Carlton training pics, reports etc II

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Any word on Curnow fellas? Does he look set to regain his early 2011 form?

From reading these reports, it seems the intensity at training has died down a lot, is this true?

And re: Waite, I'd say he is being managed very carefully with the aim of having him peak mid season

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Waite was involved in warm-ups and preliminary drills, then lost himself for a while before re-surfacing, then disappearing again.

Buckley did pick up the tempo a little after dropping three marks in a row, when the rain came down. Think he may have wanted to make a little hole for himself but worked through it and good on him.

We're going to like Bootsma.
I don't know for the character of the kid, but it's clear as to why we rated him higher than others may have.

Curnow is running well but not one to stand out through the drills laid out today.
Intensity was high before the break, so they may just be easing into things this week.

Thanks for the great report Harks. Just wondering if you could tell us a little more about Bootsma showing today and why we are going to like him.
And, did you happen to notice how Collins, Kerr, Casboult, Carter, McCarthy and Watson performed?
Bootsma: I'm loving this selection.
Again showed what I've been talking up, today. Has a great burst of speed and an uncanny ability to be upon you, before you know it.
Pulled down a couple today through tackling drills and jolted away from others when he had the ball. Could be a beauty for us here at #22 in a compromised draft.

Collins: He moves very well and kicks well, but I think we'll see where he sits through the practice matches.
Kerr: Sadly fumbled a bit today. Not his best day, as I've seen much better over the course.
Casboult: Can mark and again showcased that at sessions end. Looked O.K. today and may just be building up to some endurance.
Carter: Must fancy himself as a FF as he does a lot of goal-kicking. Maybe a forward role for him in the VFL.
Just one of those players that does little wrong but nothing special either.
McCarthy: Wasn't involved much and spent at least part of the session running laps. One I always seem to miss though.
Watson: Didn't take my eye at all today. Someone else may have followed him harder than me.

Thanks again! You've got me really excited about Bootsma. Just on Casboult, how does he compare to Rowe as a potential CHF?
Without reading other reports which could change my opinion:

Walker - Same old Walker, does everything right. Stayed back later than everyone else and worked with Squid on snap shots then even longer to work on his set shots (which were generally good)

Russell - Came off injured as previously mentioned, elbow still heavily strapped up. I don't know why but I get the feel he'll have an injury interrupted season :(

Murphy - Didn't do too much worthy of note, set shots and snaps more often than not were off target, but was good in the drills, at worst he was neat. Also, he's an absolute unit.

Gibbs - Seems to have a presence about him now that he didn't have last year at the same time, maybe it's the shoulder strapping that makes him more noticeable. Great voice on the track which I hadn't heard previously and trained well, looks to have the confidence and voice of Russell from 2010 :thumbsu:

Judd - Best on track for mine, noticeable quicker over the ground, field kicking was sublime and leads by example...did have one terrible set shot at goal which he had a laugh about with Hendo.

Simpson - Didn't see much of him. I'm not a fan of his set shot action and he missed a few of them (as did many others), otherwise we know how good this guy is so no point in going over it all again.

Buckley - Looks to have a better build in person than what's seen in photos, is quick, clean below his knees and skills are tidy. What I love the most is how he interacts with the boys and seems like he's been at the club forever (well, he has in a sense).

Kreuzer - Was looking a little undefined in the photos I'd seen but again in person he looks like a unit and stands out from all those around him. Kicking was solid and his movement is looking great.

Lucas - I see what everyone's been going on about, looked super quick and hungry for that defensive pressure. Looked like a taller Simmo out there :thumbsu:

Watson - Good voice, willingness was there and his kicking is just beautiful, got lost on the other side of the ground and didn't see much of him but did plenty of good things.

Warnock - Walked around, rehab group

Robinson - His energy was refreshing in the cold rain and his neat skills warmed my heart, love the guy! Took plenty of shots at goal, got most of them.

Yarran - Evasive, silky, quick...Just need to see what his endurance is like in a match situation.

McLean - One of the stand outs this morning. Didn't see him miss a target on field or at goal on either foot until after the session just before he did extra running and was having bare foot snaps. Another who I'd have to hold back excitement from until I see how it translates into a match.

Laidler - Just gets it done. Didn't notice him until late though :/

Collins - Kept up with Yaz in one drill and was a split second away from tackling him, good burst speed and his kicking was as always, sublime! Body work was better and just can't wait to see him get some game time again.

Rowe - Not sure on his field kicking (ie, it was bad today) and his movement is okay. Didn't manage to see any marking contests. At the moment he's behind Hammer in my books.

Bower - The want is there, the running was good and so was the decision making, disposal let him down today and he punished himself with push ups when he got it wrong.

Betts - Zippy, straight kicking, bubbly and as always good in marking situations.

ROK - Rehab group, out of the moon boot though.

Bootsma - Pastiest kid I've ever seen, shy looking but footy wise fits in well and has good skills and moves well. Good size, I see him eventually turning into a better Bower type.

Hampson - Moved well, kicked okay (kicked one goal from an impossible angle), didn't drop any easy marks - :thumbsu:

Henderson - Kicking at goal was average, everything else in the field was great, much more suited higher up the ground or down back as much as I like him forward.

McCarthy - Ran laps, then went inside.

Mitchell - Presence, he has heaps of it. Compared to Levi he has more footy smarts, leadership potential, a better kick while marking is probably equal (Levi probably a better pack mark). Would love to see him get a touch bigger in the upper body to match his head and to become a real power forward. Held his own against Jamo in a contest, well done.

McInnes - Walked around Visy all day.

Army - Same ol' same ol'

Bell - Runs well, great size about him and kicks well when he has enough time to execute his action, otherwise it's terrible :) Don't think he'll be cracking the best 22 this year.

Scotto - Brilliant direction, superb kicking, great to have at the club. We all know what he has to offer ;)

Waite - Nowhere to be seen after first few minutes.

Davies - Pretty good session from him, you know what you'll get from Marcus.

Bird - Great set shot kicking, good in marking contests - nothing new.

Duigan - Spent much of the day on the opposite wing, didn't see him.

Curnow - Looks super fit. Not the quickest and his kicking was suspect, love the fro!

Kerr - Nothing worth noting, didn't do much wrong and can't make calls on how fit he has become etc.

Heyne - Looks cut, fit looking guy. Skills were nice and will be interesting to see how much of the ball he gets come preseason match time.

Garlett - Nowhere to be seen, could have been standing sideways though.

Dale - For all the talk on his marking, was disappointed to see him drop everything, kicking on both sides were great though and maybe he just needs to make sure he's applying himself 100% at training.

Jamo - Vice captain for a reason. So solid, field kicking was spot on today and he wasn't beaten in contest work. Great vision and decision making to go along with it all.

Casboult - Looks huge, with past knowledge of his pack marking capability you learn to like him. Field kicking and moving around obviously not his forte but it's better from when I last saw him.

Tuohy - All about learning to play and mastering the game from now, has all the tools. Is a huge unit and kicks the living shite out of the ball.

White - Didn't notice him much, sorry.

Carrazzo - We all know what he does, showed great grunt work end of last year, so I moreso look forward to his matchday form. Was given a nice round of applause for the birth of his 3 girls (have mercy!)

Joseph - Saw him run through a pack of three in one drill and arched his back to dispose it well to the next group in the drill, was great to see! Knows his limitations now and backs himself when he can, kicking has also improved.

Ellard - Outmarked Murph twice in a row and the boys loved it, shouts of "TO THE SHOWERS, MURPH!" were heard all around. Did pretty well today, always performs outside his skin.

Carter - Didn't pay much attention, sorry.

Bray - Did okay, neat enough in most aspects, look forward to seeing him in the Ants/Northern Blues.

Lodge - In Europe
Murphy: Great to see him back in full training as he adds so much class through general drills.
You've got to love the way he comes to a dead stop and accelerates immediately. Looking a little more beefed up than this time last year also.
Going to be a powerhouse this year.

One of the things he has always been able to do at an elite level... be moving at full pace, stop, change angle and take off again leaving opposition players in his dust wondering where he has gone.
Photographs from today's session can be found in the link in my signature or at;

Uploading as I'm posting this message. I will put them into a batch file like I normally do, when I come home.


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Did Casboult jump on that equipment and destroy it? :eek: :p
I hope he doesn't beef up any more than where he is now.
When he jetted off from a standing start on one occasion, I had to look twice as that was not the Judd through last years training.
I can only hope that someone really stands up to take that in and under mid spot, as we really need Judd on his feet.
Super impressed today by someone who generally looks "same old" on the track.

I suspect Chris Judd was carrying an undisclosed injury for most of last year.

Maybe that ankle injury was worse than we thought?

I recall Shane Crawford saying that he did a similar injury and was below par for 3 months.
A few quick impressions from training:

Robinson is awesome - has a booming kick for goal and is pretty damn accurate, also keeps the mood lively out there.

Casboult's kicking for goal isn't great.

Hampson was disappointing - still seems to have butter-fingers and got tackled twice when he should have given the ball off earlier. Don't think he is up to best 22 standard.

Buckley was pretty good, I thought. Competed well against significantly larger guys in the 1 on 1 marking drill.

Tuohy is best 22. He does everything well. Not sure what else to say, I was seriously impressed.

T-Bird isn't making an appearance in many people's best 22, but he looks the goods to me. At the moment, I'd say he's our best option for a "tall" marking forward. Would absolutely play him over Hampson.

Jamison was great, and looked fit and healthy. Spent quite a bit of time kicking for goal. I wonder whether he might be used up forward on occasion this year. Is a great kick for goal.

Typing on iPhone, so that's all from me.
I hope he doesn't beef up any more than where he is now.
When he jetted off from a standing start on one occasion, I had to look twice as that was not the Judd through last years training.
I can only hope that someone really stands up to take that in and under mid spot, as we really need Judd on his feet.
Super impressed today by someone who generally looks "same old" on the track.
Judd is the best clearance player in the AFL - bar none. Obviously we don't want to shorten his career but we also need him doing what he does best. What we do require is more blocking/screening (as has been mentioned by many on the forum) to give him SOME space and to limit the scragging and collisions he endures.

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Carlton training pics, reports etc II

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