Time for a story...
About rings.
Was at a work meeting in the late 1990s which may have been to do with Y2K remediation or similar. We had USA partners from the IT supplier and their project leaders delivering the state of readiness. Things were getting hot as several pieces of work were behind schedule. Then the big one... A major setback related to one of the most critical systems. The Americans didn't even expect this and they had big $$$ penalty clauses at risk.
After some bad responses to tough questions, one of the American guys stands up and bangs the table with his fist to make an impression on us in the room...
The angle of his fist striking edge of the the table resulted in his college Basketball championship ring, which was an outrageously huge big lump of metal and jewels, buckling and digging into his finger. He almost went into shock with the pain. He had to be taken to hospital for the ring to be removed from his broken finger!
So, championship rings are stupid.