wrong - I thought it would be way lower).

So how the hell do I stay alive? Here are my problems
What gametypes are you playing? If you've just gone along playing the same old, same old TDM's change it up. Play some Domination and go for the objectives over worrying about kills. Or just go play some more objective based gametypes and start going for objectives, at least that way you can work your way into a game more and again not be worrying about the kills so much but be helping your team out along the way.
8. The most important skill in the game is not reflexes, aim, skill ... but memory. Say whaaat?!?

Memorising the spawn points is the best sure fire way to start racking up the kills. Take note of where you spawn after you have been killed. Take note of opening spawns, look at your map all the time and flank where you think their spawn is. Spawn trap. Spawn camp. All those dirty tricks. Spawn.

Isn't this something geared towards someone a fair bit more experienced? .58 k/d ratio and he's going to try and spawn trap teams? Really? I mean that sounds like a hard task for someone who is great at the game let alone someone who is struggling big time for just a kill.
I don't think TV size affects playing style. I play on a shit SD TV with AV cables
Yeah, would agree.

I moved over to a (1080p) HDTV the other night and played just as well as I do on my regular SDTV. Soundwise I didn't notice anything that helped me out a whole lot either, I even had a go at turning the sound down completely for a few games and found I went just as well as I regularly do.
What are people's KDR's at the moment?
Not 100% but between about 1.2-1.4 I think which is basically back to my Resistance: Fall of Man days, which for me shows the improvement in objective mode focus and improvement in overall game balance.
Another question:

Has anyone noticed any differences in lag or quicker response time when using a wireless controller compared to a wired one??

Not sure if it just me and a "placebo" effect but I often play with my controller connected (even when its fully charged) because I feel it responds better. Nothing to back this up though.

I think I recall reading somewhere a while back that unless you are actually using a wired controller then even if you've got your plug and play/USB mini cable plugged in the controller still interacts with the console wirelessly. I'll try have a look for the link later maybe..
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