Caroline Wilson article re Swan and bad behaviour

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I agree that the JMac/Vegas reference is absolute rubbish. Is she suggesting that no player should go there simply because a player died there due to some ill advised leap of faith. Where players choose to take a holiday is their business. Plenty of people goes to Las Vegas but very few are unfortunate enough to suffer JMac's fate.
Cmon Eddie do everyone a favor and tell the bitch where to go.

He might just be waiting for legal advice before either (a) going in hard and ripping her a new one or (b) staying quiet while the legal team does it's work.

If your going to go the legal option, your generally advised to keep mum so you don't interfere with the case.

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"I'm not bagging Caro because I know where she's going with this and she's pushing it forward and it is a story and she's a very brave journalist."

Not exactly a ferocious reply from our president.

Maybe because there's an issue here - take Caroline Wilson out of it and review some key statements / actions by Collingwood officials of late.

Eddie 'breaks' his biggest story in football - Gavin Crosisca who had a 25 yr addiction to various substances. Crosisca also came down and spoke to the playing group.

Swan suspended for 2 games for social activities that breached CFC's player code.

Wellingham moved on and given a fair kick up the backside by Geoff Walsh who then fired a shot across the bow of the playing group about adhering to club culture or being moved on.

Collingwood reinstates Leading Teams guru - Ray McLean

Gary Pert crusading on behalf of all ALF clubs to review current policies and testing regarding the AFL's drug policy (as a club president your mandate is to look after your club, not the welfare of 17 others so why is Pert so strong on this, unless outcomes will benefit CFC directly)

Gary Pert calls Trevor Nisbett directly (Why? Unless you are concerned that someone maybe heading down a similar path)

Nathan Buckley states there are holes in the current testing environment and more needs to be down to help clubs help players.

A damning article is written about a Collingwood player and the most outspoken and aggressive of all AFL presidents slaps her with a wet lettuce leaf.

Maybe I'm jumping at shadows here but I'm really concerned. I couldn't give a rats about what Caro writes. If it's not her it will be Barrett or someone else. I'm more worried by all of the talk and action coming out of the Westpac centre, it's borderline a cry for help.
This would have me worried if it was my club seeing as the article is post his off season holidays but then again as someone else said snort is out of yous system quick smart so unless he has a rat in his camp he can do a cuosins quite easily
Maybe because there's an issue here - take Caroline Wilson out of it and review some key statements / actions by Collingwood officials of late.

Eddie 'breaks' his biggest story in football - Gavin Crosisca who had a 25 yr addiction to various substances. Crosisca also came down and spoke to the playing group.

Swan suspended for 2 games for social activities that breached CFC's player code.

Wellingham moved on and given a fair kick up the backside by Geoff Walsh who then fired a shot across the bow of the playing group about adhering to club culture or being moved on.

Collingwood reinstates Leading Teams guru - Ray McLean

Gary Pert crusading on behalf of all ALF clubs to review current policies and testing regarding the AFL's drug policy (as a club president your mandate is to look after your club, not the welfare of 17 others so why is Pert so strong on this, unless outcomes will benefit CFC directly)

Gary Pert calls Trevor Nisbett directly (Why? Unless you are concerned that someone maybe heading down a similar path)

Nathan Buckley states there are holes in the current testing environment and more needs to be down to help clubs help players.

A damning article is written about a Collingwood player and the most outspoken and aggressive of all AFL presidents slaps her with a wet lettuce leaf.

Maybe I'm jumping at shadows here but I'm really concerned. I couldn't give a rats about what Caro writes. If it's not her it will be Barrett or someone else. I'm more worried by all of the talk and action coming out of the Westpac centre, it's borderline a cry for help.

So you can put two & two together and come up with #36 too...

Caro is that you???
Unfortunately, she's not stupid..... Suggests to me she has very good evidence in case any flack does come her way.
We only have to hope the evidence didn't come from someone at Collingwood!!
The only evidence that would be considered "hard" would be a photo of a player taking drugs, or a written statement from a player in question admitting they have taken drugs. If she had that it would have been all over the front page.

Anything else such as third party comments would be innuendo and not evidence.

The article is an opinion piece that doesn't state any fact but is worded carefully so as not to get her in trouble but suggest that there are problems at Collingwood. Nothing more, nothing less.
why would she run with this unless she had some sort of hard evidence?
and if she had some hard evidence, why would she have used the 'Even if Swan is telling the truth about drugs...' disclaimer?

weird woman.
Exactly. She doesn't really accuse Swan of anything - which is why her publishers were cool with publishing it. She uses clever word-play to make suggestions about him instead, then attacks his character to "back up" her drivel.

I'd say she's being opportunistic, and using Pert's recent comments as a spring board to bolster her articles "credibility".

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The only evidence that would be considered "hard" would be a photo of a player taking drugs, or a written statement from a player in question admitting they have taken drugs. If she had that it would have been all over the front page.

Anything else such as third party comments would be innuendo and not evidence.

The article is an opinion piece that doesn't state any fact but is worded carefully so as not to get her in trouble but suggest that there are problems at Collingwood. Nothing more, nothing less.
Exactly, gutter snipe press at its lowest.
This will all die down eventually. Caro has no idea of what she's talking about.
You are right - they always do. Although people like Caro like to bring it up as facts two years later, such as the Beams incident she brought up in this article - which had nothing to do with Swan and wasn't even an "incident".

Such a spick of a woman.

You have to wonder if this is going to send Swan into early retirement? At the moment he is probably 50-50 whether he wants to finish up at the end of his contract, but shit like this could push him into retirement when I think he has a good 4-5 years left in him given his durability. Which is a shame - he is afterall one of the best players we have seen play for the club.

Just because he isn't a robot, the media like to feast on him.
You can't be serious!!

I think that Pert is doing a good job but at the end of the day he is an administrator. If Swan does have a problem, which I personally doubt, the club needs to support him though it. Caro's opinion that we should sack him is a typical Richmond philosophy. They always eat their own.
Swan should sue her

Problem with this is that you would be sueing for which truth is a defence.

And let's look at the allegations in the article

1. He has had heavy nights this off-season - I don't doubt that.

2. There has been a fight in a public place - Perhaps defamatory if it can't be proven. But not enough to really sue for.

3. He has been approached about a drug problem and has denied it - perhaps but either way it is not a defamatory statement.

4. He has had run-ins with the law before - this is true

5. He has a cavalier attitude - We all know this.

Although the undercurrent of the article is that Swan is taking drugs...she never outright accuses him of it. It is where the Fairfax editors are very smart.

And if Swan has in fact taken drugs, then any evidence of this would come out in the court. As it stands, this is a toothless article with no facts. Better to leave it there I reckon...even though I believe the tone of the article in itself is defamatory because it does provide the implication that Swan is a drug-addict and that would lower his reputation in the community.

But if it were to go to court, Wilon's defence would be Truth and she would be forced to reveal all the facts...and that could be more damaging to Swan.
Also interesting to see Herald SUn with the back-page with Dane Swan...and then a 2 page spread of Collingwood's training session.

We just need to get used to this over the off-season. When there is no football news to sell newspaper, a Collingwood story will be used to have a quick boost.
Problem with this is that you would be sueing for which truth is a defence.

And let's look at the allegations in the article

1. He has had heavy nights this off-season - I don't doubt that.

2. There has been a fight in a public place - Perhaps defamatory if it can't be proven. But not enough to really sue for.

3. He has been approached about a drug problem and has denied it - perhaps but either way it is not a defamatory statement.

4. He has had run-ins with the law before - this is true

5. He has a cavalier attitude - We all know this.

Although the undercurrent of the article is that Swan is taking drugs...she never outright accuses him of it. It is where the Fairfax editors are very smart.

And if Swan has in fact taken drugs, then any evidence of this would come out in the court. As it stands, this is a toothless article with no facts. Better to leave it there I reckon...even though I believe the tone of the article in itself is defamatory because it does provide the implication that Swan is a drug-addict and that would lower his reputation in the community.

But if it were to go to court, Wilon's defence would be Truth and she would be forced to reveal all the facts...and that could be more damaging to Swan.
All very true DaVe the slimiest of the slime always make sure to protect themselves from the consequences of their vileness.
Swan should sue her

That's not going to happen.

The Fairfax (thanks Baltimore Jack) lawyers obviously went through the article before it was released - it's disjointed enough to show that a bit of editing went on. They've covered themselves - they don't directly allege that Swan (or anybody else for that matter) has done anything wrong that isn't already out in the public domain.

What's disappointing about this article is that it is a serious and important topic. And Caroline Wilson has dealt with it with a poorly written sensationalist fluff piece.

Perhaps it was impossible for her to write a decent article about it? Imagine if she'd rang up the 18 club CEOs and said "Hey, I want to write a well researched exposé of recreational drug culture in footy - will you cooperate?". I doubt she'd have any takers. It's purely my opinion, but I got the sense from the article that she tried but didn't get any cooperation for her article. Or maybe she's become despondent about the lack of cooperation she gets from club or clubs and has just given up asking - but that wouldn't be a valid excuse.

It is a newsworthy topic. She just went about it the wrong way - but it was probably not possible for her to go about it the right way.

In any case, she shouldn't have named player's names. Naming a player's name in an article about recreational drug taking is not necessarily libellous. But it is a low blow.

Footy clubs & their CEO's do have have duty of care for the well being of their players. They should also be concerned that players take their responsibility as community role models seriously. And lastly (and least of all) they should be concerned about the affect of recreational drug taking on player performance.

Any CEO who is suspicious of recreational drug taking within their organization (footy or not) would be derelect of their duty if they didn't take appropriate action. If Gary Pert is taking action on this (and neither we nor Caroline Wilson would know the half of it) then he should be applauded for it.
The only evidence that would be considered "hard" would be a photo of a player taking drugs, or a written statement from a player in question admitting they have taken drugs. If she had that it would have been all over the front page.

Anything else such as third party comments would be innuendo and not evidence.

The article is an opinion piece that doesn't state any fact but is worded carefully so as not to get her in trouble but suggest that there are problems at Collingwood. Nothing more, nothing less.

And that is exactly what I titled my email to her when I first saw the article. My message was not very long, but pointed to the concept of journalistic standards and cited the example of the recent 'nasty' incident.
How sweet of Caroline to go to so much effort to advise Collingwood of how to deal with its internal issues. Why she isn't a senior administrator at Richmond, nay, the AFL, is beyond me.

How the chief football writer of The Age can be someone who considers this journalism is also beyond me. I hope she felt dirty when she raised J Mac's name in order to bolster her taped-together ball of innuendo and scuttlebutt.

If there are genuine concerns at the club I'd like to know about it in a general capacity and I'd like the club to deal with it. I don't need No Idea style opinion pieces that do nothing but piss supporters off and no doubt cause grief to those involved in what is, first and foremost, a personal matter and a health issue.

One less Real Footy visitor here, thanks to Ms Wilson.
Certainly an explosive article but there has got to be more to it.

Not in the least interested in defending Caro but she does have impeccable sources, the article must have been approved by the Age's legals and there is a fair bit out there to suggest that there is something to the story. If not specifically with Swan then with the playing group or, more specifically members of the playing group. That she goes straight at Swan and calls for his head without being able to specifically say what for is the most curious part of the story.

It is a very, very carefully worded and crafted article, both she and the paper have been extremely careful but, there must be something to it.

That Pert had come out only days before naming it as the biggest crisis facing the sport suggests that there is something to take issue with within our own confines. Yes it would be naive to think otherwise but there must now be some specific evidence that has come to light surely.

Of course this is a social issue and the numbers mean that kids at the club must be using/experimenting, I grew up in a working class suburb where in the eighties virtually every kid in the neighborhood was on weed and speed.
The percentages -had they been known- would have to have been alarmingly high, a suburban epidemic. Amongst elite sportsman you would expect the numbers to be significantly less but, they would still be there and given light of recent events must be high enough to have some seeing it rightly as a crisis.

What Swan has to do with it people can and will only speculate on at this stage but, it is plainly evident that society in Australia with its young people, the Australian Football League with its young players and our own club have a drugs crisis on their hands and our club must leave no stone unturned and face brave decisions to eliminate the problem and educate and assist those that are in trouble.

Of course easier said than done, one of the problems we face with young adults, particularly young and supremely fit adults -and I know this as I've been exposed to some research but its also elementary and we can all remember the time- is that they feel and think that they are invincible and are happy enough to submit themselves to all manner of self inflicted abuse in the name of a good time.

Yes, this is a massive issue for the competition and for our club, surely its only a matter of time before we have a third strike in the league. What Swan really has to do with this story remains to be seen, maybe he is guilty of all manner of things, maybe others just think he sets a very poor example, maybe he's a victim of his own image. Whatever the case may be, our club has shown it is prepared to go on the front foot and bring the issue out in the open and to a head and that is a good thing. Tougher decisions may still need to be made.
I'm interested to see the club's response. If there are zero concerns about Swan's behaviour, you'd think he'd be making noises about defamation....and if she's written something like that without pretty solid evidence, she deserves to lose her job imo.

HOwever, if there are concerns, they won't be pushing back to hard lest the evidence come out or more digging be done by other journos...
Why give speculation and innuendo oxygen? That's what Wilson is trying to do. That will then keep her story in the papers for many weeks to come, especially given there is no footy on, to take the focus off.

Bucks said his pointed piece on twitter. No need to keep it in the news. It's nothing new.
I think I don't care what any player does in the off season.they can holiday where they like,do what they like,the clubs try to own then 24/'s wrong,they are not little boys they are grown men,who are allowed to have a life.

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Caroline Wilson article re Swan and bad behaviour

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