Christian Porter

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I haven't read the whole email (as far as I know the entirety hasn't been released), but it hasn't been denied that it included the following:

"did not go through the Firm’s due consultation or approval process. Had it done so, we would have considered the matter through the lens of our Purpose and our Values”


"The nature of this matter is clearly causing hurt to some of you, and it has certainly triggered hurt for me. I know that for many it may be a tough day, and I want to apologise for the pain you may be experiencing.”

I doubt anyone would have taken too kindly to an internal dispute being aired to thousands of his colleagues before it was raised with him, let alone the implication he had caused hurt to some of them and acted in a manner against the firms values.

Bartlett is the longest-serving partner in the firm. To last decades in a massive law firm, especially these days, means you can generate fees and you know how to operate in a jungle.

It is astounding to think what was going through the CEO’s mind.

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There really should be an emoticon to recognise a pathetic attempt at humour, or sarcasm, or whatever you were trying to do with this response.

It's sweet that you are in here defending your mate.

It brings a tear to the eye.
Responding to Mr Porter’s claims that he would have to disprove the assault, Mr Bradley said it was “flat wrong and he has to know that”. There are no circumstances where Mr Porter would be bearing any legal onus to disprove anything, “and again, it’s disappointing that this kind of rhetoric is being deployed”.

Would you care to point out how my response is incorrect?
What I took from it is that you don't think unreported rape and sexual assault exists. If I've got it wrong, my bad.

Leaving aside the rest of the article, I spotted this quote

Mr Bradley said that on top of the confusion around basic legal concepts, Mr Porter and the government’s subsequent response has effectively sent a message “that there is more or less impunity available if the criminal justice system is unable to respond to a serious allegation and that’s the end of [the investigation]”

I assume that quote needs more context because, like..... what?
Leaving aside the rest of the article, I spotted this quote

Mr Bradley said that on top of the confusion around basic legal concepts, Mr Porter and the government’s subsequent response has effectively sent a message “that there is more or less impunity available if the criminal justice system is unable to respond to a serious allegation and that’s the end of [the investigation]”

I assume that quote needs more context because, like..... what?
Perhaps you should read the piece linked. Might help you out.
Letters sent to the Legal Practice Board, WA, by two professors of law who are in legal ethics specialists. This isn't going to go away, much as Slippery wants it to.



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After reading the letter that was leaked, it's obvious she (Annette Kimmitt, CEO) isn't a lawyer.
Neither was she a joint owner (partner) of the law firm.

The partners (senior lawyers in the firm) were not amused.

She did not clear her communications with the partners before she sent it.

Dumber and dumber.
The treatment of Ms Kimmitt is appalling. Male chauvinism in practice.

So the man with the rape allegation hanging over him kept his job, the man who apparently didn’t follow the legal firms processes kept his, but this woman sends an internal email and loses hers.

Letters sent to the Legal Practice Board, WA, by two professors of law who are in legal ethics specialists. This isn't going to go away, much as Slippery wants it to.


Smeared on sky after dark by monday
What I took from it is that you don't think unreported rape and sexual assault exists. If I've got it wrong, my bad.

Certainly not. I have experienced it personally myself. One of the people I have had to lecture was a response to an unreported rape, that never was reported at a legal capacity.

I just don't buy responses from clearly emotionally stimulated irrational people who attempt to lecture me with misguided, politically motivated ethics.

Politics is the last place to look for ethics.
Ok just so you know many on the right would swap this description of Scomo for Dan Andrews and be equally happy, again party lines.
The difference being that Andrews got up in front of the media everyday during our Covid lockdown, he answered every question regardless of how stupid or unreasonable, he presented the case for science, he showed empathy, compassion and stoicism, he lead in other words.
Morrison told people to go to the footy, said it was silly to shutdown the economy and “our way of life”, he drank beer at his beloved sharkies whilst the elderly he’s supposed to be entrusted with caring for, died, he sank margaritas off shore whilst our country burned, blaming his children for the promise he made, he had no plan, he never has and never will, the comparison is bogus at any reasoned level.
Dan is JFK compared to the Pentecostal douchebag in Kirribilli, all bar a few know this now.
Apologies. The quote didn't load. Perhaps you could clarify your point in the context of the complete piece and why you chose to not use the full quote and add your words to it.

Sorry? It’s the full quote and I didn’t add any words to it.

It begins the section on how the legal profession is at a turning point. It appears to be a separate discussion to Porter, but relating to inquiries in general, although it could be sloppy writing, hence my comment on context.

Dude please, that’s ******* ridiculous and you should be better than this?!

Okay, what's the alternative?

Take all allegations at face value then act on it?

Political allegiances appear to be the defining factor of guilt around here, let's just run with that.

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Christian Porter

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