Confused from head to toe

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All Australian
Jun 3, 2008
AFL Club
Other Teams
san antonio spurs, storm
To all, it's with such sadness that this club we all love is in a state of utter confusion. From the board to the football that is being played. It's not only ugly, it's depressing.

For a club that is trying to be inclusive and all that other stuff with it's jumper promotions such as the Carlton respects as an example, it has forgotten what it was meant to do this year. Win. Evolve. Prosper. Shine.

We could all make excuses for the heartache of last year and the significant injury list that hampered us. Whilst, there has been some this year, it's not going to cut it so far.

The board has made changes to protect itself and reviews showed they believe they were on the right path. It's wrong apparently so far.

On the field, structurally it's failing. The breakneck brutality of our first half football in the early stages of last year couldn't be sustained, which is somewhat understandable. However, the gear change to this slow, over methodical style has hampered the talent on the list. It's confused which gear to utilise and when to shift.

The support crew around our head coach needs to change. A skills coach is desperately needed. A proper analysis of decision making on the field needs a thorough review. The consistent long kicks in the first half to Motlop, Owies and Durdin who are there for crumbing off packs is mind boggling. The players are confused or brain dead. I prefer confused.

First I would do is bring De Koning for structure. I could be wrong.

The reason why people are being so hard on us, (media and so forth) isn't because we're Carlton, (maybe it is), but because we're meant to be better than this. Personally, I would prefer the club said nothing, promoted no other causes and goes with the mantra as from Any Given Sunday "who gives a shit as long as you're f#$%ing winning".

One thing I've noticed and I could be wrong. There isn't enough support from the players to focus on the little wins within a game, a knock on, a second and third effort for a spoil, smothering hasn't been there as often. The team has talent individually. Collectively, it's broken.

How do we fix it? It's confused and doesn't know where to find the answers. Something has to change. What changes would you make?
Fitness guru (Andrew Russell) and Football Manager Brad Lloyd goes for me if it doesn't change. Voss needs an assistant coach with previous head coaching experience to help. A skills coach clearly is needed.

Am I wrong? What would you do? Because, we're sick of this mediocre results.
I don't know what I'd do mate. To borrow a Richmond phrase, I've emotionally checked out.

Been in a rebuild for 8 years now, you've got player's doing stuff still from the beginning of the rebuild still, can't even finish in 8th spot let alone top 4, supposedly have all these stars, two coleman medalists but still have goalless quarters.

You've got a president telling you its apparently a privilege now to expect a team with multiple stars all around, to win games of football, you know, the very thing they are paid to do.

You've got a ceo and a star player coming out and saying it's not the end of the world if we miss finals, like who cares right? It's no big deal, no big deal at all. 8 years into a rebuild, cant make 8th spot, yet theres teams who spend a few years tops to rebuild before they are in the 8. But it's no big deal.

Honestly I don't care what they do anymore. Trade out star players, sack coaches, board members, whatever i really don't care anymore.

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I totally forgot about Cerra and Cook's comments. I couldn't agree more about the mentality of accepting these crap results and still collecting a pay cheque.
Another example, Harry McKay refusing Fev's offer to help. Have a look at the results. They speak louder than anything. Here's a thought, have the humility to realise I'm kicking awfully, why not accept a little assistance. Particularly when Fev was willing to do it for free.
I totally forgot about Cerra and Cook's comments. I couldn't agree more about the mentality of accepting these crap results and still collecting a pay cheque.
Another example, Harry McKay refusing Fev's offer to help. Have a look at the results. They speak louder than anything. Here's a thought, have the humility to realise I'm kicking awfully, why not accept a little assistance. Particularly when Fev was willing to do it for free.
You know Fev offered to help about 2-3 years ago right?
You know Fev offered to help about 2-3 years ago right?
The thing is though, when that happened is irrelevant. You have one of the best goal kickers to play this game, offering to help you out, you don't ever say no to that. Doesn't matter if it happened 5 years ago, 2 years ago, 3 years into the future, you have someone of that calibre, offering to help, i don't care who you are, you take it with arms wide open.

It's a shame people think he will bring some type of toxicity along with him. What he did was almost 2 decades ago, hes older/more matured now, has kids/mouths to feed etc.
For a club that is trying to be inclusive and all that other stuff with it's jumper promotions such as the Carlton respects as an example, it has forgotten what it was meant to do this year. Win. Evolve. Prosper. Shine.
Is this another lame attempt at blaming everything on "woke"?
Is this another lame attempt at blaming everything on "woke"?
It's a real thing and not everyone shares that worldview. It's not 'woke' that is ruining the club but the type of mindset that is prone to that sort of thing might have something to do with it. Forget 'feel good' decisions and do what needs to be done.
When the team doesn't perform on field, club initiatives come under heat because they create the perception that the focus isn't on its primary objective - winning games and ultimately premierships.

Even the constitution was heavily scrutinised because winning games and premierships wasn't at the top of the list.

Of course, none of these programs actually affect on field performance... can't blame orange socks or even Michael Voss on captain Cripps attempting a left foot snap at goal from a 20 metre set shot...

But fmd... they need to read the room. When the team is stinking the joint up, don't get on a mic and tell your fans to sing and dance...

And to Luke Sayers telling us we need to get down there and support the team... mate that has been happening both before and ever since you took over. Carlton fans have been turning up and you were quick to boast about membership numbers... then they ran out and gave us that rubbish first half... and when they had the chance to win, they went to water again... will that be addressed with honesty and home truths or are we worried about hurting the players feelings again?

I feel bad for what has happened to Weiters off field. But he needs to be put on notice. Can't have your vice captain putting that up every week. Cripps, might be carrying something but for him to not even lay 1 tackle in a full game is unacceptable. There is no leadership from that. When your captain is not leading by presence or by example then how can the rest of the team follow?

All I see him do when a player fluffs up is give them a pat on the arse and a "it'll be right"...

So our problems really start with the severe lack of on field leadership. Second is execution. Whether you're a fan of Voss' game plan or not, it cannot be denied that execution has been dreadful. I watched Lewis Young getting stuck into Lobb at the start of the third quarter. Then he inexplicably peels off him - goal. Then he has the gall to get stuck into him again... only to peel off him again - another goal. Or how about Blake Acres to kick things off with that shocking turnover? Weiters completely misjudging the ball and allowing Naughton to goal... that's just last week, things like this happen every week...

Third is coaching. Players put in mind boggling positions (rotating mids at half back for example) ... selection integrity issues and other basics like how we never have enough numbers at the fall of the ball... and that's around the whole ground, not just our forward line. Kick ins literally always directed up the left wing, being cut up by opposition's rebounding defenders, no clear tactics to nullify opposition's strengths, poor method around f50 entries and a slow, kicking, possession based style that doesn't play to this playing groups strengths.

So given we're 8 years into a rebuild and these things are still happening while other teams are seemingly going past us at a much faster rate, you can understand the frustrations have reached boiling point. But no choice but to wait and hope that everything clicks. Think back to this time last year, you can basically swap the position we're in with the Pies... then they beat us, which turned their season. So this week is the perfect shot at redemption... let's see if we can make it happen...
You've got a ceo and a star player coming out and saying it's not the end of the world if we miss finals, like who cares right? It's no big deal, no big deal at all. 8 years into a rebuild, cant make 8th spot, yet theres teams who spend a few years tops to rebuild before they are in the 8. But it's no big deal.

Sorry but this stuff about Cook and Cerra's comments is a load of overblown rubbish. Particularly in the case of Cerra it was the media baiting and baiting him with the same question until they got what they wanted.

The media just use it to bait Carlton supporter and attention-starved dial-a-quotes like Mathison to create a story for them, fill up their talk-back lines and people on here are falling for it hook, line and sinker !!

Of course it's a failure if we don't make the eight - the club knows it, Voss knows, the players know it.

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Confused from head to toe

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