Can you beat Judd's time?

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Re: Can you beat Judd's beep test?

done with 2 cones 20m apart and you run from one cone to the other. you start with a beep and when you get to the other cone it beeps again and you go back. the beeps slowly get wuicker and quicker. pretty simple just google it
Re: Can you beat Judd's beep test?

highest was 11.7 at start of the season but if i tried now i would probably only get maybe 10.8 max.

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Re: Can you beat Judd's beep test?

i used to easily get to 11/12..

then i found tabbacco...

although i did one last year and still got around 10.

loooooooooong way off the great man though
Re: Can you beat Judd's time? ** MB Thread moved here**

thought i would give this a crack tonite
ran well within myself and racked out a nice 13:45

reckon with a month more training i could give judds time a nudge to be honest
Re: Can you beat Judd's beep test?

I'm 14 and got a 13.2 on the beep test in the last week of school.

No I cannot beat Judd but I reckon at the age of 18 I could get maybe a 14 and bit?
Re: Can you beat Judd's time? ** MB Thread moved here**

I did 3k in 12 minutes exactly today, but there were steep inclines. If I keep doing it twice a week, I reckon by Round 1... naa I'm dreamin

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Sorry to burst your bubble but this is a common misconception.

Firstly we can assume that wind resistance is equal in both scenarios.

So when you are running uphill you need to produce a force in the forward direction as well as to counter a larger fraction of gravity (downwards) than as if you were running on a flat. Therefore the first part of the uphill will be slower compared to the flat course however things change in the second half. When coming downhill that same portion of gravitation force, which is a constant, that you were fighting against is now helping and you are running faster than someone on the flat course.

The reason running tracks are flat and not hilly is for practical reasons only. A 400m running track has to service events that are a fraction of 400m, but that doesn't detract from the fact that physics and the laws that govern the conservation of energy, work and momentum do not lie.
When science goes wrong.

Doen't work that way.
1) On a downhill portion you have to use significantly more energy deaccelerating.
2) The fuel you use to burn energy changes depending on how hard you work. On a flat surface at a steady state you burn a higher % of fat. This is a more efficient fuel source than carbohydrates.
3) Then there are changes in biomechnics (stride pattern, muscles used, breathing etc) and the fact that it isn't in a Vacuum means external elements such as windd resistance comes into play.

Massively faulty logic.

I think my sister could go close to Judd's time (nationally rank 800 m runner).

I wouldn't mind betting Tim Clarke had the biggest engine in AFL footy. He was a nationaly junior 800m finalist, he's brother was a nationaly junior 400m finalist, his sister was an olympic long distance runner at 17! Genetic freaks.
Re: Can you beat Judd's beep test?

Nah supposedly him and Lance Armstrong are the few who can actually complete it, which is the end of level 21.

It simply didn't happen. Its impossible to get a 21. Even if it was, I highly doubt Beckham and Armstrong are the ones that did it - Beckham is a soccer player which doesn't really demand that much aerobic fitness when compared to AFL or marathon running, and Armstrong is a cyclist, which is a completely different type of fitness to long distance running.
Re: Can you beat Judd's beep test?

It simply didn't happen. Its impossible to get a 21. Even if it was, I highly doubt Beckham and Armstrong are the ones that did it - Beckham is a soccer player which doesn't really demand that much aerobic fitness when compared to AFL or marathon running, and Armstrong is a cyclist, which is a completely different type of fitness to long distance running.

The beep test measures aerobic capacity - so you're saying marathon cycling doesn't come under that aspect?

Soccer is still physically demanding, and it does include aerobic capacity aswell, probably almost as much as AFL.

So there is a chance, but yes it is highly improbable.
Re: Can you beat Judd's beep test?

The beep test measures aerobic capacity - so you're saying marathon cycling doesn't come under that aspect?

What's marathon cycling?

Soccer is still physically demanding, and it does include aerobic capacity aswell, probably almost as much as AFL.

It probably isn't, but even so, it is so unlikely that the most well known face of soccer is also the fittest soccer player. Clearly someone has just gone
'Let's make up someone that has completed the beep test. Now. Who will people believe that did that? I know! What's that chaps name that plays soccer again? The really good one? Beckham!!!!! He will do!!!"

So there is a chance, but yes it is highly improbable.

Re: Can you beat Judd's beep test?

There is absolutely no way David Beckham has finished the beep test, i doubt anyone has. Get yourself a copy of the beep test and listen to how close together the beeps are after about level 18.
Re: Can you beat Judd's beep test?

What's marathon cycling?

It probably isn't, but even so, it is so unlikely that the most well known face of soccer is also the fittest soccer player. Clearly someone has just gone
'Let's make up someone that has completed the beep test. Now. Who will people believe that did that? I know! What's that chaps name that plays soccer again? The really good one? Beckham!!!!! He will do!!!"


By marathon cycling I meant long distance cycling, like the tour de france, I was just being lazy.

Yeah they probably did, but someone might have done it and just gotten that guy mixed up with Beckham.

You'd have to be supremely fit, and almost inhuman to do it, but hey, someone will, if they haven't already.
Re: Can you beat Judd's beep test?

Cale Morton did a better beep than Judd at draft camp. Grimes did a 15+ at the AIS, Rohan Bail would do 15 easily.

I could probably do a 11.5 right now, but i'm a better footballer than Judd is anyway....

Re: Can you beat Judd's beep test?

pfft thats nothing heard Beckham ran 21

yeah ha ha very funny...

soccer players would have to be some of the LEAST fit sports people going around (aside from generally having an extremely low threshold for physical pain)...

I doubt there would be too many adult soccer players who would do 15+ beep tests...

They generally don't have to cover too much ground (not as much as an AFL player), except for box-to-box midfielders like Steven Gerrard maybe. They're a pretty lazy bunch IMO...

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Can you beat Judd's time?

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