I don’t see the demands of health and those of the economy as being mutually exclusive. We are in crisis and we need to very carefully, and with constant refinement and adjustment, walk a tightrope that synthesises the demands of both. We are currently at the outset of an enforced global slowdown which may be unprecedented. If we continue with a rigid shutdown that extends for many months, the economic dominoes will surely begin to topple. Small bussinesses, then large bussiness, then banks, then governments could all crumble. The jobs, wealth and happiness of individuals will be the associated collateral damage. There is a risk that civil society as we know it starts to break down. How, in these circumstances, are we going to train or pay doctors, and build hospitals, and conduct research, and do all the multiplicity of other things that we do to alleviate human sickness and suffering? Unless we tread carefully, we may instead find that life for all of us is nasty, brutal and short