Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afraid...

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Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

The trouble with sacking the coach is that Richmond have been burnt doing that previously. Does anyone remember that before turning the tribunal system into a farce and consistently refusing to admit that an umpire can make a mistake that Jeff Geishen was Richmond coach?

Appointed mid-season (Unleash the Geish!) then re-appointed at the end of the season he was an abysmal failure. Once bitten, twice shy. Richmond wouldn't want to make the same mistake.
The Giesch had a better win/loss percentage at Richmond than Wallace. So did Walls during his time at Punt Rd. So did Spud. Ditto Northey. I guess they all inherited fantastic lists but just couldn't coach.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

.... If Richmond make Campbell coach they may as well roll up the club and relocate to Tasmania, swap the black for green and become the Tassie Tigers ....

They could change their name to the Apple Turnovers.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

When Terry was appointed coach, Rex Hunt was asked to have a chat with the playing group. He said most of the kids didn't have a clue about the History of Richmond, and he was slightly concerned.

Concerned? WTF! I would have been delighted the kids didn't know how stuffed we have been as a club since 82. That should have been the catalyst to do a Clarko and pull the trigger on the older boys, right then and there.

"Will player X play a significant part in a premiership tilt in 09 or 10? No. Thank you very much for your services, goodbye and good luck"

Instead, Terry's brief was to keep the older lads and get as many wins as possible under the belt to, as someone said earlier, appease the feral supporter base...and rebuild at the same time!

Absolute madness. You can't get a little bit pregnant. You either do the job properly from the start or don't even bother. Blind Freddy could have seen we needed to sweep the broom through the club at end of 04, and not just to clear out the possum shit.

Result. We didn't, and now our young kids are mentally shot, have not had a clear cut plan from their coaching department, and will be afflicted with the RFC failure virus until they retire or are moved on (see Richard Tambling)

And if Hardwick has any sense he will go and coach Port. Let's hope Clarko has the rat cunning to tell Hardwick to go and coach Richmond, thereby nullifying anything Hardwick may have learned under his tutelage.

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Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

Definitely don't sack him.


Let's do him slow.

Love him or hate him is an interesting guy, who will we talk about when his gone? Neil Craig? I don't think so.

I'm looking forward to round 18, when the Tigers win their second match of the year against Melbourne and Wallet says something like, I can see my plan coming together, that's where we are at, that's the scenario, and I'm really looking forward to the next stage of the plan following my 5 year contract extension, its a great show of faith by the RFC board and supporters in general.

Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

... to sack him?

What possible reason is there to keep Terry on as coach?

Watching the interview on the couch and I just couldn't believe what I was witnessing. If I was a Richmond supporter then I would be horrified at what I was seeing.

Terry was not 'spinning' as people like to call it. He was blatently lying to Richmond supporters in every single question asked. How can Richmond supporters, or anyone involved with the club have a coach who looks at them on national tv and lies to them, all with a smug look on his face.

It is absolutely clear that he does not give a stuff, and all he did it for was to convey the message that he demands to be paid out his contract, whether you sack him or not.

Probably the most disgraceful thing was how he conveyed that message itself, by inferring he was not a quitter. Didn't he abandon the Dogs late in the season when he thought he had the job in Sydney? What a ridiculous situation this is. Not because Wallace is a lying fraud, but because March and the Richmond supporters seemingly continue to let this all happen.

Richmond supporters can't do anything mate so lay off us.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

Greetings Rosstickle

I must have come in late.... what exactly is this syndrome?



New York Knicks fans are possible the most harsh, critical fans of any team worldwide. They have a big supporter base who are savage on their own players (a lot like us) and coaches. They boo their own players, much like the treatment of Tambling on Monday. The club is constantly topping up on talented but selfish players because the fans are so critical and demanding. As a result they're getting nowhere.

They've had 8 different coaches since the turn of the century and there is extreme pressure on pretty much every player and the coach in particular.

I wouldn't blame the expectations of the fans for the Tiges failures or Terry's failures but you have to admit it had an effect on Tambling on the weekend.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

Don't the coaches leave it up to the recruiters these days? No more Sheeds left field selections. ;)

He might have lucked out with Delidio and Tambling. They where the best 2 mids of the draft and seen as potential great players. Delidio is a good player but will never be a gun midfielder. Tambling is just not good enough.

If these guys turned out to be Cooney and Griffen then Richmond would be in relaltively good shape.

Terry's influence at the draft table created a legacy of structural problems at the Bulldogs that only now look like being overcome (and that's not for certain). He has this strange confidence in wide running receivers who can't win their own ball. First round draft picks such as Mark Alvey, Sam Power and Jordan Mcmahon, on the whole, frustrated Doggy supporters no end (a bit unfair to Alvey, who was seriously injured for a time).

When Wallace selected Jarrad Oakley-Nicholls at the 2005 draft, I'm sure that many Dog supporters checked out his profile and smiled knowingly. Some decent midfielders were taken later in that draft: Shaun Higgins went at 11, Nathan Jones at 12, Bernie Vince at 32 (what a great get that was!). Higgins would be a typical Wallace non-selection - very footy smart, but not that quick and a question over endurance.

Cotchin looks like being a ripper, so there is a postive.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

I have been thinking about the tigers lately simply because agood friend of mine is a very passionate supporter,and one of their minor sponsors.
I think maybe Wallace will stay for a few rounds yet,depending what happens,if he goes earlier then Campbell will take over as caretaker coach,until they decide on who will take the reins full time.

However although the tigers have got afew young players at Punt Rd,the next year or two will see players over 30 like Richardson,Cousins,Bowden,Nathan Brown,Simmonds exit and this will be hard to replace.All these guys are key position players and will be sorely missed,who will step up once they go ?

So one would think with one uncompromised draft left at year's end,before the Gold Coast rape all the young talent,should the Tigers just play the kids,bite the bullet,tank the year and pick up as many key positioned players available and start again afresh,new coach new young brigade?
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

Pull the trigger on him now.

Pull the trigger on the entire recruitment staff at the Tigers now.

Employ a coach for the rest of the year, and the next. Future contracts pending performance.

Have the coach have Stalin-like dictatorial power.

At the end of this year pull the trigger on Bowden, Couglan, Nathan Brown, Kane Johnson, Jordan McMahon, Pettifer and anyone else not up to it.

Offer Richo to the team with the best chance of winning a flag that could use him. Let him go out on a high. Poor bastard deserves it.

Start from scratch. Draft as many kids as possible in this draft, then try and get overpriced picks for Tambling or some hack when the Gold Coast come in. Repeat 2011.

Tigers really have to rebuilt from the ground up, or the top down. Or both.

It's too easy to lay the entire blame on Wallace.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

They have drawn Geelong and the Bulldogs already as well as an "on fire" Carlton who most experts would say are at least a year further progressed in their resurgence than Richmond.

At least a year further ahead than Richmond? I think you're being extremely generous there - Carlton are 3-5 years in front of Richmond, easily.

I don't like the Blues that much, but they are developing young players into real contributors and more - Richmond's youth arrive at the Club and go backwards.

As for their 0-3 record - it's not that they've lost 3 games, it's the manner in which they've lost them. They've just returned from a pre-season and have skills which would be an embarrassment in the SANFL. They've got one player with any real passion and heart, the rest don''t look like they care .

And the worst thing for Richmond supporters is that they aren't even at the bottom of the trough yet - they will get worse in the next two years before they get better.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

Let him go now for the love of god, I do not care what happens for the rest of the year, we need a new coach, we could somehow scrape into the 8, but still not enough after 5 years, we are still unable to compete with good sides, we still have absolute hacks on our list, players who are allowed to not go in hard or work hard enough.
We have some absolut top notch young players in Cotchin, Deledio (still only 21), Alex Rance, a disgrace that TW has only given him 2 games, Riewoldt to start with and we have some more guys that are the nucleous to a good side. Only problem is they have a coach who uses basketball tactics that only works against sub par sides.
Hardwick, Mark Williams, Matthews or Malthouse. Somebody that knows how to win and will force his players to give 110%, not make pathetic excuses in the media for them.
Such as Tambling hasn't had much sleep in the last 72 hpurs following the birth oif his second child.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

if they did sack wallace, would they really be able to attract a good coach?

consider the state the list is in, it will take a few years to structure it to what the new coach will require, then also consider the gold coast and another team coming in. not a good time to be had for the cellar dwellers.

considering this, what sane aspiring coach would take on the richmond job? you would only do it for mega bucks because you wouldn't expect a short term fix and immediate success. they would need a 5+ year contract!
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

Give Terry a break. The problem is the people who hired him, Frawley and all their other coaching department personnel the last 25 years. Tiger fans should stop looking at the coaches and realise that it's the board's incompetence that has cause them all this heartbreak. At their current strike rate they'll get rid of Terry and replace him with another spud. You have voting rights. Use it.

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Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

its a bit off point but some serious consideration should have been made about the 'light-n-easy' sponsorship. Doesn't look good to have this on terry's designer shirt in his current plight.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

I'd start with the playing group, the coach and assistant coaching staff can only help the players so much.... it is the 22 on the field who should be shouldering the blame for their inspid performance. Why not sack them before the coach ?
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

I don’t think the coaching impatience call can be made against Richmond as emphatically anymore, if anything they have swung too far in the opposite direction. There is nothing happening now that wasn’t evident this time last year. Thank god for contracts eh Terry?

I’ll buy that the Tiges had a tough opening draw and 0-3 would have been at least a realistic result, but as King Elvis sai, the manner of the losses is the worry. While they fought impressively against Geelong, their losses against both Carlton and the Bulldogs were abject. The Dogs game was a perfect microcosm of the Wallace era- start out on message and full of beans only to see their bravado evaporate with the combination of superior opposition and their own errors & lack of strategic nous. Think of how much worse it could have been had the Dogs kicked straight (wasted some percentage there fellas).

Does anyone ever seriously expect a side described as “mathematically able to make the finals” to be capable of making a meaningful dent on the premiership? After four and a half years of Wallace, his cattle, his strategies and his staff, maths shouldn’t come into it. There is nothing convincing about them- no steel, no certainty, no structure, no defining philosophy in the game plan beyond “pick a card, any card”. To think, the Swans board could have passed on Paul Roos in favour of Wallace back in 2002. “There’s no justice like angry mob justice”.

Of the Melbourne teams, the Tiges are the side I have a soft spot for and I know plenty of supporters. Call this sympathetic frustration.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

I see your point, but do people realise that we drafted Roughead and Franklin against popular opinion because of Alastair Clarkson.

Alastair Clarkson's blue print required us to draft the two best KPP's, and what do you know we landed those guys.

And like I have said before the Hawks youngsters have walked into the structure, support, development and all other factors required to succeed.

Richmond's youngsters never stood a chance IMO.

No,you got lucky with Franklin big time.

Remember you lot passed on him too.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

I'd start with the playing group, the coach and assistant coaching staff can only help the players so much.... it is the 22 on the field who should be shouldering the blame for their inspid performance. Why not sack them before the coach ?

I tend to agree.

The playing group get out of it lightly.

Having said that,we are still a long way away from being a top 4 side and we must accept this.

Bulldogs nearly made the GF last year,Geelong were in 2 GF's the last 2 years and we were asleep during the Carlton game.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

You have to love the excuse that they've played at least two if not three of the top four sides this year. How were the doggies, carlton and even hawks travelling when Terry took over? The fact that those sides are now up and firing at the top of the ladder is a larger indictment on Wallace's coaching abilities surely.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

I don't want him there, but is there any point in sacking him during the season?

Our assistants dont fill me with a great deal of confidence, and surely someone like a Hardwick or Buckley wouldn't jump in to the senior coaches seat mid-year?
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

There's no point changing coach if you have a competitive side until finals are completely out of the question. However, if Richmond lose to Melbourne this weekend the board will be under immense presssure to move Wallace on ASAP.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

I don't want him there, but is there any point in sacking him during the season?

Our assistants dont fill me with a great deal of confidence, and surely someone like a Hardwick or Buckley wouldn't jump in to the senior coaches seat mid-year?

I say sack him and replace him with someone like Sheedy/Campbell for the year. They can then get into negotiations with Hardwick before teams like Port get the chance.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

In a sense it's not really Wallace's fault at all. He's just Wallace - an occasionally inspirational match-day coach, capable of the odd surprising tactic, and that's about it. Richmond should have had a good look at his record with the Bulldogs before taking him on. He got the Dogs playing well, but over the course of his time there he let the side decay. Which is more or less what's happening at Richmond now.

He's just not a list developer. Give him a top five pick and he won't waste it,. but he's not much chop beyond that. No doubt part of it is due to the recruiting team and the club as a whole, but the coach needs to set the direction and give a clear idea of the types of players he needs.

The worst of it is that he's very media savvy. So whereas any other coach might cop it in the media and be forced to actually do something to get some respect, Terry can just pop into the studio and massage the facts for half an hour, and everyone's happy.

This talk about how Richmond has had a tough first three weeks is a perfect example of it. No coach ought to use that as an excuse. It would be much better if he had said something like, "We understand that our first three weeks have been difficult assignments, but 0-3 is still unacceptable, and I'll be letting the boys know that too."

He'll deflect blame anywhere he can, as long as he's not personally held accountable. I doubt he'll be very complimentary about the RFC when he leaves, either. It's all about marketing the Wallace brand.
Re: Can someone tell me what the point of keeping Terry Wallace on as coach is? Is Gary March afrai

... to sack him?

What possible reason is there to keep Terry on as coach?

Watching the interview on the couch and I just couldn't believe what I was witnessing. If I was a Richmond supporter then I would be horrified at what I was seeing.

Terry was not 'spinning' as people like to call it. He was blatently lying to Richmond supporters in every single question asked. How can Richmond supporters, or anyone involved with the club have a coach who looks at them on national tv and lies to them, all with a smug look on his face.

It is absolutely clear that he does not give a stuff, and all he did it for was to convey the message that he demands to be paid out his contract, whether you sack him or not.

Probably the most disgraceful thing was how he conveyed that message itself, by inferring he was not a quitter. Didn't he abandon the Dogs late in the season when he thought he had the job in Sydney? What a ridiculous situation this is. Not because Wallace is a lying fraud, but because March and the Richmond supporters seemingly continue to let this all happen.

Thread no.#35176 by a Hawthorn schnedley in regard to Richmond Football Club.

I find it really disturbing that you blokes are totally incapable of enjoying your own team and your Premiership. Your obsession with Wallace and the RFC just doesn't seem to look like abating.

How about you guys just concern yourselves with your own backyard.

Why would we take on board anything you've got to say on the matter? It's clear that you despise Terry Wallace, and that you have little regard to the welfare of the Richmond Football Club, so anything you post is loaded with cloaked vindictiveness in accordance with your own personal agenda. In fact, it's beyond agenda, it's vendetta. Are you still furious that he rejected your club? Seriously, how many threads do you see from Port supporters about Nick Stevens, or Richmond about Brad Ottens, or Freo about Trent Croad nowadays? Why would you want Wallace sacked, if he's so insidious a force at an opposition club you so despise? Buy an RFC membership if our plight concerns you so much.

I'll give you some truth? We despise the Hawthorn Football Club. Its pissy colors, its guernsey, its players, its ex-players, its upper-middle-class leafy eastern suburban old private school tie mentality, and now we even despise its recent Grand Final success. Unlike the achievements of teams like Brisbane, Sydney, West Coast, Geelong and even Port over the last decade, there would hardly be a Richmond (nor probably Essendon and of course Geelong) supporter who could've eeked out even the mildest form of satisfaction out of Hawthorn's success last year. Hawthorn supporters have made it impossible to share any mutual enjoyment of their win.

If you haven't worked it out by now, I care very little for the welfare of Hawthorn - the only reason that I hope they remain viable in the AFL is so that we have someone else to beat if and when we finally get our shit together. Otherwise they can move full-time to Tassie, or go under, or whatever. There's only so many gloating idiots one can endure, and ones that approach bearing criticism under the cloak of friendly patronising "advice" are the ones really worth giving a wide berth.

But despite my hatred, though, I can tell you that if my club had won the Flag last year, the first for close to twenty years, and with such a wonderful team of players, there is no way I'd be wasting copious quantities of bandwidth on an opposition club like Hawthorn. I can't remember a single instance where I've ever even been on the Hawthorn Board, let alone started a thread on the main board about them. Their fortunes are, for all intents and purposes, insignificant to the fortunes of my own club.

And if it had been my club that had won the Premiership, I certainly wouldn't be harping on relentlessly about how poor Hawthorn's drafting policy of Thorp, Dowler, Muston and Dawson have been in the last handful of years, or the off-field "health" issues of several key players, or how much of a dirty gutless little sniper their coach was as a player.

Nor would I be wasting time like yourself offering false advice on how they could improve, or what they should do to better themselves, feigning some altruistic responsibility to help up the bloke who's fallen on hard times.
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