Collingwood Gamers!

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so whats everyones absolute favourite 2 games of all time?
mine would have to be assassins creed (overall, the gameplay still has huge scope for improvement - i love the settings and the concept) and god of war on the new gen consoles..
on consoles/computers from yesteryear i loved maniac mansion (c64) and defender of the crown (c64)..
Fave Games:

A mix of different lucasarts adventure games, such as Monkey Island 2: Lechucks Revenge, Full Throttle, Sam and Max, Grim Fandango, etc.

Some more recent ones: Fallout 3, Mass Effect 1 & 2.

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The only game I play is this. I literally do not like any other games :p

I don't really understand why people would get a console over a pc.. even though I have a ps3 I :heart: my computer waaaaaaaaaay more.

I usually play cod4/mw2

(Any battlefield nam/2/2142 idiots lurking????)
Did anyone see the guy who got Sued by Nintendo?

Yeah he won't actually have to end up paying that much (he wouldn't have that much money). They just want to make a statement on piracy. This guy actually copied the source game after he got a early copy of New Super Mario Bros.

My favourite game of all time is easily Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time no gaming experience will come close to the time I played that game the first few times.

I love Team Fortress 2 as well, in fact I think I've played a few times with you Lockyer. The problem is my computer has gone to shit the last year or so and I get like 2-10 FPS in medium to heavy gun fire. Same with all source games even single player.

I am getting a laptop in the next month and a half that will replace my desktop. After all I thought I could use a laptop, I didn't really need it to be that portable, and it may as well replace my desktop as my prime gaming pc rather than upgrading this computer/buying a new one and getting a cheaper laptop.

Long story short: I will go back to PC gaming as soon as I get my new gaming laptop. I'll get back into TF2, source games and finally purchase Mass Effect 1 and 2.

For those interested this is my laptop (hopefully) coming soon

Anybody regularly use gametraders?

Ive heard good things but never actually bought or ordered games from there

Not a big gamer but have had good experiences with them. They have ordered in games EB Games had no interest in so they are my preferred game store.

Also on a side note Premiership Coach 2010 is a reasonable buy. Andrew Beecroft worked on that game for some time but pleased to see it released after a long wait.
what else is coming out on the PS3 to drool about?

The first time since I was 13 that I've looked forward to a game so much.

I have a Wii and a PS3. For the Wii, NSMB, Mario kart and SSBB are the faves. PS3... GTAIV, Just Cause 2, Saints Row 2, Dragon Age: Origins (if you liked Kotor then you'll like this), Fallout 3 (although I lost interest in that after feeling like I was getting nowhere). God of War 3 was excellent but I can't see myself replaying it. Might trade it in when I get RDR. I bought Far Cry 2 from EB when it was on sale for $25 but I haven't even cracked open the case yet.

I also have PlayTV, and this along with the blu-ray player make the PS3 the best thing ever invented.

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It's a dual-tuner high def set top box and digital video recorder which uses the ps3's hard drive for storage. If you've got it set up, basically it's HD digital TV on/via your ps3.
It's a dual-tuner high def set top box and digital video recorder which uses the ps3's hard drive for storage. If you've got it set up, basically it's HD digital TV on/via your ps3.

thanks.I had a look at it.I have ABC,is it possible to get any other channels?
JS I think you're thinking about ABC iView which is just watching ABC video over the web on demand.

PlayTV is a piece of hardware that acts as a digital set top box where you can watch digital tv through the PS3 and record it to your harddrive.

yep your right,I checked again.and got mixed up.This playtv sounds fantastic.where would the best place to buy/order one from?
Oops, sorry. Should have made that clearer! I got mine about 3 weeks ago from Dick Smith, who had it for $139. I jumped at it, as it was the last in stock and the other stores I checked (JB Hifi, Game) had it for $169. So basically hunt for a good price before settling. Most electronics stores and some department stores (Myer, Kmart, Target etc) should have it.

My anticipation for Red Dead Redemption has reached a fever pitch.
Oops, sorry. Should have made that clearer! I got mine about 3 weeks ago from Dick Smith, who had it for $139. I jumped at it, as it was the last in stock and the other stores I checked (JB Hifi, Game) had it for $169. So basically hunt for a good price before settling. Most electronics stores and some department stores (Myer, Kmart, Target etc) should have it.


thanks mate will look into it.Id heard something about it,but didnt know it had that capability to download to HD,could be very handy especially for footy
I work at an EB Games, and I'll tell you what, the day those two new Pokemon games came out, the sales ratio between kids and adults was split 50/50. I'd say in the month or so since it's release now, it's easily 75% in favour of 18+.

Very amusing, but they are fantastic games.
I really want to get Red Dead Redemption! Looks like such an amazing game! Unfortunately I have to wait until after my mid year accounting exam until I will allow myself to buy it.

Anyone played it? Whats the multilayer similar to?

Also if anyone wants to add me on PSN, it is collingwood08. I probably will not accept the request for a couple of weeks until I get the game.
Yeah Pokemon is a crazy good game. Behind all the fad franchising are great RPG games, IMO the best RPGs I've played.

It is a Great Game and I still play them as Roms:thumbsu: Same as Yu Gi Oh

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