All this true...also changed his name from Jarrod to Max when he was 24 as he liked his middle name better.
His team mates loved him and it was said he would run through a brick wall if you asked him to.
Think a less flamboyant Campbell Brown, but a better bloke.
Funnily enough I was speaking to someone involved in the Geelong footy club who worked with him last year on Wednesday and it came up that Rooke wasn't there this year and they didn't know what he was up to.
Gazza would love having him there, the players will love him but I don't know much about his actual coaching ability though
The Player
Where he's from and what he's about
Wow that first video..
Everything he did was so desperate..
So many bone crunching tackles
And bump/spoils mid air
Don't think I've seen Gold Coast Suns do anything so desperate since Browny got fired.
Didn't realise he had as much skill either really slotting goals from everywhere
At 3.12 in the first video loved it!