Corona virus, Port and the AFL. Part 2.

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One of South Australia's top doctors and a senior COVID-19 SA Health officer are at odds with their recollections over why approval was given so several Victorian family members of Port Adelaide players could enter the state when tough restrictions were still in place.

The parents of Port Adelaide footballers were allowed into South Australia from Victoria last month ahead of a qualifying final earlier this month at Adelaide Oval.

Five of them already in hotel quarantine were allowed to stay but Chief Public Health Officer Nicola Spurrier revoked the exemptions for the six others after finding out about the issue.

A report commissioned by the Department of Premier and Cabinet released today found the electronic signature of Deputy Chief Medical Officer Evan Everest was used to grant the approval.

However, he said he could not recall using it.

According to the report, a senior but unnamed COVID-19 exemptions officer told investigators he or she was given Dr Everest's permission to use his electronic signature and believed he had given the exemptions his approval.

One of South Australia's top doctors and a senior COVID-19 SA Health officer are at odds with their recollections over why approval was given so several Victorian family members of Port Adelaide players could enter the state when tough restrictions were still in place.

The parents of Port Adelaide footballers were allowed into South Australia from Victoria last month ahead of a qualifying final earlier this month at Adelaide Oval.

Five of them already in hotel quarantine were allowed to stay but Chief Public Health Officer Nicola Spurrier revoked the exemptions for the six others after finding out about the issue.

A report commissioned by the Department of Premier and Cabinet released today found the electronic signature of Deputy Chief Medical Officer Evan Everest was used to grant the approval.

However, he said he could not recall using it.

According to the report, a senior but unnamed COVID-19 exemptions officer told investigators he or she was given Dr Everest's permission to use his electronic signature and believed he had given the exemptions his approval.

Parentgate refuses to die thanks to the SA media who have it on life support. In the meantime SA Public Servants are in damage control trying to explain how this storm in a proverbial teacup happened.

"There are no documents to confirm Dr Everest approved use of his electronic signature to grant the exemptions, or that otherwise set out the basis for the decision to grant the exemptions," the report said.

How much has it cost the South Australia public to uncover that piece of useless information?


Of course SEVEN had the full story on tonight's news. Mike Smithson, who sees himself as Adelaide's version of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein rolled into one, gave us a full account including Hatif Rasheed's non involvement along with footage of a Port game at Adelaide Oval.

Their thinking seems to be, Hatif Rasheed and the Port Adelaide football club were not involved but we will drag them into this story anyway. After all it will boost the ratings among Crow supporters.
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One of South Australia's top doctors and a senior COVID-19 SA Health officer are at odds with their recollections over why approval was given so several Victorian family members of Port Adelaide players could enter the state when tough restrictions were still in place.

The parents of Port Adelaide footballers were allowed into South Australia from Victoria last month ahead of a qualifying final earlier this month at Adelaide Oval.

Five of them already in hotel quarantine were allowed to stay but Chief Public Health Officer Nicola Spurrier revoked the exemptions for the six others after finding out about the issue.

A report commissioned by the Department of Premier and Cabinet released today found the electronic signature of Deputy Chief Medical Officer Evan Everest was used to grant the approval.

However, he said he could not recall using it.

According to the report, a senior but unnamed COVID-19 exemptions officer told investigators he or she was given Dr Everest's permission to use his electronic signature and believed he had given the exemptions his approval.

Lol and Seven saying begrudgingly that Hitaf has been cleared of any wrongdoing but still suggesting that is suss because SA heath won’t release her email....sigh...really trying go derail our game this week.

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Parentgate refuses to die thanks to the SA media who have it on life support. In the meantime SA Public Servants are in damage control trying to explain how this storm in a proverbial teacup happened.

"There are no documents to confirm Dr Everest approved use of his electronic signature to grant the exemptions, or that otherwise set out the basis for the decision to grant the exemptions," the report said.

How much has it cost the South Australia public to uncover that piece of useless information?


Of course SEVEN had the full story on tonight's news. Mike Smithson, who sees himself as Adelaide's version of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein rolled into one, gave us a full account including Hatif Rasheed's non involvement along with footage of a Port game at Adelaide Oval.

Their thinking seems to be, Hatif Rasheed and the Port Adelaide football club were not involved but we will drag them into this story anyway. After all it will boost the ratings among Crow supporters.

That's Port life member Hitaf Rasheed to you bozo's.
Not that anyone is implying anything here, but, where there's smoke..........
Parentgate refuses to die thanks to the SA media who have it on life support. In the meantime SA Public Servants are in damage control trying to explain how this storm in a proverbial teacup happened.

"There are no documents to confirm Dr Everest approved use of his electronic signature to grant the exemptions, or that otherwise set out the basis for the decision to grant the exemptions," the report said.

How much has it cost the South Australia public to uncover that piece of useless information?


Of course SEVEN had the full story on tonight's news. Mike Smithson, who sees himself as Adelaide's version of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein rolled into one, gave us a full account including Hatif Rasheed's non involvement along with footage of a Port game at Adelaide Oval.

Their thinking seems to be, Hatif Rasheed and the Port Adelaide football club were not involved but we will drag them into this story anyway. After all it will boost the ratings among Crow supporters.

Hitaf and the PAFC have cost Saint Nicola her chance of glory:

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They are, but like top level health care, you'd be daft not to use it.

Saying that, Melbourne need to start moving forward now, a short term curve flattening and move into being careful is great, constant lockdown isn't so much.
Hopefully now people won’t be accused of killing grandma when discussing the impacts of lockdowns on peoples lives, particularly those in hospitality and tourism.
To be honest I find it very hard not to feel guilty when I look around the world (and hear anecdotally from friends in Luanda, northern India, Southern Africa) of the crippling poverty and starvation these lockdowns are causing, and that's completely ignoring the general deterioration in mental health around the world due to loss of livelihood, isolation, loneliness and spikes in suicide rates. Thousands of deaths and millions of impacted lives which don't get captured in the coronavirus statistics.

Developing nations who have seen their ladder out of destitution in the form of tourism dollars, taken out from underneath them in one fell swoop.
Fragile areas of natural biodiversity and wilderness no longer protected with the loss of tourism to support their protection, areas and ecosystems that we can never get back. Mining and further habitat destruction silently moving in to fill the vaccuum.

Lockdowns are certainly a tool to use to stifle the spread of Coronavirus, but there are a raft of negative consequences that go with them. The whole "it's covid deaths v the economy" is a strawman argument; it is so much more complex than that.
Naturally enough Victorians, particularly those living in Melbourne, are becoming impatient. Shuffling the deckchairs and playing with numbers may get Victorians out of lockdown sooner but it will not alter the amount of virus in the community. I heard Daniel Andrews talking on the ABC last night and he was talking about easing restrictions even though the target had not been met.

COVID-19 causing virus can survive 28 days on surfaces

This is an article from CSIRO about how long the virus survives on different surfaces and at different temperatures. It's not good news for places like Europe that are experiencing second waves at the wrong time of year (with winter approaching).

A few quotes:

At 20°C, the virus was extremely robust. We were able to recover infectious material after 28 days from the smooth (non-porous) surfaces. These are stainless steel, glass, vinyl and paper and polymer banknotes.

Researchers do not yet know the infectious dose of SARS-CoV-2. But, from our knowledge of related viruses, we estimate it is around 300 particles. If the virus was placed (on smooth surfaces) at standard mucus concentrations of an infected person, enough virus would easily survive for two weeks to be able to infect another person.

Our knowledge that the virus survives longer at colder temperatures may also help to explain the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in environments such as meat processing facilities.

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From the CSIRO findings:

'Further research on this topic is necessary. However, our findings indicate the 28-day sample would not contain enough viable virus to infect a person.'

So the sample lasted for 28 days but at this stage we do not know if enough would survive to infect a human being.

Then there is this:

'While we can’t yet answer the likelihood of developing COVID-19 from surfaces, we do know the SARS-CoV-2 virus can’t penetrate skin. To catch the disease, you would first need to introduce the virus into your mouth, nose or eyes.'

The research is worthwhile but there are 'ifs' and 'buts' to it. As usual the media have sensationalised the bits that sell copy.
An interesting perspective from a small business owner.


It’s time to end JobKeeper and JobSeeker and get people working again.

Small business owner Ben Wadley was struggling to find workers for his Aberfoyle Park landscaping and gardening business, Premium Gardens.

He said that while work had declined in the first month of the pandemic, it quickly picked up again then exceeded pre-coronavirus levels.

“The problem was we couldn’t do much more because we didn’t have the staff and couldn’t get anyone to work,” the Heathfield resident said.

“Since they dropped the Jobseeker payments, I’ve had triple the applications for jobs.

“Now people are wanting to work again because the money has dropped off.”


An interesting perspective from a small business owner.


It’s time to end JobKeeper and JobSeeker and get people working again.

Small business owner Ben Wadley was struggling to find workers for his Aberfoyle Park landscaping and gardening business, Premium Gardens.

He said that while work had declined in the first month of the pandemic, it quickly picked up again then exceeded pre-coronavirus levels.

“The problem was we couldn’t do much more because we didn’t have the staff and couldn’t get anyone to work,” the Heathfield resident said.

“Since they dropped the Jobseeker payments, I’ve had triple the applications for jobs.
“Now people are wanting to work again because the money has dropped off.”

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Might also have a bit to do with changing the mutual obligation rules.

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Though I’m in the ‘ it’s time to open up slowly and safely’ camp.
Yes. Doesn't have to be all states at once at the same rate. If we keep Victorians out (and if necessary other states if they get out of control to any degree), then there's no reason we can't go back to normal AFL crowds next year. Have all entrances have people armed with non-contact thermometers. Fail and no entry. Shit, if they develop 15 minute tests, then if it's still around and no vaccine require anyone wanting to go to have a negative test result from the last 2 weeks. SA should now be looking to take advantage of the good work done so far. We don't have an election due in the next few months, so need to be dicks like QLD and WA just to chase votes.
There are almost 9,000 people in hospital in France with COVID-19.
Authorities say this is the most since June.
There are also around 1,600 people in ICU, the most since May.
This comes as France recorded 12,993 cases on Tuesday.
France's seven-day rolling average is currently over 17,000 cases.

On Tuesday, the country announced a recorded daily infection rise with more than 7,400 cases reported.
Today we are announcing new and sturdy measures and in fact we are going to a partial lockdown.

Rolling average approximately 10 cases.
Excess deaths are best way to understand the impact.
Excess deaths are best way to understand the impact.

Yes but more complicated than that. How many of these deaths are due to lockdown restrictions and their impact on behaviour (people avoiding hospitals, capacity to deal with th chronically ill, provide care to the infirm and elderly etc.). You can't just look at excess deaths and say they are 100% due to covid infections. Conversely there would also be fewer deaths from other communicable diseases (eg flu). I think we need to know more data on who is dying (age groups, pre existing conditions etc.) before you can make any definitive judgement.

What will be really interesting is seeing what the mortality rate is like once the pandemic is over. My prediction would be a dramatic drop as many people who were not far from death anyway have had their demise accelerated by COVID. To get a true picture of the impact of the pandemic you probably need to look at the mortality rate a few years before and after the pandemic is over.
Meanwhile in the UK Boris has refused to implement a nation wide lockdown and will go with a system of red and amber indicators in identified hot spots. The number of cases in the UK is now higher than it was when Boris ordered a nation wide lockdown at the start of the pandemic.

Three emergency hospitals have been re opened in the north of England to cope with the growing number of hospital cases.

The situation has developed into a political football as the Opposition is calling for a nation wide lockdown of 2-3 weeks to bring the virus under control.

The UK recorded 17,234 new COVID-19 cases and 143 deaths yesterday.

I'd be interested in seeing the testing rates and positives in nsw versus Victoria. I just find it strange that you can fly from Sydney to adelaide to attend a packed adelaide oval, but in Melbourne we can't go more than 5km without a work permit or medical reason. Not wanting to cause a shit fight, it just seems strange to have such non aligned rules.
Yes but more complicated than that. How many of these deaths are due to lockdown restrictions and their impact on behaviour (people avoiding hospitals, capacity to deal with th chronically ill, provide care to the infirm and elderly etc.). You can't just look at excess deaths and say they are 100% due to covid infections. Conversely there would also be fewer deaths from other communicable diseases (eg flu). I think we need to know more data on who is dying (age groups, pre existing conditions etc.) before you can make any definitive judgement.

What will be really interesting is seeing what the mortality rate is like once the pandemic is over. My prediction would be a dramatic drop as many people who were not far from death anyway have had their demise accelerated by COVID. To get a true picture of the impact of the pandemic you probably need to look at the mortality rate a few years before and after the pandemic is over.

You could read the article and find out.

The Ness is one of the most trustworthy science communicators out there.
I'd be interested in seeing the testing rates and positives in nsw versus Victoria. I just find it strange that you can fly from Sydney to adelaide to attend a packed adelaide oval, but in Melbourne we can't go more than 5km without a work permit or medical reason. Not wanting to cause a sh*t fight, it just seems strange to have such non aligned rules.

Each State treats it's situation differently and, if you believe the leaders, according to medical advice. The Adelaide Oval isn't 'packed' it is at slightly more than half capacity with all patrons exercising social distancing.

The test numbers for Victoria and NSW are shown below.



Victoria has conducted 6,336 more tests than NSW in the period 8-13th October.

The positive test numbers for Victoria and NSW are shown below.



In the period 8-13th October NSW recorded 35 positive cases of which 18 were returning travellers. In the same period Victoria recorded 70 positive cases all of which were locally acquired. As can be seen Victoria has slightly less than four times the local infection rate of NSW.

That said, today's figures of 6 cases from 16,061 tests in Victoria are encouraging but we have been there before. Hopefully that trend will continue and give Daniel Andrews the ammunition to ease some restrictions on Oct 19th even if he does not stick strictly to his roadmap.
Meanwhile in the UK Boris has refused to implement a nation wide lockdown and will go with a system of red and amber indicators in identified hot spots. The number of cases in the UK is now higher than it was when Boris ordered a nation wide lockdown at the start of the pandemic.

Three emergency hospitals have been re opened in the north of England to cope with the growing number of hospital cases.

The situation has developed into a political football as the Opposition is calling for a nation wide lockdown of 2-3 weeks to bring the virus under control.

The UK recorded 17,234 new COVID-19 cases and 143 deaths yesterday.

Traditional Tory voting areas - low restrictions.
Traditional Labour voting areas high restrictions.

I say 'traditionally' as Brexit messed up the last election badly!

You could read the article and find out.

The Ness is one of the most trustworthy science communicators out there.

It does provide some insight into their thinking but quite rightly states the data is simply not there yet. Again I think it will take years until we work out the true mortality impact of CVOID 19.

This may sound harsh, but a COVID death for a sick/ elderly person that merely hastened their death by 6-12 months is completely different to the death of an otherwise healthy person that may have lived for years and we should be able to discern those differences from the post pandemic mortality numbers.

At the moment there appears to be an emphasis on reporting anyone that tested positive for COVID as a "COVID death" which would significantly overstate the number of Deaths due primarily to COVID and not where COVID is only a factor and particularly where it is only an incidental one.
It does provide some insight into their thinking but quite rightly states the data is simply not there yet. Again I think it will take years until we work out the true mortality impact of CVOID 19.

This may sound harsh, but a COVID death for a sick/ elderly person that merely hastened their death by 6-12 months is completely different to the death of an otherwise healthy person that may have lived for years and we should be able to discern those differences from the post pandemic mortality numbers.
That's not what's happening, but yes until after the pandemic we wont really know.
That does not negate the need for action during though.
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