Chris Judd - The Crime and the Punishment - 4 Weeks

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Nope. Just a guy who repeatedly makes cowardly violent attacks on defenceless players.

You guys seem to be missing this small but vital point.


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Yet, you came here to sook?

Brilliant isn't it?

Comes and has great big sook. Then when presented with facts, sticks fingers in ears and says "Nyah nyah nyah"

The Carlton supporter base is having one of the greatest collective hissy fits in history. It's really quite sad in some ways.
I understand there is a thread on Judd's malicious actions. Please understand this is not a post about his disgraceful behaviour on the football field. This thread is about his subsequent weasel words. Rather than apologising for his low act, Judd has claimed the act itself wasn't a true representation of his intentions. Well tell me, wtf were his intentions?

When the perpetrator of an arseh*le act is not prepared to accept responsibility for the outcome, there is every chance he will reoffend. Where is the contrition. By hiding behind these weasel words, Judd has brought himself further into disrepute.
So not really an allegation. Nevertheless, a line you wouldn't want to be treading with this administration. It's not like it shouldn't have gone to the tribunal anyways - it would be under-estimated with the MRP categories.

How is that not an allegation? Guess he feels the pressure to 'stick fat' with Juddy to keep his client.

He has a history of gutless, strange acts on the unsuspecting. There's nothing brave about what Hall did, but it at least required some small amount of courage to throw a punch.
That's better Spitta now we are at least on subject

Yes, I believe in the heat of the moment judd grabbed an arm to pull him off or push him away or similar with no intention to hurt him

Except that this contradicts the evidence Judd himself gave. His intention was to prevent the player handballing. He also stated that the reason the arm got bent upwards was not because he was pulling it away from the body, but that the boudy was being pulled away from him. The video evidence contradicts this.

See, to me, time factors are important here and in this case it is measured in mili seconds
we have all seen the footage a hundred times (today alone even) and I see that judd certainly grabbed the arm and lifted a quarter of the total degrees that the arm was rotated BUT when Judd was then grabbed by the roos teamates and pulled down /away the next damaging three quarters of the rotation was made and maybe the damaging three quarters of rotation.
Hey maybe Judd could have let go of the arm when he was being pulled off /down (though we tend to cling to somethiing when we lose our balance)

Perhaps the other players action contributed to the damage, however from their reaction it suggests they were aware this was already a painful action, possibly from hearing the player cry out.

Everything that Judd done would have been a non issue if executed exactly the same if the roo player was on his back instead of his front.(including with someone on top of the player).heck it would have even been a "stranglehold" ( I presume that you really mean just grabbing with two hands) and a "twist" but no damage

So what you're arguing, is that if Judd hadn't have done it in a way which caused the player discomfort, pain and injury, he wouldn't have been charged and there wouldn't have been a 'media circus'? Wow, that's genius.

I do accept (as many other posters on here have stated ) that if an injury occurred regardless of intent or not a price has to be paid but I don't believe that it is a bad character type thing that other OPS and the media is trying to sensationalise

I don't buy the whole 'Judd is a dog etc.' rubbish either. However, his explanation of how this occurred doesn't match up with the video evidence, and I think that is damning.
Brilliant isn't it?

Comes and has great big sook. Then when presented with facts, sticks fingers in ears and says "Nyah nyah nyah"

The Carlton supporter base is having one of the greatest collective hissy fits in history. It's really quite sad in some ways.
You really are a smug one aren't you- what "facts" are you talking about?

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Did this need a new thread.

"He's obviously a dirty bastard who wanted to rip adam's shoulder off the bone, laundered millions by storing diamons in his Oscar's cribb, caused people to lose their minds and vote for Sarah Hansen Young which lead to the greens surge of significant and maybe is the cause of the Simpsons lack of quality post season 12"
You really are a smug one aren't you- what "facts" are you talking about?

i refer you to this

He has a history of gutless, strange acts on the unsuspecting. There's nothing brave about what Hall did, but it at least required some small amount of courage to throw a punch.

He has a history of these 'dog' acts. Elbowing Pav, Eye gouging Campbell Brown, eye gouging Rischitelli but pleading a 'pressure point' then this...not to mention the fact he has blatantly lied in this latest tribunal when he said he chose to let go of Adams' arm when he clearly only let go after the North players threw him to the ground.

He has assassinated his own character
You really are a smug one aren't you- what "facts" are you talking about?

Are you for real?

This thread is on its way to 4000 posts. I think Judd's histopry has been pretty well covered.

Unless you think Judd didn't eyegouge Brown and Rischitelli? Didn't elbow Pavlich?

In which case, there really is no hope for you.
i refer you to this

He has a history of these 'dog' acts. Elbowing Pav, Eye gouging Campbell Brown, eye gouging Rischitelli but pleading a 'pressure point' then this...not to mention the fact he has blatantly lied in this latest tribunal when he said he chose to let go of Adams' arm when he clearly only let go after the North players threw him to the ground.

He has assassinated his own character

The bloke was sitting on the ball-he grabbed his arm- admittedly a little crudely- but there was no intention to injure. The fact that this was deemed intentional and not reckless is a joke. In all seriousness, i would have accepted 1 week- not 4. The penalty is a weak reaction to the hysteria of the last few days- not taking the incident on face value.
Th bloke was sitting on the ball-he grabbed his arm- admittedly a little crudely- but there was no intention to injure. The fact that this was deemed intentional and not reckless is a joke. In all seriousness, i would have accepted 1 week- not 4. The penalty is a weak reaction to the hysteria of the last few days- not taking the incident on face value.
Taking the incident on face value is to trust your instinct when you first see it happen.

If the initial response is 'WTF is he doing?' and you ignore that, you're looking for an out because deep, deep down, you wish you were in Twigley's place.

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Chris Judd - The Crime and the Punishment - 4 Weeks

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