Caroline Wilson article re Swan and bad behaviour

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One would like to think that to even mention a players name in article relating to drug misuse and other anti-social behaviour, the author would have cast iron evidence to support the claim. Mud sticks and all that. Either this evidence should be published (without the usual BS of "Cannot reveal my sources" which journo's always seem to hide behind) or offer a full & frank apology to Swan & Fisher. Neither of these things are going to happen, but we can live in hope.
I came over here to see how you guys were reacting to this article after just reading it. She'd want to have some pretty decent evidence to back up her allegations otherwise Eddie & co will go to town on her. I cant believe she is allowed to print that sort of thing without citing any reference or incidents (other than his night out before the finals), and dragging a players name through the mud.

I'm happy to stick up for the Pies in this one :thumbsu:

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One would like to think that to even mention a players name in article relating to drug misuse and other anti-social behaviour, the author would have cast iron evidence to support the claim. Mud sticks and all that. Either this evidence should be published (without the usual BS of "Cannot reveal my sources" which journo's always seem to hide behind) or offer a full & frank apology to Swan & Fisher. Neither of these things are going to happen, but we can live in hope.

Unfortunately, she's not stupid..... Suggests to me she has very good evidence in case any flack does come her way.
We only have to hope the evidence didn't come from someone at Collingwood!!
Here's the back page of the Herald Sun, have to laugh at the coincidental headline and pic;

Not that I am advocating the sacking of Swan or anything, but hypothetically if he were sacked it wouldnt be as big an issue as in the past. I say this because I think we as a financially strong club who is contention for a flag, can easily attract a quality ready made replacement through free agency. It really liberates a club like us IMO, and we could therefore perhaps take a harder line against players who don't buy into our culture, whether they are fringe players or stars.

Sacking a club champion would be one of the biggest issues in recent history. There is no way this will happen. Support is what is needed. These guys are not machines and should be able to let their hair down in the off season, within reason. They are subject to the same laws as the rest of society.
I find it ironic about all the fuss that is made about footballers in the off season. The Afl should not just limit their investigations to the players.

Some of the heavy hitters in the media and our world of journalism love to dabble with coke... FACT!!!
Sacking a club champion would be one of the biggest issues in recent history. There is no way this will happen. Support is what is needed. These guys are not machines and should be able to let their hair down in the off season, within reason. They are subject to the same laws as the rest of society.

Yeah I agree JMac but if we have serial offenders (not saying Swan is) then we shouldn't be afraid to get rid of bad seeds no matter how good they are on the field because we more than perhaps any other club can quickly replace talent lost in this fashion. Like everyone else on here Im not privy to the full details pertaining to Swan and I happen to really like the bloke from what Iveseen and heard from him.....but if he really is as bad as Caro suggests then we shouldnt be afraid to take strong action.
I would have thought the one to blame here if the allegations have any substance is Gary Pert for drawing attention to the topic last week with his strange comments. He obviously bases his call for cleaning up drugs in football on something that he knows is happening amongst players. Caroline Wilson is only going to write an article if she is reasonably sure of her facts.

This is not the first time Swan has been accused of crossing the line with his activities. Those people saying it is good for Pert to get on the front foot about the issue also need to accept that in doing so he is suggesting that a problem exists with drugs at Collingwood. Personally, I wish he had shut up rather than risk sabotaging another season before it has already started.
I'm no fan of Carro, but why do posters on Big Footy need to talk about her like this every time she writes an article that they disagree with?
Do you speak like that about all people you disagree with?

Michael Hurley should be sacked, even if he says he didn't bash a taxi driver, just because of his cavalier behaviour. Do you realise how ridiculous that sounds?

No? Well on your way.
Pert has been telling friends for weeks that he is tearing his hair out with concern over the behaviour of certain players at his club...
Read more:

Very heavy nights

It's poor writing like this that I'm angry about. Not one genuine quoted source. Instead, publishing either hearsay or opinion that is likely to end up in court. The specificity of this article is to such a degree that Swan would be within his rights to go straight to civil proceedings.

What's in poor taste is the reference to John McCarthy. The players who were closest to him are being
manipulated with this kind of writing. To suggest (which is the bow she is drawing) that these players are heading toward an early death by going out and partying is one thing, but there's no need to crudely link the two.

Quite frankly, I don't see any particularly valuable insight that Caroline WIlson brings to football. Why she is even on the payroll at Fairfax is beyond me. I can't see many Collingwood people willingly going onto Footy Classified now.
I would have thought the one to blame here if the allegations have any substance is Gary Pert for drawing attention to the topic last week with his strange comments. He obviously bases his call for cleaning up drugs in football on something that he knows is happening amongst players. Caroline Wilson is only going to write an article if she is reasonably sure of her facts.

This is not the first time Swan has been accused of crossing the line with his activities. Those people saying it is good for Pert to get on the front foot about the issue also need to accept that in doing so he is suggesting that a problem exists with drugs at Collingwood. Personally, I wish he had shut up rather than risk sabotaging another season before it has already started.

I would be happy to accept Pert's resignation instead of sacking the Swan Dog!
I would have thought the one to blame here if the allegations have any substance is Gary Pert for drawing attention to the topic last week with his strange comments. He obviously bases his call for cleaning up drugs in football on something that he knows is happening amongst players. Caroline Wilson is only going to write an article if she is reasonably sure of her facts.

This is not the first time Swan has been accused of crossing the line with his activities. Those people saying it is good for Pert to get on the front foot about the issue also need to accept that in doing so he is suggesting that a problem exists with drugs at Collingwood. Personally, I wish he had shut up rather than risk sabotaging another season before it has already started.

LOL WUT!!????

Seriously...... Drug culture/A person's welfare >> Risk of sabotaging a season of sport

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It is that time of the year now where footy journalists need to scrape at straws to create a story. Unfortunately Caroline Wilson is not a 'footy expert'. She is a social commentatot. She doesn't have the ability to talk about new recruits, she doesn't have the ability to write reviews of season 2012 and where teams will improve etc....nor does she seem to do player interviews etc.

Her role is to discuss the social aspects of the game. Unfortunately, with no football being played and with no topics of conversation...her only port of call is player behaviour over the off-season. It's about as predictable as Swan notching up 30+ possessions a week.

Who knows if her information is correct...but what she has done is resort to the oldest trick in the book...write an article about Collingwood to get people reading.

It has worked. For the first time in weeks I clicked on theage to read the article. It's 9am and already this page has gone to 2 pages. It will be 20+ very soon.

If what she is saying is true, then it is a concern. However, she has singled out 1 player when it is clear the drug culture spreads further than just Swan.

We would be foolish to think that the Drug problem does not spread to Collingwood. I'm sure every club has a number of players on it. Especially when all clubs do overseas footy trips these days.

Hands up here anyone who hasn't at least tried a drug before?? It doesn't make us druggies. We are all entitled to the odd big night.

From what I know, Swan has presented to pre-season training fit and appears ready for a big season.

In terms of Caroline's article, I would be pretty certain she has some evidence. Truth is a full defence to defamation and if she were to be sued then she would need to be able to present the evidence to escape penalties.

However, she puts no quotes, names only 2 players (1 fleetingly) and seems to target one individual in particular. As far as I'm concerned, it is just a cheap way to get some reads.

Am I concerned Swan may take drugs?? Yes
Does it surprise me?? No
What's my ultimate view?? He is entitled to a few big nights over the off-season as long as he presents himself fit and prepared for the start of pre-season.
I can't believe the amount of people suggesting that if this story is true, that it's somehow ok??

If said player was Ben Sinclair, you'd have him stripped, gutted and hung from the rafters!!

Swan.... if true, show some balls, grow up and set half an example for the last two years of your career.
In 2015, you can take as many drugs as you want!!
Hi guys, hesitant to post on your board, but just wanted to echo some of the disbelief at this article. She's treading a very fine line with the accusatory tone she's written it in, and unless she's willing to put up with facts, I think she should shut up. As it is it's just a poorly crafted mudslinging attempt, that makes her look like the Andrew Bolt of football reporting.

Good to see Buckley defending your club on Twitter. All the best.
It's poor writing like this that I'm angry about. Not one genuine quoted source. Instead, publishing either hearsay or opinion that is likely to end up in court. The specificity of this article is to such a degree that Swan would be within his rights to go straight to civil proceedings.

What's in poor taste is the reference to John McCarthy. The players who were closest to him are being
manipulated with this kind of writing. To suggest (which is the bow she is drawing) that these players are heading toward an early death by going out and partying is one thing, but there's no need to crudely link the two.

Quite frankly, I don't see any particularly valuable insight that Caroline WIlson brings to football. Why she is even on the payroll at Fairfax is beyond me. I can't see many Collingwood people willingly going onto Footy Classified now.

Father was president of Richmond for 10years. Incidentally that's why you don't see any Wilson smear articles on Richmond even though they have probably been the most pathetically run organization of the modern game.

At least she's not attacking a soft target like North Melbourne which is her modus operandi. If Swan hasn't been taking drugs then this has a good chance of going legal imo.
LOL WUT!!????

Seriously...... Drug culture/A person's welfare >> Risk of sabotaging a season of sport
OK then if you feel that drugs are an issue and a player's welfare is at stake, then you cannot have an issue with Wilson for picking up on Pert's concern. Incidentally, a recreational drug habit does not mean that a player's welfare is at stake. Nobody is suggesting that Swan is another Cousins. Plenty of people use drugs without their life going down the drain. Your hysteria over the issue only feeds Caroline Wilson's argument.
Why let the (alleged) facts get in the way of a good story? The only known fact at this stage is, Collingwood sells newspapers, period. If it's a scandal, then so much the better. Surely people must wake up to that?
I hope Eddie & Co call her bluff, and take her to court. Sure, it could backfire and Swan might be firmly in the cross hairs, but at least then the club could either throw their full, public, support behind him, or off load him. On the flip side, Caro would have to name sources, provide evidence, etc, or risk having her (and others) reputations called into question even further.
Perhaps I'm looking at the this a little too simplistically.
Ok now i am angry.Every F....n year there is always someone trying to destabalise us.

Caroline Wilson keep your opinions to yourself,cos that's all they are.The Age nows that anything Collingwood sells papers but we the public are getting sick of innuendos.

Bucks summed it up perfectly............Still awiting for your call Caro..........".Don't ever asume you can talk on behalf of the Collingwood fc."

Sorry that this thread needed to be closed to new posts for a few minutes. There was stuff posted in this thread that shouldn't have been posted. It needed to be closed temporarily to clean it up.

This thread is now open again.

Here is not the place to post claims of "un-named sources tell me that they saw person X doing something illegal". Refer to the BigFooty guidelines about this.


I'm interested to see the club's response. If there are zero concerns about Swan's behaviour, you'd think he'd be making noises about defamation....and if she's written something like that without pretty solid evidence, she deserves to lose her job imo.

HOwever, if there are concerns, they won't be pushing back to hard lest the evidence come out or more digging be done by other journos...
I'm no fan of Carro, but why do posters on Big Footy need to talk about her like this every time she writes an article that they disagree with?
Do you speak like that about all people you disagree with?

Because she doesn't give a shit about the game. All she cares about is off-field drama bullshit and writing positive views on one club (Richmond) while continually bagging others (Collingwood, North).

Good to see Bucks get into her as well.

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Caroline Wilson article re Swan and bad behaviour

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