Werewolf Choose your Role Werewolf - What side are YOU on?

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Mar 12, 2021
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Strap in for another version of werewolf in it's trial stages - choose your own adventure! Are you going to be a role-player, or have to sit back and watch the carnage unfold? Either way, the fun awaits you!​

Everyone will be given a choice of two roles they may play.
They must choose before the game starts. Roles will be communicated before the start of Night 1 via PM (Private Message). The Village aligned must identify and kill any Mafia, Werewolves, Vampires and Serial Killers before these players can kill enough players to satisfy their own win condition.

Role Balance: (to be finalised based on playing list) There will be a cap of (5) players in either evil faction. There will not be more than (2) heads in each faction, or more than (4) neutral players selected at the start of the game.

Night phase (9pm – 10am AEDT)
Players with night actions will nominate the targets of these actions via PM during this phase. These actions must be bolded and clearly stated to be valid. Actions will not be accepted after 10am whether or not deadline has been announced in the game thread.

Day phase (10am – 9pm AEDT)
After the results of night actions have been announced, all players will publicly vote to lynch one player during this phase. Votes will not be accepted after 9pm whether or not deadline has been announced in the game thread.

The player with the most votes by the time of the deadline will be lynched and their role revealed in the game thread. In the event of a tied lynch, there will be a multi-lynch i.e. all the leading vote-getters will be lynched.

Votes must be in the game thread and must bold the player being voted and the moderator is to be tagged. You do not have to provide a reason for your vote for it to be valid.



  • Failing to nominate a night action on TWO separate Night phases (explicitly choosing to not use an action is fine)
  • Any communication about this particular game of Werewolf outside of the game thread, except for those that have an allocated PM group
  • Any deleting or editing posts from the game thread
  • Posting screenshots of BigFooty of any kind in the game thread
  • Directly quoting any PMs from myself as the game moderator in the game thread
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Mafia (Max: 5 players)
Each night phase, can carry out a factional kill of the player of their choice which is undertaken by the lowest ranking faction member (can be blocked). Role list is given in ranking order.

Possible Role List:
- Night immune to kills; seers as either Local Celeb/Mayor/Doppelganger; each night phase, can seer a player of their choice, revealing their role.
Mafioso - Becomes the Godfather if Godfather dies.
Roleblocker - Each night phase, can block another player's action. Cannot target the same player in consecutive nights.
Manipulator - Each night phase, can secretly manipulate one player's vote onto a different player in the following day phase. Cannot target the same player in consecutive nights
Psychopath - If they are killed at night, they retaliate and attempt to kill the person who targeted them.
Goon - Assists with kills.

WIN CONDITION – Eliminate any Werewolves, Vampires, Serial Killers and equal or outnumber the Village.

Werewolves (Max: 5 players)
Each night phase, can carry out a factional kill of the player of their choice which is undertaken by the lowest ranking faction member (can be blocked). Role list is given in ranking order.

Possible Role List:
- Night immune to kills, seers as either Local Celeb/Mayor/Doppelganger; each night phase, can seer a player of their choice, revealing their role.
Beta - Becomes the Alpha if Alpha dies.
Mama Wolf - Can protect a player from kill actions each Night Phase (cannot target the same player in consecutive Night Phases).
Evasive Wolf - Can escape their first attempted lynch (the next highest vote-getter will be lynched instead).
Werecub - Once dead, the Werewolves get to carry out an additional kill (undertaken by lowest ranking faction member) and seer (undertaken by highest ranking faction member) in any subsequent night phase.
Wolf - Assists with kills.

WIN CONDITION – Eliminate any Mafia, Vampires, Serial Killers and equal or outnumber the Village.

Neutral (Max 4 players, maximum 2 of one role)

Possible Role List:
Head Vampire
- Night immune to kills; Seers as either Local Celeb/Mayor/Doppelganger; Can recruit (up to 3 more Vampires) or kill each Night Phase. Recruited Vampires retain their night actions, but their win condition changes to the Vampire’s win condition; Once the Head Vampire is killed, the Vampires can no longer recruit, but can still kill one player each Night Phase (undertaken by most recent recruit). Recruited vampires seer as their original role and "recruited". Note - night immune players are not immune from recruitment.

WIN CONDITION - Eliminate any Mafia, Werewolves, Serial Killer and equal or outnumber the Village.

Evil Doctor - Is given a list of players in the evil factions, but doesn’t know their exact role; Can protect a player from kill actions each Night Phase (cannot target the same player in consecutive Night Phases); Does not count when evil faction win conditions.

WIN CONDITION – Wins if either the Mafia OR the Werewolves win.

Serial Killer - Night immune to kills; Seers as if they are either Local Celeb/Mayor/Doppelganger. Gets one kill each Night Phase. Survive to final 6 to win.

Good Roles

Possible Role List:
- Can seer a player of their choice each Night Phase; always gets the true result (except where noted in a role description); cannot seer them self. Will not know if seer/fake seer.
Fake Seer - Can seer a player of their choice each Night Phase; always gets the true result (except where noted in a role description); cannot seer them self. Will not know if seer/fake seer.
Vigilante - Each night phase, can kill a player of their choice.
Doctor - Each night phase, can protect (from kill actions only) a player of their choice. Cannot protect the same target on consecutive nights. Can protect sef.
Town Drunk - MUST either Kill, Protect, Roleblock or Seer a player each Night Phase, but either the target or the action will be randomised. Cannot target the same player in consecutive nights
Bodyguard - Choose a player to protect each night; If that player is targeted with a kill action, Bodyguard dies instead and so does the person who targeted them (cannot guard the same player in consecutive Night Phases). Cannot self-protect.
Jack Of All Trades - Can either Kill, Protect (from kill actions only), Roleblock or Seer a player each Night Phase (can't use the same action on consecutive nights). Must use all actions before using one for a second time.
Flogs - Players that share a PM and have three one-off factional night actions: Kill, Protect (from kill actions only) and Seer. Undertaken by any available faction member.
Watcher - Chooses a player each Night Phase and is told who targeted their chosen player with a Night Phase action (if anyone), but not what the action was. Cannot target the same player in consecutive nights
Tracker - Chooses a player each Night Phase and is told who the chosen player targeted with a Night Phase action (if anyone), but not what the action was. Cannot target the same player in consecutive nights
Bus Driver - Chooses two players to switch at night, so any actions targeted on one player will instead be targeted at the other (and vice versa)
Mayor - Their lynch vote each Day Phase is worth two votes
Local Celebrity - Due to their popularity, starts each Day Phase with minus one (-1) lynch votes
Doppelganger - Chooses 1 player on Night 1 and takes their role immediately upon their death. Joins faction if nominated person was part of a faction and adopts the new win condition. Seers as Doppelganger until converted, then seers as new role.

WIN CONDITION - Eliminate any Mafia, Werewolves, Vampires or Serial Killers to win.
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Playing List
1. Zergminion
3a. dank420
9. Raz
10. Kurve
11. sante
13. sausageroll
16. BEaston
19. King Tenz
23. Ocha905
29. Jmoo wan

Night Summaries

Night 1
MarcMaverick (JOAT) killed by Wolves
Dingster (Flog) killed by Mafia
Boncer (Doctor) killed by SK

Day 1
Tarkyn_24 (Head Vampire) lynched by Village

Night 2
MWPP (Tracker) killed by Mafia and Werewolves
MC Bad Genius (Town Drunk) killed by Vampires and Serial Killer
myblueroan (Evil Doctor) killed by Vigilante

Day 2
cats_09 (Psychopath) lynched by Village

Night 3
Nothing (Flog) killed by Serial Killer and Mafia
Pie 4 Life (Werecub/Recruit) killed by Vigilante and JOAT

Day 3
Por_please_ya (Roleblocker) killed by the Village

Night 4
DemurePrincess (Seer) killed by Wolves/Mafia
Danog (Werecub) killed by Flogs

Day 4
Cadsky (Mama wolf) lynched by Village

Night 5

Proper Gander (Evasive Wolf) - killed by the Vigilante
IMS (Bus Driver) - killed by the Serial Killer
AnUltimateRessie (Flog) - killed by the Serial Killer
Chipmunk (JOAT) - killed by the Mafia

Day 5
CursingFijian (Serial Killer) lynched by Village
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Hey thewizardmelon the second Gralin on the list should be Cadsky, though I can totally see how you get those two confused.
porky pig slap GIF

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Werewolf Choose your Role Werewolf - What side are YOU on?

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