Central Highlands Part 3

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What are everyone thoughts on the future of the league?

The report on WIN news last week suggested that the Lexton Plains League was stuffed and Natte (MCDL) & Ararat (Mininera) want out. That leaves Navarre out in the cold (Horsham, North Central or MCDL) and the rest into the CHFL with 2 divisions.

The CHFL would then have 18 teams with 9 each division.

It seems to me that the VCFL will step in and make the final call. Would it work??!!!

Final call has already made and its hapening mate. 5 teams from lexton makes 19 not 18 and trenthem coming in too to make 20 so 2 10 side leagues. chfl clubs have all been told about it already. Is lexton league any good would any teams make 1st division? newlyn 18s got some kids from illabrook premiership team and they were supposed to be guns and they were shit
Final call has already made and its hapening mate. 5 teams from lexton makes 19 not 18 and trenthem coming in too to make 20 so 2 10 side leagues. chfl clubs have all been told about it already. Is lexton league any good would any teams make 1st division? newlyn 18s got some kids from illabrook premiership team and they were supposed to be guns and they were shit

hasn't been finalised yet.
and to answer your question skipton should be good enough to play in the top tier but probably none of the other sides
hasn't been finalised yet.
and to answer your question skipton should be good enough to play in the top tier but probably none of the other sides

Here is one system that is based purely on geographical location. It has its flaws but so does a two division structure.

4 conferences. Each containing 5 teams. Each team plays the 4 teams twice in its conference and 4 teams from 2 of the other conferences once each. 18 games in total. You obviously miss playing 5 teams at all before finals. This could rotate every year.

The top2 teams from each conference make the knockout quarter finals and play a team from the conference they are yet to play. We then have four remaining teams who each play the other 3 teams once. We then have a Grand Final between the top 2 from the round robin. 5 weeks of finals.
I know it’s out there but something different to get people talking
Conferences are:
South East SouthWest North West North East
Ballan C-linton Beaufort Hepburn
Gordon Skipton Waubra Daylesford
Springbank Rokewood Learmonth Newlyn
Bungaree Illabrook Lexton Trentham
Dunstown Buninyong Clunes Creswick

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Here is one system that is based purely on geographical location. It has its flaws but so does a two division structure.

4 conferences. Each containing 5 teams. Each team plays the 4 teams twice in its conference and 4 teams from 2 of the other conferences once each. 18 games in total. You obviously miss playing 5 teams at all before finals. This could rotate every year.

The top2 teams from each conference make the knockout quarter finals and play a team from the conference they are yet to play. We then have four remaining teams who each play the other 3 teams once. We then have a Grand Final between the top 2 from the round robin. 5 weeks of finals.
I know it’s out there but something different to get people talking
Conferences are:
South East SouthWest North West North East
Ballan C-linton Beaufort Hepburn
Gordon Skipton Waubra Daylesford
Springbank Rokewood Learmonth Newlyn
Bungaree Illabrook Lexton Trentham
Dunstown Buninyong Clunes Creswick

Think you've got World cup fever mate!
Or on some seriously good gear
Picola DFL system seems to work North East and South West

we don't know which Way Navarre will go
with 2 divisions how long would premiers of 2nd Division last in 1st Division still a strong club will end up in 2nd division if they get the woodenspoon

will they keep the final 6 as now or change to final 5?
Final call has already made and its hapening mate. 5 teams from lexton makes 19 not 18 and trenthem coming in too to make 20 so 2 10 side leagues. chfl clubs have all been told about it already. Is lexton league any good would any teams make 1st division? newlyn 18s got some kids from illabrook premiership team and they were supposed to be guns and they were shit

Skipton would be good enough easily senior wise. C-Linton could be same with Rokewood. Navarre and Lexton are okay but probably Div 2. Illabarook definitely Div 2. The juniors would struggle to compete. Central Highlands have much stronger juniors.
I cant see a 2 division system working.. Sure you can divide teams based on strength of senior teams, but what about reserves, juniors and netball? Cant work, wont work, terrible un-thought-about call.
I cant see a 2 division system working.. Sure you can divide teams based on strength of senior teams, but what about reserves, juniors and netball? Cant work, wont work, terrible un-thought-about call.

Wouldn't have thought it was that hard, or an impossible concept. Just depends how open to change people are.

Football leagues have been changing ever since football has been played. Will continue to do so forever and a day to meet population and demographic changes.

Bottom 4/5 CHFL teams, by ladder position at the end of 2010, join the LPFL teams in promotion/relegation system. Can't see how reserves football is an issue. All teams have reserves, and 2s football never varies too much between leagues.

What about juniors and netball?
Wouldn't have thought it was that hard, or an impossible concept. Just depends how open to change people are.

Football leagues have been changing ever since football has been played. Will continue to do so forever and a day to meet population and demographic changes.

Bottom 4/5 CHFL teams, by ladder position at the end of 2010, join the LPFL teams in promotion/relegation system. Can't see how reserves football is an issue. All teams have reserves, and 2s football never varies too much between leagues.

What about juniors and netball?

Ideal scenario is you have all clubs provide a minimum of U 16's or 17's reserves and seniors. What could end up happening which is not ideal is that only seniors are played on the Saturday and the juniors get taken in by the BFL to play on Sundays.

2 divisions is not to bad and can work quite well, as long as there are strict rules in regards to relegation, team that wins Div 2 must go up, team on bottom of Div 1 must go down. some players can be quite successful playing in a second division team, and if that team gets elevated, transfer to another club in the lower division.

The biggest issue will be in the first couple of years, as to which teams play where. That is where individuals ego's will collide with what is best for a football club.

And how many teams are you going to try to accomodate, will there be even draws, do all teams have netballers, as it is hard to get young guys to a club with no skirts running around.

The league will have to get a lot of feedback and maybe even outside help to set the system up properly otherwise there could be major problems.

What it will do is reduce the recruiting pool for clubs as players often swap between the leagues, and may be more inclined to not want to as they would then be up against former team mates.
just as a thought, how about promotion-relegation based on a clubs position in the championship club award. whilst obviously in that format it benefits clubs like bungaree and dunnstown and sides like waubra are disadvantaged but it encourages clubs to create a good junior environment as well as look after their netball sides.
just as a thought, how about promotion-relegation based on a clubs position in the championship club award. whilst obviously in that format it benefits clubs like bungaree and dunnstown and sides like waubra are disadvantaged but it encourages clubs to create a good junior environment as well as look after their netball sides.

Big chance for the two leagues to set something up for the future. With the way things are going in ballarat with talk of the marsh and one of the melton sides looking at the Riddell league, Sebas struggling, and terrible crowds a two division Ballarat and District league could set something in place for years to come.

Division One. Division Two

Hepburn Clunes
Daylesford Creswick
Buningyong Gordon
Wouldn't have thought it was that hard, or an impossible concept. Just depends how open to change people are.

Football leagues have been changing ever since football has been played. Will continue to do so forever and a day to meet population and demographic changes.

Bottom 4/5 CHFL teams, by ladder position at the end of 2010, join the LPFL teams in promotion/relegation system. Can't see how reserves football is an issue. All teams have reserves, and 2s football never varies too much between leagues.

What about juniors and netball?

My point is that dividing the teams based on strength of the senior sides, you could have the best junior teams and netball sides running around in div 2 smashing everybody... Oh well, as long as the senior comp is balanced, who gives a rats ass about juniors and netball...
My point is that dividing the teams based on strength of the senior sides, you could have the best junior teams and netball sides running around in div 2 smashing everybody... Oh well, as long as the senior comp is balanced, who gives a rats ass about juniors and netball...[/quo

Sorry pushed the wrong button.

The two leagues have a big chance here in setting themselves up for the future.Clubs just have to look at the bigger picture and whats going to be the best for all clubs surviving ang going forward. The way the Ballarat league is going at the moment with poor crowds, a huge gap between top and bottom and the Marsh and the Melton sides looking at the Ridell league.theres a chace of securing a future for all sides.

Division One Division Two
Hepburn Clunes
Daylesford Creswick
Buninyong Gordon
Dunnstown Springbank/Newlyn
Beaufort Skipton
Waubra Carngham
Ballan Lexton
Learmonth Rokewood
Bungaree Navarre
Springbank/Newlyn Trentham?

I know some clubs wont be happy with with their starting position, but they must look at the overall picture and not just think of themselves. If they are good enough it should only take a year to get to where they think they should be. Final Four or Five i dont really care, but i do think that both Grand Finalists shold win promotion with the bottom two coming down,which i think would keep the interest up all year. No excuses you must go up. The VCFL must step up and make the hard decision, thats their job to oversee and govern country football. Who will run the league? Ballarat who have full time staff and seem very professional or will Lexton and CHFL run it together. And yes we must think of our juniors but unfortunately this decision will be decided by the strength of your senior team.Just my thoughts look forward to reading everyone elses.

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Heres what i think it should look like..

Learmonth is the toughest one, as they have been such a solid team for many years, but now are battling a fair bit.. Similar are Bungaree,Newlyn and Clunes too. Rokewood could possibly play Div 1, but i feel if any LPFL team is too get into Div 1, then it should be the Premiers, which at this stage looks like it will be Skipton. The rest can bide their time in Div 1..

Division One:
Skipton (Premier from LPFL)

Division Two:
Heres what i think it should look like..

Learmonth is the toughest one, as they have been such a solid team for many years, but now are battling a fair bit.. Similar are Bungaree,Newlyn and Clunes too. Rokewood could possibly play Div 1, but i feel if any LPFL team is too get into Div 1, then it should be the Premiers, which at this stage looks like it will be Skipton. The rest can bide their time in Div 1..

Division One:
Skipton (Premier from LPFL)

Division Two:

My opinion would be not to look at the strength off the clubs currently but to look at location.

Trenthan (MCFL)
Gordon/Sprinbank (merge)

10 team comp- play eaach other twice. No qualms about the draw, revert back to top 5. Lose Waubra, learmonth, Beaufort & Clunes all closer to LPFL clubs.

Lexton Plains
Carhnam Linton
Learmonth (CHFL)
Waubra (CHFL)
Clunes (CGHF)
Beaufort (CHFL)

10 team competion, play each other twice, no qualms with draw, top 5. lose Ararat Eagles to Minnera league & Natte Bealaba to MCFL.

Campbells Creek
Royal Park
Natte Bealaba (LPFL)

11 teams. top 5 1 too many sides for perfect draw but thats life...Only miss out on playing 2 sides twice which is pretty even

All sides in the above leagues will differ in strength, but the model is based on location which will hold all leagues in good stead for the future.
Rivarlry will eb developed by townships in closer proximity!!!
CHFL to be run by Ryan family and delegates as is happening
LPFL & MCFL to be run by BFL which is currently happening.
My opinion would be not to look at the strength off the clubs currently but to look at location.
All sides in the above leagues will differ in strength, but the model is based on location which will hold all leagues in good stead for the future.
Rivarlry will eb developed by townships in closer proximity!!!
CHFL to be run by Ryan family and delegates as is happening
LPFL & MCFL to be run by BFL which is currently happening.

So you've pretty much broken up CHFL and LPFL into East and West leagues?!

Really don't think Trenthan are going to like competing with their neighbours Daylesford despite the fierce rivalry due to their townships being in relativley closer proximity. Nice simple soultion - perhaps too simple and won't last.
And good luck selling a merge between Gordon and Sprinbank. AS inevitable as that may seem theyll be looking to use any restructure to gain a new lease on life and competitivness.
It makes some sense in theory to select the two divisions based on location, however, the key to the sustainability and longevity of both Divisions is to ensure both competitions are as even and as competetive as possible. If you were to take the current Waubra (and perhaps beaufort) side to a division 2 league, I'd imagine they would belt the majority of teams by over 100 pts. I'm of the opinion that Central Highlands is evening up this year when compared with previous years (barring creswick and clunes), with teams like Gordon, Springbank, Newlyn and Ballan being much more competetive with the top 5 sides. I pose the question, why would CHFL want to inherit the problems of LPFL creating two mish mash leagues? People generally don't like change, so the best way to absorb the LPFL would be to have the top 10 sides (possibly inclusive of LPFL winner to trial how well they would match up) and the rest form another division. This will create two even competitions, with the main downside being drive times (Although this wouldn't be too much more than an hour i wouldn't have thought). Must be done purely on the success of a clubs senior side (Netball and Junior football, although hugely important, are secondary to every clubs goal of winning a senior flag).
What is the deal with Ballan belting Dunnsown in the reserves and then getting absolutely belted in the seniors? Dunnstown were on top of Ballan on the ladder in the peckers. Looks like Ballan have realised their season is cooked in the ones and and are now stacking their twos. The only other explanation is that Dunnstown stacked their ones?
Ballan may aswell go with youth now.

they did on the weekend with injuries and suspensions to key players really hurt us but full credit to the towners they played great footy, however the 2s had their best side for the season with doran , bendelle and woodroffe returning from overseas and fireman joe back from working on KJ should be back on track now.
What is the deal with Ballan belting Dunnsown in the reserves and then getting absolutely belted in the seniors? Dunnstown were on top of Ballan on the ladder in the peckers. Looks like Ballan have realised their season is cooked in the ones and and are now stacking their twos. The only other explanation is that Dunnstown stacked their ones?

You don't have much of an idea about footy do you? Don't you try and put your best side on the park each week in the ones? I wouldn't call that stacking. You have actually just made me dumber for reading your comment.
You don't have much of an idea about footy do you? Don't you try and put your best side on the park each week in the ones? I wouldn't call that stacking. You have actually just made me dumber for reading your comment.

Best side every week!? What the...!?

But seriously you are clearly unfamiliar with sarcasm, wit & humour!
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