Caro, witch women, spell true

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Why do you think im being so hard on him? Its because he claims to have all this inside info and brags about it and yet has done nothing to prevent it so far. Its like knowing about the attacks on the WTC yet not doing anything about it.

What have i done? Well let me see. Nothing and guess why? I live in Darwin. My football club is not in the city i live in. I dont get to see my team on an almost weekly basis like Melbourne based supporters. Its you guys who are going to be punished when the club moves. You down there have more of a chance of doing something than i can.

I cant be a bum on a seat. I cant hold up a sign at a game. I cant bail up RJ or GD and tell them how i feel. I cant go to the AGM or the members forum but you down in Melbourne can.

Its up to you and now fight for our beloved club.

Whilst I can concur with the frustration, you can't fight an opponent you can't see. To stop a relocation there has to be an alternative. So far there hasn't been. I've been edgy ever since B2 was elected to the board because he came with the AFL's endorsement, and we all know what they're all about. I don't have the answers, yet, but someone needs to come up with a financial alternative and we also need lazy members to get off their lazy arse's and re-sign. All this I won't re-sign because of the GC talk is all bullshit and a cop out.
Who's to say the one feeding Caro isn't the AFL but Duff and his buddies? Trying to 'soften us up' by wearing us down. We know they don't give two hoots about pro-GC shit in the media. They certainly don't reply to them.


I don't rate her journalism skills that highly, she's probably running on her 80% truths, but that's still enough to make us worried.
Whilst I can concur with the frustration, you can't fight an opponent you can't see. To stop a relocation there has to be an alternative. So far there hasn't been. I've been edgy ever since B2 was elected to the board because he came with the AFL's endorsement, and we all know what they're all about. I don't have the answers, yet, but someone needs to come up with a financial alternative and we also need lazy members to get off their lazy arse's and re-sign. All this I won't re-sign because of the GC talk is all bullshit and a cop out.
It may be that an alternative will not appear until such time as there is a definitive relocation plan made public.

One of the major problems that led to the demise of Fitzroy was that far too many supporters chose not to believe that Fitzroy was in peril until it was all too late. Then many of them said 'If only I had realised how bad things were'.

I suspect that a majority of North Melbourne members and barrackers are actually operating in the same area of denial at this time. After all, it is often easier to choose not to consider the prospect of relocation at the present, instead hope that it all goes away and if not, then adjust at some indeterminant time in the future.

In the case of Hawthorn it was not until the members were shoen the reality and given a chance to vote, that the enormously powerful figure of Don Scott stepped up and roused the passion of many more Hawthorn members and the Melbourne Hawthorn merger was overturned.

We need to identify a Don Scott like character now.

His name is Glenn Archer.

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Apart from my family and friends I love my football club more than just about anything in the world. I just couldn't live with myself if it got shipped off interstate and I did nothing to help save it.

If the Gemba report has us pointing in the Gold Coast direction then I'm keen to get involved in an Anti Gold Coast group at the end of the season. I've read some great Ideas on this board and if an Anti Gold Coast group got off the ground I'd be willing to pledge $100 if 50 others do the same that's $5,000which should get us started and cover some costs like T'shirts, banners and printing. If those 50 people devoted 2 hours a week that's 100 hours a week between us for the cause. If those 50 people wrote 2 letters each that's 100 letters and so on. Surely someone on here can help set up a website? In a past life I was a sign writer I'd be willing to make a few banners with some of those great slogans on the "Banners at high noon" thread.

We need to focus our attention on getting Perko and Dan J on the board come the next election.

We need to get organised at seasons end. Count me in!
Who's to say the one feeding Caro isn't the AFL but Duff and his buddies? Trying to 'soften us up' by wearing us down. We know they don't give two hoots about pro-GC shit in the media. They certainly don't reply to them.


It doesn't really matter but I think you can bet that Caro is getting almost everything from the AFL and a little from a certain NMFC skunk who is not on the board but pulls strings from behind the scenes.
We need to identify a Don Scott like character now.

His name is Glenn Archer.

I love Archy as much as anyone here. But what if he is not on our side? He didn't want to go to Sydney, but what if Mark and James Brayshaw convinced him that it's GC or perish?
Guys the reality is, and as harsh as it may seem we are going to the Gold Coast unless some miracle happens and we rally behind the club and win - but we will be fighting against the AFL at the end of the day and will be hard to overturn a decision that is already being made as we speak!!

It's going to happen and we have to start preparing something for the members etc to have their say but sadly the reality is its happening guys

Unfortunately unless we get 30k in a hurry , as near as next year then I think we are up against it
Unfortunately unless we get 30k in a hurry , as near as next year then I think we are up against it

The AFL care little for passion and loyalty. In fact they take it for granted. They are driven by the $ and unless our numbers do improve to help the bottom line we are in serious trouble. Does anyone know any Russian Oil magnates who are looking for a new hobby?
The AFL care little for passion and loyalty. In fact they take it for granted. They are driven by the $ and unless our numbers do improve to help the bottom line we are in serious trouble.Does anyone know any Russian Oil magnates who are looking for a new hobby?
We have a money man in Peter Scanlon. But he doesn't seem that eager to shell out. It's often amazing how peoples idea's and allegiances can change when money comes into the equation.
I love Archy as much as anyone here. But what if he is not on our side? He didn't want to go to Sydney, but what if Mark and James Brayshaw convinced him that it's GC or perish?
Quite correct Pharro. I should have said "perhaps his name is Glenn Archer".

What I am trying to say is that we have to identify an ex-player or someone with exalted status associated with the club, who can invoke the passions of not just us on this board, but everyone of North Melbourne allegiance.
OK. Here's my two cents.

If you want a forum to discuss things without it being public, we might consider making a group on Facebook. A lot of people will already have it, and those that don't will find that it's easy to sign up. A group of university students succesfully used Facebook to get banks to back down on charging interest on student accounts over here in the UK so it has a precedent for being used for collective action.

Secondly, the further we go in the finals the better. The merger debate is what drove Hawthorn's membership figures up from 12,300 to 27,450 in 1997! That's a huge increase and shows what sort of effect the threat of losing a club can have. We can have that sort of effect too but we need to publicly rally the troops. I agree we will need someone like Don Scott.

I also further agree that there's no reason for us to HAVE to go to the Gold Coast. The AFL have clearly been trying to minimise our crowds over the last 5 years with poor fixturing and no blockbusters. There is enough money in the competition to support us and all small teams if the desire is there. Unfortunately, we have been earmarked for a move north. We need to make a lot of noise and make the truth known.

I think step 1 is "find out which key figures are in our corner, and which aren't"
Step 2 is "prepare for the shitfight. This involves appointing leaders (ex-players, financiers, sheer weight of people)
Step 3 is "Make ourselves known". This will probably be quite hard in the off season. I reckon something like protesting at the Grand Final, whether we're in it or not would have an effect. That would definitely be reported on.

Too much of this shit has gone on behind closed doors for my liking. It's sneaky and it's not on. I wish I was back in Melbourne to help, but anything I can do from London I'm more than willing to contribute.
We have a money man in Peter Scanlon. But he doesn't seem that eager to shell out. It's often amazing how peoples idea's and allegiances can change when money comes into the equation.

Peter Scanlon may be willing to leap aboard but the suspicion is he would not float the club a la Roman Abramovich. He would want to know that the club is self-sustainable. Which is exactly what Dick Pratt has done at Carlton.
OK DarwinRoo - you have made a fair point about a call to action.

Here is what I will do.

I'll talk to a few contacts I have at Herald Sun and see where they sit.

I'll talk to a key supporter who is a money man and see what he thinks our chances are and what we can do collectively.

I'll report back here as soon as I can.

I don't want to waste people's time - we need to be sure that we can have some influence before we go off half cocked.
All sounds good ! :thumbsu::thumbsu:

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I know Arch has been mentioned as the right person to do what 'Don Scott' did but I can see another past player that if he stood up at a rally and pushed our cause would draw more raw emotion. If he said 'we won't have a club if you don't stand up now' would get those supperters that are not members to put pen to paper and sign up.

I believe the person to stand up, the one that would get the greatest media coverage and the biggest member response is Stevo. Is there a supperter out there that would not listen to every word spoken by Stevo if he would do it.
I'm an interstater but will fight to the death to ensure our club keeps it's soul.

Obviously I do have limitations in I can't get to games and wave banners etc, but anything else I can do I will. I will not let my club die on my watch.

I think Yianni's Facebook Idea is great. If he hasn't started a group already or doesn't want to, I'd be happy to.
I'm an interstater but will fight to the death to ensure our club keeps it's soul.

Obviously I do have limitations in I can't get to games and wave banners etc, but anything else I can do I will. I will not let my club die on my watch.

I think Yianni's Facebook Idea is great. If he hasn't started a group already or doesn't want to, I'd be happy to.

Yianni and Roobunny, how do we make Facebook more private than BF? Obviously anyone can log on here, but with Facebook, we'd have to allow anyone in too. So a journo could just as easily find his or her way in.
Facebook is a great idea.
A prefect way to give our concerns some framework and a body for our aching souls and thoughts.
I use it and would join the group IMMEDIATELY it is formed.

(I'm not too IT savvy, so unsure how to start it.)
Roobunny, you good with this stuff?
True - I'm not sure how much we can guard privacy with Facebook, but at least with Facebook, you can't just log in under an alias and requires more work to find. A journalist would have to find the group, establish their own profile including their name and photo etc and then join.
excuse my ignorance but is the main reason for the relocation a money issue??? How many members does North have now and how many are needed to avoid relocating? Or to put it another way, how much money does North need to stay in Melbourne?
I'm a St Kilda Social Club member but have been to every NM game in Melbourne this year (my partner is a North member) and will seriously consider taking out a NM membership next year and possible financial donation if I know it would make a difference.
excuse my ignorance but is the main reason for the relocation a money issue??? How many members does North have now and how many are needed to avoid relocating? Or to put it another way, how much money does North need to stay in Melbourne?
I'm a St Kilda Social Club member but have been to every NM game in Melbourne this year (my partner is a North member) and will seriously consider taking out a NM membership next year and possible financial donation if I know it would make a difference.

Money's a big part of it. AFL will throw tens of millions at the club to relocate, and subsidise for decades. And they can get away with it because currently we could not survive without the income we get from them - which, ironically, is small compared with the income they are proposing to provide.

Membership numbers are used publicly as a reason why we should relocate - so, yes, buying a membership would be an excellent way of helping our fight for survival.
excuse my ignorance but is the main reason for the relocation a money issue??? How many members does North have now and how many are needed to avoid relocating? Or to put it another way, how much money does North need to stay in Melbourne?
I'm a St Kilda Social Club member but have been to every NM game in Melbourne this year (my partner is a North member) and will seriously consider taking out a NM membership next year and possible financial donation if I know it would make a difference.

I don't think a number has been mentioned, but I would think an extra 5k next year (22.3k this year) and more the year after that is what we need, so we're at say 30k+ by 2010.
Facebook is a great idea.
A prefect way to give our concerns some framework and a body for our aching souls and thoughts.
I use it and would join the group IMMEDIATELY it is formed.

(I'm not too IT savvy, so unsure how to start it.)
Roobunny, you good with this stuff?

Ive made a page on Facebook, Called (Anti Gold Coast) Keep North melbourne in Melbourne, just created it yesterday, no pics or info yet, but feel free to join an add to it what you will.
i know St Kilda's membership boomed after sustained finals participation in the late 90s, and i think the whole "save our saints" campaign helped as well. i now pay an extra $100/year on top of my 17-game membership just in case they make the GF, then i am guaranteed a seat. no way would i have done this in the early 90s.
i think our (StK) membership was up to 27,000 after finals campaigns, so i'm sure if North progresses deep into September membership numbers will (hopefully) swell - including mine.
The appeal for North for me is the underdog factor - same reason i started barracking for the Saints back in the day. Except North plays with alot more heart than St K when they are down and out.

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Caro, witch women, spell true

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