Chick dumps on the Eagles

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That would be John Worsfold who is about to be appointed as coach of Essendon. Chick apparently spoke to the Hun journos a few weeks ago, which is around the time when it was reported that Worsfold was sounded out by Essendon officials.

None of the people who were at West Coast in 2006 are still around in 2015. They have a new board of directors, new administration, new coaches, new players… Chick is not "getting back" at anyone at West Coast. He is getting back at the people who were in charge from 2005-07.

John the Pharmacist.

The article was co-authored by Rita Panahi and Carly Crawford. You don't think you might be drawing a long bow about their motivation? Why would News Limited would allow the front page of their Melbourne paper to be co-opted by a Hawthorn fan to put the Eagles off their game? They're trying to sell papers. Maybe a juicy scandal during Grand Final week helps them sell an extra 50,000 copies.
Rita is a columnist not a journalist. Her name is on to protect the real journalist doing the story

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It won't, but after a really tough year for the AFL, I'm annoyed that, during the greatest week of the year, with a potentially cracking game of attacking footy to decide the flag, that they think this is a good idea. Hope there is significant backlash for that hack.
Well if you ever followed Howard Sattler on radio in Perth , he has had a fair whack at Chick, but on his Facebook "Sattler files" site.

A fellow called Alex or maybe a lady , has said they know some "knock your socks off" information about Hawthorn in 2007.

I have put out the challenge to Howard to ring this fellow , who left his number on Howards comment site, and find out and bring it out into the open, so we are all even, this has only just happened , its 11.50 am Perth time, Friday 2nd Oct.

I still get angry when I remember the death of Chris Mainwaring and the down fall of Been Cousins and the hard times and bad things in Wayne Careys book , and the crap at Essendon, and people can still carry on about you not selling out your mates, about wrong doings, and drugs and parties and criminals.

They kick the crap out of Chick who came out , obviously with an issue that still hurts him , he's clean and he's NOT BEEN PAID FOR THIS.



Now I wait for Sattler and this other individual off Facebook, to spill their guts over Hawthorn 2007.

And I'm fair dinkum, this is the way to bring every club out of the sewer where the parties and drugs and crims are ruining the sport.

And when people start looking at the criminal involvement maybe they need to start looking at the GREY AFL FOOTBALL RULE BOOK , where the chance of a pay off to cheat, is wide open to any mongrel dog that wants to take it.

Beware Gillon McGlaglan.

The s**t, is hitting the fan folks, so lets put some teeth into that.

So come on Howard Sattler give it out mate! Put your credibility where your mouth is?
Lets hope so, then the truth will have to be everyone!

Something good may actually come out of the AFL secrecy box!
Yes hear hear!! HAWKES INJUNCTION ANYONE?? Massive hypocritical campaigners hawkes supporters and victorian media. So Gutless
they hush up the drug problems in their own club & tutt tutt about every other club.
I'm massively concerned about the effect of chick in the team .......will the heat affect him .....ffs where to put him .....?

Oh.....he's not playing. thank god for that ...I was really worried

For a bloke that's not playing there is a lot of bullshit being written here and by media about the effect he will have on the team tomorrow
Panahi is a pee and poo bandwagoner, it makes perfect sense she'd want this to come out right at this time to help her 'beloved' hawks.
Rita is a shock jock so the only motivation she would need is the boost to her career. The Hawks thing is a bonus. It's actually a handy way for her to defend herself and distract attention away from her poor journalism.

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Climbing the walls for the truth..

It can't be possible but it can possibly be true...

No matter what, we can't discount it nor can we turn a blind eye..

Some are talking about the truth and some are talking about the lies...

I am very sad but at the same time uplifted by the truth and the supposed lies and innuendo.

Chicky was one of my favourite players and it saddens me but doesn't surprise me.
Just out of interest...did you feel the same way back in 2007 when the AFL took out an injunction suppressing disclosure of names etc...
Who are you talking about Franklin? Who else was there too , I know something was happening and a person at a party said to me about Franklin , he was a Eagles person, who said , your boy is in big trouble, well the rules on that were 2 strikes , 3 strikes and your gone, so if he stopped and who ever else also stopped ,then they are lucky but if they were doing what some of the Eagles were doing back in those years and kept going then lets hear about it I mean it.
I don't care which club, but people need to open up if they know things and the AFL need to stop trying to protect their innocent little name because it doesn't sound innocent to me. Chick got no money Howard Sattler clobbered him on Facebook rat in the ranks, and I 'm just waiting for him to bring out the evidence his comment person told him and everyone else and left his phone number.

I say bring it out. This is not about the GF don't make excuses. This is about people with stuffed up lives and one who is dead!
Yes hear hear!! HAWKES INJUNCTION ANYONE?? Massive hypocritical campaigners hawkes supporters and victorian media. So Gutless
they hush up the drug problems in their own club & tutt tutt about every other club.
OK leroyeagle, same to you , bring it out in detail and you too can tell Howard Sattler about Hawthorn , the players and who ever else. Like I said I don't give a stuff , all this drug shit should be knocked off, all players should be heavily monitored and repeat offenders sacked. So if you have a Hawk or two's names lets hear them.

Instead of using some excuse because you think this is bad timing. Your team won't be giving a stuff. They will be working on tomorrows game!

As for Chick he never got money but he obviously has issues and brought them into the open. Who knows how maybe some reporter did get hold of him, gee it may have been a Fremantle favouring reporter, but no it would only be a dirty Vic hey? Hah!
And Chick's doing a great job by waiting 9 years after the fact:rolleyes:
Mate have you ever seen addicts go through shit. They become mentally ill, heaven knows why it took nine years , but that ain't the point brother the point is the drug disease all over the world is as bad as it can get or has ever been. And maybe it isn't as bad as it can get , maybe its going to get much worse. If you've experienced it or have family members who may have , then you would know that it is time to bring this crap out in the open.

And why not when every one is talking footy????? GF time!

Remember kids follow and worship these guys , their parents must be terrified for those who go into the AFL..

This is the greatest game in the world , start thinking about the game not ragging some ex footballer because some reporter grabs him for a story!

If there is a drug culture in Footy then open up and kill it!

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Chick dumps on the Eagles

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